Rating:  Summary: Truly Appalling Review: Stay away. This film was possibly the worst waste of nearly two hours I've ever had. I picked it up, and it looked as if it was going to be all-out gore, or possibly have a strong element of humour in it. How wrong I was.The plot was a total bore, and all aspects of it had no resemblance to normal human behaviour, with character reactions being totally impossible to fathom. The few good parts of the movie were stolen from other great films, and still were poorly executed. There was no understandable logic to any part of the film, if it can be described as that, although I think the DVD would be worth more if it was melted down to its raw components. The possible humour I mentioned? Nope. Nothing. How about any emotion then? Sadness? Joy? Maybe some romance in a 'horror' movie? The strongest emotion I felt was the relief, and joy when 'THE END' appeared on my TV. Special effects were used far too much; it seems as if the makers concentrated on fancy effects that make the picture so strange that viewers can't actually tell what's happening, rather than concentrating on the plot, and quality of the film. In all honesty I could have closed my eyes and have been none the wiser with some of the picture effects. If you're after a heavy usage of special effects, watch this film. However if you're after a heavy usage of special effects, but applied correctly, and in the right places, then this isn't for you. The gore element was virtually non-existant, and very disappointing. The "scary moments" were not at all scary, and really in my opinion would be quite suitable for toddlers. Very boring in that department. I've seen more gore after a paper-cut. The acting really was terrible. I could describe it in more detail, but my vocabulary doesn't contain enough put-downs to give you an accurate picture of how detrimental and unconvincing the acting is. There also was no attachment to the characters. I wasn't feeling for them at all. In the Evil Dead for example, I'm totally with the poor guy, and I find myself wishing him well, and hoping he'll survive, etc, etc. However with this film, I was praying for them to all be killed by some unimpressive and unoriginal means so that the film could end! So - my recommendations. Go for "The Evil Dead" or "Braindead" a.k.a "Dead Alive" if you're after purest gore. If you're more interested in a truly brilliant plot, with some gore, then maybe "The Thing" will be more your cup of tea. In fact, pick any film at random, and it will almost certainly be more worthwhile than this one!
Rating:  Summary: Boooooooooooorrrrriiiiiingggg....... Review: This is just a very sad rip-off of so many other films. It's been done much better in the past, and is a sad attempt to create some of the effects seen in Texas Chainsaw massacre. Go for a decent film with genuine horror, gore and shock factor.....Harry Potter is more scary and at least it has decent acting. Best thing to do is forget it, close the curtains and grab a copy of Braindead(Dead Alive)and prepare for a true classic.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely MENTAL!!! Review: Gulp! This was one barmy film. By far the most true, nerve-wracking horror we've had in ages. Far too many 'horror' movies over the past 10 years have been neutralized sub-genre flicks starring generic babes and hunks from teen soaps. Nothing of the sort here. Rob Zombie has made a REAL horror film with some shocking and unbelievable elements. Four kids, on their way home, stop over at some remote gas station (and fried chicken bar) run by the manic Captain Spaulding. Upon witnessing his freak-show amusement ride of urban legends they become fascinated with the myth of Doctor Satan, an insane local mass-murder/torturer/scientist. They make the very unwise decision of taking a slight detour in order to find him. Soon enough they've picked up a wild hitchhiker called Baby who is more than a little slutty. Their car blows a tire and Baby has her brother Otis take them back to her house for repairs. Baby, Otis and the rest of the family seem kind of hospitable at first, despite their peculiar idiosyncrasies. After that, well...complete and utter madness follows. Rob Zombie bombards us with so much horror, both macabre and morbid, that the film becomes a hypnotic thrill ride of guts, gore and grim. As the traumatized teens slowly lose their minds so do we. They barely have time to comprehend the mania and carnage and neither does the audience. In the final 15 minutes our senses are so over-stimulated by the breath-taking madness, furious pace, escalating and mind-blowing horror that the shocking plot twist in the last few seconds comes as the biggest surprise and fright I've ever seen in a movie. Many have criticized Zombie's Oliver Stone-type direction of this film and called his rapid switching of film-stocks jarring and distracting. I didn't mind it at all. It adds to the unstable atmosphere of the film and only proves Zombie took more time and effort to put this film together than most other directors do. House of 1000 Corpses was made by Universal and Zombie wrapped production way back in Spring 2000. But the film was so gory and perverse that Universal simply refused to release it. MGM tried to help get it out there but ended up dumping it too. Finally Lion's Gate Films stepped in and gave the film a limited run (which is unfortunate since a mainstream Universal release would have guaranteed it reached a bigger audience). By this point the film had been cut, edited and censored. Which is a big shame. Even with these 15 minutes missing House of 1000 Corpses will still leave you feeling numb and slightly sick. As Zombie is already working on a sequel (called The Devil's Rejects) he doesn't have the time to work on the uncut DVD but has promised he will do his best to get it out there. So until then get your fix with this DVD. The film is presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen with Dolby 5.1 sound. Special features include a commentary, a featurette, audition footage, rehearsal footage, cast and crew interviews, a still gallery, trailers and an isolated score.
