Rating:  Summary: excellent concept - debatable final product Review: this movie uses one of the best concepts for a horror movie ever - the problem is that most will know the footage isn't real before they see the film, due to all the hype. i think the less information you have about the film, the better. if you're the type of person who lies in bed at night and wonders if you locked all the doors and windows - go see this movie. and then go camping.
Rating:  Summary: I WANT MY $4.50 BACK! Review: I went to see this movie with my brother about a month ago,and he still has not forgiven me for waking him up every 5 minutes during this film.And I don't really blame him since I can't say with any reasonable ammount of accuracy that I will ever be able to forgive myself for wasting $4.50 and 1 hour and 20 minitues of my life seeing this movie.I wanted to like this movie.I tried to like this movie.And up until the very end I kep telling myself(and my brother,as he was struggling to stay awake)"its going to get better, its all buiding up to something, it seems boring now, but its going to get good any second now!"I don't think that I have ever been so wrong about anything in my life.This movie was so bad that not even any of the films advertised before it were good.Quite possibly one of the worst movies of all time.However,because of its extremely low budget and since it is so much different from most movies, anyone who criticizes it will atoumatically be branded as an idiot that didn't have the intelligence to understand or appreciate the greatness of a film that strayed from the main genera.Well I'll be the first to say that the low budget wasn't what upset me, indeed I have seen many films that cost a great deal more to produce than this film and still ended up being total pieces of cinematic trash(Although none were nearly as bad as this one).And I when I first heard about it, I was glad that somebody out there had finally gotten creative and tried something different.In fact,up until those 3 stooges(oops,I meant to say students)ventured off into the woods, thise movie was actually fairly entertaining.However,once they got into the forrest,it went straight downhill.There were some exiting events, but there was practiclally no plot at all.You want to know what happened?O.K.,I'll tell you what happened.Basically, the etire script of the movie consisted of one of the 3 stooges(darn!I did it agian!I have got to get a new keyboard)saying one of the 3 following things: #1: "We are lost!" #2: "No, we are not lost!" #3: "Oh my God, what is that!", in one form or another.It may sound a little bit different each time,but that is, for the most part, the great majority of the dialogue in this film,and it gets real old, real boring, real fast, if you catch my drift.I only wish that I could give this zero stars.However,because of the strong campain of overhyping this monumental disaster known as"The Blair Witch Project"I seriously doubt that my review will ever get printed.Oh well, thats life I guess.
Rating:  Summary: I'm scared to open my eyes, I'm scared to close them Review: I'm not a big fan of the horror genre. I didn't know much about this movie when I first saw it. But based on what I heard (about everybody loving it) and what I saw (the trailers). I went to see this movie and I was blown away. Going in the first time I had no idea it was staged. I was so scared I could barely walk out of the theater. I saw it 3 times and even though I had heard the truth about the movie after the first showing I was still scared every time I saw it. This movie drags you in and doesn't let you go untill after the great ending. Without a doubt the best movie I've seen in the last 10 years, maybe ever.
Rating:  Summary: Because of this movie I almost lost a girlfriend Review: This movie affected me like no other. I had just returned from a long camping trip, and had no clue on what was playing. My girlfriend decided to take me to a movie. Well, you know the movie. It scared the living daylights out of me - especially since I know the sounds of the woods at night - and I almost couldn't talk for that day and the next. My girlfriend didn't understand my near complete reticence, and thought there was someone else in my life! Finally I realized it was just a movie, and she and I are fine now. This movie is fully worth the price to see it. (I think I'll delay my next trip!!)
Rating:  Summary: An absolutely spine tingling film - right to the very end! Review: I really enjoyed this film. Great storyline and the idea was brilliant. Definitely worth a watch I would say. If you have a vivid imagination - go for it!
Rating:  Summary: I'm scared to watch alone Review: I' don't know how to say , I've never seen the movie like this before . I think it wierd look like amateur camera but they make it perfect.
Rating:  Summary: unsettling and disturbing film.... Review: not sure if i would add it to my home video collection, but the movie scared the bejeebers out of me at the Theatre. maybe i'll savor that memory and leave it at that.good flick.
Rating:  Summary: Real horror is finally back!! Review: In an age of stupid "horror" movies hollywood conjures up, this was back to the classic idea of horror. I have had enough of "I know what you did last Summer" and "Scream" 1, 2 3 and whoever cares. Scary, please... Overacting and stupid plots by hollywood and their teeniebopper actors, that are irritating and insipid. I am a strong critic of horror and am very choosey about what I see as "scary". This left me feeling very creeped out. I was sucked into the movie and felt as if I was there and felt their terror. The filming was amatuer and utterly brilliant. The actors were great, they made you feel as if it was really happening. Definately a classic to come. Either you like real horror or you don't. This is real horror people....
Rating:  Summary: If you have an imagination, this film will scare you silly. Review: Yes, there's a lot of hype surrounding this film, but for once it's actually deserved. (Can you say, "Phantom Menace"?) I think the concept is brilliant, and I was riveted throughout. "Waiting for something (bad) to happen" is exactly the definition of dread and fear, and "Blair Witch" has them in spades. If you enjoy being beaten over the head by a filmmaker - having everything fed to you - then this one is not for you. If you have an active imagination, however, you will not soon forget this film. "The Blair Witch Project" is a welcome addition to the horror genre.
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to the hype Review: Movie is original, but completely overrated. Film is not very frightening and completely nausiating.