Rating:  Summary: Open your mind and watch... Review: Hard-core fans of the first few films in the "Hellraiser" series will surely be disappointed if expecting a marathon of gore here, as this is definitely a different kind of movie. First off, the Amazon caption review is an excellent description of the film. "Hellseeker" should be watched first and foremost as a standalone film, a film of its own merits, not to be judged against the rest of the series. The story follows a troubled man who has just lost a wife and a happy marriage, or did he, or was it?When I first watched the film I was doing some homework or something and only half paying attention, but after being repeatedly distracted by the truths and burningly real emotions of the smoldering main character, I was engrossed and have watched the film through several times. The lead is absolutely intense and gives an excellent performance, which sadly won't be considered for any awards, and the direction is dark, haunting, and scary, from first-timer Rick Bota. Story is loaded with metaphor, which sets this apart from the more straight-forward films of the rest of the series- Trevor's exact situation stands for varied relationship problems. Pinhead's appearances are brief but adequate as he guides Trevor through his personal Hell on Earth, but the only complaint would be that the ending kind of rushes the story to a conclusion, with a sudden overload of Pinhead. Overall, however, this is the best movie I've seen over the past year- and I'm not kidding. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Not the worst film in the series Review: Not the worst film in the series. Like several other reviewers, I saw definite echoes of Jacob's Ladder here, especially the underground scene near the end. Kirsty is sort of made into an opportunist, which I found disappointing, and a bit worse than her trading her soul for Uncle Frank's back in the opener. The blurb on the back of the cover is really misleading, and I was expecting Kirsty to have more of a role in it. I don't think it was as good as 1, 2 or 5. (Yes, I loved Inferno!) Better than 3 and 4 by a long shot. The plot in this one does try to get back to the original (book) concept, too, which was a little lacking in 5.
Rating:  Summary: Dont buy this Review: This is the worst Hellraiser and one of the worst movies in general I have ever seen. I love the hellraiser series alot so im not being biased or misleading. The movie is terrible even to the very end. It tries to be artistic by trying to mislead you in a .... pseudo momento fashion exept fo it sucks. Hellraiser inferno was a better movie than this and that movie was lacking big time. The only reason to watch this movie would be for pin head and he is only in the movie for like 5 minutes. Also dont get exited over them bringing back kristie because shes barely in it and when she is shes totally different from the character you once knew. After I was done watching this peace of .... I became frusterated. The hellraiser series has gone to hell and I wouldnt mind if they quit if they keep on dishing out movies like this. I herd that there making another movie in the series lets just hope they reedeem themselves and try not to have some .... artistic vision and try to go back to the roots of the original and also put pinhead threw most of the movie. But only time will tell. If your new to the series skip this .... and see hellraiser 1,2 and possibly 4 but 4 is kinda iffy too but better than 3. happy viewing!
Rating:  Summary: amusing look inside a mind Review: an interesting foray into mind, memory and madness with a little stickly thrown in for good measure. My criteria for a good horror film are: makes you think, amuses and scares once in a while, gets the adrenalin pumping. This one passed the test.
Rating:  Summary: Back to the Yawns Review: Unlike some people I really enjoyed the HELLRAISER sequel that preceeded this one, INFERNO. It stuck more to the original concept (as in the original novel) than any of the other sequels, and actually had a new twist and a PLOT which is more than I can say for HELL ON EARTH (radio shack cenobites...ugg) and the idiotic, predictable BLOODLINE (Pinhead in Space, just like the stupid Leprechaun). So after the series had been so greatly revived by part 5, I hoped, though doubted, that part 6 might be halfway watchable. Firstly this movie is a rip-off of ANGEL HEART and JACOB'S LADDER. Secondly, it does the old "it was only a dream" trick every five minutes to the point where you cannot follow the plot at all. The only redemable moment is the ending which is commendable but isn't worth waiting for through the entirety of the boring, lame and redundant film. Pass on this. The interesting thing is that the people who own the rights to this series also own the rights to HALLOWEEN (or did). So if JASON VRS. FREDDY ever comes out and makes any profit, which it will no matter how campy it will doubtlessly be, then we will know whom Pinhead will eventually come face to face with. After that we can look forward to a reprise of the old monster movies like KING KONG VRS. GODZILLA which plagued the late fiftes and early sixties. Every horror movie icon will come back to fight another (which would also make for a great Playstaion 2 fighting game). THE FLY will fight LEATHERFACE. CHUCKY VRS. LEPRECHUAN is inevitable. THE THING could show up at SLEEPAWAY CAMP. Personally, I think once a franchise has reached up to part seven or, worse yet part 10 like FRIDAY THE 13TH, there is little left to do but go campy or call it quits. FREDDY went campy (super campy) by the first sequel. He knew what was up. Chucky and Leprechaun followed his lead, and Jason took his sweet time but he made it. Unless Hollywood finally lets PINHEAD and MYERS and the other greats finally rest in peace, then eventually they will be doomed to cinematic cheese. HALLOWEEN 8 (with Busta and Tyra) is an alarming warning of this. Let's hope they let PINHEAD maintain his dignity and throw in the towel. Some horror icons are too magnificent to go cheesy. But as for Chucky and Jason, hey Hollywood: go nuts.
