Rating:  Summary: Brigitte Snaps Review: I always go into horror movie sequels expecting the worst. And usually my feelings are vindicated. Since I loved the first Ginger Snaps, I prepared myself for the absolute worst when I sat down to watch the sequel. And while it doesn't compare to the original, it wasn't so bad. The original Ginger Snaps is one of those very rare horror movies that makes you care about the fate of the characters. The first movie would have been a cheesy teenage horror movie if not for the endearing relationship between the two sisters. All the characters in the first movie were either likeable or detestable. The biggest drawback to the sequel is that they're pretty much all detestable. Brigitte (Emily Perkins' character) is no longer the awkward, not-as-pretty sister and nicely fills the shoes as the protagonist. Granted her character hasn't developed much. She is still the too cynical, too clever, emotionally despondent person from the first movie, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it. She plays the part well, even if she does only have the singular emotion of anger throughout the whole movie. Still, she comes across as the one bright spot in the whole movie. Whereas the first film used "werewolfism" (or lycanthropy) as a metaphor for adolescence, it is mainly used in the sequel as a blatant symbol for drug addiction. Brigitte must inject herself with wolfbane to ward off her impending "transformation." She soon finds herself locked away in rehab while being pursued by a werewolf. This similar plot has been used in countless horror movies. Sane person locked away with crazy people and nobody believes they're sane; inhuman monster lurks nearby and makes sane person act like they're crazy so now nobody believes them even though the viewer knows they're right. Yet, somehow, the film maker's get away with it without making long time horror fans wince. Granted, they really don't add anything new to the plot device, but it works well in the context of this movie. At the rehabilitation clinic, Brigitte meets the young girl Ghost (that's her name, she isn't one herself). She is at the clinic to stand by her grandmother's side as she recovers from burns. Not wanting to give too much away in my review, I want to say that Ghost is at times both a really great character and the biggest drawback to the movie. She adds a little bit of comic relief to a dark movie, and I'm not talking about stupid Jar-Jar type comic relief; just subtle one-liners that don't break the mood but keep it fresh. And yet at times (like all side-kicks) she's a nuisance who trips up the pace of the movie. Katherine Isabelle, (the Ginger of "Ginger Snaps") appears only in ghost form a-la "An American Werewolf in London" and, as much as it pains me to say this, should not be in this movie at all. Granted it would look stupid for Brigitte to be talking to herself, but there's no good reason for Ginger to be in it, other than "Brigitte Snaps" is a ridiculous title. I can only surmise that Katherine Isabelle signed on for the sequel and the prequel and they had to do SOMETHING with her. Her presence feels forced and really detracts from the cleverness of the movie. The effects were a major improvement over the first film. The werewolf make-up style was very similar to that of the first movie, but the actual wolf doesn't look like amateurish foam latex in this one. Overall, Ginger Snaps 2 does not hold its own as a good horror movie. However, it is a pretty good sequel to a fantastic original. It didn't rehash the same plot, but genuinely felt like a continuation of the original story. Fans of the first movie should definitely check this one out, but don't expect it to eclipse the first movie.
Rating:  Summary: Unleashed upon the unsuspecting Review: I am a *huge* fan of the original 'Ginger Snaps'. By that, I mean that I have been responsible for some 40 or so people seeing that film who never would have seen it otherwise. I have bought 5 copies of it for friends. I have sent copies of the initial Canadian pressing to the US, with all of its glorious extras and widescreen presentation that weren't available on the initial disc. I have, in other words, done my very best to ensure that everyone I know who might be even slightly interested has seen 'Ginger Snaps'. Therefore, it was with a touch of trepidation that I picked up the sequel. I lived too far from anywhere running it in a theatre to see it properly, and had to wait for the DVD release. So, release day came, I put the DVD in, and... Wow! What a great movie, and certainly what a great follow-up to the first film! 'Unleashed' starts off with a bang and really doesn't let up until the end. Throughout the film, we're treated to fantastic performances from Emily Perkins and the rest of the cast, once again mostly female, with the notable exception of the uber-creepy Eric Johnson. All the ingredients of this film are just as potent in terms of metaphor and things, just in new and different ways. If you loved 'Ginger Snaps', you'll love 'Unleashed'. Really! Also, be aware that the new prequel, 'Ginger Snaps: The Beginning' should be out soon too, and also looks super amazing.
Rating:  Summary: What happened here? Review: I am not going to even compare this to the original, because as another reviewer stated, that is unfair. Ginger Snaps 2 has a few great moments that, for fans of the original, will be welcome additions to this unfortunately poor film. Ginger Snaps 2 always looks great, which is nice since the film's plot is such a bore. How many sequels are going to use the "the only survivor from the first film is trapped in an insane asylum" plot? Well-tread territory. I will not spoil the film's ending, but I will lament its disappointing turn. To simply throw a twist into the ending of a film does not make up for the lack of originality of the film as a whole. Plus, the twist and subsequent ending have nothing to do--at all--with the Ginger Snaps franchise. It's just like, "Well, here's a twist," and it involves a sub-plot so inconsequential that the twist itself is meaningless. Boring, disappointing stuff. Let's hope the prequel has an actual ending and not some tacked-on nonsense.
