Rating:  Summary: I'd give it less stars if I could Review: "The Blair Witch Project" is the most over rated movie in history. There is no exceution, horrible acting (I know it was mostly improved, and you can tell), and the idea is only half thought out, at best. What were these guys thinking? There is no threat, except that they are getting on each other's nerves. They hear couple of twigs snapping, ohh, ssccaarryy. And the camera movement was enough to make me sea sick. Why it is so well loved is a mystery, and why some people thought it was real (I still argue with some people about it) is just way beyond me.
Rating:  Summary: This movie ain't that great. Review: I thought this movie was going to be cool, but it wasn't. I went to see it in the theater, and I completely wasted my money. This is supposed to be some teens doing their own video-taping. The camera was all over the place; it made me seasick. Don't rent this movie, don't watch this movie, don't even bother with this movie. All the stupid scenes with the girl whining about how scared she is get really, really old really, really fast.
Rating:  Summary: Merits some gratitude Review: I was a bit disappointed when I saw this mainly because the marketing hype had been so preposterously over the top. So along to the cinema I went and sat there watching what seemed a nice creepy effective build up when suddenly, after just 75 minutes, the film was over leaving me thinking: Was that it?Which was perhaps unfair. With hindsight and after seeing it again, the first viewing definitely suffered from expectation inflation. It is a very nice scary movie. It is just that it is a modest but highly effective piece of chamber music I had been built up to expect a dirty great symphony. It is also genuinely clever. What do you do when you are a neophyte wannabe filmmaker and you don't have the money to make anything more technically high powered than a cheap home video? Answer: make a film the premise of which is that it IS a cheap home video made by a bunch of fictional neophyte wannabe documentary filmmakers getting uncontrollably sucked in by something very evil and nasty. It's a neat idea but particularly so when applied to a horror pic of the kind where it's what you DON'T see that gets under your skin. It's not much of a hide-behind-the-sofa movie but it is genuinely scary and disturbing. The best thing about it is that it reversed a trend. Just a few years ago the scary movie was very much in decline. The idea of making films that aimed just to frighten the pants off the audience was out of fashion. Instead we had the ironic postmodern (yawn) scary movie, most notably the whole faintly tiresome 'Scream' franchise. Still worse we had, God help us, the arthouse scary movie, monstrosities like the boring, pretentious and unfrightening 'Interview with the Vampire' or the still more boring, pretentious and unfrightening 'Bram Stoker's Dracula'. Then it all changed and we've had glorious films like 'The Others', 'The Devil's Backbone', 'Ring' (the Japanese original of course) , 'The Eye' and 'Dog Soldiers'. Serious, unpretentious, no nonsense scary films. (Of course there's also a whole load more truly awful horror pics around now (notably the feeble sequel to this one) but that's a price that has to be paid.) And it was this thoroughly neat but not all that extraordinary film that started the trend. Thanks guys: it was about time!
Rating:  Summary: Great and original idea. Review: The Blair Witch Project is suffering from the negative criticism as a once hyped movie/song/book/clothing style always does. This movie was an entertaining film when it was originally released. They marketed the film very well and I like the idea that horror doesn't have to be gorey to be effective. Now that years have passed and the punchline is pretty much ruined it suffers greatly. I feel bad that people wanna rate it so horribly and not recognize it's once very recognizible originality and it was fun (shaking visuals aside.) This reaction does show this film will not stand the test of time so it does receive only 3 stars. I'd say it's worth buying if you've never seen it.
Rating:  Summary: WORST MOVIE EVER! Review: I have heard that people pissed their pants after seeing this. How is that possible when all you see are 3 very UNTALENTED actors doing an absolutely horrible job at acting? This movie is about as scary as Barney! I mean honestly! You don't see anything, no blood, no gore, no "Witch", NOTHING! Blair Witch 2 is 1 billion times better and it actually is scary. This movie shouldn't even have gotten as much $ as it's budget ($40,000). My 2 year old brother wasn't even scared when he saw this hunk of (...) Here is the factors in the movie with 0 being none and 5 (which won't appear here) being a lot: Scare Factor 0 Blood/Gore Factor 0 The Nightmare Factor 0 And The Wet Your Pants After Hearing A Scream Factor 0 Overall, you'll lose about 30-70% of your brain cells watching this movie more than once.
Rating:  Summary: Putrescent Overhyped Garbage!! Review: This is arguably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I took my fiance to see the movie at a beautiful old theatre around the corner (you know the kind -- perfect place to see a scary movie). This was truly a "student movie" -- obvious from the lack of a grey-cell to share between the actors (if you can call them that). Suffice it to say, when the movie finished -- as one, the whole theatre burst into laughter. But don't buy this thinking there was any comedy -- I think we were laughing at ourselves for wasting money -- and two hours we will never get back.....
Rating:  Summary: 20 Year Horror Fanatic Review: (1-5) Gore Factor: 1/2 Scare Factor: 4 (1-10) Overall: 9
Rating:  Summary: A Shockumentary for sure! Review: Filmed in a documentary type fashion, this film creates a tension from start to finish which creates a very effective scare tactic. Probably overhyped on it's release, this film still manages a chill or so after repeated viewings. A group of students set out to investigate the Blair Witch in Maryland and learn more about her and her activities and manage to get caught up in them as well. The ending is a bit mysterious if not totally creepy, and you really need to pay attention during the movie to understand exactly what is going on. At times convoluted and otherwise confusing, the movie does end up wrapping up itself to some explainable conclusion. The fact that this was made up a documentary only adds flavour to this eerie little film. A must for horror fans.
Rating:  Summary: Big hype Big bore Review: This movie really got scores with all the trailers and tidbits shown on tv.... I went and watched this thinking it would scare the wits out of me. Much to my surprise it actually put me to sleep...... I have seen better than this Much better if you don't get bored easily see it for yourself more hype than anything.
Rating:  Summary: Nice little film but don't eat anything before Review: You knew it would happen sooner or later. A film that comes out that defys standards for a hit and rips them apart in the process. Also another inevitable thing would happen: the film would get so built up on hype and mass marketing that everyone will label the film overhyped and not worth it. This is a love it or hate it film. The film is "apparently" about 3 filmmakers: Heather, Josh and Michael as their documentering a local legend known as the Blair Witch. They start out in town asking locals and getting stories then they set out into the woods to see a cemetery. However, they start realizing they're getting more and more lost. Tempers and accusations fly around meanwhile there's strange noises at night. Keep in mind some things might get unbearable: Josh's sailor mouth(count how many "f**k's he says) or Heather's screaming(she's mainly behind the camera so when she screams, she's directly near the microphone). That ending will always stay with you. One hand it will disappoint you: You're completely clueless about why he's standing in the corner or what makes the camera fall and what happens afterwards, yet it's disturbing at the same time: it leaves you with a sense that something did happen and that it happened and you were helpless and unable to do anything(kind of like watching a family member of something horrible done to them and you were unable to help.) It's certaintly worth taking a look and watching the special features where they went a long way to actually pass this off as fact(honestly, when you saw them on Leno and tv didn't you imagine somebody was going "THEY FOUND THEM!"