Rating:  Summary: Most Horrifying Review: Blari witch project in my opinion was very creepy. I wouldn't exactly say scarey. But Horrifying is a good word. To really get creeped out on this movie, you have to understand that this is a "dead" witch that haunts the woods. 3 students go out into these woods to go to a cemetary to do a documentary. But, far into the woods, they start going in circles and then finally get lost. They see stranges symbols, and hear strage noises. There are no glory. You also have to understand the curse of the blair witch and what the witch does. The witch kills, or does something to someone every someodd years. On one story, a girl is playing in a creek, only about a foot deep. There were groups of people around the creek having a picnic. And to some peoples versions, a large hand grabbed the girl into the water. The people around her got scared and went to the authorities and they sent out a search party. After a long while, that search party did not come back. So another search party went out to look for them. They found the search party lying on a rock with symbols cut into their foreheads and bellies, heels, etc. So the search party ran out of the woods to tell everyone, so they went back into the woods to see, they were GONE!!!!! The girl, as well as the search party were never found. Freaky eh? Well, now, go and watch the movie and see how creeped out you'll get.
Rating:  Summary: GLAD THEY GOT THEIR COMEUPPANCE Review: This was an innovative idea that fizzled after about 20 minutes. This was due mainly to the very obnoxious behavior of the would-be adventurers who set out on this supposed ghost hunt. These adolescents use four letter words in such a preponderance of pseudo intellectual ineptitude that I was hopping that they would all just vanish without a trace. They are the crudest, asinine and most repugnant characters I have seen in film for some time. Are we really supposed to care what happens to them? This is a film aimed at the teenage market. Are parents supposed to let their children be exposed to this offensive material? This film could have been presented without the use of the four lettered words, but I suppose the filmmakers would find that not politically correct. Welcome to the next century.
Rating:  Summary: Proves how low the horror genre has fallen Review: The lack of good, original material for horror films is blatant with the popularity of this film, which is simply a low-budget idea that provides no scares and a lot of boredom, even at a short length. Not to mention it rips off a much better, though infinitely more graphic CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST. (BLAIR WITCH, on the other hand, shows absolutely nothing to be scared of, so even the ending comes off as silly.) There isn't much to this film, and again, once all of the hype went away people realized that this film was a decent idea but not a very engaging feature. See for yourself though; the strong-of-stomach should try HOLOCAUST though.
Rating:  Summary: What you can't see will frighten you... Review: Yeah, that is basically Hollow Man's Tagline, but really, that is what the Blair Witch Project stands for. The real scary parts of the movie are because you can't see the witch, and the black and white woods scenes are also very scary. Now, I am not a 90's teen that likes movies like Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer, I like the old fashioned ones, like the Romero Trilogy, Friday the 13th, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc.... The fact of the matter is, if you thought Scream was a scary movie, and didn't catch any of the above, you probably aren't going to like this movie. This is a movie for the REAL horror fan. It is thrilling but only if you want it to be, and keep in mind it was made with $40,000, so there is no possible way you could expect more. This is more like the horror movies of old, and let's just hope the sequel stays the same.
Rating:  Summary: Scarey to city slickers ( well, maybe) Review: This movie was a big disappointment to me, but not for the same reasons a lot of other reviewers have cited. I can deal with the "home movie" gimmick, the purposely low-budget look and the amateurish improv acting -- after all, if this were really unedited video footage shot by film students (as the story implies), then it probably would look just like that. What I found unforgivably stupid was the plot. Much of the horror (or lack thereof) was based on being lost in the woods and then getting panicked by every little noise that went bump in the night. That might be scarey to city slickers who don't know anything about campcraft, but I live in the Great North Woods and I'm not afraid of the forest at night, so the "horror" fell flat. Sure, there was something out there that finally got them in the end, but only after they made so many dumb mistakes that I began to feel they deserved to die out of sheer stupidity. First of all, it's well-known that if you wander aimlessly in the woods, you will go in circles, because most people have some degree of left or right footedness and will take slightly longer strides with one leg than the other. Walking in circles is a dangerous waste of energy. So what you do upon getting lost in the woods is to STAY PUT, conserve your strength, and build a nice big smokey signal fire -- that will bring the firefighters to you in a hurry. What these three idiots did was throw away the map (mistake #2, and a really lame plot device), then walk themselves to exhaustion, crossing the same creek and fallen log over and over again. And that was mistake #3 because, as any Boy or Girl Scout knows, if you follow water downhill, you have a pretty good chance of eventually finding some sign of civilization, because people tend to settle along creeks at the bottom of mountains. Of course, if they had followed the stream back into town, the movie would have ended halfway through -- which, in my opinion, would be no great loss.
