Rating:  Summary: This is it! It finally Happened!! TruelyAmazing!! Review: They say that if you where to lock 1000 monkeys in a room with a type writter, it would take them 1000 years to produce a literary work. Well ladies and gentlemen,apparently this experiment was actually somehow done and The screenplay for this movie was the result. Basically, if have only 100 or fewer working brain cells, then this movie is definatly for you. Buy it immediatly. The plot is good the characters are funny, and it is truely scary. For those of us who can read at at least a 2nd grade level, and do simple math such as one plus one equals 2, dont bother with this .... The people who say that this movie is for intelligent and smart people, are the same people who spend millions of dollars on pet rocks. And then when they bought a pet rock, they bought another one, hoping that they might mate and that they would get rich too by selling baby pet rocks. And for the poeple that say that this is a movie that requires you to use your imagination, that is true. With that being said and based upon the 100+ million dollars that this movie recieved, It got me woundering how easy it is to get rich in this country. It got me thinking of a possible movie i could produce. And this is what I came up with.... take a few of those glow in the dark sticks, and pay a few kids to hold them in their hands and jump on the bed in a completely dark room, screaming as if they are being killed or somethinig, and play some scary music over it. Bingo you got a hit. It would be a great movie for all those intellectuals who like to use their imaginations. Basically this movie exemplifies why it is so important to rent before you buy. However this movie does have one good note to it, it would be very good for insomniacs because this movie will lull you right to sleep quick.
Rating:  Summary: The best horror movie in years! Review: I love this movie! If you have an imagination,this will scare you. If you don't,look elsewhere.(Maybe Urban Legend 3 will be coming out soon!)Puke! You need to watch this movie alone with the lights out to really be able to take in the eerie atmosphere that this movie creates. This movie delivers tension that I haven't felt since first watching The Exorcist as a teenager back in the early eighties. Many people criticize this movie for the way it was filmed,but for me therein lies the beauty of it. The mood of the film would have been severely hampered by a big production. I love gore films(Dead-Alive,Dawn Of The Dead,The Beyond,City of The Living Dead,just to name a few),but this was one of the few films to actually get under my skin. This film didn't need gore or a big budget,just good acting,a good story,minimal props and a couple of cameras. Part 2 was not worthy as a sequel,but ends up being just another horror movie that I could live with or without. I hear Part 3 is in the making. Hopefully it can capture the intensity of the first one(doubtful). Somehow picking up where the first one left off could only help. Maybe write Heather and the guys back into the picture. I wish I could write the third installment myself!(I wouldn't disappoint fans of the original!) Thanks for your time.
Rating:  Summary: Good idea, but unspectacular implementation. Review: I only recently saw The Blair Witch Project on HBO or some other cable station and after viewing it had mixed feelings. Before I had ever even seen the movie, I was extremely skeptical and had heard extremely mixed reviews from critics and viewers alike. I had heard that it only cost about 36,000 dollars to produce this movie and the majority of the comments from viewers indicated that the movie was a total debacle and not suspenseful in the least bit. But, I nonetheless kept an open, unbiased frame of mind before watching it, wanting to develop my own opinion of it, rather than relying on someone else's.One thing I really like about this movie is it's idea: three people doing a documentary about a legendary witch via asking locals their opinions and tales about it, (using a camcorder) then actually looking for and researching the witch in the forest where it allegedly resided. The acting is also very convincing -the locals don't talk like they're doing a movie and the three young researchers are very convincing as well. So in these respects, the movie succeeds. The only problem is that the acting becomes far, far, far too melodramatic and exaggerated, and by the end of the movie I was praying, ANXIOUSLY BEGGING, in fact, for the actors (the young woman and the two young men) to be ruthlessly slaughtered by this alleged witch hunting them in the most malicious, cruel fashion ever seen on film; I began to HATE and DESPISE the research team from the get-go in the forest. Their constant slews of profanity and bickering and extreme paranoia and panic drove me up a wall and really ruined the movie in a big way. At least I can say that they were convincing in really believing that they were being hunted and that there really was something ominous in the forest. The ending didn't provide the deus ex machina, unfortunately (showing all three being viciously mutilated) that I badly desired, but at least it was interesting and fairly suspenseful. While The Blair Witch Project has its major flaws and shortcomings, the idea is at least, fresh and unique and it did end up being fairly suspenseful, but viewing this flic was just a little bit too aggravating with the idiotic teenage reasoning, swearing, and panicking...
