Rating:  Summary: Cult Classic Wannabe: Rocky Horror Meets Texas Chainsaw Review: OK, this movie got a generally bad review by the Brie-sniffing, wine-swine critics who feel only foreign movies are worth a view. Having said that, House of 1000 Cropses is not a 'GOOD' Film: It's a 'BAD' film, a really 'BAD' film! And yet it has those endearing qualities that fans of bad horror films have come to love: the stuff of what cult classics are made of. It's clearly what director Rob Zombie had in mind. To the question of whether or not he has succeeded, only time will tell.In a nutshell, two teenage couples on a Halloween date end up in a gas station museuem run by a foul-mouthed clown named Captain Spaulding and an aged Michael J. Pollard (remember him from Bonnie & Clyde). The mueseum is sort of a chamber of horrors, depicting modern day serial killers such as Ed Gein (the basis for Tobe Hooper's TSM movie). Here the kids learn of the legend of the mad Dr. Satan, the local serial-killer. Dragging their dates along, the boyfriends want to go in search of Dr. Satan landmarks and end up running into a beautiful blonde hitchhiker named 'Baby' who leads them right into an ambush. The couples take refuge in an old farmhouse that turns out to belong to Baby and the rest of her demented Pyscho-Killer family who proceed to put the teenagers through a series of tortures right out of the Tales of Arabian Nights. Karen Black (Trilogy of Terror, Easy Rider, Five Easy Pieces) plays Mother Firefly, trying to outdo her equally demented daughter Baby in the tortures she puts her 'Guests' through. OTIS (Otis was the name of serial-killer Henry Lee Lucas's sidekick), played by Bill Mosely is the head of the family resembling a mean-spirited Riff-Raff (Rocky Horror Picture Show). His Mansonesque vision underscores the remainder of the movie's scenes which mostly depict a series of fun-house horrors. Characters and scenes are, for the most part, culled from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, itself heavily spoofed throughout the movie. The DVD adds something special over the film: a selectable menu hosted by Captain Spaulding who berates the viewer with filthy-mouthed taunts, while a less intimidating, but equally menacing baby seduces you with herseself and nit-wittery through a menu of of the usaual DVD Featurettes. A must see for any true Horror/Cult Film Fan.
Rating:  Summary: Utterly Disturbing Review: I had been hearing and reading about this movie since I first learned about back in 2000. I was actually interested in seeing it. One of my friends reccomended that I don't. He said it will "'f' with your head." I should have listened. The violence was very graphic, particularly when Baby (played by Mr. Zombie's real-life girlfriend Sheri Moon) procedes to scalp one of the male characters. For a directorial debut, I must applaud Mr. Zombie for this effort. It couldn't have been done better if Tobe Hopper did it. As for actual movie quality, there is no plot the acting is just plain B-A-D and the film itself holds no redeeming purpose. For those of you still plan to see it based on the Zombie name alone, be forewarned: don't expect their to be a happy ending a la the original "Texas Chainsa Massacre."
Rating:  Summary: Great horror movie! Review: I love "B" horror movies. In my opinion, I've watched quite a few great ones. However, "House Of 1000 Corpses" is one of the best horror movies that I've ever seen. I haven't seen too many that are better. I don't want to give away all of the details about the movie, because I don't want to ruin the film for anyone that hasn't seen it. Let me just say that I thought all of the actors' and actresses' performances were very powerful. On top of that, I thought that the writing was brilliant. Like I said, I would love to give away more details about the movie here, but I just don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. I highly recommend this movie to fans of the older horror movies that were made in the 1970s and 1980s.
