Rating:  Summary: Ummmm....right. Review: The film was very entertaining, but it did NOT portray witches well at all. The acting was bad, it was inaccurate, and it left me with a lot of questions---I never saw these girls work or make any money, yet they had tons of witchcraft tools which are extremely expensive. Do the makers of the movie think that stuff can just be bought at the 5 and Dime? Also, although this movie is supposed to be about witchcraft and Wicca, not ONCE in the whole movie was the Goddess mentioned. Hello? What do they think Wicca is BASED on and all about?? And though the characters claimed they were witches, they wore freakin CROSSES as necklaces and earrings!!! Um, the symbol for Wicca/witchcraft is a PENTAGRAM, not a Christian cross.Being a Wiccan myself, I knew what and what was not right about the film. And although Wicca is not "BOGUS" like a past reviewer so eloquently put it, I thought it was HILARIOUS that they actually FLEW in the movie and were suspended in the air and levitated. For crying out loud, do the filmmakers think THAT was accurate??? It doesn't matter WHAT religion you are, it is not possible to defy gravity! It's fun to watch if you're sick or at a sleepover or something, but it's like one of those cheesy horror movies that go straight to video, except this one was, for some strange reason, released in theaters.
Rating:  Summary: A film for the family Review: Fairuza Balk's performance is so excellent, you find yourself rooting for her. My only problem with the whole movie was how it ended. A great film if you love bad girls.
Rating:  Summary: Brainless Beauties? Review: This DVD must have got its audience from hormonally-driven high school males, because the plot is so weak and the characters so annoying that no one else would have been able to sit through it. Don't waste your money and if they offer this movie to you free of charge, don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: Be Watching Something So Bewitching! Review: Here's a film that took me totally by surprise. I expected the usual teen fluff, but this was literally entrancing! Director Andrew Fleming raises a new bar here, for the supernatural genre. ................ Fairuza Balk, in a highschool quad coven, is very convincing in her head witch role, while Robin Tunney is sympathetic and likeable as an apprentice learning "The Craft". Neve Campbell, now in a party of FOUR, is also great as a witch who's not sure WHICH side to take, so she picks the greater of the two evils. The story develops intense momentum as it moves along past amusing highschool enemy revenge hijinks, followed by a serious turn to mistrust, and finally, a harrowing showdown between Tunney and Balk that will raise your hair. ................. The incredible special effects here are frighteningly outstanding. The toilet full of snakes had me a bit hesitant to take a seat for awhile after viewing this one! All the elements here make for a very gripping and exciting film experience. If you enjoy supernatural themes with a tinge of horror too, here's a sleeper film you should try. You won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: The Craft is the best! Review: This awesome movie, with a great cast, is about Sarah Bailey (Robin Tunney:"Vertical Limit", "Empire Records") who moves from San Fransisco, to Los Angeles, and goes to a Catholic school. She immediantly falls into a group of three girls, Nancy (Fairuza Balk:"The Waterboy", "Almost Famous"), Bonnie (Neve Campbell:"Scream", "Party of Five"), and Rochelle (Rachel True), who everyone says are witches, and they are. Sarah also meets a boy named Chris (Skeet Ulrich:"Scream", "The Newton Boys"), who she went out with once, then spread a rumor that she was really bad in bed. She got mad, but yet she still really liked him. They had a ceremony to take power into themselves and for there wishes to come true; Sarah: for Chris to love her, Bonnie (who has burn scar all over her back and arm): wishes for her scars to go away, Rochelle: for a really bitchy blonde named Laura (Christine Taylor;"The Brady Bunch Movie") to stop being really rude to her, and Nancy: to take in all the power of Manol (who is like their God). Sarah is getting sick of Nancy's antics and wants to leave the circle. I'm not going to say the end, but I think it's great, and kind of freaky. I hope you'll love it as much as I do.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT MOVIE! Review: First, I have to say that the acting is excelent! Very good. It has a good plot and action sences. Don't listin to ppl that say it's stupid or idiotic. It kicks butt. Skeet Ulrich is very hott and does a superb acting job!
Rating:  Summary: What a horrible piece of garbage. Review: Ok, this movie S[tinks]. Let me break it down for you: 1) These girls can't act. 2) Witchcraft and magick and wicca and all that stuff is BOGUS. As in, NOT REAL. As in, PEOPLE CANNOT CAST SPELLS. 3) The plot is retarded. 4) Did I mention that witchcraft is stupid? There were some entertaining parts to the movie, like when they were performing their "rituals", which was so ridiculous as to make me poop my pants with laughter. I probably pooped myself 7 or 8 times while watching this movie. The only hope I had was that the 4 girls would have some sort of kinky orgy, but that never happened. Avoid at all costs if you have an ounce of brains.
Rating:  Summary: Obvious yet fantastic Review: A film about four adolescent witches whose powers get out of hand? How very clichéd would probably be my first thought. That would be an unfair review though on a film that's consistently brilliant, traumatic and plesantly nasty. The first thing to mention would probably be the acting, with Fairuza Balk really shining as the trailer trash head of the coven. Other viewers will spot Neve Campbell from the 'Scream' franchise and Robin Tunney from 'Vertical Limit' and 'End Of Days'. Secondly, the obvious premise is relieved by a variety of interesting, disturbing and beautiful scenes: contrast the sunny meadow full of butterflies with Bonnie's tortuous clinic visit, or a beach full of dead sharks with a carefree session where the girls perform 'glamour' spells on one another. Thankfully, the film does take time to attempt and develop the characters well, so that by the end of the film the viewer is able to sympathise with every one of them. The symbolism throughout may be pretty Freudian, with plenty of penetration themes running throughout, but there are some great ideas here. Thankfully, this film doesn't cop out by offering blood and gore without any scares, but offers up realisticly acted teen traumas. For instance, it's hard not to cringe as we see Rochelle's tormentor sobbing in the shower as her hair falls out. This also has a really great soundtrack, with Matthew Sweet's 'Dark Secret' really standing out. Also noteworthy is the fact that Robin Tunney wore a wig for her role as Sarah as her role in 'Empire Records' had required her to shaze her head. Finally, this is a movie that achieved moderate box office success but probably most teenagers have seen at one time or another. Not destined to become acult favourite perhaps, but a film that deserves to be watched nonetheless.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Offensive Movie I've Seen All Year Review: Well, so much for witchcraft. If I could, I'd give this movie zero stars, maybe even a negative number. This movie mostly sickened me, though it also made me laugh. I am a witch, and I reccomend this movie only because it was well made and you may want to see it with your own eyes. I couldn't believe how funny parts of it were... But only to me. They claimed to practise witchcraft, but through all their rites they were wearing crosses (necklaces and earrings). They called upon the Watchtowers in a ritual they had for fun, but the Watchtowers are very powerful, and needed only in the most complicated and important of rituals. And they claimed to need a person for each element, while there are many practising covens with only three people. A 'representative' of each element is not needed. Did I mention the sick minds of the writer of this movie? They drank their blood mixed together, claiming that the blood of their sisters gave them power. Their 'leader' beached a ton of whales, then called them her 'gifts' from the spirit they worshipped. All in all a sad movie. If you're going to bother messing with the reality of witchcraft, at least make it scary. (...)
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: i agree with the first person up there... the movie does in a way perceive witchcraft and the wiccan religion in the wrong aspect and not true in some instances, but it was a very entertaining movie, and there are not that many movies made out there about wicca or witchcraft... i really enjoy this film