Rating:  Summary: If Any Film Can Truly Scare You....This Is The One!! Review: If some of the scenes in this landmark film didn't scare the heck out of you....then you're incapable of being scared! This is truly one of the most frightening motion pictures I've ever watched. We never see a witch, or a wild-eyed maniac with a chainsaw, or any ghost-like figures. These images that we never see, but THINK we might run into at any moment, are precisely what make this film so effectively chilling. The viewer begins to put himself into the shoes of the characters....and we begin to wonder, just like the frightened lost soles in the movie, "What the heck is making those strange noises!?" We never see what it is, and neither do the characters. But we do get some exceptionally eerie clues along the way. Clues that only increase our anxiety. So hang onto something and experience "The Blair Witch Project"! It's a highly memorable movie experience.
Rating:  Summary: not good and scary at all Review: this was terrible. its the worst movie ever. i wish there was 0 stars. the previews said it was the scarriest movie of all time yeah right there just trying to con you intio seeing it. i saw this in theaters too. waste of a perfectly good $...
Rating:  Summary: Mixed feelings. Review: First of all this is not exactly "horrific". It is not exactly suspenseful, however I do find it a little captivating and creative. I totally disagree with that guy that said that teens were warped with gory special affects. ???? . Well my favorite horror movie is the Classic American John Carpenter film "Halloween". Gory gags weren't needed in that movie. It was scarier without seeing a person getting killed in unrealistic, bloody ways. I'll tell you another thing, "The Blair Witch Project" needed to throw in "the F word" a million times, because without it, the movie would probably be a half an hour long. In conclusion watch it once, leave it on the shelf untill next year.
Rating:  Summary: Good premise for a low-budget film...that is all Review: The movie is about three college students who disappeared while filming a documentary about a legendary witch. By showing only this "documentary", we have a clever way to employ cheap cinematography in a potentially good movie.While the actors put forth a good effort, the acting was still at a level that was distracting. Suspension of disbelief was therefore impossible. The three main characters were not distinct, having similar speech patterns and temperament. They could not evoke sympathy. A more refined plot could have also helped.
Rating:  Summary: One of Horror's Greats Review: The Blair Witch Project is easily one of the most original horror movies to come out in a long time (maybe even ever). To mention one thing, it doesn't stumble into the pratfall to which most American genre flicks succumb — that of thinking a horror movie has to be a slasher flick. Blair Witch functions entirely on a psychological level, and while it may not be the scariest film out there, it is very intriguing - enough so that I rank it among Horror's greats. The acting in this film is all superb, and the Oscars, performing one of their classic idiocies, failed to nominate any of these fine young people for actor. The performances in Blair Witch are ultra-believable and realistic. Of course, that has a lot to do with the flying-by-the-seat-of-your-pants style of filmmaking that was used to do this movie. Much of the dialogue, etc., is improvised. These guys actually lived out in the woods for the duration of the shoot and the filmmakers left basic instructions and parameters for the actors each day, as well as their ration of food (which, by the end of the shoot, was reduced to a piece of fruit and a power bar per day). The actors did not know what was going to happen from day to day. Granted, this allows for a lot of real fear and tension, thus negating some of the need to conjure the emotions through acting, as would be the case on a normal movie set, but there was a lot more need for improv on this shoot and the actors performed admirably. I think the reason I didn't find this movie as frightening as some reviewers is BECAUSE of the reviews. Too much hype can ruin even a great film, which this is. If I had gone into this movie cold, the experience would have been much more intense. So I don't blame the movie - I blame the studio. Nonetheless, this is a powerful, intense and original film and watching the situation and characters decay as each day passes and they become more and more desparate is, at times, riveting. This is very much a character-driven movie, something else that sets it aside from most other horror movies (the sequel included, which felt like an interesting story populated by standard, cardboard slasher characters/victims). I understand why many viewers didn't like this film - simply because the average viewer really has no interest in the avant garde, which this film definitely is. But I encourage those viewers to consider Blair Witch objectively and not automatically dash it simply because it didn't live up to expectations. It went beyond expectations into a totally different world, the reason I like it. The documentary feel of the film also helped tremendously. In that way, this ranks as one of the most realistic horror films of all time, a definite contributor to its effectiveness. I'm very interested in pop sociology and pop culture, and I am very impressed (though also frustrated) by the filmmakers' accomplishment - creating such a massive, bona fide urban legend. Lest you argue that it isn't really a true urban legend ... well, I'll give you an example. I got into a discussion with an acquaintance of mine who was so taken in by the publicity approach that he thought that not only was the movie a chronicle of a real life disappearance - but he also thought some of the footage was real! I have another friend who — despite having visited the Burkittesville Web site that explains that the Blair Witch legend and town of Blair are not historic — still believes in the Blair Witch! In case you're wondering, that's the frustrating part about the filmmakers' creation. I get more aggravated than I should by people who don't realize that the legend was deliberately created. Also, I'd like to touch on the film's lack of a widescreen version, in answer to a previous review. The reason the DVD and video aren't widescreen is that the original film is not widescreen. Even in the theater, the picture was square due to the types of cameras used to shoot the movie. At any rate, The Blair Witch Project stands out in my mind one of the greats — a major milestone in the history of horror cinema. I went ahead and only gave it four since my full enjoyment was a bit tempered by too much expectation and hype (something Hollywood does all the time, to the detriment of its product).