Rating:  Summary: The Story Continues Review: I enjoyed the first movie and was interested to see what happened to Brigitte after she mixed her blood with Ginger's. On her own and mistaken for a drug addict and then tossed in to rehab is quite an original concept. I actually liked this movie even more than the first. Without her daily doses you know it won't be long until the tranformation happens and it's drawn out perfectly. I have a suspicion that the werewolf stalking Brigitte was the guy Ginger infected in the first movie, but that was never mentioned. Not to spoil it, but the twist at the end with Ghost was very well done. A thouroughly enjoyable movie.
Rating:  Summary: Ginger Snaps 2 excellent movie Review: I just bought the movie last night and I loved it. The only complaint is that Ginger was not in the movie all the way through. I saw the first one and loved it. This is a great follow up I'd definately recomend you to see the first one if you plan on renting or buying this one. The movie is excellent and is worth watching over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: Go and see the first film Review: I saw the first movie (Ginger Snaps), not expecting anything special, and ended up loving it. For me it is by far the best Werewolf movie out there today. So when I heard about the sequel to Ginger Snaps I was a little weary about it. None the less I decided to rent it anyways because who knows, maybe I would be surprised with a fantastic movie again, and if not it would at least be some fun, entertainment. How wrong was I. The movie starts off well enough, sending out an uncanny vibe that makes your stomach churn. Then the movie takes a 180 and starts heading downhill. Trying so hard to take the brutal gore, odd sisterly chemistry, and grotesque humour, that made Ginger Snaps 1 such a hit, the film failes terribly. Scenes with the werewolf were few, and uneventful. Maybe they didn't have much money to spend on it but neither did the first film and I was still able to be scared skinless a couple times. No surprises, no suspense, and not enough Ginger (Katharine Isabelle). Emily Perkins (Bridget) didn't do a bad job acting, but her character was just plain scripted bad. Well the whole script was bad even with an okay plot. The character Bridget was played around with too much, she went off in all different directions. Instead of having Ginger appear more often, they tried to make Bridget have both her and Ginger's personal qualities and characteristics in a non psychotic way. A big no-no if you want to make a character believable. Really they could have had Bridget have more mental battles with Ginger to make the film better, but they didn't. No, they tried to replace her with that annoying tart Ghost, whom I wish to god could have got it in the end. Skip this one it's a waste of time, go rent the first. I hear they're making a third instalment, a prequel. Hopefully Grant Harvey will do a better job and try to capture more of what John Fawcitt created. Well at least there should be more of scream queen Katharin Isabelle (Ginger).
Rating:  Summary: An excellet sequel Review: I was so happy with this movie that when it ended I was ready to start it over again! It is dark and disturbing like the first one with great plot twists and scares. I never found it slow and am impressed by Emily Perkins' acting. The werewolf effects were great and never seemed CGI, as so many of today's monsters do. I still find myself thinking over the plot and can't wait until the copy I ordered comes in so I can watch it again. Ghost is an interesting character and the twist ending took me completely by surprise. Buy this movie, rent it, recommend it to your friends - anything to help it get the respect and accolades it deserves. I would much rather have paid my money to see this film at the theater than any I have been to recently. If you liked the first movie, you won't be disappointed in Brigitte's continuing story.
Rating:  Summary: An outstanding sequel Review: I was so pleased with this sequel that I wanted to start it over as soon as it ended! It is dark, disturbing and like the first one, made me afraid to go into my basement without my dog after I watched it. Emily Perkins is an outstanding actress and I am glad to say that this is a sequel worthy of its predecessor. The werewolf effects are great, the tension is palpable, and I'm still thinking about the plot today. The twist ending was a complete surprise to me and I loved it. Ghost is quite a character, as you discover by the end, although you suspect there's something not quite right there all along. I have my own idea (due to the first movie and clues from this one) as to who the werewolf stalking Brigitte is, but I'll discuss that on the boards. Rent this movie, buy it, tell friends about it - whatever you need to do to help it attain the success it deserves. I would much rather have spent my money to see this film at the theater than any of the ones I've been to recently.
Rating:  Summary: Ginger Snaps 2 Review: I watched this one before I saw Ginger Snaps, if you like werewolf movies this is the way to make them. The movie points more to becomming a fresh tearing, heart eating animal, and less on the typical slasher film style of the 80's.
If you don't know what this is about, she's turning into a werewolf. After passing out on what seems to be the cure she wakes up in a rehab clinic. Worse she's been fallowed by a werewolf that is hunting her.
If you don't like it the first time watch the character of Ghost more closely. They add some things that catch you by supprise if you fallow her actions more.
The prequil Ginger Snaps Back is the best one, they could make it into a series on cable and I'd watch it. The film style, music and lack of showing the whole werewolf is what I like best. I figure if you can't make it look real don't show it. Plus CGI sucks.
Rating:  Summary: Suspect this lives in the lovit or hatit world. Review: Im surprised to see that someone gave this movie a 2. Even though it cant and shouldnt appeal to everyone, the production and acting alone make it worthy of a 3. This is amazingly good for a direct DVD release, expecially considering that the budget had to have been next to nothing. I really liked this movie, as well as the first. This is the type of mood movie that you either "get" or dont. Even rated as simplisticly as just a "horror movie", this is much better than the typical hollywood shlock that gets global release - but its way more than that. There are dark, smart characters that I think you probably need to be able to relate to, to really like this movie. If you enjoyed movies like Donnie Darko, Heathers, May and other classics, you'll probably like the Ginger Snaps movies. So thats my 30 second review. Have fun and pass the wolfsbane.