Rating:  Summary: Don Reubio approves! Review: Let's get the flaming out of the way. Suddendeathy, you're a tool to watch a horror film and not expect to see gore. PLEASE! Not to mention, you campared this movie to 2 other AMERICAN films. Try to realize that foriegn cultures find other issues more horrifying that what you would consider mundane. Now to the productive notes of this film. This is a British horror film involving a small military unit out in the middle of the woods practicing manuvers. They're weapons are only loaded with blanks, mind you. They come up on another military camp where the commander does not wear any insignia of rank, who is also the lone survivor of his entire team. Then out of nowhere, AMBUSH! They are attacked by MULTIPLE werewolves! What would you do? Fight? Run? Just lay down and die? Well, these are the questions that our soldiers are faced with. It's was impressive to see how this movie turned out. The fight sceens were impressive and actually had me cheering for our heros! If you enjoy a good action flick pursued by 3 meter tall terrors armed with claws and fangs with a hunger for man flesh, this is a great film! Definately a fine addition to my horror film collection.
Rating:  Summary: Great Werewolf Movie Review: A low budget British horror movie, it is exemplary of some of the excellent entertainment that comes out of the UK. A squad of British soldiers are out on manuvers in the wilds of Scotland, and stumble over what turns out to be the remains of a Special Forces operation to capture a werewolf. From that point forward, they are fighting for their lives against a pack of howling nasties that are merely annoyed by bullets. After holing up in a farm house, they struggle desperately and wait for dawn. The movie is a modern spin on the classical werewolf story, and is certainly among the single most gory films I've seen in years. It is a great example of how good an indie film can be, even in a highly commercialized genre like horror. The makers' of this film pulled no punches in the sheer bloody nature of the work of a pack of ravenous werewolves. That aside, it is also a solid, fun exercise in storytelling. I would not recommend this movie to everyone, but fans of werewolf stories or horror movies MUST give this movie a look.
Rating:  Summary: An Awsome werewolfe movie Review: With todays ultra-computer speacial effects and all that, it's not often you get a movie like this one, almost as if they used mid 1980's technology, raw and realistic looking. With that thougt, I'm not surprised why this movie did not get much recognition that I can remember. Like the cover suggests, "jaws, aliens, and predator with a wherwolfe twist. A group of soldiers on a training mission in the highlands of scotland run into a familily of wherewolves. Being picked up by a woman who brings them to a farmhouse miles away from any town. There is where the real fun begins, trying to survive till down the platoon is picked off one. Plenty of action, plenty of gore for those who love it all, dog soldiers is a must for horror fans. One of the better movies to come out in a long time, forget underworld.
Rating:  Summary: A Tense Werewolf Ride Review: This is hands down the best werewolf movie in years. After a long line of direct to video junk, Dog Soldiers arrived and made werewolves dangerous again. I was so sick of werewolves that looked like hippies with hair on the backs of their hands. The werewolves in Dog Soldiers are big, nasty, and their attacks are terrible to behold. I am not sure if any CGI was used. It looked like old style makeup applications and full body prosthetics. Brilliant work by the effects people. The plot revolves around a team of Scottish soldiers out on maneuvers and preparing to be the prey of a superior special ops team's war games. Turns out the other, "superior" team has become lunch for a pack of werewolves. The team spends the rest of the film fighting their way to a cabin and holding off the pack while trying to figure out an escape route. Very intense with few stops for a gulp of air. Granted, the movie starts slow as we meet the team, which are hard to tell apart since they all have shaved heads and talk with such thick accents they sound identical. As I said, the werewolves are vicious, and the film is pretty gory. The sets and outdoor environs as gritty, dirty, muddy, and the movie's color pallet can be diluted down to gray and red. Fittingly the same colors from the cover graphic! The DVD features an audio commentary and a making-of featurette. The music on the menu screen absolutely rocks. Both widescreen and full screen are both presented on one disk. An excellent choice for any werewolf fan as well as action fans. It would be five stars if I could understand the actors half the time. Luckily you can switch on subtitles if you think you missed something.
Rating:  Summary: What Big Teeth You Have! Review: Bad werewolf movies are a dime a dozen. Remember Bad Moon? Any of the Howling sequels? By sheer comparison alone, this makes Dog Soldiers an unexpected treat. This is a film made by a horror fan for horror fans. Much of the movie takes place at an isolated house in the woods (like Evil Dead) and involves a bunch of soldiers fighting off monsters (like Aliens or Predator). One of the characters is even named Bruce, a reference to Bruce Campbell. Even "The Matrix" is referenced in the movie, particularly in the last few scenes. And there's something about werewolves being in England... I just don't know, it's always money. The movie is very fast-paced and only slows down for some crucial plot points and minimal character development. I liked all the characters and the actors do a fine job of portraying them. However, I felt at first that everyone looked a lot alike and could only tell them apart once they started getting eaten, one by one. The werewolves don't look particularly realistic, but that didn't bother me. I guess I got used to it, and they still looked better than any CGI (i.e. An American Werewolf in Paris) I've ever seen. There is some moderate gore in the film, including lots of limbs being hacked off, and a decapitation. Probably not enough to satiate those perverse gore-hounds out there, but maybe too much for your grandma (or a girlfriend who acts like your grandma). This is a very fun film for horror fans looking for a good, exciting werewolf movie.