Rating:  Summary: Good Actors,Alright Movie Review: The movie "House of 1000 Corpses" was pure genious.This is what horror is supposed to be.The film is about two couples who decide to stop at a small theme park which theme is murders and madmen.It is run by a crazy clown and his deformed friend.Once they go on the ride there they discover a legend about a doctor called Dr.Satan,after leaving the pick up a beautiful hitch hiker and begin to take her home.Their tire is shot out by a man in a bear suit and they are forced to stay the night at their house.What they don't know is that cheerleaders have been disappearing and happen to be tied up upstairs with their crazed brother Otis (Bill Moseley).As he did in "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2" he makes you laugh and scream.After trying to leave the house,their other brother (a deformed monster in the "Leatherface" genre) and Otis kidnap them and take them back to the house.After all her friends are killed and she is the only one left,she tries to escape but is caught.Her Dad calls the police after she doesn't come home and decides to go with an officer to the house.After they are killed more outrageous sometimes down right gory things a happen.I give this film an A+ and Two Thumbs Up.See It
Rating:  Summary: INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I cannot say much more about this movie other than it is completely, and utterly INSANE!!!! Knowing Rob Zombie, it doesn't surpise me in the least that this was created out of his strange and bizarre mind. I seen it once, and that was enough. Too crazy for me. If you have not seen this film, please take anti-psychotic drugs before watching. I am sure this would be a complement to Mr.Zombie, but it isn't meant as one.
Rating:  Summary: Sick and Twisted Review: What can I say? I have never been so repulsed in my life. The blood and the gore? The story? The acting? It was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. Not knowing what to expect going in. I was transformed when I came out. It was almost real. Like it was a true story. Very well done. The acting was great. The characters were well performed. The story, killer. And the blood and gore, thumbs way up. It has been some time, since I have come out of a movie theater. With the kind of stuned look that I had on my face. Like you get when you can't believe what you just saw. Because, I couldn't. Can't wait for the sequel. It's suppose to be even more violent. Rob is a great director and I look forward to seeing more of his work. Before I forget, the little bit of comedy that was thrown into the mix. Why not? Comedy is cool, too.
Rating:  Summary: Very Great Piece of WORK!!! Review: This IS a great movie. This IS a horror movie the way it should be. very funny, but it could have been more gory. sucks that it's rated R but it is still worth every penny spent on buying this dvd. hopefully they will put out a director's cut. if not then it is still worth the watch for laughs and enjoyment. THIS ISN'T your average nowadays TEENY BOPPER horror movie, THIS is a REAL piece of ART!!! So teeny boppers, stick to scream and I know what you did last summer because you probably would not like this movie. but for real horror fans, this is a bitchin' movie!!! Nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible... Review: If you remember all the way back to 1999, the very early preview of this film made it look scary. You all remember the one, where these guys in clean-suits are digging up extremely loose and liquidy soil in the backyard of an old house, where there are numerous grave markers and crosses all the while a shallow, muffled breathing resonated in the background. When I saw that, and that it was written and directed by the great Rob Zombie himself, I thought I was going to be looking at a horror classic within the next couple of years, and now it is four years later, and "House of 1000 Corpses" is absolutely the worst horror film I have ever seen. It's as bad as "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation". The acting, I will start off with, was okay, I guess. However, from the first word uttered in the film you can tell that these people were just in it for the money, but there was one character I thought was funny, and that was that Spaulding guy. He was especially funny on the main menu of the DVD. Perhaps I should explain that; on the DVD main menu, actually, on each menu, there are little videos of certain characters from the film talking to you about the options and such. The main menu consisted of the Spaulding guy, and I gotte tell you, that was downright funny stuff. Other than that little bit, the acting was okay but could have been much better. The plot. I had no problem with the plot. As a matter of fact I thought the plot was sort of similar to "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" in some ways, teenagers in search of someone or something and then ending up stranded at the old weatherbeaten home of a bunch of psychotic cannibals. The music, now that's what pretty much got me through the movie, well, most of it. The songs were gothic and eerie, most of them composed and performed by Rob Zombie. My favorite, though, was the one at the very beginning, during the opening credits. Okay, well, there are a few more things I would like to say about this movie. One of them is that the whole thing where we would see occasional flashes of cannibalism and dismemberment were disgusting down to the core, and I should warn you that if you are of weak constitutions, this movie is not for you. Another thing I would like to point out is the fact that it was only in theatres for about a week, which is too short of a time for theatrical exhibition. I mean, just look at "Friday the 13th", that played for about 5 months in the theaters back in 1980. That's a long time. It's too bad that I can't give this movie zero stars, because that would be closer to my actual rating, which is 0.2 out of 5. Take my advice, skip "House of 1000 Corpses" and check out a few of the "Evil Dead" movies or "Jeepers Creepers".