Rating:  Summary: A chilling and scary movie!!!!!! Review: I love this movie. Many people say this movie isn't scary..it is!! Maybe it doesn't have any gore in it but you don't need that to make a horror movie scary. It's the atmosphere and surroundings that make it scary. Think aboyt it.. you are alone with friends in the woods at night. There are weird noises echoing. You don't know what it is. that's the scary thing. You don't know if it's an animal, their minds playing tricks or the actual witch!! I think it's alot scarier when you can't see it and can only wonder what the evil is. Buy the DVD. It has good sound and great picture.
Rating:  Summary: Goofball Producers Seduce Gullible Public. Review: This exercise in futility has to rank below Attack of The Killer Tomatoes! How this film cost 40k to make is beyond me, not just how everyone followed the blind man over the cliff to the tune of 100 plus million!! It only resembles some stupid city kids getting lost in their back yard, running around in circles , talking about nothing, and using the f word in excess of several thousand times.....what a script! Anyone who shelled out good money to see this at the theater and ALSO BOUGHT POPCORN...well,if you had all put a dollar into the kitty, you might have been able to make a movie just as good or better.
Rating:  Summary: Haunting and Memorable Review: First of all, as a counterargument to some of the criticisms - true, documentarians don't record every single little thing - or do they? After all, this was a student project that was presumably meant to be edited later, so why not get as much on camera as possible? Nothing happens, say some - but that's the point of this movie, your imagination supplies what isn't shown on the screen (perfect example - Heather running through the woods, screaming "What was that?" at something unseen). Too much of the F-word, cry others - well, hate to burst your bubble, but a lot of young people talk this way, for better or worse; there is certainly nothing unrealistic about a lot of profanity. Enough with the "Devil's Advocate", though - here's what makes this a five-star DVD. First, good bonus materials - Curse of the Blair Witch adds some nice details. Second, nice presentation, i.e., the menus and background screens. Third, and most important, it's easy to criticize this movie for all the hype, but the premise is genuinely creative, the methodology for the performances is very smart (shoot "real-time", keep actors on their toes with the unexpected), and the ending of this movie is just about the spookiest damn thing I have ever seen. If you haven't seen Blair Witch yet, forget the hype and try to lose yourself in the experience of the students - and turn the lights off. If you're like me, this movie will stay with you for days.
Rating:  Summary: A dog. A turkey. Blah Witch. Review: It's late to be saying this, but I tend to wait till hype has died down before seeing a film. The hype itself was moderately clever, and would get three stars from me. (In the same way that Madonna's media manipulation always used to be more interesting than her act.) But I just saw the film. It is boring and irritating beyond belief. I regret that the horror is understated principally because the cast are so irritating. By the time they have shouted, thrown tantrums, run in terror from things that seem, at worst, mildly puzzling and more commonly not interesting at all, bickered and whined their full, I would happily have seen them chainsawed into small pieces, disembowelled by telekinesis, or indeed any fate that a better horror movie might have given them. They deserve bloody gurgling technicolour horror, as does everyone involved in this tedious project. There is no noise, including a railway whistle, that has so relieved me by Stopping, at last, as the whining of these actors. If the Blair Witch herself had deigned to enliven this turkey by making a screen appearance, possibly also decapitating any of the main cast, or the producers, I think I would have fallen in love: I would have her name on my pencil case, simply for Stopping This Movie. But without her, it simply goes on for 85 interminable minutes. The cinematography, such as it was, consisted of spinning the camera around in the woods. Script and acting cannot be evaluating, since they didn't actually appear in this film. Truly a wretched, incompetent, valueless film. One of the worst films I have ever seen in my life, and I have not only seen Indian musicals from the 1970s, I have seen _Funny Girl_ with Barbra Streisand. Now THAT was horror ... Cheers! Laon
Rating:  Summary: Easily the worst movie I've ever seen. Review: This has got to be the stupidest movie I've ever forced myself to watch. The plot is horrible, the ending is horrible, everything about this movie is horrible. The shakey "cinematography," if you can call it that, gave me a headache halfway into the movie. Why other reviewers are saying things like, "If you want to see a movie that doesn't require you to think, that spells everything out for you in big, bold and obvious letters, I strongly suggest that you don't waste your time here. But if you're willing to allow this film to actively engage your mind and to mentally supply what the film doesn't give you visually, I think you'll find this a very rewarding experience" is beyond me; Like there's some kind of hidden meaning to this movie that the people giving this movie bad reviews don't see. IT'S A BUNCH OF STUPID KIDS RUNNING AROUND IN THE WOODS FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF! What are you seeing that everyone else doesn't? There aren't any hidden meanings in this movie, it's just a ..., poorly made, not-horrifying horror film. This movie doesn't require you to think at all. If anything, exposing your brain to ninety minutes of this nonsense may just kill some of your precious brain cells. I went to the theater to see this movie when it first came out, expecting to be "wowed." Huge letdown. This movie is way, WAY overrated, overhyped, and just plain...horrible! Again, don't let the people telling you "this is a thinking person's movie" or "there's more to it than what's at the surface" fool you. Mindless drivel. Don't waste your time.