Rating:  Summary: Grrrrr!These ppl don't know how to have an open mind Review: GRRRR!!!!!!I'm am sooooo sick and tried of these stupid critics that keep trashing this movie JUST bcuz the movie doesn't have every word and action and desciption of the books,I mean I haven't read the books (I want to though) soo i should keep my little mouth shut.Sorry i'm not gonna.I gonna open my mouth!!! WHO THE HELL CARES IF LESTAT'S HAIR ISN'T BLOND!!My God!So what if the missed one tiny detail I like stuart's long brown gorgeous hair. I like the movie bcuz it was a dark gothic sexy fun hard Rock @$$ kickin movie.I think Aaliyah made a perfect beautiful Bloodsucking queen I loved the way she moved in the bar scene. The Story was cool The Music ROCKED!I am a big gothic alternative music fan so I Loved it I wish the band the vampire really existed cuz if it did i'd be they're no.1 fan. the main reason I Loved this Movie was bcuz of The incredibly hot actor that played Lestat.HE IS SO F%@%ing SEXY!!Especially when he'd be shirtless with those low rise leater pants yummy.I swear when ever i watch this movie (which is quite often)my eyes are locked on lestat the whole time.he gives me this wonderful sexy tingling sensation whenever i c him lol.I think Stuart Townsend is MUCH better at being a vampire than Tom Cruise.Much better bcuz Stuart is way sexier and seductive and has a better body than old tom cruisey. ~*~*~TO ALL THE BOY-CRAZY GIRLS OUT THERE IN DA WORLD!!~*~*~ ~*~If you want to get an orgasm By watching the Hottest guy~*~ ~*~*~In da whole world I suggest you get this DvD!!~*~*~ ^_^-BOO!!!
Rating:  Summary: A BIG PIECE OF FILTH Review: This has to be one of the worst adaptation of a book. The acting was good, that's the only good thing. Other than references to names, nothing else resemble the book. If a person never read the book, I don't see how anyone understand the plot. The book was complex and exciting. The movie is simple and explains nothing. Lestat is a vampire. He joins a band and market himself as a real vampire. Some girl from a British institute studies vampires. This girl read a book diary of Lestat was made. Akasha, the queen, wakes up. She kills other vampires and falls in love with Lestat. A bunch of other ancient vampires (very interesting and important to the plot in th book, but never named or explained in the movie) battles with her in the end for their survival. They won. Lestat makes the girl and vampire and everyone lives for a few more centuries. Watch it, if you have to, but don't buy it. It sucks and very disappointing.
Rating:  Summary: The Queen succeeds Review: not bad of a vampire movie and its not worthy of passing up Interview With The Vampire. Townsend is the vampire Lestat and Aaliyah is The Queen Of The Damned Akasha. Basically, longtime ago, Townsend woke up Aaliyah and then she is back for him to be his wife. Good vampire effects and loud and heavy and fun rock music by static-x, orgy, chesterbennington and so on. You could rename it Vampire Goldmine(Velvet Goldmine spoof)
Rating:  Summary: It was cool! Review: I really dont understand why so many people hated it? Ok, I can understand that it wasnt very faithful to the book like "Interview With The Vampire" was. But Stuart Townsend And Aaliyah, suprisingly, did a good job. I think that if you see this movie without expecting it to be like the book, then you would enjoy it. Even though it may not be a oscar winning movie, or scary like other vampire movies, or completley the the novel, it still is a fun movie.
Rating:  Summary: Aaliyah Kicks Some F***ing A@@! Review: This movie is gr8. Aaliyah makes the best vampire (well, actually, the Mother of all vampires). Eye hear people and critics sayin' that this movie is about as popular as Mariah "Scary"'s "Glitter" (which is a piece of S^%$!) and that Mariah "Scary" shines in it. Well, Aaliyah shines in this movie. Eye couldn't tell that aaliyah wasn't in half of it (she was cre8ed from computer b-cuz of her death) x-cept 4 her voice. Eye could tell that the voice wasn't hers (although it sounded almost the same). They did a gr8 job using the computers to finish the movie w/o Aaliyah. Rest In Peace, BabyGirl!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: This movie sucked balls Review: This had nothing to do with the book and made me want to kill someone (not to be taken seriously). This director should never work on a movie set again especially if he's planning on making totbt. Nothing in the movie even resembled the genious of Anne Rice's work. There wasn't one scene that was corresponding to the book! I myself will be boycotting this movie, who's with me!
Rating:  Summary: A "Damned" sorry excuse for a movie... Review: The only good thing you can say about this flick was that the music wasn't bad and the photgraphy was OK. The plot was nothing at all like the book and had no consistency whatever. The casting seemed totally random. The acting was atrocious all the way around, except for Aaliyah, who was completely ridiculous; she was supposed to be an Egyptian, yet put on an accent that sounded like a bad (and I mean BAD) imitation of Bela Lugosi. It's a true pity she passed when she did, because she was so young and because she had an average enough voice that she would've had modest to decent recording success. But at least she was spared the embarassment and shame of having to watch herself in this film and realize that 1) she was in it purely to exploit her falvor-of-the-month popularity at the time and 2) that she couldn't act herself out of an open CD case. If every copy of this film would suddenly self-destruct, the world would be a far better place. Anne Rice, have you at least talked to your lawyer about suing over this mess?