Rating:  Summary: IT'S ABOUT TIME! Review: Finally a Horror movie that wasn't total garbage! Forget the lame "Scream" movies, this is what Horror movie's are ment to be about! Blood, guts and crazy rednecks! Remember back in the day when Horror movies were good? Movies like "Day of the Dead" and "Hellraiser" actually grossed you out instead of trying to make everything so mature. Thats why Horror movies are lame today! They're always trying to be real and have plots teens today can relate to. BORING! I want blood! I want guts! I want Horror movies to be like this more often! The only good Horror movies I have seen in the past couple of years are as follows. "House of 1000 corpses", "Jeepers Creepers" and "Freddy vs Jason." Thats it, thats all, no more. Those are the three best Horror movies to come out in a long while. Buy this movie, its actually worth your time! And remember people, HAVE FUN!
Rating:  Summary: The boogyman is real, and you found him! Review: There is no doubt in my mind that "House of 1000 Corpses" is the best heavy metal gore-fest existing today! What really makes this movie a must-see is how it purposefully forced a breath of fresh air upon Hollywood's stale horror genre; until this unbelievable film was unleashed in theatres (along with "Jeepers Creepers" and "May") the movie industry was churning out to the public an obscene number of boring, PG-13 teeny bopper thrillers. While paying homage to the shocking films created in the 1960's and 70's (such as "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Last House on the Left"), Rob Zombie managed to give "House" a hardcore millenium twist by having it intercut with garish photonegatives and rapid montages of topless porn stars, mutilated cadavers and snippets of campy black-and-white horror flicks (courtesy of Dr. Wolfenstein's Creature Feature Marathon). About 90% of the gritty home video footage was shot through a hand-held camera in Zombie's own basement! Also, since the plotline of this film is set on Halloween of 1977, no advanced computer effects were used; only split-screen cinematography and over-the-top gory makeup. Don't worry about the R-rated dialogue; although the script spews out a copious amount of foul language, the dialogue is still hilariously funny, as it is obviously intended to entertain fanatic audiences; please don't take the cuss words too seriously, folks. Combine the script and violence with larger-than-life characters and "House of 1000 Corpses" becomes a unique and unforgettable Halloween experience. Who wouldn't want to visit Captain Spaulding's Museum of Monsters & Madmen and sample a bag of tasty fried chicken? Would you dare enter the house of the Spiderfly family, whose psychotic obsessions with blood and dark rituals make the Manson family look like the Brady Bunch?! Warning: this flick contains decapitations, bondage, sadistic torture and a finale involving zombies, unorthodox brain surgery and a cult ritual of blood and fire. I am proud to say that I snatched this DVD off the shelf the day of its release, and the special features alone are worth the money. Why, you ask? After readapting their deviously devillish roles as Captain Spauding, Otis and Baby in the film, actors Sid Haig, Bill Moseley and Sherie Moon each host different sections of the DVD...and they talk DIRECTLY TO YOU! Sadly, no deleted scenes are included here, but if you carefully listen to Rob Zombie's director commentary, you may be given a few clues as to which footage was actually edited out. You will also learn a few interesting facts: Did you know Bill Moseley's favorite horror film is "Evil Dead 2?" Or how about the recent release of poseable "House" action figures? Better yet, kiddies, did you know that Rob Zombie originally intended to have Grandpa Hugo (Dennis Fimple - RIP) unveiled as the legendary Dr. Satan? Buy this movie and find out for yourself!