Rating:  Summary: You've got to either love this movie or hate it... Review: Personally, I loved it. The idea for this film was VERY original, and since the cast was an unknown bunch of youngsters, it made it into something more plausible somehow.The scariest part of the movie for me was the fact that you never saw or heard ANYTHING that you can't explain rationally - the noises and other phenomena they hear and see could have been made by some of the town people who didn't want them around, or thought scaring them might be a god joke...
Rating:  Summary: Pointless, but at least it was cheap Review: I'll give Blair Witch credit for approaching the horror film genre with a much more subtle and minimalistic hand than other recent monstrosities like the remake of "The Haunting." The film makers tried to convey terror in the way we most get terrified, with unclear and dimly understood phenomena that subtly take us to a slightly scrambled and foreboding frame of reference, with a menacing force we feel is out to get us but which we cannot clearly define. No 20-foot high apparations growling at us, no human bones exploding out of the fireplace. So Blair Witch tries to make you think this could really happen to people, since it was "filmed as someone's project" (as the pre-release hype led us to believe). But somehow, it all just falls flat. For me there were two key problems, one of which was the believability of the presumed realism. For example, we have this group of obviously inexpert hikers with a questionable sense of direction, taking a trip into very unfamiliar territory (territory which is purported to have claimed human lives before), with absolutely no contingency in case they get lost. One stinking map.... no cheap Radio Shack GPS unit, and for crying out loud, in a world where young people possess cell phones in abundance, no one thought to bring one! "Hello... we are WAY lost here, and something's trying to kill us.... SEND HELP!" OK, if I accept that they are just a bunch of young foul-ups, am I to accept that they have to get so irrational and out of control that they spend half the film screaming and cursing at one another (yeah, I know, "the witch" was influencing them) that they not only failed to stick to any coherent plan to get them out of the woods, one of them actually throws that one map away out of spite? Somehow, with their brain-dead approach to what they were trying to do, and the incessant carping and yelling at each other, I just couldn't connect with any of them. In fact, I found them to become so annoying I was waiting with hopeful anticipation to seeing "the witch" deal them their just desserts! Yes, it's clear the film was done VERY cheaply, and the acting is, IMO, amateurish. It was an idea with promise, but wasn't well developed. I'd advise viewing it on cable just to see what all the chatter was about, but buying the tape...?
Rating:  Summary: A real horror film Review: I have a large collection of DVDs. I only ever sold one DVD - this one, because I hated it. I found the premise about as boring as you could get. The characters were annoying and grated on my nerves (particularly the girl). The camerawork made me sick - just kept jumping around all the time. This certainly is a horror film - a horror that such a thing can be made, and even made to sell. Don't waste your money. Rent, maybe, if only to satisfy your curiosity, but if you do rent, get another film as well because you'll probably want to switch this one off after about 15 minutes. Please don't take my word for it, just look at all the second-hand copies being sold - you don't see anything like that for films of any quality. Why doesn't Amazon allow you to put zero stars???
Rating:  Summary: Profanity Ruins A Truly Scary Film Review: The Blair Witch Project is a scary movie indeed. Personally, I have gone out looking for local "scary" legends and at times, spooked myself silly. The Blair Witch project gave me a chance to investigate another "local legend" from the comfort of a theater seat. There are some really good chills in this film and it starts out quite nicely, but it is all ruined by a lack of intelligent dialogue. The movie opens where our "three brave heroes" prepare for their trek into the woods to investigate the "Blair Witch." The interviews with the town locals are very interesting and believable. This builds up the mythos behind the legend. The interview with Jim King about Rustin Parr was extremely convincing and brought a since of realism to a film that we know to be fiction. Then they head into the woods. Everything starts out just fine; in fact, the cast even seems a little disappointed. In their second night in the woods, they start to hear sounds and mostly pass it off as deer. Then the next night and the nights to follow, more strange and insidious things happen. The best thing about The Blair Witch Project is that you never quite see anything scary. All of the scares come from the acting, sound and lighting. The cast does a good job, especially Heather Donahue. Despite her Razzie award, she is the strongest in the cast. The sounds in this film are quite chilling and the scene where they hear the kids laughing really brought goose bumps! And the final scene stuck in my mind for days! All of this excellent material is ruined by poor choice of words. Sure they were scared and most of the film was improvised, but the profanity reached a point of ridiculousness. It seems as if they used profanity as adverbs and adjectives rather than for pure emotional impact. This definitely was the most disappointing aspect for this film. The DVD is excellent! It is packed full of extra's including the Blair Witch special, deleted scenes and trailers. The "special effects" on the menus are also well done. All in all, I was scared and chilled by this film, but I cannot recommend this film because of the unnecessary profanity.
