Rating:  Summary: MOST ACCURATE REVIEW.......FANS ARE ... Review: Terrible! Cheesy! Unoriginal! This once again had a horrible, totally off-topic plot. This is NOTHING like Clive Barker wanted it to be. Hellseeker revolves around this man (who was awesome in TV show Oz, his character is weak and under-written here) having bad dreams and flash backs. When we think the movie is finally moving forward, it just jumps into another drawn-out, confusing flash back. It's like the director totally stole on Vanilla Sky where the viewers had no idea what was going on for an hour of the movie. Unlike Vanilla sky, the only difference in Hellseeker, is that the twist of the end does not nearly make up for it. Doug Bradly should refuse to star in such trash, where Pinhead is the least displayed and contained. These straight-to-video, cheap Hellraiser films could be so much better with a true to originals plot, some true graphic violence and gore, and NOT LIKE THE LAST THREE PARTS! The director (Rick Bota) and people behind the recent Hellraiser sequels (especially this one) actually think and say that fans will enjoy this???! Thanks for ruining everything once again and pissing fans off everywhere! If these are not going to be in the theater, it is more the reason to make them insane, graphic, and powerful, like the first 3 parts! (especially 1+2, thank you Clive Barker) If your not going to make a true, stylish, dark, gory, violent Hellraiser like parts 1-3, then STOP MAKING THEM! And stop making crap that revolves around one victim the whole movie, it is B-O-R-I-N-G! This "Hellseeker" sequel (I rented two days ago) only brings my impression of Pinhead down. These sequels are HURTING the originals. They stopped making sense with Bloodline. This is NOT how Hellraiser films are supposed to be! Pinhead says his one-liners for less than 5 minutes again!!! I waited two and a half years for this ...? A totally boring, repetitive plot. Pinhead is about total power, chaos, violence, intellect. In Hellseeker, just like in Inferno (but much worse) Pinhead is once again messing with one-persons head until we find out why the last 5 minutes of the movie. The cenobites were just there. They did not come through to our world at all. WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!!! Hollywood will do anything to make money. This is a perfect example. The director could have at lease gave some justice to the plot and how things happen. I could direct and write stuff much better than this. I have been a writer and a TRUE FAN since 1987, but I have lost all hope, especially after the unacceptable video-release of Hellseeker. True fans are very sad that the director and production have continued this weak, slow, non-violent, mystery-story approach regarding the follow-ups to a once classic series. Hellseeker is the worst in the series, I don't even consider them sequels anymore. Each chapter after part 4 (Bloodline) are like side these side-stories about one guy. It's just not Hellraiser anymore. It doesn't explore the amazing, interesting, violent unknown: as Clive Barker did it.
Rating:  Summary: THE STUDIO'S HAVE RUINED HELLRAISER. Review: Hellseeker is not connected with Hellraisers 1-3. It's just another existing side story (like Inferno) that could have revolved around any other villian (besides Pinhead), since the story rarely hints Hellraiser elements; evidence anywhere. Pinhead is hardly in it, and the box is hardly mentioned. The studio's are using the Hellraiser name to make money, but they are not making true sequels. They make some off-topic story about a man having nightmares, and at the end they tack on Pinhead (and the box) as the reason why the man is having the nightmares! The studio and director are making some movie that has nothing to do with the main story of Hellraiser, and throwing Pinhead on the front cover, because he is a known, horror icon. It is misleading, disappointing, ignorant, and totally NOT fan-friendly. It is wrong, and all those behind these cheap sequels should stop creating them. Lastly, this is hurting the Hellraiser name. Plots like these, where we get a little twist in the end have nothing to do with Hellraiser. They're more like side episodes that could have been made for a pay-channel or regular TV. Hellseeker does NOT correlate with the first several TRUE parts. It does not have a Hellraiser feel...