Rating:  Summary: stupid..................but allright. Review: This was sort of a stupid movie because of the fact that pinhead was seen very little in the movie and it is such a headache.Why you might ask,Just the fact that it keeps jumping to make you think this is one thing when it really isn't.There was nothing to grab and it was confusing.Maybe the worst thing of all is that pinhead is rarely in the movie.Of coarse he was in the end and 3 scenes before that.The only thing I liked was the way that it sort of gave me the creeps and it had a haunting atmosphere.For hellriaser fans I would see it just because it is a hellraiser film.
Rating:  Summary: Ok so Pinhead isn't the main character... Review: Ok, well, its not as bad as a lot of people are making it. Sure its not like the original Hellraiser, but then again, its got its uniqueness. Its not going around slashing people up, at least at the start, but it muses on the art of terror just in the side vision. What is really going on, the main character asks himself, is he the victim or the culprit? Its hard to tell at first, there is much mystery and cynicism. And the whispers of hell linger in the background as the main character moves deeper into the mystery. What are those from hell trying to say? One wont find out until the end. And I wont ruin the ending for you. All in all I loved it. It was different, but then again what is wrong with that?
Rating:  Summary: short and sweet Review: I found this movie to be better then inferno by far. 1,2,3 and even 4 are sill watched regularly by me. Hellraiser 6 tumbled along.... To the point were we started getting very frustrated with the way the movie danced around not alowing you to grab it and hold it. Without a doubt this plot was a tare off Jacobs ladder, a rip off The Others, with a back drop of a Xfiles maratathon. And of course a pinch of hellraiser (Because there was a total of 40 seconds of cinobites and a few mins of pinhead). No gore. No real blood baths. Just when the walls started coming down and classic hellraiser feelings started to flow though my body the movie was over. I was just really upset at how UNoriginal this movie was. maybe if Jacobs Ladder and The Others were never made would H6 be a movie worth bringing up. But those 2 movies exsist, and H6 totaly carbon copies them. Very disopointed. Please stop making hellraiser, its starting to feel like tales from the crypt with Pinhead special apperances.
Rating:  Summary: Oh God, what a stupid script... nice lighting though. Review: Not as terrible as some people are saying, not as great as other people are saying. I'm guessing most people wont read this review unless it happens to be first on the list - i wouldn't - the one and five stars are always more fun. In anycase, the movies big success is in some very creepy visuals (though not nearly enough of them)and some surprisingly good CGI for such a low budget movie. The Cinematography is of course wonderful all the way through, and should we expect anything less, since it was helmed by DP-GOD-OF-HORROR Rick Bota (he DP'd numerous Tales From the Crypt episodes as well as House on Hanuted Hill, which even if you didn't like the movie did have excellent camera work). Nevertheless, the failure here was the script. To me it felt as though the writer came to the producers with a slew of idea's for creepy visuals, and when the producers asked what the story was he said he would figure that out when he got around to it. The movie follows the worn path of indy films which relies heavily on strangeness for its own sake, which doesn't support the story (other such films would be "Attic Expedition" and "Chasing Sleep".) Its the kind of movie that uses insanity and or mixed reality as a tool to eliminate a need for a coherrent story so the movie can simply focus on showing the audience weird stuff. That doesn't make this a bad movie persay, just a lazy script (or atleast poorly executed one). The writer seems to have had no idea what the ending of his script would be when he set out to write it, and when he finally got to the end simply tossed out all the major clues he had given you through the whole thing, went back added in a few more subtle clues (i.e. fish throat thing) so that it would make some modicum of sense and people would go "Ohhhhhh...." (though I did not). I dunno.... I guess I, as a writer, just needed to vent on the matter. Regardless, the film did have its good points and if you are a Hellraiser fan nothing I or anyone else says should keep you from seeing the movie and supporting more sequels. Hey, they're bound to get one right sooner or later, just keep watching. :)
Rating:  Summary: Still Seeking Hellraiser Review: Remember back when Hellraiser films used to, at least, be good gory B-movies, if nothing else. The original was a well made gothic noir and the first few sequels had interesting if not outright scary imagery. Of course, those days are long gone as evidenced by Hellseeker. A film that not only brings back Doug Bradley but also Ashley Laurence and proceeds to do absolutely nothing with them save for a few quick cameos. Despite what the back of the video box says, this movie is not so much about either of them as it is about Kirsty's husband, Trevor, stumbling from one leaden scene to the next in a repetative fashion for an hour and a half, searching for Kirsty who is missing and presumed dead. Depite the lukewarm reception fans gave the last Hellraiser, Inferno, this one essentually repeats that sequel's esthetic with a plot that owes a lot to Jacob's Ladder and revelations the viewer guessed long ago if he or she even still cares by the end. Without giving too much away, this film pretty much trashes anything that fans liked about the early films and those lementing that Pinhead was being turned into a Freddy Krugerish type of monster will look at those sequels as the good old days when at least the filmmakers gave him something to do. What's really sad is that while Jason, Chucky, and Michael Myers (which Dimension also owns the rights to)seem to be enjoying a revival in theaters, Pinhead is falling farther and farther down the abyss to made-for-TBS trashdom. The filmmakers seems to have lost any sense of what the Hellraiser films had that was unique or even a sense of what is scary (the new cenobites, what little is seen of them, are so cheaply done it's insulting) The franchise needs a blood transfusion fast.