Rating:  Summary: Was this SUPPOSED to be based on QOTD???? Review: In general, the movie was pretty good. Stuart Townsend, hotty that he is, was the wrong person to play Lestat. Lestat, is blue-violet eyed, long BLONDE hair and not created by Marius! That peeved me... the music was great. acting was o.k. story line, for someone who has not read QOTD, was o.k. If your reading this, and have seen the movie already, did u know that the blonde curly haired vampire was Armand? WHAT!! Interview was a much better movie, and it stuck pretty well to the book. buy that one, rent this one! if i were you, i would watch this movie. Then go out and buy the book, and READ IT. Never judge a book by its movie... dudes im serious on that one!!
Rating:  Summary: nothing like the books, but still worth a watch. Review: okay, so it's only remotely close to the book. i liked it! i am a new Anne Rice fan, i've only read 3 of the books from the Vampire Chronicles and am working on the 4th, but have always loved vampires. this movie is very sensual and enticing. it displays vampires in a way that i love them to be seen in. i saw the movie before i read the book and couldn't wait to read the book because of the movie. so there wasn't exactly a Jesse/ Lestat thing in the book! i liked watching it! I think i got to see the movie the best way though. i had lots of background information from the first 2 books only so i didn't have anything in my head going "That didn't happen. What's this?" The only thing that i knew didnt really happen was that Marius didn't make Lestat. I think it was a good story plot, though it wasn't close to Anne Rice's book. The people who made the movie weren't exactly going for everything like the book. it would have been a much, much longer movie. Also, Stewart Townsend was absolutely hot! he gave me chills! especially at the part of the concert. the music was great as well. i highly recomeded the soundtrack for any rock fan. some people love this movie, i know tons of people that do, and others hate it. i would recomend renting it before you buy it. thats the best way of knowing if this movie is for you.
Rating:  Summary: An apparent example of budget films Review: I looked forward to the release of Queen of the Damned yet I was highly disappointed. The characters are not who they should be and the story line far deviated from the novels. For one, the setting should have been the 1980's with big hair and spandex yet this movie used 90's goth. The actors were all wrong for this part as well. A brunette Marius? I thought Armand was a teen when he was made? This film was more somber and monotone than it should have been. It required more action and horror. I understand the film maker wanted to give us a different angle but this was ridiculously recreated to be something not of the Vampire Chronicles we've loved.
Rating:  Summary: It's okay, I guess. Review: This movie is NOTHING like the book and that is bad! I'm not some book fanatic that thinks every movie from a book must fit it to a tee, that is ridiculous and unrealistic. The point of a film adaption is to tell the written story and capture the spirit of the book on film. But they don't do that at all! They run away with it into an MTV style universe. The flim is pretty, the music is great! (Which is why it gets two stars) but the plot is weak (which is odd since it came from TWO well written books! QOTD was a big book too!) yet they only have an hours + mins of footage?! And it's all about rockstar Lestat. It's like they flipped thru the book only marking off the rockstar parts and decided to take that and stretch it for a good hour and a half. At first the movie doesn't seem to take the books or itself too seriously, then for no reason it tries very hard to get all dramatic which leaves you laughing your pants off, because there was no background given to pull the scenes off. Are we suppose to suddenly feel for these fugly vampires who spend the two mins they do have in the film standing around looking ugly? Are we suppose to feel for Lestat who spends the first hour of the movie running around killing innocent people and slashing vampires all over the place? We are now suppose to think that for the two seconds he sees the light(literally)he now think Akasha is evil? Are we suppose to feel anything for the young spinless Jesse whose all on Lestat's d!@k like a horny teenie bopper Mary Sue? Are we suppose to buy that Lestat has found true love with this wet mop? Personally he should stayed with Akasha, she's far more beautiful than Jesse and actually has a personality with the balls to back it up. Too bad! this movie had such potential, it could have been really good if it were in great hands but it wasn't and I doubt anyone would want to do a remake.
Rating:  Summary: Go for 'Interview' instead Review: I am a huge fan of the 1994 film, "Interview with the Vampire". When I rented this film, "Queen of the Damned", to be quite honest, I was awfully disappointed! First off, Stuart Townsend as Lestat de Lioncourt? He does not look anything like Lestat! Lestat had flowing, golden hair not short, black roots hair! Tom Cruise portrayl was way better and closer to the novels than Stuart Townsend and he looked more like Lestat. The one burning question I had while watching this film was, "Where's Louis and Claudia? What, they never existed?". Unless your some achne ridden teen, skip this film and go right for the copy of Interview with the Vampire. Trust me on this.