Rating:  Summary: Tremendous Hellraiser Chapter! Review: One thing I will say is that the longevity of the Hellraiser series is second to none in the horror genre. All the other long running series of horror flicks have become a distant reflection of what they once were. Hellraiser on the other hand has not succumbed to the recent trend of ridiculous sequels. Hellseeker is a great return of Kirsty, and the ending you will not believe. I sat there wondering wtf? And the brilliant ending tied it all together wonderfully. I would rate this right up there with 1 and 2, and as long as they keep churning out sequels of this caliber, I will buy every single damn Hellraiser movie that comes out. Oh yes and after you watch, whether it was your favorite Hellraiser or not, try to name a horror movie in the last few years that was better.
Rating:  Summary: Hellseeker delivers !!! Review: I have to admit after seeing Bloodline ,and Inferno i was starting to lose my credibility for the series.Happily as of my review my faith has been reborn with Hellseeker.This well made entry stars Dean Winters,Ashley Laurence,and Doug Bradley (returns as old nail head himself ,pinhead).Well made entry for a sixth installment.There are plans for director rick bota to direct two more entries.Currently part 7 is being put together right now .But back to hellseeker i had a couple small qualms the lack of the dark angel himself pinhead and length of running time it clocks in somewhere around only 85 minutes.But this entry goes back to it's roots of deceipt and deception and really at times has you wondering what lines are crossed between heaven and hell.All that i know is i felt justified by movies end.This is hellraiser to it's deepest core.It's good to see the movie monsters i grew up watching are still alive and keep on ticking.Got to go pinhead is here to stay folks!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Hellraiser at its finest Review: About a month ago, I heard that Clive Barker had viewed this film and claimed that "Someone finally got it right". After seeing this film, I must agree. Inferno was a true step in the right direction, after the abhorrent 3 and bland 4. But what was missing was some good character dialogue between The Cenobites and the main character. This missing element is more than restored in Hellseeker. Dean Winter's acting is top-notch, while the plot will keep you dazzled. The Cenobites as a whole are barely in it, but Pinhead is more prominent in this one than in Inferno. Also, watch for Doug Bradley's extra role. It's his voice that gives him away. My only complaint about this DVD is the features. While certainly a step up from the nothing on 4 and the 2-minute blurbs on 5, we only get teases of what could truly be. The menus are crap with no thought put into them whatsoever. The special effects feature is under 5 minutes. While the alternate scenes are most definitely worth watching, they left a bunch out. These detriments are the sole reason why I left a star off my rating. Otherwise, this is a great addition to the series and will hopefully be indicative of what is to come in Hellraisers 7 and 8.
Rating:  Summary: time to throw in the towel, pinhead. Review: I watched this movie about 12 hours AFTER i got back from seeing "THE RING", which made this movie "oh so much" worse. I decided to give good ol Pinhead one more chance, and after I viewed this terrible movie, I was ready to hold him down and pull each of those pins out, one by one. The plot made no sense at all. Poor trevor, he cant remember anything (he should have remembered to pass this role up). But he does remember having sex with a bunch of not so attractive women, then they end up dead. The "Return of Kirsty" (which is why i even watched it) was nothing more than a barrade of flashbacks that didn't even take advantage of her past roles in the series. Pinhead makes a small appearance, his makeup looks TERRIBLE, and they can't even hide his new "beer gut" in a girdle for the costume...it was horrible! And the other cenobites were nothing more than quick cameos on the screen, and while this did work in "The Ring" (dont even get me started on this movie...wow!), it didn't work in this flick. The Hellraiser series got famous for the terrifying cenobites and the off the top violence. This movie had neither. Ive put the nail in the coffin for Hellraiser and have made a vow to never subject myself to another new one again. Clive, take back your property, and keep these people from ruining your ideas any further than it already has, Ill wait on "tormented souls"
