Rating:  Summary: Jeeper Sleepers!!!!!! Review: Typical movie where morons can't mind there business, they just had to be nosy! There was a few minutes of scare, but I was too busy laughing, or nodding off! If you like the type of movie, where 2 teenagers are being chased all around back roads, by a psycho who never is going to die.....then you should like this movie. But I still say they should of added more to this movie, at least in Halloween we knew the killer was psycho kid!
Rating:  Summary: Gave me the creeps... Review: Criteria for a horror movie should be different than for other films. They can lag in other areas, but if they deliver chills, shreiks, winces, gags (I mean the kind you make with your throat, not the kind you play on your friends) and a sense of, well, the creeps, that runs the whole film, you know you're on to something. "Creepers" does this and does it well. It's a short, well-crafted, brutally compact horror movie that uses storyline and atmosphere rather than buckets of the red stuff or an enormous kill-count to get your fear glands pumping. The story revolves around two sibling college students taking their ancient 1960s-era beater home on spring break via what looks to be the worlds longest and most desolate highway. On the way they spy a sinister-looking man dumping what appears to be bodies down a drainpipe, and here they commit their first "Horror-Movie Mistake" -- they investigate instead of getting the hell out of there. Turns out there is an extremely nasty surprise on the end of the pipe (think Sistine Chapel as designed by Dr. Lecter), but it's not until the two finally decide to split the scene -- and who wouldn't want to stay in a sewer pipe -- that their troubles begin. Seems the mystery guy is on their scent (literally), and wants something from them, which he intends to remove without benefit of anesthetic. That's his gig, and he does it pretty well (hint: hiding in the police station will not help). "Creepers" is not a perfect film -- horror movies usually aren't -- but its flaws are the flaws of the genre and don't do much to detract from the tension. My biggest gripe is the design of the Creeper himself -- fully revealed, he is ugly but nothing you haven't seen trading barbs with Patrick Stewart on "Star Trek: The Next Generation" ; and the movie ends so abruptly and brutally that my initial reaction was that somebody had forgotten to put the last half hour in. But better an abrupt ending than a predicatble one, right? Simply put, "Jeepers Creepers" was the first horror movie I've seen in a long time that actually creeped me out. Definetly worth a watch.
Rating:  Summary: Clever little horror flick Review: Jeepers Creepers is one of the better recent horror films. If it's director and writer, Victor Salva, had been able to sustain the mood he created in the movie's first third, it might have been a great one. Shortly before production began, he was informed that the picture's budget had been slashed. The result was the cutting of the shooting schedule from forty-five days to thirty-one and a lot less money for the art department, which is the one that creates special effects. In light of these constrains, he probably did the best he could.Trish and Darry [Gina Phillips and Justin Long] are returning home from college. Trish, who was recently dumped by her boyfriend, wants to take the long way home, a decision that takes the pair down a lonely country road. In the middle of nowhere, an ominous, rusty old truck roars up behind them and nearly causes them to crash. It finally passes them, but a few miles later, they spot it parked by an abandoned church. They see its occupant tossing something large wrapped in a blanket down a big drainpipe. In a decision which could only happen in this kind of movie, they go back to investigate. What they find there is scary enough, but what put it there is much more so. And it knows who they are. Horror movies come in several forms and often spill over into other genres, such as the psychological thriller. Jeepers Creepers is in the old-fashioned monster movie category, with shades of the occult. It's a cut above most recent efforts of this type. The music is quite atmospheric, and the photography and lighting are very professional. Salva knows how to set a scene up to maximize the effect on the audience. Salva is a good film maker who needs to polish his scripts a little more. He does a really excellent job of making his main characters more interesting and believable than those we usually encounter in such fare, but this makes the dumb things they do seem particularly unlikely. Still, I liked Trish and Darry more than most horror movie main characters. After Darry sees what lies at the bottom of of that drain pipe, he goes into shock. I think this is a much more likely reaction than the emotionally dead, macho reaction you usually see. Justin Long and Gina Phillips are quite good. Many actors seem to get their starts in horror movies. Jack Nicholson comes to mind. You can often spot the good ones, because they consistently give a fine performance whether the material demands it or not. Some people don't like horror movies. For those who enjoy them, this is a good choice, especially considering how thin the selection has been recently.
Rating:  Summary: At Least the Editorial Scared Me Review: Jeepers Creepers, to me, was a bit on the dull side because of its: 1) Predictability 2) Characters 3) Plot First, the movie hits the same cords that most other mainstream drivel does these days. In fact, it does it so well that the good parts of the movie, including a nice room coated in mutilated corpses, seem to drag a bit. As I watched on, all I wanted to know was now long it would take to start the car this time, and when the main characters were going to die. O, how I hoped for their deaths. This brings me to my second problem, the characters. Normally, I enjoy meeting the characters of a movie so I can feel their pain vicariously. Normally, but not this time. Even in movies where I wished for the characters to start dropping like flies, I don't usually think this because of the quality of the actor or because of the predicability of their reactions. To understand them, think "stupider than even a believable horror victim" and you've got yourself a role. Thirdly, the plot was a mind-numbing sleeper that simply didn't cut it. Now, I'm not insulting the flesh-eating "demon" part or some of his handiwork, but the Jeepers Creepers insertions, the "psychic" that warns us of these, or the "it drives a scary truck and has your scent, so you'll never be safe" pinnacle the horror structured around was a bit too much for me. All this said, there were still a few, scantly numbered, memorable parts in the film. The "cat lady's" death, a demon loose in a police station taking out cops, and the ending gave this movie a little breath of life. Still, watch at your own risk.
