Rating:  Summary: If you like this movie stop now Review: This movie was vaguely frightening which is I suppose the only thing that saves it at all. However once you get over the hype and the motion sickness it all boils down to one thing. Three people ... in the woods. I will make a few allowances for it being a visionary film as far as how it was made, etc. However, If i wanna spend hours listening to people complain. I will go to work. Frankly, after listening to these three whiners for 90 minutes, I was kind of glad when they all bought it in the end.
Rating:  Summary: Piece Review: Actually, I wish I could give this movie 0 stars, but the Amazon rating scale won't let me! This was suppose to be scary? I simply became sick from all that damn camera shaking. The characters were annoying and the ending was terrible. Anyone could have made this movie. What really makes me angry are the people that acually liked this movie or were scared by it. Are you kidding me? This was about as scary as the Teletubies and less entertaining then watching my families summer picnic video. What a waste of a couple of hours!
Rating:  Summary: more like -5 stars Review: don't understand what people see in this. without a doubt one of the stupidest movies of all time. scary? you gotta be kidding (well, maybe for a preschooler).
Rating:  Summary: Stay Out Da Bushes! Review: Sorry to quote Jesse, but I couldn't resist. This movie has garnered much divided opinion; both camps are right. It sucks AND it's great. First of all, immediately dismiss every opinion that whines 'where's the blood?'. Simpletons who need monsters and gore to officially enjoy a horror movie should park their cars on road shoulders and read back issues of FANGORIA while waiting for the next highway fatality to rubberneck. This is essentially a ghost story, and ghost stories frighten with mood and suggestion, not with slashed carotid arteries. But most of the naysayers have a point: after the overkill of the media hype, you DO walk away deeply disappointed after the first viewing. The narrative structure, such as it is, is clumsy and tedious. But part of that disappointment is due to the fact that horror movies are marketed to yahoos, and otherwise-rational viewers have become all too willing to think and act like yahoos when watching a horror movie in a theater. And who can blame 'em, after 20 years of dumbed-down, market-researched 'rollercoaster ride' horror that feeds the mob a steady, predictable diet of CGI, 'dream' sequences, unkillable brand-name psychos, and wisecracking teenage hardbodies. To release a serious, straightfaced, artistic horror movie nowadays is to ask audiences to think unsettling thoughts and FEEL something genuine: far easier to let the latex do the talking over a heavy-metal soundtrack and hope you can con enough kids into believing a 'director's cut' DVD of ELM STREET 12 is a statement for the ages worth owning. Now, while BLAIR WITCH is far from perfect, it does have one 'monster' that no fx wizard could ever approach...those damned woods. Anyone who's ever gotten lost on a camping trip, or even driven through the woods at night, knows exactly what I'm saying here. There's something deeply, frighteningly eldritch and pre-human about wooded areas. Nature isn't Bambi and Grizzly Adams...it's harsh, unforgiving, cruel, remorseless; the territory of elder Gods who predate our warm and fuzzy civilized notions of deities and divinities. To live out in those woods and survive extracts a price so terrible that our ancestors finally fled, formed societies, created cities....ain't NOTHING scarier than the wild. As the three kids in this movie venture deeper into the woods, I felt a deep intuitive foreboding forming in the most primitive jelly of my brain. They're doomed because they've learned to be afraid of people but they've forgotten to be afraid of Nature, and deeper they go into a place where the very terrain- the rocks, the trees, the dirt beneath their feet - is the predator stalking them. All the faux-hostility they've learned from rap music and schoolyard brawls can't help them now. If you saw this flick and left the theater underwhelmed, see it again, alone, late at night. You might think twice about preserving any rainforest anywhere. The 'movie' part of BLAIR WITCH may be weak tea, but those haunted woods are scarier than any weightlifter in a hockey mask.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Go Into The Woods!!.... Review: What scares you?. What sends chills down your spine or the hair on the back of your neck to stand up?. There are many different answers here for many different people. There are certain things that just naturally generate fear. But the thing is, whatever is there scaring us might come from our own minds. Is something really there?. Is someone really in the dark corner in the basement?. Are we imagining it?. That's what this movie has really going for it. We have some noises and mysterious things in this film that help us, but mostly, the fear we get from this movie is what we think up in our heads. Nothing is really seen. It is what's not there, or what we don't see, that is the true terror of this film. The movie, shot in documentary style, is about three friends who head off into the woods with video camera to try and find the infamous Blair Witch. During their trip, they encounter ghostly happenings in the woods. Once our young campers are there, it only gets worse. Maps are lost, and the tension between the three rises. The movie can be highly annoying at times. The shaky camera will give anyone a migraine. The girl doesn't help matters any either. She is so loud and obnoxious you wished she would get it. The movie is scarier as an afterthought. Not necessarily while watching it. When it's over and you look back on it, it is creepy. More so than when it's actually happening on screen. This brings us back to making it up ourselves. We aren't shown things and have no idea what exactly happened. We create it ourselves and that can be even more frightening than what is laid out before us up on the big screen. It does, however, have one hell of a classic ending tho. I do have to give credit to the filmmakers on this one. They should be respected for trying to do something a little different and risky. Five stars for that. This is a film that you either love it or hate it. There doesn't seem to be any halfway in that area. While it is not something I absolutely loved, or would view over and over again, it was quite an interesting trip into psychological terror. Like I said, you either love it or hate it.
