Rating:  Summary: Best creepy movie I've seen in a long time! Review: I've watched it on TV, HBO, Showtime etc., over and over again, and then I bought the DVD. I love it so much, as it is very, very scary. Brought up with older sci-fi movies like "The Day the Earth Stood Still", "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", and "The Thing", I found this to be engrossing, an 'edge of your seat' flick and SCARY! The writer/producer made it simple and well thought out...I only buy movies that I truly appreciate and WANT to keep. Otherwise, I just wait for them to show up to rent.
Rating:  Summary: Insane but kinda not logical Review: Yes, I will admit it because I have more of a right to do so (especially in this day in age), I downloaded this movie and watched the whole thing. I now see why it became a box-office smash, it's definitely one of the scariest movies out there. And I can only wonder what the second one is gonna be like. The plot is bascially this: Brother and sister (the sister's really sexy by the way) are taking a trip back to their parent's house when somebody in a banged-up truck with a really loud horn tries to run them off the road. They get scared but continue on going. Along the way they spot this old church, and somebody throwing somebody else into some sort of tunnel. Well the brother decides it's the right thing to do, to go back and see if that somebody is still alive. They go back, look into the tunnel and...well I am going to stop there. You will have to watch the movie, and I suggest that you do and pay absolutely no attention to those reviews that give it a bad review. I did give it four stars though, only because at some points it defies logic. Like anyone would really want to go back and see what was down that tunnel, for example. And I won't give up the ending but I will say that it's totally screwed up, something you wouldn't expect really. Anyways, either buy this movie or download it, whichever you prefer. But watch it, and don't be like those ignorant reviewers who think it stinks. Which of course it doesn't.
Rating:  Summary: Was this movie supposed to make any sense? Review: At the begining of the movie, the monster mysteriously appears driving an old truck, and there's no explanation of who he is, or where he came from!! Later on in the movie we see that this creature has wings which alows him to fly, so why has he been driving a truck?!When the police finally find him, they shoot him but the bullets don't have any effect on him. So how are they supose to kill him? Buy this movie and watch it to the end and you still will NOT find out how to kill him. I hear there's a part two to this movie. I recomend you pass on it.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible, boring, not scary at all. Review: Well, the title of my review pretty much sums up how I feel about this movie. Of course, horror movies these days aren't meant to be scary anyways, so that was no surprise. But I'm quite disappointed in the fact that I really wanted to like this movie! I saw the previews for it and it looked good, so we rented it as soon as it came out. It's lucky that I had a crossword puzzle that needed to be finished, because otherwise I would have fallen asleep. I don't recommend this movie by any stretch of the imagination. If you want a good creepy movie, get The Ring. That one was good. This is NOT good. Not good at all. I'm still baffled as to why they bothered with a sequel, I certainly won't waste my money on it, and I can only hope that this doesn't turn into a franchise a'la Jason. Everything about this movie sucked. The story, the acting, and the monster looked completely gay. Skip this movie. Do yourself a favor and watch some good movies tonight.
Rating:  Summary: Life's too short!! Review: I rented this based on a few reviews I'd read ("best horror of the last 10 years" sticks in my mind) and was sitting down, eagerly anticipating a 90-minute scare-fest. What I got was a guy who looked like Barbra Streisand's son, and a girl who looked like her daughter, and both of whom acted like Madonna's less talented siblings. Other reviews I'd read talked about suspense, building of atmosphere, style over schlock. No. What you get is implausibility after another, quickly followed by cliche upon cliche. To wit, we have a typical bro-sis relationship that allows them to have arguments while stuff goes on unnoticed in the background; an ancient car that you know just won't start when it's needed to; a mobile phone whose battery has run down; a sleepy backward town where the residents don't believe our 'heros'; ineffective unbelieving police; a black soothsayer who can perhaps predict what will happen (hm, why?!), all of this topped off by absolutely dreadful dialogue, delivered with the expertise of a 5-year-old in a nativity play. I think the reviewers were mistaking suspense for annoyance, atmosphere for dismay, and style for... I don't know what. This is just one truly bad film, replete with self-knowing 'post-modernist' lines ("this is the part in scary movies where the audience are thinking don't do that" - or something to that effect). This is the part of the review where the writer is urging you not to get this! Trust me, you'll be wanting to throw things at the TV, so annoying is the film!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: This was a very good movie. What made it even better was that Justin Long was in it. He is kind of a dorky hunk, he has great abs and muscles. I really liked him in Crossroads too. Justin, for all us guys out here you keep getting the hot chicks, rock on man.
