Rating:  Summary: Great sequel....until that ending!!!! Review: The original Ginger Snaps is one of the finest horror films in years and I was quite nervous when I heard that a sequel was in the works. Would it cheapen the original's thematic achievements? Would it devolve into another blood splatter fest and cheesey fx showcase like so many other horror films? Well, Ginger Snaps 2 does not fall into those traps. It is a superlative sequel. Dark, twisted, quirky, scary and, best of all, really compicated. The character Ghost whom Brigette befriends (sort of) in the institution is a great creation. She's one of the most unusual and fascinating child characters since the 6th Sense. The film is also probably one of the best-looking direct to video films you are likely to see this year. The problem is the ending, which I won't spoil. In any other movie I would have found it brilliant but here it simply doesn't fit. It's a horrible way to end Brigette's story and at the last minute shifts the focus of the movie, the WHOLE movie, in a direction that made everything that came before seem pointless. Where the original ends on a poignant note, this one ends with a kick in the gut.
Rating:  Summary: worthy sequel Review: There is a problem with sequels of horror movies, they tend to go overboard on the gore, drop any semblence of plot, as well as original actors. This was an exception to the rule, as well as the rule that most sequels are inferior. This was on par with the original and in some ways better.Bridgette is still in the predicament that she was in at the end of the first movie. She mixed blood with her sister and started changing. In this movie she is on the run and battling the disease. She found that wolfsbane isn't the cure that they thought it was, it just delays the tranformation. She is cutting herself to see how long it takes for the wounds to heal, gauging how far the illness has gone. Ginger's ghost talks to her from time to time, telling her that it is futile, she just has to accept what is happening. The main problem arises when a guy that is interested in Bridgett is attacked by a wolf creature and she is knocked out in the process. When she awakes she is in a mixed institution where they think she is a drug addict, and won't let her have her monks hood. The movie takes an air of desperation because she can't tell them exactly what is happening, and they take her desperation as a sign of addiction and put her through the program like everybody else. This movie is edgier and creepier than the first one. In the first movie, they are in a bright and seemingly supportive world where they face a desperate situation. Here she is in a dark and restricted world where she has to face the same thing. Her only friend is a strange and hyperactive girl named ghost. Who aside from her cheerful manner, has the same morbid fascination that Bridgett and Ginger had in the first movie. There is the sleezy orderly, who offers her the wolfsbane, but only for a price. She later finds that he makes offers to all the girls at the institution, their poison for sex. There is also a mix of other inmates, ranging from hostile, to delusional and pathetic who add to the crazy atmosphere. Unleashed has more plot twists and turns, characters aren't all what they seem. With the ending they coud easily crank out another sequel. I know they have another one in the works, but that is a prequel. They could do another movie based off some of the characters they introduced in this movie, one in particular but I don't want to give anything away. They add more and more of the dark humor, so I eagerly await the prequel, and anything else that the creative crew behind it is planning on doing.
Rating:  Summary: Terrific Sequel Review: This film is a terrific sequel to an excellent film. It is different than the first in all ways, yet it still holds your attention and works. Ghost is a great new character. Highly recommended, especially for fans of Ginger Snaps. Looking forwad to Ginger Snaps Back.
Rating:  Summary: pretty darned good Review: This is a good sequel to a great movie. Not really scary, but interesting--like the first one, it works on a number of levels, and opens up possibilities for additional sequels. I saw the "twist" coming a mile away, though. Looking forward to the next sequel, if there is one.
Rating:  Summary: The sequel is unleashed and it couldn't been better Review: This is one of the coolest sequels I have ever seen.It's darker and scarier then the original and it has some great laughs.Plus there are some cameos of Katharine Isabelle.The sequel is really different from the first one.There is a surprise at the ending and with and ending like that I hope they make another sequel after (Ginger Snaps Back). I don't know about the american dvd but the Special Features on the canadian dvd will include a commentary with director Brett Sullivan, deleted scenes, storyboards, behind-the-scenes footage, and a make-up FX featurette (KNB FX).I wanted to say that horror fans should see this cool flick and if you visit Canada this month you should see it in the cinema.
