Rating:  Summary: jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those eyes Review: from the horrifying beginning to the horrifying end, this movie is purely a adrenaline pumping ride, fueled with a believeable creature and a good cast, but that crazy lady who sees visions seems a little miscast and annoying some times. favorite part has got to be the ending. followed by a sequel 2 years later
Rating:  Summary: Wow. This movie is bad. Review: I didn't really have many expectations when I rented Jeepers Creepers. It's October, and I thought a horror movie would be appropriate. So, if the chill of mid October inspires you to watch scary movies, you might want to pass on JC and go for something a little better.The movie begins with a brother and sister driving down a desserted country road on their way home from college. From out of nowhere a terrifying truck appears and nearly runs them off the road. A jolting experience. Soon thereafter the brother and sister (Darius and Trish) see the truck parked next to a dilapidated building. A very sinister looking figure is doing something quite suspicious, and he's not too preoccupied to notice Darry and Trish drive by. Immediately, the 'Creeper' gets in his truck and eventually runs the two off the road. Good, so far. And then it gets lame. Darius insists that the two of them return to the Creeper's apparent home and see what he was up to. Trish objects, but gives in. There (the Creeper apparently had other business to attend to and hadn't yet returned) Darius continues to make decisions that will make you yell at the tv in frustration. Is that good? There were times when my heart was beating faster than normal, but at the same time I was truly mad about the idiocy of the boy. And his idiocy and irritating factor never tones down (his character reveals the sophistication of the movie). After a while I was hoping the Creeper would do him in and get it over with. The sister, Trish, is likable, and I found myself rooting for her up through the end - I didn't want her to get hurt. But the slack jawed darius, who's mouth seemed to gape in proportion to his dumbness made the movie too much to bear. The final scence was also comedic, at least I think. Maybe it was supposed to be that way, I don't know; it certainly wasn't scary. Also, the Creeper should have never been shown, at least not in full body shots in ample light. It was more sinister when he was unknown; being disrobed or unmasked or whatever you want to call it detracted from his creepiness. Plus (not that the unmasking had everything to do with it), the Creeper was obviously a supernatural being. Supernatural beings are ok if they're intelligently done, which JC certainly isn't. For me, being able to identify with the characters and become immersed in the movie, perhaps to the point of feeling like I could be in their shoes or that it could happen to me, is big part of what makes a horror movie scary. I knew that I would never encounter a supernatural creature the likes of the Creeper; a good horror movie would have manipulated my feelings and thoughts into feeling and thinking that I could have. But when you rest the weight of your burden on a goof like Darius and get the story rolling with an imbecilic act by the said brother, then it's a good bet you won't succeed. And Jeepers Creepers doesn't succeed.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie! Review: Jeepers Creepers is simply one of the best horror movies that I ever saw! Don't mind the bad press, it's a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: One of the creepiest horror films of recent years Review: Jeepers Creepers is one of the most effective, fresh, creepy horror films to come along in the past few years, and I enjoyed it immensely. You may find some of the elements from this film elsewhere, but Jeepers Creepers really does have its own unique story to tell. The plot breaks down a little bit in the final half hour, but everything up to that point is simply superb. I love the opening scenes; this really doesn't even seem like a movie for the first half hour. You have a very typical brother and sister cruising down a deserted road in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the day. I entered this film with dark aspirations in mind, so the bright, peaceful setting of the opening really grabbed my attention. It may be a lonely stretch of road, but the setting is one of safety and serenity - until, that is, a character in a super-charged old van tries to wreck the car holding our protagonists. For Patricia and Darius Jenner (Gina Philips and Justin Long, respectively), this frightening bit of road rage proves to be only the start of a horrible night. On down the road, the pair catch sight of the evil van parked beside an old, crumbling building; looking closer, they see the driver of the truck tossing a couple of items that certainly look like bodies wrapped in blood-soaked sheets down a big pipe. The bad guy sees the kids pass by and immediately starts out in pursuit, doing all he can to wreck them. Darius eventually has the brilliant idea of going back to the pipe to see if anyone is still alive down there, and his much smarter sister cannot talk him out of this notion. Here marks the upping of the creepiness factor. There are many significant things to be found in the chamber below; finding a way out, though proves to be a challenge as Darius soon discovers. Eventually a shell-shocked Darius and Trish make it to a roadside restaurant and call the police. Things get weirder, though, when