Rating:  Summary: Great Suspense and a Good Storyline Review: This is actually a well plotted above average teen horror flick from director Victor Salva(most recently seen in the drama film Powder) The first 20 minutes or so of this movie are truly tense and quite scary as we find a young brother & sister travelling home for spring break in an old car. As they drive along in a more than deserted part of the countryside, they witness a macabre looking stranger doing something they can't quite believe after a near miss on the highway, and quickly begin to fear for their own safety. Without divulging too much of the storyline, the picture gathers pace from this point and more than cleverly keeps up the tension without falling into the usual gratuitous gore or fantastical scenes. Fans of this type of movie will certainly find plenty to enjoy, although the power of the movie is placed much more firmly in the psychological aspect, than the more common "in your face" horror, in fact there are even one or two references to the horror movie genre by the stars themselves, woven nicely into the script. The two main characters are played with huge credibility by the relative newcomers Gina Phillips and Justin Long, who are probably remembered for their recent outings in films like of Telling You & the very different Galaxy Quest respectively. Their portrayal of two very scared youngsters comes across well, and puts the viewer, easily into their situations. My only complaint about the movie would be the directors insistence on incorporating a fantastic element eventually into the direction, in an attempt to follow a supernatural theme. This works OK, but one has to say or more believable or credible explanation of the events we are seeing, would have been even better. The movie has something of a low budget feel, but this is not in any way detrimental to the story, and almost adds something to the feeling of isolation in the locations depicted. All this said, this is a very well made movie with more than a few suprises along the way, and an ending that is certainly not "out of the box". There are several short scenes of gory violence, but not too much to warrant an R rating otherwise. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: SCARY! Review: I am not a big horror fan, but every now and again my family talks me into watching one, such was the case with this movie. Talk about being scared, I barely took my eyes off the screen even though my mind was telling me to. The setting of the movie was mostly in rural areas with very few people around, that only added to the fear factor. I believe the worse part was when the police were pulled out of their car by this evil demon! I thought I had swallowed my heart! If you are looking for a movie that will make you sit on the edge of your seat, this is the one for you. I only wish that it had ended a little different, but again I am into happy endings and that does not very often happen with a chiller like this!
Rating:  Summary: Creepy! Review: Jeepers Creepers is a scary film that gets your heart racing and it does get you pretty excited. The music and the scenery is what really sets the whole mood of the movie. Throught out the film there are scenes where it is pretty dark and some very bright. It takes place in a very rural area, where you rarely ever see any cars. The setting is also completed with crows, an old gas station, and an old abandonded, dilapidated church. The music is mostly instrumental, and of course their is the famous song, "Jeepers Creepers". The instrumental music is very grim and can in some climaxing parts of the movie get pretty loud and even more creepy sounding. I think the best aspect of the movie is the fact that they really don't reveal the sinister character in a way that it didn't look really fake at all. It wasn't like in the movie Signs how they showed the alien completely, they kind of kept this characters appearence a secret. It wasn't until later in the movie they showed the characters face for a short time. I am not going to give the movie away, but their was a scene in the movie where they did show the body of a person, but they used a wax person, and it did look fake. You could definately tell that the person was not real and you could see how the features were implied. Jeepers Creepers is not one of those chessy films, in which you know what is going to happen in every scene. The film has its mysteries, and you will definately not get bored from watching it. The movie gives a great performance from Justin Long and Gina Phillips. This is the kind of movie you can watch over and over again, and it will still scare you each time. The DVD also features great special features. The DVD disc has two sides to it. On one side you can play the film. On this side you can turn the Audio comentary with the director Victor Salva on or off,you can decide whether you want Widescreen or Standard sized screen, and you can decide between three spoken languages. Another thing you can do is look at the cast's filmographies. On the other side it has all the other special features. You can enjoy watching deleted and extended scenes, the making of the movie, and theatrical trailers of the following movies: Jeepers Creepers, Hannibal,The Silence of the Lambs Special Edition DVD Trailer, The Terminator Special Edition DVD Trailer, and the Carrie Special Edition DVD Trailer. All in all I think that if you love to watch scary movies, than this is the right movie for you. I hope this review was very helpful to you and if was than, please let me know, and you can also look out for other movies that I have rated. Thank You.
Rating:  Summary: Really Scary!!! Review: Many people think Jeepers Creepers is just a cheap horror flick but it is so much more. Brother and sister Darry and Trish are on their way home when they see a man dumping dead bodies into a pipe leading underground. After the man practically runs Darry and Trish off the road for what they saw Darry enters the pipe and discovers not one but hundreds of dead bodies. The two flee to a nearby diner where Darry recieves a phonecall from a lady who tells him that whenever they hear the song Jeepers Creepers it means the man (known as the creeper) is near. Meanwhile the creeper is outside raiding Darry and Trish's car. The creeper uses Darry's clothes to pick up his scent. (Because Darry went in the tunnel the creeper targets him) The two eventually end up in an electronically locked police station with the telephone lady, a group of unprepared policemen and the creeper. I thought this film was so good and I felt really uncomfortable when I went to bed that night because I was scared! I really think they should have made the creeper human instead of a demon though! Serial killers are a lot more scarier than monsters. The acting is good and there are definitely lots of cringy parts. (The policeman's tongue) I can't wait to see Jeepers Creepers 2! I just don't understand how Justin Long is in it because . . . well watch the movie and you'll understand.