Rating:  Summary: Could have been..! Review: A rumor was spread that this movie was made of real footage found out side a forest! This made me live the THRILL and SHOCKING SUSPENSE..! After removing the reality from the story and knowing that it was fiction... the movie turned into a cheap budget myth! If only the rumor was real, this would have been something very powerful, very emotional, very thrilling, but now..! To enjoy it, live the experience as if it was made of genuine footage!
Rating:  Summary: Scary and smart! Review: This movie is a classic! The whole film is improv, and the actors do a wonderful job. It's very disturbing and haunting to watch these college students suffer with fear and anxiety, and when the credits finally roll at the end after the horrific and thought-provoking finale, you will find that you can't get this movie out of your head. Another plus is the effective use of the camera, the way it cuts and focuses on the trees at night as their sillouettes are cast out all over the forest, giving off a very eerie effect. Great film to watch while camping!
Rating:  Summary: Chilling movie... Review: Most horror films don't leave much to the imagination these days. Everything is put right in front of the audience and it's expected to be scary. Depending on the writing and acting, it can make or break a film. The Blair Witch Project was a very different film. It took horror back to its roots, in that it is the unknown that is terrifying. What is it lurking in the shadows that will get us? The film brought back memories for me of being young and with friends and being in the woods and "seeing" or "hearing" things due to our overactive imaginations and in short, scaring ourselves silly. It is that psychological terror that makes The Blair Witch Project work and succeed. You don't know what the noises in the woods are, you don't know who is stalking the characters. That's what makes the movie so chilling. The three filmmakers are lost, hungry, exhausted and hunted. It makes for a must see horror film. If you're the type of movie watcher that has to have everything spelled out for you and you have lost your imagination due to watching too many slaughter films, this isn't your movie. But if you want to see something truly different, something that will work with your imagination rather than abuse it, see this film-even better, buy it!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Comedy I've Seen in a long long time. Review: First off, I am afraid of lots of things and it really doesn't take much to scare the crap out of me. Practically every horror movie I've seen scared me. Not this one though. This movie was FUNNY. It was so stupid, it's an hour and a half of listening to Heather scream. They walk in the woods, they walk in the woods some more, they walk in the woods for a little more, then they blow up at each other, then they walk in the woods some more, and then the movie's over. I cleaned the dvd and watched the last scene again to make sure it hadn't skipped to the end or something! This movie does not belong on vhs or dvd, it belongs in the america's funniest home videos archive. It was not scary, not a single part was surprising. You usually watch horror movies in hopes that you will be SCARED and SUPRISED not BORED and SLEEPY. I probably wouldn't have been able to tell it someone put it on pause while I was watching it. The trailer for I know what you did last summer was scarier. And we all know trailers aren't scary. This movie was easily the most hilarious movie I've ever seen. I could have made a scarier movie/home video.
Rating:  Summary: Not Scary, But Interesting...I Guess.. Review: There was a little too much talk about this film, its definitely worth watching, but it isnt what it seems from previews.. First of all, them walking in the woods talking about unrelated things is the most boring thing ever..They put things in this film that could have been cut..(well about 80% of the film!) But when it was supposed to be scary, its just kinda interesting I guess.. But one more thing is how it ended, made it lose a star...The only purpose for this was a cheap attempt to make a sequel..(Which absolutely flopped!) If your looking for scary, rent Hellraiser, put down The Blair Witch Project! Its as scary as There's Something About Mary!
Rating:  Summary: what a piece of crap Review: I live in Panama, so the blair witch project was released over here like 4 months after it had been released in the US. I had heard so many good things about this movie, wow so many people making lines and lines outside the theatres to see this "masterpiece". This has already been done, and in much better, realistic ways, I can't believe it, thank god the sixth sense came to rescue the year, because if not who know how much more money this huge piece of $h¡t would have made, sure the creators are multimillionares by now, thanks to all of those stupid people that threw their money away. It runs at like 1hr40mins, it seemed longer that Titanic!