an anonymous stranger calls Darius and Trish and explains the things she has been seeing in her visions, warning them that the "thing" will not stop coming after them. This proves to be quite the understatement. The Creeper, whoever or whatever he is, is relentless in his pursuit of the scared youngsters, leading to one exciting confrontation after another in a variety of venues. Things progress quite nicely to an ending that is both good and bad; good in the sense that it does not pull a fairy tale ending out of the hat, but bad in that the final five minutes prove anticlimactic, forced, and generally unsatisfying. Personally, I have to say I wasn't that impressed with the costume and special effects of the Creeper; from a distance, or coiled in shadows, he's pretty intimidating, but his visual effect on the viewer decreases as we see more of him. Writer/director Victor Salva envisioned this film as his own "monster movie," but I think that a more human boogeyman would have served this story more effectively. Justin Long has some kind of David Schwimmer thing going on at times, but he is otherwise quite convincing in the role of Darius; he is the one who sees firsthand the handiwork of the Creeper, and the effects of what he has seen are reflected dramatically on his face and spirit. Gina Philips is fantastic; she may well be the sexiest female on the planet, as well. More than just a pretty face, the depth of her commitment and talent are demonstrated quite convincingly in the six featurettes on the making of the movie. These featurettes, by the way, are quite good. The deleted and extended scenes housed on the DVD, though, aren't that impressive; for the life of me, I could hardly find the difference between the alternate and final versions of a few scenes in the movie. Jeepers Creepers is just a terrific, vastly underrated horror film. Relying more on suspense than blood and gore (although there is a certain amount of gore to be found here), this would make an especially good introduction to the genre for those yet to dip their feet into the deep, dark side of the entertainment pool.
Rating:  Summary: Garbage Review: theres not to many horror movies that I think really suck ass. but im proud to say this is one horror movie that really stinks. flys wont even land on this garbage! The highlight of the whole god damn movie besides the credits is hmm the creeper eating the cops tung out(but that wasnt even all that cool im jus tryin to find a little light in this crap) the extra features on the dvd is not bad. theres alote of crap about this ledgendary peace of crap on it I wached the "making of this crap" on the dvd and it almost made the movie look good (thats untill you wach it) 3 hours a my life ill never get back hopfully jeepers creepers 2 will be better :( dont buy this crap but if you got 3 bucks burnin a hole in ya pocket. I guess you could rent it (but imagine all the stuff you could get for 3 bucks besides jc)
Rating:  Summary: Not half bad for the most part Review: Victor Salva (Powder) wrote and directed this surprise 2001 horror hit in which two teen siblings (Gina Philips and Justin Long) come across an ancient flesh eating demon who feasts every 23rd spring, and naturally, both of them are next on the menu. What could have been another modern day teeniebopper horror fest manages to be tenion fueled (the opening truck chase nicely sets the tone), but Jeepers Creepers fails to live up to it's full potential. Horror vets will appreciate the heart that Salva and co. had in making the film (which despite it's small budget manages to shine more than some big budget horror films a la the last Halloween movie), but don't expect anything really special from it. Godfather trilogy director Francis Ford Coppola served as a co-executive producer of the film.
Rating:  Summary: JEEPERS SLEEPERS Review: The film starts out on a deserted highway, which should give you the clue that this is one of those horrors that intends to go nowhere, in no great hurry. The story (if you can call it that) centres around a brother and sister returning home when after they overtake a dusty old lorry, wait for it, awaken an ancient demon's reign of terror. The movie has no fear factor, the supposed demon looks a cross between Victor Meldrew and Alf Garnett, (the latter's more scary) and the suspense is non-existent. Which is a shame because it is one of those hippy left-wing horrors that chooses to eschew horror for suspense. Director Victor Salva thinks all you have to do is crank the violins up and force eyedrops into his actors to sustain the horror induced wide-eyed look. How wrong he is. Salva has conjectured a film of bluff. Just when you think the film is about to deliver the gruesome goods, it falls flat on its face. The siblings reach an old lady's large rundown house, and we can only see the back of her head. The viewer is anticipating that when she turns around, we'll be confronted with the apparition of a nasty gargoyle, but no such luck, it's just an old lady. Without giving the ending away, you'd think its a given for the protagonists to win, expecially given the fact Salva has little left to play with other than a morality tale (having lost the signpost for horror a while back.) But Salva isn't one for convention. If you consider this a twist, you're either very undemanding, or your someone that having sat through its 86 mins (sounds short doesn't it) you cant believe how the most hyped horror film since A Nightmare On Elm Street is such a flop. I know I belong to the latter.
