Rating:  Summary: Underated or Overated? Review: Well, I would have to say that it would be right in the middle. This movie both has been applauded by critics,but bood by the audience, really is a GOOD film.I know that is different than most horror movies,and may not be all that scary,but when you think about it, how scarry could that have been?I mean if you were out in the middle of the woods, with no food,hardly any water,and barely any shelter,plus the fact that a satanic ghost woman is watching every step you make, I think I would find that Terrifying!But still,The Blair Witch Project is no ''Exorcist'',or ''Shining'',but it is MUCH MUCH better than ''Stigmata'',or ''I Know What You Did Last Summer''. You just have to put yourself in their position.
Rating:  Summary: Great ID......Horrobol movie Review: The only thing that net to do so this cut be a 5 star movie is the 3th camera...3 kids lost in the woods...and will get crasy...the movie is like homecamera making...that sukz
Rating:  Summary: boring and lame Review: I was waiting for the scary part of the movie and it never came around. It was the most irritating movie to watch. The constant bickering and arguments and immature tantrums drove me nuts.
Rating:  Summary: The Blair Witch Ripoff Review: Are they kidding? Scariest film since The Exorcist? I'm sorry to say, but I bought into the hype and purchased the movie (since I couldn't ever get tickets to the theater). I'm curious to see at which points of the movie did these critics find scary? If you are a horror/thriller freak like I am, run away from this movie as fast as you can! There isn't 1 scary or suspenseful point in this movie, at all! The whole movie is 3 kids that eventually get on each other's nerves (and mine) because they get lost in the woods while trying to find signs of the "Blair Witch". The girl played by Heather Donahue seems to be the one who gets them lost because she refuses to admit that she really doesn't know where she is (even though she keeps reassuring them that she does) and eventually...they end up lost. It's so obvious that she is doing it on purpose! As a viewer you find yourself putting up with this nonsense because you think there is a payoff somewhere. The next thing you know, the credits are rolling. I think if they played it up more as a real occurrence, than maybe it would of added something to it...nah! This movie is boring, annoying and did I mention boring! Oh, and 1 more thing..."Blair Witch" was a total rip off of a movie that I believe was called "The Last Broadcast" (I'm not 100% on the title). I gave it 1 star because there wasn't a lower rating alternative.
Rating:  Summary: 10 Million "Blair Witch"- Haters Can't Be Wrong! Review: Don't be fooled by the last 10 or 12 reviews. This movie is, UNDOUBTEDLY, the WORST FILM OF ALL TIME. The only thing that scared me was that I paid money to see it. I saw "The Blair Witch Project" at the theater, and something happened that evening that I have never before witnessed. When the credits rolled, EVERYONE IN THE THEATER (with the exception of 2 nine-year old girls) LET OUT A VERY LOUD AND ANGRY "BOO". People were FORMING A LINE to get their money back. When is the last time you saw that? Just because a thing is "original" doesn't automatically make it good. "Blair Witch" rates right up there with other "originals" such as the Chia Pet and the Clapper. The only people that might find this movie even REMOTELY scary are the same ones that REGULARLY USE A NIGHT-LIGHT when its time for beddy-bye. PLOT SYNOPSIS: "I heard there's a witch. We're lost. We're lost. Hey, there's some sticks. We're lost. F-You. No F-You. We're lost. Hey, there's some rocks. Where's Josh? We're lost. Where's Josh? F-You. We're lost. We're dead." I BEG OF YOU, SAVE YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY!
Rating:  Summary: On the edge of your seat horror flick. Review: I know many people were disappointed in the film because it wasn't scary enough or the ending was rather dumb. If you actually follow the story deeply and understand it, then you would see that it isn't all about making you pee your pants. This film is definitely a great one and it was made to keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time. The whole movie was excellent because it leaves you thinking -- and thinking is good, because you wouldn't want everyting explained to you. It's fun to try figuring things out on your own.