Rating:  Summary: fake but fun Review: "In October of 1994 three student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland, while shooting a documentary......a year later their footage was found" So begins the load of tripe that is THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. Ah, but it is wonderful tripe all the same!!! THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT was marketed as being the real thing, but what heartless... would release in cinemas the last days of three young teenagers who were murdered in the woods? Heather Donahue, Michael Williams and Joshua Leonard, three little-known actors, were taken into the woods and left there for eight days with a couple of camcorders and scared themself silly to acheive the palpable level of fear and menace felt in the film THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. In addition to the movie we have the totally bogus fakey-fake documentary "Curse of the Blair Witch" which attempts to make the incident seem like it really happened, but if you saw Heather or Michael walking down the street what would you believe? Overall, one of those "guilty pleasure" movies that are just perfect with pizza and Coke on a Saturday night.
Rating:  Summary: An extended examination of complaining& walking in the woods Review: If you ever had a great interest in exploring the intriguing drama of people walking endlessly in the woods and complaining constantly to and about each other, this is the movie for you. This movie could best be described as "Alien" set in the woods without the Alien. The complaining is only interupted by the jiggling of the camera as the cast run through the woods scared as hell that they found some sticks and rocks. Imagine that. Sticks and rocks in the woods! Very spooky indeed! Unexplained is how these unemployed imbeciles ever got accepted into the community college in the first place and where they got enough film in their camera to film the entire Godfather trilogy. The only monster(s) this horror movie has are the ones who collected the millions and millions of dollars of box office receipts without paying for any special effects payout or any witch at all.
Rating:  Summary: Nice try.... Review: ....but not nice enough. First of all, this is not an "original idea." ... I don't blame people for warming up to something different than the standard slasher [junk]..., but "Blair Witch" rips off almost verbatim two similiar films, one from the 1970s called Cannibal Holocaust (see earlier review), and another which came out about a year before "BW" which was set in New Jersey (around the famous "Jersey Devil" legend) and has an almost identical plotline. You can rent this film, whose name escapes me, at Hollywood Video... It HAS been done before. That's number one. Number two is that gimmickery aside (and most of the appeal of this film was that so many people were duped, for a short while, into believing it might have been real), this isn't a very scary movie. It's somewhat disturbing, particularly if you have ever been lost in the woods and started to wonder if you'd ever get out, but I can't recall being scared. Probably because I wished Heather would either shut ... up or get killed off by the Blair Witch. Her incessant shrilling is first amusing, then annoying, then aggravating, and then finally unbearable. The flick has its moments, and I must give major props to how it was packaged and marketed, but packaging and marketing gimmicks don't make a good movie. Contrary to what I've read, BW is NOT a "love it or hate it film." It isn't powerful enough in either a good or bad sense to be loved OR hated. My personal reaction? A yawn.
Rating:  Summary: Complete... Review: This movie is nothing more than a modern take on an old horror movie from the 1970s called "Cannibal Holocaust". The main line from Cannibal Holocaust even says: "In 1979, four documentary filmmakers and their guide went into the jungles of South America to shoot a film about cannibalism... They never returned." Anyone who thinks this movie is at all an original approach to film making should stop watching Scream and get cultured on what a REAL horror movie is.
Rating:  Summary: A completely original thriller...at last! Review: It was NO surprise to me that this film received an average of 3 stars out of 1500+ Amazon reviews. Blair Witch may be the most "love it or hate it" movie of all time (right up there w/ A Clockwork Orange)! I, for one, happen to be in the "love it" category. Why? After a friggin' plethora of predictable slasher films throughout the ages; it was not only nice, but a breath of fresh air to see a horror/thriller that was...dare I say it...CREATIVE! It got the point across without the help of some gimp in a mask with a knife, some monster with lots of teeth, Satan, or a house with furniture & things flying around by themselves. At one point, all of these cliches were original ideas (i.e. Halloween, Jaws, The Exorcist, & Poltergeist). But like every good idea throughout history, their novelties wore off due to an endless array of copycat films. The aforementioned movies are all still very great, but their IDEAS have been used again and again...and again! A fresh idea was LONG overdue. The makers of The Blair Witch Project probably realized that every horror technique had already been worn to death, which would explain the documentary style of the film. Once they realized that, why WOULDN'T they choose to make a movie that doesn't look like a movie at all? Since past filmmakers have always shown us what we were supposed to be scared of, Sanchez and Myrick decided to let our imaginations do that for us. After all, each of us can probably imagine things in our own heads that are a lot scarier than anything somebody else can show us! And THAT, of course, is the very reason millions of people found this "movie" to be freaky as Hell!
Rating:  Summary: Blair Witch - Had Its Moments Review: Regardless of what you think of the movie, it had its moments. The scene when the lady is running through the woods after seeing something, the part when the lady unwraps some sort of bloody thing-a-ma-jig from the bundle of sticks, the climactic part when there is some sort of struggle, all those were good. The ending should not have been so abrupt, though, there should have been more.