Rating:  Summary: Completely wrong. Review: It is rather difficult to review this movies, as one has to take in all the reasons why this movie was bound to fail miserably. First of all, this is the sequel somewhat to the Interview With the Vampire movie (although the third book in the series). Since the second book of the series (The Vampire Lestat) had not been made into a movie, the producers of this film had to compact two books of history into one movie. That is one reason why the film left out the majority of both books (read the books, by the way). Second of all, this film was sequel to the extremely popular and sucessful Inteview With the Vampire, so naturally, repeating that formula would have been very impossible indeed. One reason for that is that the previous film was cast with some very big stars (Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas, Christian Slater), while Queen of the Damned was cast with only one: Aalyiah. The rest of the cast was relatively unknown (Stuart Townsend isn't really well known as of now). All these problems aside, the movie itself is quite horrible. If you have read the book, you will be very disappointed, mainly because much of Rice's rich characterization is lost. None of the vampire's history is revealed, most specifically the Legend of the Twins, which is left totally out. The rest of the vampires are only glimpsed near the end of the movie, and are never referred to by name. Unless you've read the book, you won't be able to tell who's who. Other idiotic point is that the older vampires, for all their short time on screen, dress in the clothing of the era they were made, which is entirely untrue in the book. Something that other's might consider minor is the disappointing lack of physical resemblance the characters have to their counterparts in the books. For example, Marius is described as a man in his forties, with long gray hair, and a beautiful face. Jesse is much older in the book, with very prominent red hair, and the brief appearance of Armand is vastly wrong, because he looks more like Lestat would. The only correct thing about Armand's physical appearance is his age: he is much younger here than in Interview With the Vampire, because the books state Armand was made a vampire when he was 17. The only one who really looked close to his description is Lestat. Stuart Townsend looked very much like my conception of Lestat, though his voice was far too deep. Still, he didn't look as good as Tom Cruise in that part. Physical resemblance is important because vampires are described as being very sensual and beautiful, and the movies suffers for failing to accurately bring those literary characters to movie life. I won't really start with the inaccuracies with the book; there were far too many. The main liberties taken (besides the absence of the other vampires) were the relationship with Marius and Lestat. Lestat was not made by Marius, as others have pointed out, and Marius as portrayed as something of an evil vampire, when in the book he is Lestat's mentor and he only slays evil men. The ending is wholly different, and impossible to compare and contrast here (read the books). The main reason I think it failed is that the movie sacrificed a rich story for pop culture refrences. More is made of this movie's soundtrack and Lestat's brief career as a nu-metal star than anything else, even the story. For the reasons I described in the beginning of this review, I do think the filmakers were doomed to repeat the success of Interview With the Vampire, but that is no excuse for not even making an effort. The producers try to make excuses if for, most notably with the cut scenes, where they try to explain why they cut more footage of the other vampires. In conclusion, Queen of the Damned is a miserable failure, mainly for giving up a rich and thrilling story for pop-culture references. As I have said, it would have been impossible to repeat the success of the former vampire movie, but this movie is just too awful to even stand on it's own.
Rating:  Summary: Good Music, Nice Cinematography, Dreadful Film Review: How to write a review without saying what a thousand others haven't before? The fact is that as an adaptation, this is *the worst* I have ever, ever seen. Teenyboppers who proclaim that Neil Jordan's Gothic, stylish (if flawed) Interview With the Vampire is not as good as this because "Stuart is hoooottt!!!" should not be listened to. The script is painful; the dialogue atrocious. It is hard to discern from the acting whether the actors are being over-sincere to the point of parody, or are knowingly taking the mickey out of themselves. The sets are lazy; the "Mediterranean" (Australian) beach used in the scenes with Lestat and Marius is the same "Exotic" (Australian) beach used in the scenes with Akasha. I can't even compare this movie to the book, much, because it has absolutely nothing to do with the book, save character names and coincidences like them being vampires. Louis, the main character from this film's predecessor, is absent. The interviewer, Daniel, who played a key role in the book, is absent. The twin who eventually becomes the Queen of the Damned is absent-- an amusing if stupefying omission from a movie named after such a thing. Jesse and Lestat did not have any romance in the book, much less this sub-standard Romeo and Juliet rip-off-- romance in the book was between Lestat and Akasha, and later Lestat and Louis, though the producer has erased this in what is a frankly insulting sop to any homophobic viewers. As a movie, and nothing else, it is simply a trashy, vapid watch. It resounds with cliches (including a painful Matrix fight-scene imitation) and strange 'assertions'-- ie, vampires walking in sunlight-- as well as laughable mistakes, such as Lestat describing the very American Jesse as "a British Goth" or the English "Talamasca Center", or even the labelling of "Western England", when nowhere in England are you more than seventy miles from the sea, thus negating any need for labelling of West, North and such. The saving "grace" of this movie is the music. Sometimes too loud/too stupid, it also boasts some wonderful background tunes, especially in a bar scene where Tricky's "Excess" is played against predatory vampires watching Jesse. I highly recommend you buy the soundtrack-- perhaps rent the film, get some popcorn and treat it as a spoof. Treat it as an adaptation, or even a sequel to the dark, sexy, well-acted "Interview" and you will feel both displeased and ripped-off. I also want to address all the black/white issues that have sprung up over the casting of a black actress. Those who proclaim Akasha to have been black were wrong. Those who proclaim her white are wrong (in the racial sense). One of the many, many, many things left out in this movie is the story of Akasha's origins. She hailed from a place called Uruk-- which is now part of Iraq-- so she would have been Middle Eastern in appearance. She married the Egyptian king, Enkil, but she was not African. She was not black; she was not white European, so these arguments over casting are negated unless they ever cast an actor from that region in that role. I'd comment on Aaliyah's acting more fully-- she was good in this film, if her character was scripted as a vapid villian-- but she was in it for all of ten minutes. Manipulative marketing.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: I thought the movie was great entertainment. Enjoyed the story and music. Anne Rice fans....get over it.