Rating:  Summary: Are they kidding? Review: I just finished watching this "epitome of horror"-this scariest film since "The Exorcist." What I came away with was that either they were putting me on, or ( and here is the true scariest part about this film), they REALLY believe this was something worth putting on film. Either way, I truly do encourage you to see this so that you too can say, this is "the WORST movie I have ever seen." Believe me, you will be saying it for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: Great Film, Lots of Scares, but... Review: The first time I saw The Blair witch Project, I loved it. It reminded me of my early days of horror films, sitting up at night watching Creature Features, shaking with terror at the unfolding scene, wanting desperately to escape but realizing that *not knowing* would scare me more. Blair Witch is also endearing in the sense that Heather and her friends could well be you! The students laugh and joke a lot, talking with the optimism of youth, trusting that the future will continue to unfold in the same positive way it always has. They never realize, as most young people don't, that life itself is fragile, and can be lost at any moment. The fact that the Blair Witch Project portrays this, and then at the end immediately snuffs it out, is a sign of wisdom and dexterity that is played out with clarity. James Cameron, look out! The Blair Witch Project marks the beginning of the end for Hollywood, at a time when success of a film is marked not by the quality of the story, but by how much money spent in making it. Studios today routinely brag about how many millions they have spent, as though that is a sign of craftsmanship. Anyone who has suffered through Cleopatra or Heaven's Gate will tell you that's not true! Every decade or so, an amateur film appears which simply uses quality as its plan. Easy Rider was one such film. The film may hiss and pop, but you know you're watching art. Likewise, Blair Witch uses shaky hand-held video cams and a villain which never actually appears to bring the anxiety and fear of the film to a fever pitch. Its companion film, Curse of the Blair Witch, continues in the same vein, offering tantalizing glimpses into the obscure forces which have caused the disappearance of the young filmmakers. When being viewed, you cannot help but sweat, because you *know* something bad is going to happen, and you wonder why the impending victim can't see it coming. The Wicker Man was like this. So was Alien. I wish I could give this film a top rating, but I can't. What stops me from giving this film (as well as Curse of the Blair Witch) five stars are the glaring holes in its logic and its background. For example (spoiler warning! If you haven't seen the film, read no further!), in the very beginning, Heather Donahue is showing the camera the supplies she is bringing along, one of which is a book on survival in the woods. Well, for the record, I have that book in my collection (I'm a bookseller by profession) and it tells what to do when you get lost! So why didn't they simply use that to find their way out of the woods? This is an error that should have been caught, and cut out of the film as it neatly destroys the entire premise of the film. Second, the sheer idiocy of Mike throwing away the map is simply unbelievable. That's like saying, "My car's not working, so I'm burying the keys." No sense at all! In Curse of the Blair Witch, we are told that the township of Blair is resettled in 1825 when a railroad crew happens upon the abandoned village and renames it Burkittsville. Nice touch, but the writers didn't do their homework (again!). The first railroad engine was built in 1829 (the Stourbridge Lion) in England, and then exported to the United States. Furthermore, in Curse, during the History of the Blair Witch sequence, the video shows what appears to be a handsome woodburning steam train whose track is being laid. I have tentatively identified the engine as a 4-4-0 Number 7 of the Atlantic and and Great Western Railroad (a predecessor of the Erie). But this train wasn't built until 1862(!) at the Cooke Locomotive Works, in Paterson, N.J. (I take my information from Railroad History in Photographs, by Anthony Thompson, Signature Press, 1996. Also, All Kinds of Trains, by Ron White, Grosset and Dunlap, 1972). Still later in the Blair Witch History, during the execution of Rustin Parr, a grim photograph of the criminal on the gallows is shown. A man in the crowd is shown wearing a straw boater hat. Another chronological error! Straw hats like that (the same kind that Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck wear during their Vaudeville act)were common summer outdoors wear beginning in 1890 and lasting until around 1929. In sum, Blair Witch Project and Curse of the Blair Witch are great for an evening scare. The horror creeps up on you until the final scene when you're literally quaking with terror. This is as it should be for a horror film. But afterwards, the inconsistencies drag you back to reality, and you can't help but think....Wait a minute!
Rating:  Summary: Think about it! Review: Think about what an achievement this movie is. It was made for next to nothing and still manages to be the type of horror movie that we haven't seen for many, many years. For those people who want Freddie Kruger and Aliens type special effects, it's bound to be a disappointment - that's the whole point! It's not an in your face horror movie - Freddie and Aliens were just plain silly. This movie is terrifying precisely because the horror is so underplayed - the final two seconds will stay with me forever. It is a thriller/horror in the tradition of "Psycho" and "Full Circle" ("The Haunting of Julia" in the USA); particularly effective because it DOESN'T rely on special effects, a huge budget and big name actors. Seems to me an awful lot of people have missed the point completely with this one.
Rating:  Summary: The best psychological horror film ever made. Review: Many people won't like this movie, there's no doubting that, but anyone who refuses to sit down and accept the film the way it was made will never be able to appreciate it's beauty. Honestly, I didn't find it that scary, not until the final scene, but where everything leading up to the ending lacked in horror for me, it made up in the sheer psychological torture displayed by the incredible cast. The Blair Witch Project isn't a movie, it's more like a peice of art. If you have the correct perspective of it, even if it didn't make you scared it will disturb you, or at least bother you, and then you will look back at it and admire it, as I did. The amazing acting and the incredible cinematography, coupled with the most innovative plot ever created (right next to The Matrix) results in one of the best movies of 1999, and it makes me proud to be a fan of horror films.