Rating:  Summary: "Creepshow 3", anyone? Review: I liked this movie for many reasons. One, the first one was terrifyingly scary (I was 8 when I first saw it). Two, it was written by horror master Stephen King. The first story, "Old Chief Woodenhead," about a cigar store Indian who avenges the murders of his kindly shop owners, was creepy enough. Only really scary if you are easily creeped out or if you watch it at night with the lights off. The second story, "The Raft," about four college students who go to a secluded lake and unwittingly become sitting ducks to a carnivorous oil slick-like blob was particularly scary. My second favorite out of the three stories in the movie. The last of the three and by far the simplist and most scariest was "The Hitchkiker." About a cheating wife driving home from a rendevous with her lover and runs down some poor guy. She flees the scene only to be haunted by his undead spirit. Makeup effects by master Tom Savini were awesome. The complaints I have about the movie are minor ones. Why were there only three stories instead of five like in the first one? Also, what was up with the animated wraparound story? Yes, the first "Creepshow" featured animated in-betweens before and after each story, but it did not have any cartoonish interaction between characters in its prologue or epilogue. Also the score wasn't nearly as scary as it was in the first movie. The fillmmakers should have tried to get the same composer to return as well as director George A. Romero. The DVD doesn't have that many special features on it. The trailer and a behind-the-scenes photo gallery montage are about it. I would have liked to at least have a commentary by the director if not a couple of the cast members. Last but not least, when will there be a "Creepshow 3"? It's never too late for another sequel. Hello, Hollywood is sequel-crazy these days. Now is the time to strike. Overall, a decent pick if you're looking for a fright ride.
Rating:  Summary: "Thanks for the ride lady!" Review: Thanks for a crappy rental blockbuster. This movie blew more then a three dollar hooker. My friend and I were so disapointed in this movie. We both saw the first one and loved it. Every story in that one was awesome and they all had a cool comic book feel and each one was different from the other. Well the sequel had a feeling of "When will this movie end" ok i will be honest the second story was really good and the blob thing was awesome. I know it is just a movie but it did bother me that the car battery never died after the car being on for so long but again it is just a movie. that story is the reason why i gave it two stars instead of one. The last story was the one that ruined the movie. I mean the first story was neat but not great and the second one was cool but the third one was poop on a stick. All it was, was a black guy in a raincoat screaming "thanks for the ride lady" while getting killed thirty times. The only thing that terrified me was how i laughed during that scene because i was thinking what if Dave Chapelle remade this but with him as the black guy. It would have been hilarious. So just rent the first one and if you do really want to see this just watch the first two stories and skip the last one, you will thank me
Rating:  Summary: Creepshow 2 review Review: Not nearly as good as its chilling precursor, a collection of short horror films based on the works of Stephen King, this sequel contains about half as many "terror tales" as the original and as a result, seems to come up short.CREEPSHOW 2 is not an awful movie by any means as it tells three stories (and also features a short cartoon) presented as a take on the old EC comic series. The first story is a simple revenge tale featuring a Native American statue that exacts vengeance on a group of hoodlums who murder an antique store owner and his wife. The story is by-the-numbers but is presented pretty well. Our second tale finds a group of oversexed pot-smoking teen swimmers trying to get away from some type of man-eating human waste in the pond. This one is pretty creepy with some "stay out of the water" horror mixed with some humor. The last one plays on that classic concept of the sinner trying to cover up their mistakes but not being able to bury them properly as a cheating housewife runs down a hitchiker who just won't stay dead. If you enjoyed the first film, this is pretty much more of the same. Unfortunately, where the first film was a gripping collaboration between horror masters, Stephen King and George Romero that had fun playing with the many common phobias in American culture, this sequel just feels like a bunch of old Tales From The Crypt re-runs played one after another. Not a bad movie if you're looking for a few good scares.
Rating:  Summary: "Thanks for the ride lady..." Review: After visionary horror director George Romero scored a mainstream hit with the original Creepshow, he served as an executive producer of this not well received sequel. Creepshow 2 isn't as bad as many make it out to be, and the second story, entitled "The Raft", is worth checking this out for alone. The film suffers without Romero's energetic directing, something which made the first film so great, but it has plenty of great gore effects (supervised by makeup maestro Tom Savini) which horror fans will eat up. This Divimax edition DVD is yet another excellent release from Anchor Bay, with the film looking and sounding better than ever and with a few nice extras including a commentary, a documentary, and trailers. The only glaring question about this release is, why Creepshow 2? The first film, which can currently be found on a bare bones disc from Warner Bros. (Creepshow 2 can also be found as the same) deserves this kind of release, but horror fans know Anchor Bay for having a reputation of giving great treatments to underrated and classic horror films like Near Dark and the Hills Have Eyes, so maybe if you consider Creepshow 2 in the same category, that could serve as an explanation. Now, maybe we'll get a bonus packed treatment of the first film.
Rating:  Summary: Screaming Sequel To The Greatest Film Of All-Time!! Review: Creepshow 2, whilst not quite as good as the original Creepshow, is nevertheless a creepy sequel worthy of Stephen King & George A. Romero's names.
Three tales of terror are on offer here, presented in the style of classic 50's E.C. horror comics (just like the original film).