Rating:  Summary: NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING AS GOOD AS THE FIRST!!! Review: This movie sucked! I don't know why all these people are saying how great it was, it couldn't compair to the first. i was very disapointed in it. my friend is in love with these kind of movies and never says there bad but i guess she made an exception for this one. it is okay but i HATE the new charector ghost, she's a nut case a liar and just a total freak. through this movie i couldn't stand the sceens with her except a few. I think you should watch it for yourself's though because a bunch of people think it's great.
Rating:  Summary: Good Review: To be fair the film was imaginative and not as nearly as stereotypical of other sequels, however, it seriously lacked Gingers (Katharine Isabelle) presence and that was just very sad, as seen as though it was her character which made the first film such a hit...well in my view it did amyway. Neverthless Emily Perkins did a great job of carrying the film to the end herself...a very good twist at the end which i never saw coming...not as gory as the first either which is a plus. Watch it..worth your money!!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Werewolf Movie Review: Unfortunately, I have not yet had the honor of watching the first "Gingersnaps" so cannot make a comparison between the two, however, I loved the sequel so much that I would be amazed if the original is even better as so many fans would seem to feel. The plot to "Ginger Snaps 2" is quite literally one of the most original that I have ever seen. The acting is superb and more than credible for a low budget b-rated horror flick and the only thing I was disappointed in was the special effects. I thought the werewolves looked like giant stuffed animals. Granted, I'm sure the movie's creators would much rather had better effects, but did their best with a low budget. Still, "Ginger Snaps 2" made up for its horrible special effects with plenty of gore, blood, and scenes that make you absolutely squirm. I also thought the main actress did a fantastic job and it was nice to see a talented unattractive female (she resembles a much skinner Marilyn Manson) pull off a role without having to resort to scanty clothes and nude scenes.
A must for all true horror fans.
Rating:  Summary: Well... Review: Well... what can you. It wasn't as original as the the first movie, but it was good. She injects herself with a substance to keep the wolf from coming out. Later on she's discovered in the snow, and she's taken to a drug rehab center, in which they still keep her even after they discover what she's taking would kill a normal human being. This doesn't make sense becuase if someone is talking a poison that would kill you or me, but for some reason they are alive, usually you'd call someone. They killed the movie as soon as Alice, the woman in charge of the hospital, gets ahead of herself. This movie shows how stupid people can be. And what was with "Ghost"? Ghost a girl who lives at the hospital,.......well I won't give away the ending even though I would like to. If you want to see it, see it. It's not much of a horror movie, but it's has an interesting story. Not that interesting, but disturbing and interesting enough. I recommend it if you just want to see the sequel and are planning to see the third movie. Like the secong movie in any trilogy, it's essential.
Rating:  Summary: ummm...... woof? Review: Well.... Hmmm.... I suppose I should start off by saying that this movie isn't very good. It has some fine ideas for a sequel to have, but they all fall fairly flat. I blame Emily Perkins. She does a good job, but she cannot carry the movie with her single facial expression. Are we really supposed to care a whole lot about a sullen goth chick with absolutely NO other facets to her personality? Unlike the first movie, there's no emotional core to be found here. Also, I was hoping that, due to the popularity of the first movie and the obvious demand for a sequel, the filmmakers would spend a little more money on the creature f/x. No dice. The werewolf still looks bad: a pile of crappy latex which vaguely resembles a cross between a hairless ape and a junkyard dog. The energetic character of "Ghost" keeps the movie watchable, as does the viewer's curiosity to see what sort of perversion the script throws at us next. Yes, much like the first movie, the sequel likes to use teenage sexuality as a metephor for... well, something, I guess. And there are some plot holes which I found rudely distracting: First, where the heck are Bridgette's parents? Does this rehab center just grab teen junkies off the street and lock them up without notifying their families? Did her parents die somehow between the two movies? The screenwriter apparently felt we didn't need to know. Second, who is the werewolf stalking Bridgette? No clues there, either. And it wants to mate with her? Gimme a break! Lame-o. If you are a goth nerd, you may like this movie. Everyone else: Go watch a better werewolf movie. There's plenty of them out there. (Just stay away from "Darkwolf".)