Rating:  Summary: Save your money Review: If you are a real Rice fan, this movie will leave you upset. Aaliyah's acting stunk, really. They left out so many important things. It was nice to see Jonathan Davis of KoRn having a cameo in the movie as a ticket scalper. It didn't seem "real" like Interview did. Rent it but don't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Better than Interview Review: Most Anne Rice fans agree, this is a much better movie than Interview with a Vampire. This movie adheres to Rice's dark, sensual style and sticks to her novels better than Interview. There are still many discrepencies, but it's worth it for the finished product. This movie shows Lestat's rock-star phase and introduces moviegoers to the Talamasca with the seductive Jesse Reeves. Of course, Aaliyah is fantastic in her role of the evil Queen, Akasha. Wooed by Lestat's hardcore music, she awakens from her centuries old sleep to destroy the weak and enslave everyone else. The "good" vampires are quick to devise a plan to destroy her. Buy the movie to see the blood-sucking results :) Rice fans will love this movie. Others, it'll be hit or miss.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't compare to the book, but a okay effort nonetheless. Review: Grant you, after reading QOTD and The Vampire Lestat and then seeing this movie, yes, I was left scratching my head and quite disappointed. I do wish that the screenplay was closer to the books than they were, but it wasn't, so I just watched it again like I had never read it... and it was okay. Yes, there were moments the dialog absolutely sucked, but there were parts that I thought were okay. The scene were Lestat and Akasha shared their "moment" was sexy! The actors themselves, Stuart Townsend as Lestat was perfect! Sure he didn't look like the Lestat described beautifully by Anne Rice, but neither did Tom Cruise. It gave Stuart a chance to shine, and I thought with what was presented to him, he did a great job. Aaliyah was pretty good. This was only her 2nd role acting and unfortunately her last, but I still believe she did a pretty good job. As for the other actors, I love Vincent Perez, but not as Marius. That didn't work... nor did the other actors. And completely leaving out Louis was a grave mistake. They portrayed Lestat as if he were alone in the world, when we all knew that simply wasn't the case. Lastly, the music was SLAMMING! Jonathon Davis, my hats off to you! There isn't one song on the soundtrack I can say I don't like, but I can say "Slept So Long" is my favorite song. The music was definitely the biggest and brightest spot of the movie. If you haven't read the book, but like to see the movie, go for it. You might like it.
Rating:  Summary: I love this movie and I don't care who knows it... Review: The rest of the world needs to seriously chill about this movie. It is not an oscarworthy film neither is it a serious social commentary about this world. It is a vampire movie, one that I had seen twice at the movie theatre and one that I have watched many, many times. Stuart Townsend is the only person that I can see now eternally play Lestat now (I love Interview just as much as this film but I seriously hated Tom Cruise in the role of the blonde vampire, he didn't fit.) and the soundtrack was literally haunting and one that I listen to since the movie had came out. To the purists, I am a huge Anne Rice fan but I am no nazi about it. To me this was just a different interpretation of her work. I enjoyed the dark gothy atmosphere and the romance between Jesse and Lestat (even though it didn't happen that way in the books.) My only advice is watch it as a vampire movie, not as an Anne Rice movie and you will enjoy it much better that way. But overall this movie was a fun way to spend two hours.
Rating:  Summary: A 5 and a 1 all at the same time... Review: Queen of the Damned like the other Anne Rice movie to be brought to the screen, Interview with the Vampire, is a movie that its quality is based entirely upon what you came into the movie expecting and what you wanted out of it. Many people came into the movie hoping to see an adaptation of a book they loved that is in part made great by the multitude of fascinating and intertwined characters along with the story of Lestat and Akasha. This is not what this movie is. This movie cut almost all of the characters and many those that they did keep who were favorites with fans including Armand, become mere cardboard cut outs that say a few sentences. The original story of Lestat is almost unrecognizable from that told in The Vampire Lestat. Other people, however, who come into the movie looking for a laugh might enjoy this. Many beloved characters are so twisted and changed that reduce some of the fans who take things lighter to giggles and full out belly laughs. There is one saving grace to most people who go to see this movie and that is the music. The songs were written for this movie and are fantastic. The entire soundtrack of this movie is far superior to the actual movie itself. If you are willing to go into this movie with a light heart willing to laugh and to appreciate the skill and time that went into the soundtrack of this movie you are likely to find this a highly enjoyable and rather amusing movie. If, however, you wanted to see two beloved books brought to the big screen and now you're television as a serious and true to the works movie, be sure to skip this.