Rating:  Summary: Sick Review: This is a terrible movie, its one of the dumbest things I have seen...whats up with the way the moms sister looks? talk about stupid, thats just [bad]! The boy played by Miko is so cute though. But this movie, its bad.
Rating:  Summary: The king of the so-bad-it's-funny movies Review: Pet Sematary is, hands down, the worst "horror" movie I've ever seen, but it thankfully falls into the category of movies that are so dreadful that they're hysterical to watch, which is why I enjoyed it so thoroughly. The collection of actors is awful -- there's not a good performance in the bunch. The family patriarch would be better off playing a serial killer, while the daughter is the most annoying screen child to grace my television in a long time. But the film's most ghoulishly-delivered line -- "The ground beyond is...SOUR!" -- sends me into giggling fits every time I hear it, and it's well worth watching just to see the unbelievably bad make-up job done on a flashback character with spinal meningitis. Go into your viewing with an open mind and low, low expectations and your experience should be a blast -- and keep an eye out for Stephen King's brief cameo as a minister at a funeral.
Rating:  Summary: Scarier than the book Review: I have read Pet Sematary and many of stephen King's books and the only one to scare me was It. So after reading Pet Semetary i figured the movie shouldn't be to bad so i rented it. My friends and I watched it and were thourghly scared. I recomend this for anyone who is looking for a good freak out movie to show at halloween.
Rating:  Summary: Great Horror Flick for the Holloween Season Review: The haunting and chilling effects of this film were far more effective in the theatre when it was released about 10 years ago.However,simple and typical scare techniques or tactics seem to work quite effectively making any viewer jump seeing the dvd version (hint: you never know where that darn cat named Church is going to appear)! There are quite a few questions that are hard to ignore such as why on the blue planet would any parent let their children play ,let alone lose track of them,near a busy highway used for delivery trucks and 18 wheeler rigs going at 100 mph ? Also, you would think the father,Louis Creed, would learn his lesson after burying the family cat in a cemetery with "sour soil". Despite these little story anomolies it is the contrasting cinematography and setting that really compels;There are beautiful sunny blue skies over the Creed family's home during the day, and then the dark and ominous fog infested cemetery and neighbor Jud Crandall's creepy house at night. Each character's flashback of a painful time in their lives or the reminiscing of the horrors and doomed consequences of using the Mic -Mac burial ground intensify the predominantly evil effect "it" has on it's nearby "living" neighbors. While the lead characters (actors Denise Crosby and Dale Midkiff) sometimes appear wooden (until Midkiff's character goes loony), it's the melo-dramatic and quirky presence of actor Fred Gwynne (Herman Munster) that sometimes steals the show. Also, the child actor portraying little Gage Creed was an excellent choice. That kid can realy pull at people's heartstrings !While the movie could not fit every little nuance or detail of the novel by King (practically impossible for any novel adapted film) it still brings to life (no pun intended) the very essence of the mood, story, and characters...
Rating:  Summary: A grim and dark movie indeed! Review: This is one of the most depressing movies I've seen since Phillip Kaufman's Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It fills you with a sense of dread and hoplessness. From the death of the family cat to the horrible demise of the baby Gage. You can't help but feel the torment of what the family is going through. Even his little daughter has nightmares of her family dying. A miserable atmosphere indeed. Couple that with some frightening scares and an unexpected ending and you have one good shocker. I haven't read the book but it's been said that this is one of the better adaptions of King's novels.
Rating:  Summary: Classic Horror Flick Pet Sematary Is Sweeter Than Ever Review: Do you think "dead is better"??? Most people do, but mostr people don't not Louis Creed and his wife. They lost their child in the movie because of a incedint that happened im not goin to say. if you have not seen it got see it.
Rating:  Summary: "Pet Sematary" better than ever Review: Finally here!!! The DVD edition of Stephen King's Pet Sematary. The 5.1 dolby digital surround sound is alot better than the 2.0 surround. The picture could be alot better but it is decent in the 1:85.1 widescreen format. Wonder if Pet Sematary two will be out any soon?
Rating:  Summary: the scarest movie i have ever seen. Review: im a big fan of sephen king and this one did a number on me i had nightmares for a month and to this day im not over this i really liked the music for 1 thing if i had one bad thing to say about this movie it would be the use of the animal's i love animal's and it was hard for me to watch. the seting of the movie was great the landscaping was pretty to look at dale midkif did a good job to espesaly towrd the end when their on the phone that part gave me chills over all not a bad movie but iwouldent let young kid's watch this. this movie ruls.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Damned Creepy Review: I like Stephen King alright, but I've never been a fanatic. I've never read the book, I didn't expect the movie adaptation Of "Pet Sematary" to be anything special. It turns out I was wrong. I think Brad Greenquist as Victor Pascow really makes this movie. He is easily among the creepiest AND coolest characters that I've ever seen in a horror movie. Greenquist plays Pascow with the perfect mix of smugness and solemnity, with a nice touch of "grave" (pardon the pun) humor. And there's something about a ghost walking around in geeky jogging gear with the side of his head bashed in and his brain exposed that is really eerily gross. The toddler who plays Gage is quite the young actor, too. And who couldn't like good ol' Fred Gwynne (although it's kinda hard to disassociate him from the image of Herman Munster, even sans make-up and with an exaggerated New England accent). I could take or leave the plot, which is kinda hokey. But the spooky atmosphere more than redeems the whole thing.
Rating:  Summary: Depressing Horror Film! Review: I've read almost all of Stephen King's works just as I've watched all of their screen transalations and at least three movies came out much better than the book. They are: Salem's Lot, The Shining (I don't care what Stephen King thinks about this himself, but Kubrick's version was rather intense) and the third is Pet Sematary. This film transcends fear and churns emotions to pieces. This movie rendered me helpless as what to feel - emotionally damaged or scared to near death or both. It can be a fascinating experience if you look back later on. A one of a kind of horror film.