Rating:  Summary: HELLFOUND Review: Since the rumours of Ashley Laurence's return as Kirsty, it was certain that this, the sixth Hellraiser movie, would get considerably more interest than most. Like all movies there is good and bad. The bad being Ashley Laurence's screen-time is not all that long and just what happened to the supposed Imogen Boorman cameo? Another gripe would be that for the first time since Hellbound: Hellraiser II there are truly horrifying Cenobites (the brilliant Surgeon and equally scary Stitch) which are only briefly glimpsed. That aside, the good of this movie far outweighs any bad. The plot is air-tight and moves at such a pace and force you can't help but be reminded of the first movie. The acting is strong (though Dean Winters does seem to have difficulty handling dramatic scenes, surprising considering his role in Oz!) For the times she does appear Ashley Laurence reminds us just why we love Kirsty so much and her "reunion" with Pinhead is edge-of-the-seat stuff (watch the deleted "Pinhead meets Kirsty" scene on the DVD for Kirsty's brilliant response to Pinhead's adversary remark) The look of the film itself is dark, surreal and almost neo-gothic at times, with Pinhead appearing more in this than Inferno, though not so much as to overwhelm. Doug Bradley is on form as ever, though for some reason his Pinhead costume has been adapted slightly, using padding making him look fat. Perhaps the best part of this movie is the final scene, the shocking twist ending that I promise you won't see coming. It also leaves the burning question of just what will happen when Kirsty and Pinhead meet again? It almost seems like some kind of fatal-attraction is occuring between the two, neither that ready to destroy each other as advance internet rumour would believe, in fact, Kirsty seems almost too eager to take the puzzle box at the movie's closure. So, the sixth movie is better than 3 and 4 (not hard) and more than a match for the superior 5 which really brought the series back from the edge. I'd go as far as to say this is better than 2 and will certainly give the first movie a run in the popularity stakes. Roll on Hellraiser: Deader and let's hope the quality of this series continues going from strength to strength.
Rating:  Summary: Great psychological horror Review: I thought this film was awesome, Its not what the first 2 films were, I don't think it's for GORE fans but more for the jacob's ladder crowd. The film was very well put together. Cinematography was excellent as well as the acting and directing. It's a shame that hellraiser bloodline made theaters and this didn't. I like the new direction for the series. It played with my head, I enjoyed the ride. If you like dark horror thrillers this is for you. If you are into corny campy "horror" pick up jason X. I like both and I own both.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good ... better than part 4 or 5... Review: I was suprised by this movie. While it is far from great, it is an enjoyable little horror flick. There is enough gore to please fans of the original (no skinless people, but plenty of other goodies). Plus the hero from the first two movies is brought back, and although people may think at first that it was a cheap shot to have her in the film (a majority of her scenes are short flashbacks), but the ending makes up for that. I actually enjoyed this a little more than the original (to be honest Hellraiser was a mediocre film to begin with). A good rental, and a deffinate by for fans (Pinhead actually is in this movie more than the original and WAY more than the film before this.)
Rating:  Summary: Absolute Hell...AGAIN!! Review: I really can't believe what has happened to this series. I was eagerly awaiting this film like most fans of the other films after the dissapointment of Hellraiser 5, and the promise of Ashley Laurence (Kirsty) staring again just made it sound even better. The only problem, just like before in Hellraiser 5 the writer decided to go with a weird twisty detective story that didn't really explain anything new about the box or the cenobites. As a matter of fact you hardly ever see the cenobites let alone Kirsty. There isn't really any of the trademark gore or anything that will remotely frighten you, which I thought was kind of the point of these films. The only reason I didn't give this film one star was that in the last couple of scenes we actually get to see Pinhead with his chains, and in one of the additional scenes in the bonus section of the DVD; Kirsty in a deja-vu scene with Pinhead, Chatterer and a few other cenobites where she strikes a deal with them again. As with the other Hellraiser DVD's there isn't much in the way of amazing special features, and to any Hellraiser fans reading this you'll probably want this film like I did to complete your series, but like the last film your probably going to watch it once and then let it sit on a shelf to gather dust. I really do hope this film is the last, it should have ended with Hellraiser 4...this WON'T tear your soul apart!