Rating:  Summary: Why Hellbound is weird. Review: Firstly, Hellbound:Hellraiser 2 is not just a second-rate sequel, but expands on, and perhaps even betters it's original. Now with Hellbound there's really two ways to approch it. #1 is to sit there, wracking your brain, and trying to make sence of the whole thing. And #2 is to put your chair right infront of the T.V., turn the lights down low (to create the horror movie atmosphere)press play, settle down and stare at the screen for a hour and a half. I chose the latter, which was probably for the best, because otherwise I'd probably be up all night. But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this movie is confused or that it doesn't make sence or anything. What I mean is that I think they just tried to fit too much into one movie. There's enough matirial for two movies.But, hey I love it. Let's take a look-see: The new characters (Dr.Charnard, Tiffany) are both interesting (perhaps a little disterbed, but who cares?) plus Kirsty returns but Steve managed to slip out of it.But here's the part that trips me up: Dr. Charnard lets a mental paceint slice himself up royaly on the mattress containing Julia's soul,(very nasty) thus resurecting her. Resurecting Julia. Who in their right mind would do it? Well Dr.Charnard falls in love with her,(and makes out with her) even though she's a skinned corpse (nice, hey?). Anyway off they all head down to hell. Actually I found the concept that everyone has their own, personal hell very intreiging. That was heaps interesting. So anyway everyone's there and basicly all hell breaks loose, thus the expression. Dr. Charnard gets turned into a Cenobite, who's linked directly to Levithan. And so there's another who's trying to kill Kirsty and co. Also Julia gets hers back on Frank for killing her in the original. But I think the best part of all is when Kirsty confronts the Chatterer, Butterball, Pinhead and She-who-must-not-be-named with their own humanity. But God knows how she managed to reconise Pinhead from the picture of Elliot Spencer. But then, God has no part in this flick. Also, I really liked the part in the beginning when they showed us how Elliot Spencer solved the dreaded box and was transformed into the delightfuly nasty demon, Pinhead. A painful and traumatic process, but not half as painful as watching TVSN from 7 til 12, but that's a different story. So it really is quite a good movie with some killer moments. And as for the gore, well there's a (...) load of it. Come on, let's face it; this movie can't go more than 1 minute without spearing, killing, sliceing, diceing, cutting, gutting, you get the idea. But here's the thing with splatfestival movies like Hellboud: they are compleate gross-outs at first, but after a while one just get so used to the grossness of it that the gore just washes over one. That's what I think of that aspect of Hellbound. But hey if I didn't want, dicapitation,skinning,throat cutting and dismembering I should've rented Bambi instead. Am I right? or am I right?
This is, without a doubt one of the nastiest, most sadistic movies I have ever witnessed. Infact I wouldn't even call this a movie, it's more like an experience. So all in all I really loved it, delightfully gory.It may even be better original and Hellraiser 3. So I recomend it,(if you can take it) your suffering will be legendary even in hell!
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely brilliant Horror, only bettered by the original! Review: Simply put, horror movies just don't get much better than this (only the original betters it). Anyone who doesn't like this film just isn't a horror fan & must spend the rest of their life watching Sesame Street! (and more disturbingly, liking it!). It might not be the goriest movie ever (it is bloodier than the first), but it does has it's moments, the acting is as good as you're going to find in this type of film & the characters are awesome. Pinhead is without doubt THE horror icon. Only Freddy, Jason Vorhees & Michael Myers come anywhere near Pinhead, but it terms of visual presence and downright creepiness they aren't even fit to lace old Pinhead's boots (assuming he wears any). This movie really deserves 10 stars! Only the original Hellraiser beats it & it's well worth watching the 2 back to back as they fit almost seamlessly. Everyone should own this fantastic movie, so what you waiting for?
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant, Cynical film reflecting dark, brooding times Review: There are few horror films that produce truly great sequels. Hellbound delivers this greatness in full realization. The gore level was turned up a notch, (which is saying quite a bit), the screenplay, though uneven, is witty and creative, with many dark, sadistic touches. The directing is top-notch and visionary. Nobody, save Clive barker, could have done a better job than Tony Randall. On the dvd's featurette "lost in the labyrinth," Randall explains his mental demeanor at the time the film was made, and he believes that his outlook on life was quite bleak and pessimistic. These attitudes carry over beautifully to this disturbing, unsettling picture. Hellbound boasts, hands down, some of the most bizarre and nihlistic images in film since Salo. The image of the woman with her skull cracked open as she receives a labotmoy from Dr. Channard, the scene where a delusional man takes a razor to his skin, and over his groin, spilling blood in every direction, the image of the reborn Dr. Channard in cenobite form, the cracked out funhouse that is hell...I could really do this all day. Hellbound doesn't have the grand scope nor does it have the finesse and style of Hellraiser (which is, in my opinion the greatest horror film of all time), but it surely delivers some very genuine originality and flash. if only all sequels were this spellbinding.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely Imaginative! Review: Another rare example of the sequel being better than the original film! Pinhead & the Cenobites are back, this time assisting Kirsty Cotten who is trying to outwit the evil Julia and a mad doctor from the Chenard Mental Institute! After a disgusting scene involving a lunatic and a razor, Julia is released from the Underowlrd through a bed matress (how fitting!) only she is weak & missing her skin. A young retarded girl holds the key to Leviathian and Kirsty must help her solve the box. Thsi film is a bit disappointing in that we see the demise of old favorites. Namely Julia, Female, Chatterer and Butterball! Awww poor Butterball!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent sequel! Review: The story continues as Kirsty ( Ashley Laurence) is in a asylum after the events of part 1, she discovers that Julia ( Clare Higgens) from the original has been brought back to life. Pinhead ( Doug Bradley) and his Cenobite gang are back, only to have Kirsty play a deadly game in hell. Highly entertaining and extremely graphic sequel to the original 1987 horror fantasy shocker. This one has fine performances and great gore effects, this DVD from Anchor Bay is quite excellent with it's THX Digital sound and picture. The Extras are very good including the director's commentary, Clive Barker has done it again with this macabre sequel that also includes Pinhead's origin. Be warned, this is definitely not for the faint of heart! Also recommended: Hellraiser, Making Contact ( a.k.a. Joey), Hellraiser III, Hellraiser: Bloodline, Hellraiser: Inferno, Hellraiser: Hellseeker, City of the Living Dead, Re-Animator, The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, Phantasm, Poltergeist, The Others.