The stories featured are as follows (in order):
A trio of thugs rob & murder two elderly shop-keepers (played brilliantly by screen legends George Kennedy & Dorothy Lamour), with Hollywood in their sights. The wooden indian statue perched outside the store knows what they did, and is out for bloody REVENGE! ~STORY RATING; 7/10 The weakest story in the film, but stellar performances all round.
The second tale in the film, "The Raft", is based on the popular Stephen King short story of the same name. (NOTE: THE STORY IS FEATURED IN KING'S BOOK, "SKELLETON CREW"!). Four big-headed pot-smoking teens head out to an isolated lake for a bit of "fun" if you know what I'm saying. They swim out to the raft in the middle of the lake, only to find themselves on a floating blob-monster's dinner menu! ~STORY RATING; 9/10 My favourite tale in the film. Lots of suspense & gore... and the ending is just classic! It is worth buying the film for this great story alone!
When you watch this, you're bound to realise this is the film that the creators of the mediocre "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!" ripped their ideas from. The difference is, Creepshow 2 actually pulls the whole concept off well. In this, the last story of the film, a bitchy woman (brilliantly portrayed by Lois Chiles) cheating on her husband with a prostitute accidentally runs over & kills a hitch-hiker whilst driving home. In panic, she flees the gruesome scene, rather than reporting the accident to the police. However the hitch-hiker comes back! Again, and again, and again. He won't stay dead! ~STORY RATING; 8/10 Decent story with plenty of moments that will make you jump out of your seat. Extremely gory and bloody towards the end! Perfect for the most terminal of gore-hounds out there!
All in all, a great sequel to an amazing original.
Rating:  Summary: Funny and Creepy Review: Three stories of terror introduced by the Creep (in animation form) who appears to have the same sense of macabre humor as the Crypt Keeper from Tales from the Crypt. The stories even begin the same way as match shots from comic-book to film. The first story is called 'Old Chief Woodenhead'. George Kennedy stars as an old convenience store owner who is robbed and killed by a bunch of 80's punks. His Indian statue comes alive and avenges his death. This story is probably the least entertaining and takes a while to get going.
Story number 2 is called 'The Raft' focuses on 4 teenagers out to have a good time at a secluded lake. But a huge sludge monster is out to eat them all up. This is probably the best story as it is very fast-paced and engaging.
The last, and longest story is 'The Hitchhiker' in which a rich, cheater (Lois Chiles) runs over the titular character and is haunted by his corpse all the way home until she loses her mind. This is quite a cool story with some interesting direction. Stephen King has a cameo as a trucker. Tom Savini (seriously) appears as the live action Creep and the beginning and end of the movie.
As part of Anchor Bay's Divimax series the image and sound of Creepshow 2 is top-notch. The 1.85:1 anamorphic picture is surprisingly beautiful and free of anything remotely resembling dirt, artifacts or pixalization. Black levels and fleshtones are suspiciously natural and color fidelity is superb. One wonders how such and old, and little seen, film can look so good. And although the soundtrack is remastered from plain and simple Mono it is still an above average presentation when compared to modern sound mixes. The sound is clear and crisp and is free of hiss or distortion. Kudos to Anchor Bay on this transfer.
For extras we get a commentary from director Michael Gornick, a documentary called 'Nightmares in Foam Rubber' about the creation of the make-up effects (rather boring), two trailers, a photo gallery with shots of behind the scenes activity and the script is in PDF form when inserted into a DVD-ROM drive. Nice menus too.
A must have for horror fans and Steven King affectionados. Even if you haven't seen the first film (like me) this is still a must have and a definite keeper. Very few people are likely to feel shortchanged after watching this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Creepshow 3! Review: Why do people hate Creepshow 2? Well people hopefully you will like Creepshow 3 better.Because I just read an interview with George A. Romero about his next Dead film and he was asked what he wants to do after Land of the Dead his replied was "I like to do another Creepshow movie" I guess Stephen King will be getting a phone call from an old friend any day now? If Creepshow 3 does happen what King short story's will be in the new movie if it happens?
As for the Creepshow 2,I always found it to be a good 80's movie full of dumb people,like the Indian teenage punk who thought he could get into movies because of his hair!and how many people would go swimming in a lake see a duck getting attacked and killed by something in the water and would not turn there butts right around and head right back to land!I would of.And that girl in the Hitchiker,what a dumb lady,she's cheating on her husband,she wakes up in her lovers bed to see the alarm clock blanking she panicks,gets in her car and trys to think of a lie she can give to her husband about where she's been"Lady it's so simple just tell him you could not sleep so you went for a car ride!" Then after she hits the Hichiker she gets terriozed by his ghost or Zombie? What ever the heck he was? Now how many people in there cars would be keeping all the doors in the car locked and the windows shut from a walking corpse?Not this dumb lady!And she keeps stoping! It seems like horror movies are always full of dumb people.Now Creepshow 2 is getting the Divimax treatment.How much better will the new version look over the previous version.I would like to see special features on Creepshow 2.I would like to know where that lake is in the Raft?I would like to go visit it,swim in it,then tell people I swam in the lake in Creepshow 2.I been to where they shot The Hitchiker,it was shut in Stephen Kings home town of Bangor Maine.Freinds of mine have wondered what was that thing in the Raft.Well in the short story version in Kings Book Skeleton Crew{I think that was the book?}The lake was on Government Land and that blob thing was a Science project for a war weapon,well thats what I think,it's been a long time since I read the story so I could be wrong?