Rating:  Summary: Worst film of all time Review: This film is a waste of time and money,If you like lots of shakey footage and foul language,then its for you .Mary poppins is scary compared to this. Save your money and buy "cannabal holocaust"
Rating:  Summary: I don't really sound like that, do I? Review: I began watching this film at work on DVD amid an audience of co-workers and, like the rest of them, got bored and stopped watching it half-way through. People say you either love or hate this film but as far as I can see it's not interesting enough to warrant either feeling from me. I was interested to watch it because a few people commented that the main girl was an ugly version of myself with a slightly similar, though distinctly nasal, voice. This elicited the only horror in me as I came to worry whether I really sound that bad. I think it may have been exacerbated by her American accent. So I did not see the b-grade ending but almost every other person who has seen it tells me it ends abruptly and you never feel scared for the characters since they're not developed enough for you to care about them. Another comment a friend (who is a film student) made was that film students would never handle a camera so badly. These students would have failed their little assignment based on their complete lack of cinemagraphic knowledge. Since this film isn't even interesting enough to appall me, I don't think it deserves the distinction of only one star, so I'm giving it a very ordinary two.
Rating:  Summary: Ordered as soon as I saw it Review: So ok, I went to the cinema with 4 friends to see this movie, I sat there watching every moment, aware of every breath I took, and was creepted out by its eerieness. Out of the 4 of us 2 liked it, the other 2 didnt, but we all agreed it was very very interesting. For people who say this is the wrose movie they have ever seen, i find that hard to believe, even if you didnt enjoy it, you can still appeicate the concept, and production.
Rating:  Summary: There is less there than meets the eye.... Review: I note with interest that there seems to be about as many people who like this flick as there are who don't. Therefore, I have created the following profile of those who like it:1. They read a certain men's magazine for the articles. 2. They prefer that most things be left to the imagination. 3. They believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. 4. P. T. Barnum would love them all. Here is my profile of those who don't like it: 1. They believe little they hear and about half of what they see. 2. Some people would call them cynical. They believe that all people's actions are motivated by self interest. 3. They do not want to be standing downwind of whatever a certain satellite provider's reviewer must have been smoking when he/she gave the Blair Witch Project three and a half stars... 4. P.T. Barnum would not have liked them very much...
Rating:  Summary: interesting movie Review: Well, I must be in the minority, because I liked this movie. Granted, it's no Titanic but it doesn't claim to be. I've never been to Maryland------so the scenery (if you want to call it that) was interesting to watch. And the language didn't bother me one bit----I live in a big city.
Rating:  Summary: Even the kids weren't scared Review: Watched this movie at home. When it was done my 11year old daughter asked me "Is that it?" My 9 year old son was sleeping. 'nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: Too bad there isn't a zero rating. Review: After seeing this in the theatre, I came away wondering how anything this bad could possibly be so popular. Frankly, the three students should have been placed in the running for the 1999 Darwin Award - i.e.: no one could possibly be as inept!
Rating:  Summary: You might be dissapointed Review: There is too much hype about the movie. In reality is mostly booring. Maybe only 5 to 10 minutes of real thrill. Now I know why movies are filmed the way they are. I think they exagerated the "natural" filming. This is worst than a kid with a handycam. Very good acting though. Don't expect much of it or you'll be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Film For What It Is Review: First off, if you expect The Blair Witch Project to be anything at all like any Hollywood horror film you've ever seen, then do not buy or rent it. You will be dissappointed. If you expect high quality production values, an evocative soundtrack designed to heighten your sense of fear, smooth camera work and biting dialogue, then this is most certainly NOT the film for you. However, if you ignore all the hype and take the film at face value for what it was intended to be, a "documentary" of an ill-fated attempt at producing a student film, then you will quite enjoy the film. While I cannot see anyone running screaming blue murder from their living rooms, this film WILL give you an uneasy feeling of dread, that sense of fear that occupies the darker recesses of the mind. In short, it will in all likelihood give you a good dose of the willies. It's a good little film that refreshingly doesn't tie up all the loose ends, giving the viewer an opportunity to use their imaginations while in front of the television set, a rare exercise to be sure.
Rating:  Summary: Stop getting ripped off people! Review: This has to be the worlds worst movie! I saw it in a theater, and it was so bad I wanted to get my money back! I felt violated having to suffer through it and then pay too! The camera work is terrible, the actors are so bad. Plot, what Plot? You want a plot see the preview on Sci Fi Channel, it gives you more information and the camera work won't give you eyestrain. If you must make a Hollywood counterculture statement, get "The Omega Code" or "Dogma" not this piece of trash.