Rating:  Summary: very scary when you think it's true! Review: When I saw this in 1999, I was not that far from where it was filmed (and alleged to be true) so it was frightening! It is a clever premise --- 3 college students have disappeared in 1994, having gone on a road trip to make a documentary of the infamous "Blair Witch" in Maryland. They park their car and start trudging through the woods, filming everything as they go. It soon becomes obvious that something or someone is watching them, as they get lost in the woods. The hunters have now become the hunted and it's only going to get worse ..... It's cheaply made with a handheld camcorder (which they are reported to have returned to Kmart afterwards), and filmed over a few short weeks. It LOOKS like a student film, which lends it the authenticity to make it even more frightening. It could have happened, and you will be terrified knowing that as you watch.
Rating:  Summary: Putrid [cheat] that suckered in millions of movie-goers! Review: Oh, God, where do I begin? Like so many lemmings, I was suckered into seeing this terrible excuse for a horror film back in August of 1999. I'd watched the Sci-Fi Channel special (which is much, much better than the film--and it was FREE), read all the glowing Internet chat-room reviews, and saw the effective TV ads. So, I plunked down my cash, had a seat, and prepared myself to get scared. And I prepared myself. And prepared myself. And then, the lights came on, and the movie was over. How did I feel at that moment? The word is EXPLOITED. I'd just been gypped out of $...not to mention gas and snacks. Plus, I wasted my time! THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT has a great premise, no doubt about it--but the movie itself is an inane, low-budget mess. It goes on forever and ever and just limps to a conclusion that makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever. Ok, what was wrong with it? Well, first, we're led to believe that three filmmakers have been "lost" while exploring the legend of the Blair Witch, a legendary folktale that just might have its basis in reality. The filmmakers disappear under mysterious circumstances, but all the footage they shot has been found...thus THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT! Ah, but what is this footage? Try two hours of the "F" word (hence the "R" rating), a totally annoying "performance" by Heather Donahue (I wanted to slap her so badly!), and non-stop filming. I mean, non-stop--even when they're arguing and having hissy fits with each other, they never seem to forget to film it. At the end, they're running across a forest, full of ruts and roots, still filming--and they never once look down at their feet. Then, they run into a totally strange house, up and down stairs, and never once look at their feet. I don't know about you, but if my sight was being compromised by a camera stuck to my face, I just might be a bit cautious running up and down stairs in an abandoned house! Especially when the stairs are covered in junk! I honestly think there was a concerted effort by Artisan Films to swamp the Internet with "plants" who claimed to "love" this film. In that, Blair Witch is most definitely innovative! They used the world wide web to make their film a hit, laughing all the way to the bank! Avoid this DVD! Avoid this video! Avoid this movie! It is NOT frightening in the slightest! It isn't fit to kiss the feet of THE EXORCIST! You have been warned!
Rating:  Summary: Well, It Was Really Great at the Time... Review: I first heard of 'The Blair Witch' project long before it came out. I had read an article about it in Entertainment Weekly, and I said to myself, "I HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE." Why? Because it sounded original; like nothing else that had ever been done before. I knew, of course, that the "footage" wasn't real, but I hear some people actually believed the whole thing was a true story. For those people, I'm sure 'Blair Witch' freaked them out. As for me, well it freaked me out too. At the time. Now, I hang my head in what I guess should be considered shame. 'Blair Witch' was graced with the same exact curse as 'Titanic': a movie that became so big, so popular, that it suddenly, for inexplicable reasons becomes uncool to like. I don't know why this is really. But now, it is embarassing to admit it. But I will anyway. I was a 'Blair Witch' freak. After seeing the film, I ran out and bought the book, and taped the fake documentary off the Sci-Fi Channel. I wanted to see it again and again. I absolutely loved it. I still really like it. I mean, even if you absolutely hate it, and say it wasn't at all scary, you have to admit one thing: this is one of the most original films ever. The whole movie is shot with two different hand-held cameras, by the actors themselves. Most of the dialogue you hear spoken by the 3 characters was actually ad-libbed (in fact, I think I read that there was actually no script for the movie, and that it was all up to the actors). Heather, Josh and Mike (which are the actors' real names and the characters' names) all did a great job, considering the conditions they were under (camping out in the cold, damp woods, filming themselves making up a script as they went along). And the Blair Witch herself? Well we never actually see her. That's the creepiest part about it. Is there really a Blair Witch haunting the woods, looking for some more people to kill? Or are all of the noises they hear at night just in the characters' imaginations? Hmm. We may never find out, really. 'Blair Witch' spawned many, many parodies (amongst my favorites, the 'Wizard of Oz' one) which were well-deserved. Maybe it is actually a parody itself. Who knows. A lot of people thought it was boring, and maybe now I can see where they were coming from. But you have to give credit where credit is due. Thanks to filmmakers Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez, I will think twice before entering the woods. And I will definitely think twice about filming it.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst movies ever made! Review: A one star rating is too good for this piece of [junk.] Scary??? When exactly was it even remotely frightening. Boring, yes. Stupid, definitely. Waste of time and money, absolutely!