Rating:  Summary: Gimmie a B Gimmie a A Gimmie a B Gimmie a Y... Review: Throw a Rob Zombie Video Together with Texas Chainsaw Massacre and you have "House of 1000 Corpses". The movie takes you on a wild ride through the back roads and into the house of Mother Firefly and her F&*@ed up kids. The music keeps the film going and I can't WAIT for the next installment...keep em' coming... PS - READ DOGWITCH COMICS!
Rating:  Summary: Nothing more than a rip off of better films.... Review: While watching House I could not help but feel as though I had seen it some where before. And I was right. The Hills Have eye's, The Texas Chainsaw, and other have come before this movie and have done much better. Directed by Rob Zombie, the horror/rocker formerly of White Zombie. His music was hard enough to listen to, his movie is even worse. The plot is a simple one. First kids go off the beaten path to find some old type folk lore. They hear about a legend about a Doctor Satan, from a clown in a freak show, no i'm not kidding. Needless to say the teens find them selves at the mercey of a family of loons, sound familiar? It should it was the same thing teens in Texas found them selves in but I digress. Karen Black is the biggest star in this worthless piece of trash. After watching this film I had to go home and watch somthing like Night Of The Living Dead or any other well made horror movie just to get the taste out of my mouth. The acting is weak and the script is laughable. The movie sat on the shelf for so long, and after seeing it I can see why. This movie should have just gone straight to video where it would die it's quiet death, but instead it was realesed and got awful reviews and bad press. For some reason they are making a sequel. Well at least I won't be suckered into spending good money on that one.
Rating:  Summary: Nice presentation but lacked dread factor. Review: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 / 3 of 5 / Nice presentation but lacked dread factor. I had recently picked up Rob Zombie's greatest hits the other day after becoming aware of him with the Living Dead Girl era. When I saw his name attached to this film I was intrigued to see how he'd handle a 70's gore-fest homage after seeing a bunch of his videos on the greatest hits cd/dvd. While never causing any feelings of fear or dread that accompanied my initial viewings of Texas Chainsaw Massacre back in the day, this film was pretty artsy schlock. That is to say it was Corman level in its camp but executed with higher production values. Heh. It never aspires beyond its station and has fun w/ its cartoony gore. Two couples are attacked and locked up in a house of horrors with a freaker family. Yes, it's an overused contrived plot at this point in horror cinema history, but it was an amusing hour and half.
Rating:  Summary: Cheasy, Not Scary, But Full of GORE!!! Review: House of a 1000 corpses is chop full of gore and loveable characters. The movie won't scare you as much as it will entertain you with delightfully detailed sets and well acted characters that you love to love, or love to hate. The movie is just a gore bath, fun to watch. One of those movies you show to people who don't normally watch horror movies to see how they react! BUY THIS MOVIE! BUY THIS MOVIE!
Rating:  Summary: Almost as bad as his music Review: Its not a good sign when mediocre rock stars make a venture into the film world(remember Poison's Bret Michael's attempt?)Director Rob Zombie tries his hardest to scare anybody who might make the mistake of renting this movie, and i say renting it because it pretty much went to straight to video. After watching it you'll know why. Most scenes are filled with such bouts of excessive goryness that its recommended you starve youreself before you watch it, except its really not that scary, Zombie tries paying homage to the great innovators that made the genre, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Peeping Tom. Except what Zombie misses is that those movies didn't use gore tactics so much as they used suspense, dread and startling realizations of urban myths coming alive. Instead Zombie tries to mesmorize with scenes of scalping, skin theft, decapitation etc etc. Its a lot like his music, it feels less like a homage to his heroes and more like an unintentional parody, oh well there is one constellation, you won't have to sit through very much of his music on the soundtrack.
Rating:  Summary: I like Review: This movie is awesome. When I rented it I thought it was gonna [bad] for sure. I thought it was gonna be a (...) music orientated, splatter fest, but I was wrong. This movie is original and just brilliant. Now I want to buy this movie. A lot of people don't like this movie because they just don't understand originality. Now Rob Zombie has originality. This movie manages to freak you out, shock you, make you laugh and highly entertain you. I've never seen a horror film like this. The end was great. And the DVD is to kill for. It has interactive menus where Captain Spaulding, Baby and Otis host the special features and more. The special features are what makes this awesome video so expensive. Some special features include: Rehearsals, Interviews, Behind the scenes, Trailers, TV Spots, Hidden Scenes and a lot more. Get this movie. And the music is pretty good too.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: This is one of the most disturbingly creative and well done horror movies i've seen in quite a while. Rob Zombie did a great job. This movie is not so much scary as it is graphic. Hard to imagine that this is the edited version. It would be great to see the original, maybe one day. I dont want to spoil anything for you, but i will say that the acting is good, the effects are great, and the movie is one of the most disturbing movies you will see. not for kids, thats for sure. great fun for everyone else though, recommended highly