Rating:  Summary: I ENJOYED THIS ONE MORE THAN THE ORIGINAL. Review: The original movie was truly groundbreaking and original,but I find myself enjoying the sequel even more.The visual effects,action and gore make this one alot more intense than the first one.The story was pretty good and the acting by all the cast was very good.No hellraiser collection is complete without this one and if you are a true fan of the series then you will own this one.YOURE SUFFERING WILL BE LEGENDARY EVEN IN HELL!!!
Rating:  Summary: Rule # 27: Don't give a razor to a crazy man. Review: This is a truly disgusting film, even eclipsing the first in terms of in-your-face gore and nastiness. It is also a complete muddle in terms of acting and plot, and makes relatively little sense. What saves this movie is its undeniable charisma. Like a certain sinister-looking golden puzzle box, it has a way of hooking you and dragging you kicking and screaming down its twisted path whether you want to go or not. "Hellbound" tells two stories which more or less intertwine as the movie goes on. One is the attempt of Kirsty, who survived the original movie, to resuce her dead father from hell. The other is the attempt by an evil doctor/psychiatrist named Chennard to open the door to hell without paying the going rate for it (in other words, he wants to let other people get ripped apart by fish hooks while he explores the mysteries of What Lies Beyond). Of course, both attempts go awry, leading to a lot of blood-splattering, skin-filleting, screaming, and general unpleasantness. It turns out that Kirsty was summoned into the Outer Darkness not by her dead father Larry, but by his evil half-brother Frank, who as you may recall murdered Larry and stole his skin in "Hellraiser I." (family reunions with this bunch must be fun) But Frank ain't the only dead person to show up here: Chennard, using a technique that might be called skin grafting without anesthetic, ressurects Kirsty's wicked stepmom Julia, who was also offed by Frank in the last movie. Neither Frank nor Julia has much in the way of redeeming personal qualities, though I would give Frank the edge in the contest of who suffers more at the hands of the screenwriters: by my count he was ripped apart by fishooks twice, had his skin burned off once, and finishes up with his heart ripped out. Hard cheese, old chap! It is of course, not Kirsty but the Cenobites who are the real stars of the film. They are only too eager to lay their hands on Kirsty, who outwitted them once before; but they lay off Chennard and Julia, because as it turns out, hell as a special plan for the doctor. Just as it has a special plan for the Cenobites themselves. Any guess to whether or not it involves something painful and disgusting?? (Hint: just about everybody in this movie gets double-crossed) "Hellbound" spends a good bit of its time in, yeah, you guessed it, hell. It explains something of the mythology of the Cenobites (how Pinhead came to be, for instance) and the box, but ends up posing more questions than it answers. It is undermined by the bad acting of Ashley Lawrence, who plays Kirsty, and by the fact that the producers sometimes seem more interested in making the audience gag than making the plot make sense....that scene where Chennard hands that crazy guy the straight razor is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen in my entire life. And I've actually been to autopsies. "Hellbound" is a deeply flawed movie, like most horror pics. But it has an undeniable ability to grip the viewer despite those flaws. Clive Barker's universe, expanded here by director Tony Randall, is a fascinating, if really disgusting, place, a triumph of imagination. I would recommend this movie to any real fan of horror/macabre films. Just don't eat before you watch.
Rating:  Summary: THE WORST IN THE SERIES,HOPELESS MESS Review: This flick stinks,whats the deal with the confusing tale,now Pinhead teams with the Cenobites,Julia Cotton,and a crazed doctor to kill a traumatized Tiffany,Kirsty Cotton returns to help Tiffany.Tedious and derirative,almost every scene is full of gore.Rated R for Graphic Violence and Gore,Language,Brief Nudity and Sexuality.
Rating:  Summary: Another Great part of the series Review: Pandora's box is back! this one is just a plain ol Gorefest!!! I find this one good, but it loses its "newness" for some , however for fans like myself its another Great addition in the series!!!! Very creepy , Very enjoyable! this film was once again another glimpse into the "Chinese" hell!!!!