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Consider Me Terrified Review: Judging by the critical response to THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, it appears that this is a film that is virtually impossible to feel ambivalent towards. People seem to either love it or hate it, and to express their view with a fiery passion and a complete lack of understanding about how the other half could possible hold the opposite opinion to themselves. Well, I place myself firmly in the "loved it" camp. Actually, to be more specific, I place myself firmly in the "absolutely scared stiff by it" camp. Twice I have watched this movie. Both times I did so at night and with the lights off. Both times I allowed myself to become completely drawn into the fantasy. And both times I was utterly freaked out by the end of it. The plot of this film is too widely known and too skimpy for a summary to do any good. Everyone knows that the movie consists of three young people going into the woods to make a documentary about a local witch. Lots of potential newcomers probably know how the film will end before they even sit down. But the success of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT lies in its execution rather than its foundations. The fear and terror striking these young people comes across as completely believable. I was completely absorbed at all times by this film. The characters are flawed people, and occasionally annoying, which might turn off some viewers, but to me it made them that much more realistic. These people slowly realizing the predicament that they're in and becoming more and more freaked out by the strange and supernatural-tinged events is what made this movie work for me. I don't think there is any way of knowing how any individual will react to this film, but if the reviews are any guide, the reaction will be a strong one. To anyone who hasn't seen this, I'd recommend going in with an open-mind and not allowing oneself to be distracted by any real-world occurrences. If you do end up on the "love it" side of the fence, then you may just find yourself with a new favorite horror film. If you end up on the "hate it" side, well, it's a short film (less than an hour and a half), so you didn't waste all that much time, and at least now you'll know what everyone was talking about.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Movie Review: I watched this movie after reading several reviews stating how the movie went. I mostly noticed that you have to pay close attention to the characters and what the townsfolk say about the story of The Blair Witch. After seeinging many disturbing/freaky scenes (7 rocks, sticks, heart in bundle of sticks) I got more and more determined to turn the light on but as it was my friends home, he told me not to. At the end I was amazed at how well the movie was made. If you didnt understand the movie, I suggest watching it over again and paying close attention to ever small detail.
Rating:  Summary: The scariest movie of the 90's?? Review: I will be the first to accept this movie is innovative. But it wasn't scary at all. Just a lot of screaming, wailing and running around with a camera. It's a must see for people who like something different, and you will never see something like this again. For me, the scary part is that people say the sequel is worst. Well, but that's another review.
Rating:  Summary: Creepy and very scary!! Review: To be scared out of my mind, all I had to do was put myself in the three teens' shoes-being totally LOST, hearing those creepy human voices every night nearby, having hiked for hours and hours a day only to get trapped and lost deeper and deeper into the woods which is inhabited by some serious crazies. And trust me, you will feel like you are right there, getting deeper and deeper, hopelessly lost in the woods with them. There is one scene while they are camping at night that WILL definately freak you out. You'll be watching the last scene through your fingers that are covering your horrified, freaked out face. And I don't think the theatre is the right atmosphere to watch this movie. This freaked-out movie MUST be watched ONLY late at night, between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. alone in the dark. I think this is the creepiest thing since Amityville Horror. The first 20 minutes or so, it kinda takes a while to get going, but once the teenagers are actually in the woods, DON'T LEAVE-WATCH!!! It starts slowly and then builds and builds and builds!! That last scene is so horrifying and chilling that you will keep looking away from the TV screen to double check that you're home and NOT actually lost in the cult infested woods with them in the middle of the night!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Total [Waste]! Review: The Blair Witch Project is the worst film I have ever witnessed. It received glowing reviews from critics so I decided to check it out. I was prepared for a really great film - I was wrong. I waited and waited for something interesting to happen but the film just kept on dragging along with nothing even remotely interesting happening at all. Then it ended. I was so annoyed that I didnt even attempt to watch it a second time. Avoid this one. .... I don't usually criticize a horror film coz I like most of them, even ones that are truly aweful but this film is terrible. It's not a horror film, it's a film designed to bore the hell out of you. Take my advice - avoid this film at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: Innovative and Original!! Review: This movie is a first and that's why some people who've seen it, don't like it. They're used to the "status quo" of film making, getting the visuals to do the thinking for you. This film different in that it dwelves into your primal fears of the unknown. You start to care about the characters and give some doubts about ever going camping again. I believe there was a movie that used a slightly similar technique, "JAWS". You have to watch this movie twice to find out what you missed. Overall, a great film that will inspire new filmmakers.