Rating:  Summary: a very very scary movie! Review: despite the fact that everyone thought that they just had to curse their stupid heads off' the movie was the scariest movie ive ever seen! the way the ghosts moved was great' they moved quick' very scary! i would give it five stars' but the stupid cursing ruined the film for me' not everyone likes to hear that garbage.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie! Review: I thought that this movie was great. I personally believe that if they gave this another title and didnt associate it with the original then people would of looked on it with a new light and see just how good it was. It had action and voilence and gore everything i loved it! The only flaw was some of the acting and wat they said; for example at the end when the two of them r on the window sill after they escaped the guy said something like "that was a kickass party" even though i know this is a entertainment movie that just annoyed me because after staying in a house like that and seeing all thos murders and ghost nobody would just say that as a joke! haha well besides that this was def. a great movie
Rating:  Summary: Scary and Entertaining Review: I watched this movie for the first time at a school lock in. It was played at about 4 in the morning so everyone was tired. When they put this tape in, we were all either afraid to go to sleep in fear of nightmares... or just scared to miss what happened next! The whole movie is extremely disturbing from beginning to end. Every person in the room was glued to the screen in complete and utter awe. Everybody literally had their mouth wide open. I LOVED it and so will anyone who is a fan of a good gory, bloody, and disturbing horror flick.NOTE: Keep watching the movie until you see the words "The End" or you'll miss a good twist.
Rating:  Summary: Dark, disturbing, evil fun Review: Well first of all, House on Haunted Hill is dark, very evil and not a movie for children...AT ALL! The movie is very disturbing and most of the images look like the nightmare of an insane person. There aren't any guts in the movie what alot of people wright ( I have no idea why ) but it is very brutal and has some very intense moments where you don't know what the hell is going on and who to trust. The ghosts move in a really freaky way and the film's setting is very well picked. It gets really scary when the house locks itself up and they all start wandering around the house unleashing the real horror. Actually it's more a "NC-17ish" movie than an "Rish"... Although the movie really freaked me out and made me sweat (First time a movie really made me so that gets a little extra credit) I kept on watching. It just glues you to the screen from the opening sequence to the very last second. It's played masterful by Geoffrey Rush and the hot hot hot Famke Janssen. Loaded with twists and turns the movie never stops being fun. The only things that really .... in the movie are the "shadow" of the house, some unrealistic scenes, the poor jokes the actors make the the whole movie through and (WARNING SPOILER) that the main unlock control is in the attic and not in the basement which is really stupid because the guy's grandfather designed the house and he should know where the control is. (SPOILER END) All in one it's a great horror movie that's actually scary. You should watch it alone and totally not be alone after it's over. (Make sure to watch the last chapter after the end credits) My tip: Buy some Pop corn, Vanilla coke and enjoy a night of fright. Rating = A (with a fat minus)
Rating:  Summary: Good Scare Fest Review: This is a pretty good movie that is more active than the original. Jeffrey Rush could possibly be the next Vincent Price!
Rating:  Summary: A very pleasant movie!! Review: This movie is magnificent!! It scared the ... out of me! The movie scenario is kind of clever. You don't know what's really going on through the very end of the movie. It has lots of twists, and it has some really terrifying scenes. I recommend this movie over Scream movies or stuff like those. Very pleased with the movie! (A-)
Rating:  Summary: Mixed Feelings Review: I'm kind of in between on this movie. The opening sequences involving the asymlum gave me high hopes that this would be a serious and scary movie, but as the movie went on it became clear to me that the movie makers didn't understand the meaning of the word enough. On top everything else was the "unnamed" (and cheesy) evil in the basement really necessary? (or if it was why show us bad special effects instead of just letting it be creepy and invisible?) Wasn't the ghostly doctor enough? However, once I accepted that this movie wasn't going to scare me (only gross me out from time to time)I was at least amused.For former fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 this is a good movie to rent with a pack of friends and laugh at.
Rating:  Summary: Probably great for Resident Evil fans Review: Sure, the effects are impressive, and the scenery is very good. It at least makes an attempt at mood and atmosphere, but this movie lacks the subtlety and finesse of the fine horror movies of the past and the rare modern horror movie that is actually good. I've been a big fan of horror ever since the 70's. Back then writers like Richard Matheson, who wrote the teleplay for many of the very best classic 70's horror that were directed by the great 70's horror director Dan Curtis, understood the concepts of mood, atmosphere, character development and SUBTLETY! Modern day horror writers cannot seem to grasp these concepts nowadays but instead resort to special effects, chase scenes, hormones, blood and guts, cleavage, ideological panderings...and remaking old movies. Mimicry is the highest praise, or someting like that. Dan Curtis was recently quoted in TV Guide magazine that modern horror movies are "horrible." I wholeheartedly agree, and I'd further add that 90% of modern horror movies are stupid, childish, utterly predictable and unoriginal. And this remake of House on Haunted Hill is ALL OF THOSE...
Rating:  Summary: Reminds me of a TOOL video Review: SNL cast member Chris Kattan makes a great comic relief. Anyhow, this is a well-done, creepy remake, sure to give you the heebie jeebies. I very much preferr this haunted house movie to "The Haunting," the one with Catherine Zeta Jones. Definately worth the rent. There are some nifty special camera effects, I referr to it as the moth effect. Take note at the end of the credits, the insane continue to get their revenge.
Rating:  Summary: Misses the mark Review: I don't have a major beef with the acting in the film - actors in horror films are meant to play stereotypes, and subtlety doesn't really help anyone here. Geoffrey Rush is very good and over the top, and I liked Famke Janssen, too. They probably had the best parts, though. The most important thing is that the script should have the characters acting true to character, and the film should be a roller coaster. None of that happens here - you get characters doing stupid things, and the pacing feels all wrong. For instance, there is a plot development, which is critical to who gets saved, and who doesn't, which comes about halfway through the film, and is almost ignored until the end. They could have made more of this, I thought. What is really good is the general spookiness of the setting - Parts of the first half are really frightening, as the "house" really is a nasty place, and some really nasty things happened there. The problem is that the plot takes you away from all that, and then brings you back, and then wraps things up in a very unsatisfying way. I watched this, and then watched "The Others" with Nicole Kidman the following night, which is also a haunted house story. The latter is a lot more frightening, and a lot more satisfying in the ending. So do yourself a favor, and skip this, and buy "The Others".