Rating:  Summary: Awesome horror flick! Review: Ive seen other stephenking films and i admit that petsematary is his scariest and most chilling film in history this was a masterpeice!every thing frightning although i seen it so much im not really scared of zelda but juds death was cool!this is fabulous and i bet the book is to!
Rating:  Summary: The scariest movie I've ever seen Review: This was my 3rd Stephen King movie (I first saw The Langoliers and then The Shining) and I liked this one the best. It had suspense, a good story line, and it was just scary, plain and simple. The graphic accounts of the dad coming back to life made an disturbing feeling felt throughout the entire movie. The pnly thing that could be considered negatie in this movie is that it doesn't have a happy ending.. other than that it's flawless.
Rating:  Summary: SCARY, DISTURBING, EDGE-OF-YOUR-SEAT SCREAMER! Review: Pet Sematary mixes tragedy and horror to make a very original story. The acting is very believable and the movie starts being scary after about ten minutes and doesn't ever let up. Very faithful to the book especially in it's overall feeling. It's about this docter who wants to teach his daughter a lesson on death and how it can't be changed. But he ends up the the one that needed the lesson. SOMETIMES DEAD IS BETTER. Side note: Leonards movie book really reaks. He has this predjudice against Stephen King stuff and even gives Shawshank Redemption a bad review. Stick with the book by Mick Martin and Marsha Porter
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous thriller Review: this movie was excellent! I am a huge Stephen King fan, and I generally enjoy his books better than his movies. Pet Sematary is my all time favorite KIng flick. I dont care what anybody says, it IS a scary film. When I first saw the movie, i think i was about 10, and let me tell you I couldn't sleep for weeks. Zelda in fact STILL scares me. I know the acting wasnt exactly the best, but this was a thriller to the fullest. even if you weren't jumping out of your seat every five seconds, that night laying in bed, you reflected on the film, and pulled the covers tighter around you. It had an interesting and intelligent message on death and life. A must see...but PLEASE avoid the sequel. ANd its too bad, the sequel is the only one that can be found in Local video stores....
Rating:  Summary: Dead Is Better! Review: This movie is a great example of a horror movie. It has not too much blood and just enough killing. Very disturbing when the child dies, but picks up after his reincarnation. An unsuspected ending, never saw it coming. I recommend this to all horror movie and Stephen King fans. It won't be a disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Book: Scary to the max Movie: Major dissapointment Review: The book is so frightening that I was literally shaking while reading it. This film adaptation is so bad and unworthy of the book it's not even funny. The scene (in the book) where Gage's father goes to the cemetary to dig up his son and take him to the Pet Sematary was bone chilling. And it was fairly drawn out in the novel. The movie barely even eluded to it. Nothing amazes me more than how poorly cast book adaptations are most times. Gage's father (in the book) impressed me as kind of nerdy, wimpish, and definitely not very good looking. (unlike the actor in the film) I was thinking maybe somebody who at least looked like Richard Dreyfuss. I however can't give the film 1 star because Fred Gwynne gives a credible performance and the films premise creates enough of an atmosphere to at least warrant consideration. But that's about it. Don't be misled by how bad the film is. Pick up the book and prepare to be scared out of your mind.
Rating:  Summary: Unpleasantly Good... Review: I can't say that I actually like Pet Semetary, but this isn't a movie that your supposed to like. The whole movie is very creepy and disturbing and from the opening credits you know that this movie is going to be unpleasant. Pet Semetary is not a jump out of your seat horror movie, but rather one that has a very erie and sinister feel to it that is very effective. From when the little toddler died to the flashbacks of the mom's sister Zelda everything about this movie is tragic and extremely frightening. If you love horror movies then you've got to see Pet Semetary. Regardless of your taste in movies, if you are not disturbed by Pet Semetary then something is wrong with you.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE IT! AN ALL-TIME FAVOURITE! Review: I will say it again. STEPHEN KING is a genius. I read the book a long time before I saw the movie, and I wasn't dissapointed. The movie was even better than the book. It scared the s**t out of me the first time I saw it, and it still does. Great actors, magnificent story and excellent special effects, make this the best horror-movie of all time!
Rating:  Summary: Quite Creepy! Review: Pet Sematary is by far the most disturbing horror film I have ever seen. From the creepy opening credits to the tragic ending you will either be creeped out or disturbed by this movie. The most unnerving part of the film is that you can't root for the killers demise because he is an innocent little boy who did nothing to deserve what happened to him, it is a complete injustice. The fact that Rachel Creed (Denise Crosby) is seen with red, swollen, tear filled eyes after her little boy is taken away from her only makes the tragedy seem real. As well, the flashbacks of the Ludlow town's hidden secrets, told by Jud Crandall (Fred Gwynne), are intriguing and make you wonder why people wouldn't move far away from that place. Having picked the cutest little boy to portray the tragic role of Gage Creed (Miko Hughes) is one thing, but him giving such an outstanding performance at the age of 29 months is incredible...incidentally it took 2 girls to play the role of Ellie Creed! All in all this film is great for people who can stand emotionally unsettling situations, it is truely a horror film.
Rating:  Summary: Tries hard but never becomes scary Review: This adaption of the terrifying and exquisite book by Stephen King never rises above mediocre. The emphasis is on gore and guts instead of the novel's intelligent approach to the real horror of the death of a child. Though Fred Gwynne is perfectly cast, he doesn't have too much to work with. I think you might enjoy the film though had you never read the book to compare it to, because it does have a dash of suspense and horror.