Rating:  Summary: Great! Creepy! Review: First of all I think this is similar to texas chainsaw massare. It was sick and pschotic! It freaked me out!! My favorite pt was the last 10 min where that guy is chasing the girl down the twisting cave with an axe! The pt where the guy gets the sledge hammer to the head was good! It was just a wierd movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: Finally a true horror movie!!!! Review: I thought it had a great essence of old school horror flicks from the seventies and that's it and those who oppose are not true horror movie fans!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Marvel of B-Movie Mania Review: I heavily anticipated this films arrival to the theaters, and I was not disappointed! House of 1000 Corpses delivers. Now comes the DVD, packed with animated menus and plenty of extras. Musician Rob Zombie created a marvel of B-Movie history with a twist only he could pull off. From start to finish this movie will keep your eyes and ears delighted with its successful blend of horror and dark comedy. Oh yeah, and if thats not enough...theres Sheri Moon...wow, what a doll! Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Insincere Cop-Out Review: I am surprised how this film is being compared to horror/exploitation classics of the 1970s ... In fact, HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES comes off more like TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: THE NEXT GENERATION than to the classic original of 1974 ...I am a hardcore horror fan, and a fan of film in general, and I was extremely disappointed with HO1KC ... I am very forgiving when it comes to plot, script, etc when it comes to horror, however, the shortcomings and failures of this film go beyond the usual ... It is a pretentious spoof, and is akin to watching a bad cover band in silly costumes spoofing classic songs ... HO1KC is not scary, not disturbing, and not funny or clever ... In other words, SPIDER BABY it ain't ...
Rating:  Summary: This makes the Scream movies look like Oscar material. Review: My friend lost all cinematic credibility when she recommended this STOO-pid movie. I have nothing against gore, but Rob uses gore and over-the-top annoying characters to distract the viewer from the lame plot. And speaking of the characters, the villians will remind you of that loud obnoxious [person] at a party who doesn't know how to shut up. (There's always one of them.) But let's count the cliche's, shall we? 1. In the beginning you learn of some missing cheerleaders. Where did they go to school, Foreshadowing High? 2. You have your teens who get too curious and want to learn about some spooky urban legend. 3. Their car breaks down (sabotaged) and they have to go to a spooky house and wait. 4. Of course, that's where all the evil people live. 5. You have your moron local police, and as soon as they discover the bodies, they get killed. 6. When the surviving girl escapes, who's the first person to pick her up? The bad dudes, of course. 7. Oh yeah, there's also that negative film images that we've seen in countless music videos in the '80s. ...Man, remember when horror movies used to be, you know, scary?
Rating:  Summary: A horror movie that goes for it! Review: Rob Zombie's first movie is a ton of fun and very impressive-from the extremely detailed sets to the wacky characters to the wonderful background music 'House of the 1,000 Corpses'is an original and creative endeavor. Some may object to the violent content but hey it's pretty hard to make a good horror movie without a little fake blood. I think Rob Zombie did a fantastic job creating a strange and very unique world. Highly recommended!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: One horrible use of a bunny suit Review: This movie was horrible. Unless you like to see cannibles and insane and/or dying naked women, do not buy this video. I wish I had had this advice when I was thinking of buying it. Don't get me wrong, I love horror movies as much as the next person, but this movie was a big ...disappointment. ...
Rating:  Summary: GRAVELY DISAPPOINTED Review: Rob Zombie better stick to his music, because this piece of work was shelved and tossed around by studios for two years before it was finally released, where I will now shelve it for the rest of my life.
Rating:  Summary: inane & just plain terrible Review: i love horror movies but found this to just be pretty stupid & uninteresting. i don't recommend this if you want chills or anything else for that matter. i think this movie will appeal only to a select small group of people interested in goofy movies like this. save your money, there's a reason the studios dropped this one!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Is Rob Zombie Here To Stay? Sure! But Does He Deserve It? Review: I get it. And I liked it. The journey back to 1970's horror. I have over 800 films in my collection, and many of them are 70's films, most of these horror. But does Rob Zombie really deserve my admiration and my money? I always have problems with someone who walks into this forum, and begins painting portraits based on already painted portraits. And I'm always suspect of someone who sets themself up as living icons of what they proclaim to be. Marilyn Manson is a good example of someone who has no conscience when it comes to making money, and don't fool yourselves into thinking he's doing it as a creative release. It's all makeup and smoke and mirrors to get your cash. But Zombie may be differant. He certainly shows zest and style that I can relate to. This story taps right into the 1970s. Not just the hair styles and fashions, but the feel of out-of-control-gore that made such films as Zombie 2, Dawn of the Dead, and House on the Left cult classics today. Actually, I think if it weren't for just one thing, I would give Rob Zombie's movie 5 stars, and stand behind it whole heartedly. I have no doubt he is a creative and accomplished musician; his history can't be denied. But can he relate to the innocents lost that makes horror actually horrible to experience? Can he tap into the urgency to save what is innocent, while all hell is literally breaking loose around the people we care about? Character developement comes from experiencing the simple things in life. The comforting warmth of your lover next to you in the bed after a nightmare. The familiar sound of a child breathing, while you listen at her door to make sure she is okay. I don't know if Zombie is in touch with you and I enough to understand the real loss of a loved one. Anymore then mega-wealthy business people can understand why I'd be bent under the hood of a 87 Chevi trying to get it running because I can't afford a new car. Afterall, he's been living the silver platter life for some time now. Playing the super rockstar. I guess I'm talking about bringing story and character together to actually frighten the audience. I found myself so overwhelmed by the artsy images presented in this film, that I mostly lost the ability to hope for the herione. Afterall, there is a main, simpathetic character here, though she is lost many many times in the telling of the story. Denise Willis, played by Erin Daniels. Rob Zombie does a fair job of connecting us to her stable home life, where parents hope she will be okay, grow mature, have a sane life of her own, and live to a happy old age. After all, comedy is based on tragedy, always. Horror is about the saneness not just ripping apart at the seams, but literally threading apart and letting the devil at you. But to really relate, we have to care about the characters. I liked all these characters, in an abstract, look how people were in the seventies kind of way. But I couldn't quite get over the feeling that everything was going to go terribly wrong, right from the start, that there was no hope. Another film that comes close, with the same kind of 70's horror film feel, was "Jeepers Creepers". It worked better for me, because we had a herione here who was strong enough to survive, morale enough to sacrifice all to save another, and definately has the potential to give the devil his due. I can't connect to a fatalistic film. Even if the hero or herione dies, there better be a damned good reason it happened. Real life has plenty of horror. Movies though, like good fiction, must have a connection with the univeral themes of life: love, tragedy, survival, and the balance of good and evil. We all know that in real life, good rarely triumphs, unless good is very, very careful. But does anyone really want to have that confirmed in a book or on the big screen? You will, like myself, love Captain Spaulding. He's a riot, and he steals the show at times. Karen Black is still as sexy to me as she was when I was a kid watching her in such films as "Eight Easy Pieces". The sets are wonderful. I love Halloween, and I love books and movies that can really set you down in a nightmare theme within this frame work. I'd have to say this movie deserves at least one good viewing by all horror fans. And I think we need to watch Rob Zombie. At this time in his life, he is definately a contender. He has style and possibly vision. But only time will tell if he can reach true cinema. Only time, and the telling of the tale.