Rating:  Summary: Good, but a bit overrated Review: The main problem with the Blair Witch Project is that the whole movie is spent building up to something, and then nothing happens. It's a shame, too, because I thought that the road to the climax was, for the most part, built up skilfully, if not very scary. The ending makes us feel like there was more to the story, making us want to see an extended version, which, of course, is not given to us. There were other flaws to this movie, but it was this poorly thought ending that slid my rating down the most. More so, I wasn't very convinced at the ending. We see them get knocked on the head. that could have been anyone. It could have beena hill billy trying to make mischife, or something. We should see something profound happen to them, so we know that it is the work of the blair witch. All this movie needs to make it a masterful thriller is if the ending were better contrived. The rising action in this film had its goods and bads. First the goods. This movie succedes at keeping the audience watching, wanting to know what will happen. Also, I liked how it kept building up with a bit of evidence that there is in fact something out there, watching them. First with the tents rattling, then with a pile of rocks being formed outside their tents, and finally, with the stick figures that are made into witches. At that point, I was completely aware of the witches existence, and because of that, having the witch herself appear is unnessecary, which creates even more suspense. Now to the flaws. There were a couple of parts that could have and would have been solved emidiatly if something irrational hadn't happened. For example, when they were trying to find there way back, one of the guys procedes to throw the map awy, claiming it wasn't doing them any good. So I guess he thought they would be better off without the map, without anything to help guide them I bet if he keeps the map, they can find their way back to their car, and the movie ends there. The other time is when they are in their tents at night, and something, presumably the blair witch, chases them, and they get away. How can you get away like that when a supernatural creature is chasing you? Why didn't the blair witch just kill them then, thus ending the movie? Of course, they have to find some way to continue the movie, but a truely great movie would have found a way to overcome that believably. This one doesn't. These problems not with standing, I have to give credit to the acting in the Blair Witch Project. The three teens preforming as the victims acted very well, combining fear and hoplessnes with anger and frustration, knowing they are just decending deeper into the graspe of the blair witch, having no idea how to get out of it. If I were in that situation in real life, I naturally would have felt and acted the same. Because of all the hype that it has gotten, I won't be suprised if the Blair Witch Project gets nominated for best picture. I happen to think it isn't quite a good enough movie to step on such a high platform.
Rating:  Summary: scared? Review: I thought this movie was supposed to be scary. Heather Donahue's acting is so bad, I didn't believe for a minute she was scared...so why should I be?
Rating:  Summary: Scary as hell ! Review: This movie is the most scary thing I ever saw in my life. When I watch the movie The Shining for the first time, I almost do not sleep, but with this movie, I almost cryed in the middle of the theater, right in that part when Heather and Mike are entering in that abandoned cabin. I never watch it again, not in video, not in DVD, because i'm really scared of get out to my back yard again ( I got several trees there ) and see Mary Brown's vision : Elly Kedward, as an animal, walking in my direction. Brrrr...
Rating:  Summary: A VERY Sorry Movie.... Review: Extremely anticlamactic... I expected so much more from this movie. Especially with all the additional information provided with the DVD, the final scene is dissapointing... watch a real mind numbing movie like THE MATRIX...
Rating:  Summary: Da Blare Which Progekt! Review: Pay the title of this review no mind; I am not a moron...Anyway, 99% of the world has heard of this surprise summer blockbuster. The other 1% live in caves up in the hills somewhere. For those 1%, The Blair Witch Project is an independent film about three filmmakers who go into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland to do a documentary on the local legend, The Blair Witch. There, they lose the map, their minds, and eventually, their lives. This is probably the scariest film since the original Halloween. This was only an experimental film. It was totally what i expected and then some. The actors are very believable and kudos to Dan Myrnick and Eduardo Sanchez for their involvement in pretty much everything this movie dishes out. Sure, it won't win the Best Picture Award or anything, but it's impossible to deny that it will soon become a classic (how many times have you seen Heather's confession parodied on so many TV shows around the nation?), and will spawn many clones. They're already making a sequel to it which kind of ruins its originality and purpose. Bottom line: an enjoyable indie with some pretty suspenseful moments and even more scares and chills. But according to some of these people, you should rent it first before you even think about buying it.
Rating:  Summary: Why you should be scared.... Review: Blair Witch - why should you be scared? This is a film that all true nightmares are made of. I wasn't scared in a way that say 'Halloween' would frighten me. That was a very visual film with genuine, frightening moments, but it requires no imagination. The chills are laid out on a plate for you. Fair enough - there's nothing wrong with that. If you like that sort of horror movie then the 'Blair Witch' is probably not for you. The minute the 'Blair Witch' started I was reminded of the days that myself and friends used to camp out in the woods (bear in mind I am from the UK and not the US). I have no idea of what the US camping experience is like. In the UK, we used to go camping in the woods with specific purpose of scaring the living pants out of each other. We would do our utmost to freak each other out, which took very little effort. The feeling of walking through the woods with little or no light was enough to to put the chills into you. This film brings back exactly that very same feeling to me. It made me feel claustrophobic. That in itself is an attention grabber and automatically left a bad taste in my mouth. Very much in the way 'Texas Chain Saw Massacre' did. Secondly, even though you know the characters are acting, they appear to convey a certain genuine feeling which reminded me exactly of what it was like to be stuck in the woods alone, with only the people around you to rely on - which quite frankly is not much comfort. The feeling that no matter how much you scream, no-one will hear you and if they could, they probably wouldn't care anyway. I don't have much more to say at this time. Suffice to say, i've literally only just finished watching it, and although I don't at this moment feel scared, i'm slightly freaked out as I know I won't have a comfortable nights sleep tonight, purely because it brings back haunting memories from my early teenage years. I would suggest watching this film with friends in a party atmosphere. It will give you something to debate and probably won't affect you in a way it would if you watched it alone. I am 29 years old.
Rating:  Summary: waste of time and money! Review: i heard that this video was scary.SCARY? Mickey mouse scares me more this! this is the most boring film i have ever seen in my life! take my advice.DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY!
Rating:  Summary: Just A Little Over Hyped Review: The film that has spawned countless spoofs is available on video and I advise you buy it. It may have been hyped beyond belief but it is still worth the purchase. It may not be the classic that was promised but it certainly beats certain Hollywood trash that is around at the moment. A little slow to get going but the final hour will have a chill running all round your body, the final scene in particular is pure genious. Plenty of flaws but is still a great night time film.
Rating:  Summary: actually enjoyable once through Review: So many people go into this film expecting the wrong things. No, it is not really that scary. No, it is not masterful film making (it never claimed to be).What it is, though, is highly original. It is what horror in the '90s needed, a dose of originality instead of more Scream ripoffs. In the end, the film doesn't work as well as it could have, but it is so original you will probably enjoy it at least once. I think most people either hate or love this film. I was oddly in the middle. I enjoyed it the first time, but I doubt I will ever watch it again.
Rating:  Summary: An original... Review: ...indeed. I'm a big fan of horror-movies, I've seen all the "classics" several times and I've always thought that since The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was released back in 1974 no real horror-movie has been made. "Scream" sucks. It's not scary at all. But then I saw "The blair witch project" and my whole idea of horror-movies went down the drain. It's no doubt the most scary movie I've ever seen, delivering moment after moment of pure, lovely horror. The actors (especially Heather) are great. The story is great. Everything is just perfect. I give this movie great appreciation, it's instantly my absolute favourite of all time.