Rating:  Summary: Going back to the roots of horror. Review: This is without a dought the hardest movie to rate. The mainstream public hates this movie because of how "dumb" it is. The people who love artsy movies love this movie. I am neither one so with that said let me begain.The set up: In October 1994, three student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland, while shooting a documentary... A year later their footage was found. The footage is edited into the movie: The Blair Witch Project follows a trio of filmmakers on what should have been a simple walk in the woods... but quickly becomes an excursion into heart-stopping terror. As the three become inexplicably lost, morale deteriorates. Hunger sets in. Accusations fly. By night, unseen evil stirs beyond their campfire's light. By day, chilling ritualistic figures are discovered nearby. As the end of their journey approaches, they realize that what they are filming now is not a legend...but their own descent into unimaginable horror. Now, this movie did give me some chills but the overall fear facter when watching this movie is close to none. The end and some of the sound FX will give you the willies but nothing more. No big jumps. Hardly any blood. This movie goes back to the roots with sound, isolation, and darkness becomes scary, and it works. When this movie is over turn off all the lights or go outside in the dark, you will be freaked out. So I figure in the end this movie works, it does what its sopossed to do. The hype might was to much for this movie so people feel let down when it came out. I suggest for everone to watch it once.
Rating:  Summary: A Departure From The Traditional Scare Tactic... Review: I must say that this movie was undoubtedly one of the creepiest movies I have ever seen. Why? Simple, it allowed me to use the full power of my imagination by employing the least amount of inspiration to do so. In short, if you don't have a good imagination then this movie will do little to scare you. But, if you do have a good imagination watch out, this movie will really conjure up them age old emotions that tells us to fear the 'thing that goes bump in the night'. The film didn't have a large budget to work with so the special effects are nearly non-exsistent. However, I believe this is just another reaon why it was so good. You never really see a witch, or other ungodly creature, yet you KNOW bad things are happening. Many horror movies rely on good special effects (i.e., digitally created monsters and demons) to make them appealing, but, in my opinion, many fail removing credibility, hence The Blair Witch's most effective scare tactic is more the experience of what you DON'T see instead of what you do see. One of the other reasons why I loved this movie so much was its untraditional format. Its documentary style adds real credence, and gives the movie a distinct form of realism that I have yet to see in many other movies. The acting is REALLY superb, and the imagery of the movie I could identify with. I spent much time in my life camping deep in the woods. And living in the Midwest, the scenes were pages right out of my own life. This movie is destined to be an all time Halloween classic in my family, one of which I will watch every year when the leaves turn color, and the days run short. If you do get this movie, be sure to watch it at night with all the lights off in your house. Many of the scenes are shot in the darkness, and this will help the movie have greater impact on the viewing experience. Also, for maximum affect you want to have a hi-fidelity sound system (DVD is best) and listen to the audio track very carefully. Much of the movie's best scare tactics are experienced more by what you hear then by what you see...and this is precisely what sets it apart from any other horror movie ever made. The entire movie is experienced through the viewfinder of a video camera, all in which puts you right there with the three doomed travelers, dragging you into the fray. The film's real horror grips you when you actually stop and think about what these three people are going through, and the hopelessness you would feel if you were in the same predicament. Lastly, the dialog, although profane at times, is very realistic, and furthermore makes the movie just that much more believable. A totally cool Halloween experience! PR
Rating:  Summary: SCARY! Review: I didn't think this short film would scare me. Whoa, was I wrong! Grabbed my pillow by the end of the movie. Granted the shaky camera drives you nuts but once they're in the forest and start hearing babies crying, you're hooked. Very Alfred Hitchcock where when you don't see anything horrifies you more than actually seeing it. A great scare.
Rating:  Summary: Somebody Pinch Me, PLEEEEEEZE! Review: To pass this silly mishmash off as a "great" horror movie is like comparing a heart attack to an orgasm. This film is painful to watch, making no sense at all. Three brainless college kids out in the woods looking for witches. Not to mention the bombardment of gratuitous "cussing". Ghost stories told at summer camp are a lot "spookier" than watching this wanna-be thriller. Save your money and your time, this turkey is worth neither!
Rating:  Summary: One of the scariest movies I have ever seen. Review: I saw The Blair Witch Project back when it came out in the theaters in summer 1999.It still remains one of the scariest films I have ever seen. The movie is about 3 college students who are doing a documentary on a local legend in Burketsville,Maryland.The movie starts out with these 3 students asking people for any information they know on the Blair Witch.They then go into the woods and every thing starts out light hearted and fun until they start hearing strange noises outside of their tent,seeing stange stick figures in the woods,etc.The movie is a non stop scary ride.The ending really is the most disturbing part in the movie.Though almost all my friends hated this movie,I found it to be a terrifying film.The very thought of being lost out in large woods gives me the creeps,but having someone or somthing out there planting wierd things and making strange noises,scares the crap out of me.A must see for all horror film fans.