Rating:  Summary: You Don't Need Millions of Dollars... Review: I've always liked horror movies. I always found werewolves to be the scariest of all, and whenever I get the chance, I'll watch a werewolf flick. This was my latest 'wolf catch, and it held its own against the bloated multimillion dollar flicks Hollywood's s*itting out these days. Would I call it a B-Movie? No. B-Movies usually suck. This movie did not suck, and unlike most B-Movies, the actors could actually act. It disappoints me that not at least one of them has gotten big. But now for the plot. A group of Scottish troops are dropped off in the woods for a training mission, and are first spooked when a huge bloody cow falls (seemingly) from the sky, right in the middle of them. They then take extra precaution as they walk about the woods, and eventually run into a small area filled with organs and blood. A half dead soldier with slash marks in his chest and repeatidly tells them "there was only supposed to be one". Of course, none of the soliders know what he's talking about, and carry on, not minding the fact that "it gets dark in half in hour". But when it gets dark, well...you'll have to watch it yourself. The werewolves in this movie do look believable. Each is about 8 foot tall, which is the only part about them I didn't like. I human-sized werewolves more...it just adds to the creepiness of the half man/half wolf thing. But, as I was saying, the werewolves aren't super real looking, but I'd run my ass out of the woods if I saw one in there. This is quite a gory little movie. Not the goriest I've ever seen, but it still is bloody. Organs spill out, arms are ripped off, devouring, etc. And it all looks pretty real, too, except for the part the werewolf claws the guy and his chest is open, exposing all his organs. And it was also a little unbelievable how his friend just shoved his organs back in his chest, threw him over his back, and he was OK. That's my only complaint. And don't get the wrong idea that the whole point of this movie is gore; unlike the new "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", there is a sense of dread and foreboding that builds up while a solider makes his way upstairs in an old abandoned house. The gore is just a bonus. So, if you want a revolutionay movie, don't see this. But if you're sick of all the bloated Hollywood bulls*it, check out this gory little romp. It's really quite enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: TASTY DOG MEAT Review: A band of soldiers is dispatched to war games deep in the woods. When they stumble across a rivl team slaughtered in camp, they realize they're not alone. Something deadly is waiting for them in the darkness; sometehing not animal, not human. Holed up in an abandoned farmhouse, the soldiers start a bloody battle against the beasts. Dawn is only a few hours away, but they maynot live to see it. DOG SOLDIERS is one of the best werewolf movies made in years. Although short on great special effects, the wolves are frightening enough to really bring on the jitters. Neil Marshall's direction is kinetic, high voltage, eerie and suspenseful. The cast is remarkably good. Kevin McKidder (Cooper), Sean Pertwee (Wells), Emma Cheasby (Megan) and Liam Cunningham (Ryan) are top notch actors and lend an incredible sense of reality to their challenging roles. The rest of the cast is also quite good. The mood maintained is effectively spooky and the twists involving Emma, Ryan and even Wells are effectively handled. The music score by Mark Thomas is also quite effective. DOG SOLDIERS is gory, unrelenting at times, but overall an effective piece of film-making. Even without the budget to do better werewolf effects, the movie is still chilling and worth seeing!
Rating:  Summary: Decent horror movie Review: A somewhat overused situation (characters trapped inside a building assaulted by monsters) is made interesting on account that they actually try to make their monsters scary. While the special affects in this are not exactly top-of-the-line, the way they film the werewolves in close-ups and and brief shots on the screen was well realized. I actually did feel some chills in this movie, and was surprisingly impressed by it. The shot where a soldier sits in the vehicle and you can see the breath of the werewolf behind him was quite clever, and I wish more horror movies would try to come up with such suspense-tricks as opposed to just having a monster killing people off indiscriminantly. However, there are some things that concerned me watching this. 1) Why didn't they just hold out until morning to escape as opposed to continuously doing suicide missions to get a car? 2) Why didn't they get in the vehicle and drive away? OK, so its a little covered in human blood and organs, but still... 3) How did that dog survive the explosion? Also, I kind of wished they had ended it a little more fleshed out. Granted, I give the makers of this movie credit for not ending it with a stupid joke and the survivors laughing. I really hate it when they do that. See "House on Haunted Hill" or "Deep Blue Sea" for further reference...
Rating:  Summary: Crap Review: A completely stupid movie. The start was great though, and thats what earnt it 2 stars. Very tense and scary when you hear the werewolves when they are closing in on the soldiers that are retreating after finding another unit slaughtered. But after that, its all downhill. The werewolves were the worst attempt at horror i have ever seen. They were more funny then anything. It just completely stuffed up all the good work done before it. What made the early stages good, was that the werewolves were blending into the shadows, and all you could hear was growling. but the fright factor vanishes once you see them. A terrible piece of poo! Dont waste your time on it!
Rating:  Summary: An ok werewolf movie Review: I really liked the idea behind the movie and it has been a long time since a horror movie had me looking over my shoulder, when I heard a noise. What killed the movie for me making it an ok movie was when the "werewolves" stepped into the kitchen and grabbed the rafters to steady themselves. I watched the behind the scenes documentary, I realize the costumes were painful to wear, but can't stuff like be edited? Otherwise it was a good werewolf movie. Or should I say a good soldier movie with werewolves in it???