Rating:  Summary: Scared the hell out of me Review: It's been a long time since I've seen a movie this scary. Most of the "horror" movies of the last 20 years or so have been the teen slasher films, which turned into the jokes of the scream series. John Carpenter had the masterpiece in Halloween, but I would classify what he's done since as more science fiction. And then there are the psycological thrillers, like "What Lies Beneath", which have their moments but hold back on the gore. "Jeepers Creepers" has it all. There is no holding back on the gore. When the creature starts eating a victim's tongue, while still attached to the head, it doesn't get any better than that. We get close-ups of victim's stiched-up bodies. And the final scene would make Buffalo Bill proud. Where it excels, though, is atmosphere and tension. I remember that the plot of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" was not that great, but the setting of the house in that movie was as creepy as it got. "Jeepers Creepers" goes beyond this. We see that something awful is probably at the monster's hangout. We spend time debating whether to enter it's confines. When we finally get to see it, the buildup pays off big-time. It would be hard to design a scarier environment than what Justin Long falls into. The only reason that I don't give it five stars is explained in the movie itself. Most people, after seeing the setup, would high-tail it out as fast as possible, and let the authorities take over. But our hero has to not only go back to the scene, but literally stick his nose into it. His more logical sister tells him that this is the typical stupid thing that people do in horror movies, and she's right. But then, we wouldn't be treated with what follows.
Rating:  Summary: Yoy don't get too many good horror flicks these days... Review: Well, Jeepers Creepers is truly and utterly horrorfying if I may say so myself! I mean, just the thought of getting trapped down in that dark tunnel surrouned by dozens of naked sewed bodies together...ugh! Just the thought it gives me the creeps! (If you have seen the movie, you'd know what I am talking about.) Anyways, the movie Jeepers Creepers, is about two kids on their way back home from college, Darry and Trish. But when then unexpectedly come across a mysterious pipe out in the middle of no where, that is next to an old abandond church. When the teens drive by, they notice a strange guy dropping *dead* bodies into the pipe covered with blood stains. After about five minutes into the film, we see an excellent dull moment with the Old Truck and the kids. The soundtrack and camera angles are so wonderful well done, that it sent chills up and down my spine. Victor Salva is a wonderful director who knows what he's doing, and has casted a brilliant cast. I'm proud of this movie for several reasons, 1.) It sticks to it's genre. 2.) You don't see too many horror flicks that stick with it's genre. 3.) And with the right score and directing, you get it a bone chilling treat! Thanks Victor for making this film a success! It keeps you entertained from frame one 'till the very last one. Jeepers Creepers is a must have for those who love a good scare.
Rating:  Summary: "They don't make 'em like they used to." Review: Or so I thought until I rented this beauty. Definitely the creepiest I've seen since...well, I can't remember when! This is a perfect bogeyman-as-antagonist sort of blood-curdler in the vein of "Phantasm" or "Nightmare on Elm Street". I won't bore you with another synopsis, since you can pick that up from many of the previous reviews, but this film is best if you don't know anything about it anyway. I saw "Jeepers Creepers" on the shelf at the video store and was certain from the title that it would be a dismal attempt at a horror flick. Nevertheless, I went to the effort of picking up the sleeve to check the reviews. Clive Barker found this film scary?!? Instant chill up the spine. If this film made an impression on the virtuoso who brought us "Night Breed", it has to be worthy of a viewing. Sure, the usual, "Why in God's name are you not running away?" scenario plays repeatedly in this slick number, but the answer as always is that the movie would have been fifteen minutes long if the protagonists did a quick fade! As it turns out, given the nature of the baddie in this one, it may not have done the kids any good to run at any point... Turn the lights out, sit back, suspend your disbelief. And DON'T watch this one with a full bladder.
Rating:  Summary: This movie gave me the creeps! Review: This movie is great! The best horror flick I have seen since forever. The movie is a brother and sister relationship (Trish, Gina Philips, and Darry, Justin Long) which makes this movie even better to understand. This movie has automatic suspence with it starting out with terror in the first 5 minutes. It starts out with Trish and Darry taking the long way home which turns into a nightmare. They spot a shabby looking man dumping bodies down a sewer pipe in the back of an old church. Darry being as curious as he is turns back to see if there were any survivers, not knowing the horror that lies at the end, or even the horror that comes with seeing what he has. It's a chase through the whole movie with this goulish creature and these two teens. I would have to say Justin Long did a great job on acting, he makes the movie worth seeing. Just so I don't spoil the ending, I'm not going to say but ask you one question.... "What do you think he wants, and from who?" Jeepers Creepers where'd you get those peepers.... Jeepers Creepers where'd you get those EYES. See this movie! It's worth watching.... over and over again!
Rating:  Summary: BEATNGU!!! WEIRD!!!! Review: I won't go into the details of this film, as the other reviews did that for you. I'll just give you a quick opinion of this movie... it's was weird as H-E-double-hockey-sticks, and freaky! The acting was excellent... unusual for a horror movie. This is a teen flick, but anyone that likes horror movies will like this one. Tons of totally gross parts throughout this movie will keep you freaked and grossed out! Sure this is full of holes and totally unbelievable... but a strange film that hasn't been done before.... but then, who could think this stuff up!! Like others that reviewed this film, I hated the ending.
Rating:  Summary: Weird looking ending Review: What's wrong with the director of this flick? The most unnatural akward way to finalize a film. The whole plot otherwise kept me on the edge.