Rating:  Summary: The Blair Witch Project - Anatomy of Misadventure Review: If your after slick Hollywood Production techniques, this is not the film for you. If your after stunning actors with perfect teeth, then go elsewhere ( although Heather is definitely very shagable). If its gruesome monsters and great special effects then watch The Haunting. If you crave heroes who orchestrate a fairy tale ending against all odds and pulls the babe in the process, then watch the rest of the crap Hollywood regurgitates all over us. But, if you have at least half a brain and understand the monstrous evil lurking in the unknown, then watch The Blair Witch Project. It'll scare the shit out of ya. At a certain level, even though we never see it, the viewer has to be aware of this thing hunting them through the woods. But put that aside momentarily and focus on the film's portrayal of three people getting lost. Not just lost, but serious shit lost in the middle of nowhere with no hope of rescue and death an outcome that is more than possible. Anyone who has been in the situation can relate to this film and its portrayal of the TERROR that gradually envelopes the characters. First comes the joking that they're lost, then comes the cold realisation they are lost, then comes the blame and recriminations followed by despair,anger and finally terror. Three people, three different personalities, all falling apart one by one in three different ways. Brilliant. Add to that this thing hunting them through the woods and the final scene in THAT house with THAT screeching from Heather. It all adds up to a frightening experience not to be missed. My hat goes off to the actors and crew for the scariest film in two generations since The Excorist. In the end , I don't care about the snowjob they pulled on us by allowing us to think it was real footage. If that did happen, and that witch and those woods did exist, and three people got lost in there, I think this film is as close as anyone could come to capturing the horror that would unfold.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie Review: I'm getting tired of people complaining about camera bouncing, amateurish shots, etc. That was the whole point of the movie! Unedited shots made by the documentary filmakers (students) themselves. I thought this film was wonderful! Too many films now adays rely too much on blood and gore. This film made you think, use your imagination, much as you would in the old horror films of the past. No special FX, no big names, just an interesting premise and good acting. I think that because the ending left so many unanswered questions, that is the reason that so many people disliked it. There was no closure. But, hey, not many movies (not since the empire strikes back <is Darth Vader Luke's father, etc>) have a movie left the watcher hanging the way this one did. And, love it or hate it, how many will go see the sequel? I know I will :). Note: For some other interesting movies, see The Last Broadcast or The Uninvited. Both good movies.
Rating:  Summary: One word: Stupid! Review: I went to see this at the movies because everyone was saying how scary it was. Apparently these people don't get out much. The acting was terrible, the camera's wild movements made me sick, the F-word was used in almost every sentence, and I fail to see how piles of rocks and stick figures could scare anybody. I'd rather be stuck on a bus with a bunch of rednecks during rush hour traffic than watch this crappy movie again.
Rating:  Summary: What Happens When Producers Go Broke Review: This movie was horrible. The filming was amateur and the plot was shot. It never should have gone to theatres. I'd give it a 0 any day.
Rating:  Summary: Use your imagination! Review: We've all become used to the modern horror flick where everything is shown on the screen. But throughout film history some of the most frightening movies were those that held back. Jaws was very creepy until you got to see the shark. Alien was creepy until you saw the alien and just seeing a glimse of a ghost walk past the bedroom in 6th sense, scared the hell out of me. This is where Blair witch works better than all the above. It shows nothing, and lets the viewer use his/her imagination to create the monster. If the monster was exposed at the end of the film, no amount of SFX could have made it as scarey as what was visualized in my mind. Not seeing the monster made it more real..It could be anything or anyone. The acting showed a side of human behaviour that is rarely seen on film, where panic and chaos cause people to act in weird ways. Most actors would not like to see themselves onscreen with snot and tears running down their faces, and that is exactly the point. These people are not meant to be actors, but people like you or me lost in the woods and being hunted. Half way through watching this film I tried to imagine what I would do in a similar situation. My first reaction was to curl up in a little ball and cry. No film has ever made me reliase that I'm probably even more pathetic than the next person. Lets hope Hollywood takes heed and starts making films like they used to. You dont need big stars and budgets to make a good film, and they don't get much better than The Blair Witch project. You just need to kick start that imagination that has been crushed by watching years of mindless flicks.