Rating:  Summary: The Creeper is coming. 3, 3 and a half stars tops. Review: Let me start off by saying that when it comes to scary movies I'm a big wussie. So when Jeepers Creepers came out in theatres I didn't rush to see it. About a year or so later they showed it on Showtime and I figured I was safe within the confines of my own home. The boogie man couldn't get thru my two inch thick wooden door or cheap window glass pane (I know, I'm an idiot). So I sat down and since there was nothing else on, I watched. Let me continue by saying this movie was not scary. The people that said this movie was the scariest thing they've seen in years either have to get out more or are bigger wussies then I am (and I am up there). Now even though the movie was not scary it was still an ok movie that's good on a rainy day or when you've got an hour and a half to kill. So sit back and read on while I tell you the story of the Creeper. The movie starts out with two collage siblings Trish and Darry. They decide to ride home together and on the way they play brother and sister games like who can read a vanity license plate first and calling each other names (basicly bugging each other, if you have a sibling like I do then you know what I mean). While driving, they almost get run off the road by a big old farmers truck with a suped up egine, his license plate: BEATNGU. The truck passes them and the kids contine down the road. A few miles down they see the truck again. This time it's parked next to an old church and this (looks like a) man is throwing a few things down a sewer pipe, things resembling dead bodies wraped in bloody sheets. Now this is the part of the movie where you stand up from your chair, point your finger to the screen and yell "IDIOT". Instead of going straight to the cops the kids decide to make a u-turn and head to the old church to see what is at the end of the sewer pipe. Sister Trish holds brother Darry by the ankles to get a closer look in the pipe but when they both see rats they both freak out and Trish lets go of her brother and down he goes. The pipe leads to the cellar of the church and Darry tells Trish to basicly wait on the side of the road till she see help while He finds a way out. While he's down there Darry sees one of the wraped packages seen thrown down the pipe, when he opens it he is shocked to find a body with a homemade surgical cut running down the torso but the body is still alive. He also finds hundreds of dead naked bodies stuck to the ceiling and walls like christmas decorations. Darry finds a way back to his sister and they head to the nearest phone to call the police. They stop at a diner and while there they get a call on the pay phone from a women who says she has seen everything that will happen and tries to warn them. They don't believe her and they hang up. The police then show up, the kids tells their story and the police give them an escort back to the station. But on the way they run into a little trouble. The Creeper (the bad guy in this flick) takes out the two cops and then begins to eat one of their heads (at least the tounge). The kids don't believe what they're seeing and then drive off to find another phone. They find an old lady with a bunch of cats (a vision from the pay phone lady) but before the are able to use her phone the Creeper takes her out. The kids get back in the car and try to leave but the Creeper stands in the middle of the road blocking their way. Then after running him over 4 or 5 times we see that the villian in this pic... has wings? The two get to the police station, tell the cops what happened and then call their parents. The lady that called them at the diner shows up and tries two warn them again that the Creeper is after one of them. Then tells them the storry of our monster. Every 23 years for 23 days it gets to eat all it wants. And its favorite meal on the menu is people. Just then the lights and the phones go out and the cops try to battle the monster but nothing works. So who does the Creeper want? Who lives and who dies (besides almost every body)? Will you feel you've wasted an hour and a half of your life after this? Maybe, maybe not. The dead bodies look really fake and the CGI on the wings and the flying Creeper look bad, not terrible but bad. But if you like movies that are supposed to be scary and aren't then I suggest you pick up this dvd (to rent or buy). It's got alternate endings and some other good stuff, I might pick mine up tomorrow. I gave the movie 4 stars even though it only deserves 3, 3 and a half tops but you can't give 3 and a half and 3 isn't enough. But I did like part one enough to go out and see part two in theaters.
Rating:  Summary: A short synopsis... Review: The first 1/3 of this film is absolutely great. Terrifying, meticulous and a terrific sense of claustrophobia. As I watched it, my hopes for a truly frightening modern horror movie were sky high. But then the second act happened. We finally saw what this "Creeper" thing looked like and it was not scary. Not only that, but the pace of the film itself became extremely slow. All this capped off with one of the lamest climaxes in horror movie history only saddened me more. Ugh. Such wasted potential. Three stars for the absolutely fantastic opening act.
Rating:  Summary: Jeepers!! What a (bad) Movie Review: This movie, apart from the brief opening sequence, is lame. Do yourself a favor and stay far away from this stinker.