Rating:  Summary: King's Confusing Morality Play... Review: Stephen King's "Storm of the Century" is a good flick. Yet many King fans will attempt to associate it or transpose this work - don't bother. This movie is NOT based on any of his, or Bachman, books. Instead, this is King's evolvolution into a a very visual movie producer attempting to unbind himself from his book writing persona. He accomplishes this grand task in "Storm of the Century."Based on a Maine island preparing for the snow storm of the century in 1989, the movie is based on a stranger, Andre Linoge, who kills a elderly woman for no evident reason. Then, he escalates into a bizarre evil force that captivates a small Maine island whos occupants have a hard time dealing with the truth. Mr. Linoge seems to know every evil act committed by the island's occupants: cheating, lying, bodily harm, and adultery. Instead, they seem oddly comfortable living in denial. "Give Me What I Want And I Will Leave" is the ongoing testement for Mr. Linoge. His methodology for death, with the help of his murderous cane, is often pointless and grotesque at times. The significance of this cane is never mentioned. Yet I was very pleased and quite surprised by Mr. King's ability to develop his characters so deeply. The Constable, played by Tim Daly, is wonderfully acted and developed. In "Storm," viewers quickly become familiar with the many Islanders only after the first hour. The unfortunate problem is that King doesn't develop the antagonist, Andre Linoge (great acting by Colm Feore!), no where nearly as some would have liked. Instead, throughout half of "Storm," you'll find Linoge's character sits and stares. When Linoge does speak, it shows wasted time on and underdeveloped character. The ending is both vivid yet a letdown. Mr. Linoge's whole intent seems overkill while the Islanders reactions often understated. I think viewers will either love or hate it. Either way, viewers will enjoy the beautiful scenery, vivid photography, and colorful charecters in "Storm of the Century."
Rating:  Summary: Spooky! Review: I first saw this movie as the tv miniseries. I have to admit, the first night I was not all that impressed. I found it pretty boring to be honest. But when the second part came on, I was literally glued to my seat. The movie is so intriguing, you can't help but watch no matter how long it is. It's about a small Maine town who gets caught in a storm. A man named Linoge comes, and the town is haunted by his presence for the entire duration of the movie. This is the first movie I saw of Colm Feore's, and he is now one of my favorite actors. The way he portrayed Linoge was flawless. He was eerie and spooky, and he did it with such class. He didn't try to overact as a normal actor would, but took this character and made it one of the scariest I've ever seen. Tim Daly also did a wonderful job as the town deputy who tries to keep everyone calm. The last half hour of this movie is enough to make you stop breathing, it is just so powerful. This is one that I cannot recommend enough, and even though the movie is long, it is well worth it to keep it on. This movie cannot disappoint!
Rating:  Summary: Give me what I want and I go away Review: Stephen King is very popular in the Netherlands. His books and their videos are on the most watched list. Especially his long movies, like The Stand, The Shining, Shawshank redemption and now the Storm of the century, breath a fantastic atmosphere. Even my parents like to watch his movies (more than once) because they have such a nice display of the characters involved. And when it begins to snow you can feel the cold yourself and the time is flying by. I was the only one who saw Stephen King himself in the movie, in a small role. Let's see if you can find out yourself where that was.
Rating:  Summary: King did very well, and simply one of the best Miniseries. Review: I hate when people make length of a movie in as why they hate it. That is just stupid. This film had the length to give you suspense and points of views of most of the charicters. If you can't stand a Long movie. WHY the hell did you see a mini series in the first place? Leave this film alone, inless you can deal with a long length.
Rating:  Summary: Bore of the Century Review: This movie was the biggest waste of time (256 minutes). I cant believe I missed Matlock to watch this terrible movie. Thank god, I only borrowed it from the library. It makes no sense, the attempted tie to Roanoke Island is flimsy, and the ending is meaningless. A much better ending would have been if the townspeople, with King leading the way, had all walked off the pier into the ocean for making such a terrible movie.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MINI SERIES EVER Review: Little Tall Island is about to suffer the biggest blizzard ever. As the storm hits shore, a mysterious man by the name of Andre Linoge also arrives. With his silver wolf cane, he murders an old woman, than calmly waits for his capture. The good island community of Little Tall is about to witness the ultimate terror, for Linoge knows their darkest secrets, and only utters one simple sentence:"If you give me what i want, I'll go away." This is practically the best TV Mini Series ever! With an excellent screenplay by horror master Stephen King{Also available in paperback}, this frightening tale of one island's ordeal with the forces of darkness is # 1!
Rating:  Summary: Great Late Night Viewing Review: This is one of Stephen King's better movies. I watched the whole thing with great anticipation and was not disappointed. As an avid reader of all of his novels, I would rather read one of his books, but this movie will do until the next new release.
Rating:  Summary: Well 3 and a half really - listen and take note Review: OK, I love science fiction - Stephen King - and long movies (give you more in-depth characterisation)and loved the Stand for example (Although IT was always my fabourite). But I am also honest and wont get swayed by what I hoped would be an excellent movie, remember a high rating is normally ascertained and potential low markers wont bother with a complaining review. I thought I had to. The film started perfectly, no waiting for action - and when the evil arrived in Maine, and got seen! , he still didnt go away. This had be on the edge of my seat. The middle slowed a bit but was still quite good (the file should have been about 3 - 3.5 hours). The ending was a problem, there should have been more to the ending, and more time should have been spent on the bad character and his profile and past. Id give this 3.5 and call it an average to good film, nothing more.
Rating:  Summary: King's Best Since The Stand, Disturbing to the Hilt! Review: This was absolutely the best thing on television in 1999. Stephen King's best mini-series since the adaptation of The Stand. King's portrayal of a close knit, secret enshrouded Maine town has become one of his trademarks. Not since Salem's Lot has a King created town been host to such a delicious evil. I was truly fascinated by Colm Feore as the supernatural villain who only asks that the town gives him what he wants. And what he wants no one should ever give willingly. This was one of those "I can't believe that just happened" type of movies. The fact that a film of such devious quality was made for television is again a testament to Stephen King's appeal. Half the stuff in this movie I was surprised even passed the censors. But boy was I glad it did. My only disappointment was that King didn't turn this into a book. The screenplay is fantastic but a companion novel would have been such sweet frosting. This movie is a confirmation that Stephen King hasn't gone soft with age, he's only gotten better. Like a fine wine or more appropriately a can of beer.
Rating:  Summary: Storm of The Century Review: Stephen King, as we all know, is the master of horror and suspense. All of his previous movies show that and Storm of The Century is no exception. It is one of the best movies he or anyone for that matter, has ever made. Anyone who likes horror and suspense MUST GET THIS MOVIE! I think it is definitely worth watching over and over and over again. I even think it surpasses The Stand (as far as movies go). This movie was worth the $$. I couldn't wait for the price to drop. That's how great it was!