Rating:  Summary: Great concept, mediocre execution. Review: I was thrilled by the promotions for this film. Big props for the admen.I thought the "Curse of the Blair Witch" documentary was great, and I'm glad they included it in its entirety here on the DVD... but after seeing the film the second and third time, I have repeatedly come to the conclusion that this movie was mediocre at best. The movie had its moments. Near the end with Heather confessing into the camera Realworld style, that was good. The interviews with the "locals;" very good... but too much of the movie was wasted on juvenile displays of overwrought method acting, and phony relational breakdowns between the characters. The ending was good in concept, and the only truly frightening portion of the movie, but it was SO anticlimactic- given the fact that it was so SHORT... Horror is all about the mind. The audience wasn't given enough opportunity to construct a very frightening image of the Witch, unless they were Really paying attention to the website, and watching the "Curse of the Blair Witch on TV." My call: Blair Witch Project ** Curse of the Blair Witch ****
Rating:  Summary: could've been better,way better Review: okay first you have two guys and a girl going into the woods.they are carrying 1500 dollars worth of cameras and things.and they are going to camp in the woods at night.what's wrong with this picture?for those of you who don't know I'll tell you,they aren't carrying any weapons.I dont even go and check the mail without a pocket knife or something,let alone go in the woods totally unarmed.and if I was being hunted by some nut at night in the middle of the woods I doubt that I would keep a camera running the whole time.and if a lunatic was coming after me at night I wouldn't stay inside a tent and go to sleep.why is it in horror movies the kids in it are so stupid?as far as being scary it isn't.it could've been if they had acted like they had some sense.
Rating:  Summary: Future Horror Films Will be Measured Against This Film!! Review: I loved the movie, but the DVD is even better. Being able to watch the TV Documentary then the movie directly thereafter makes it much more real and enthralling! Well worth the money! This is the horror genere movie that future horrors will be measured against!
Rating:  Summary: This movie really scared me! Review: I was so scared as I drove back to Best Buy, "will they take it back?" I fretted. I don't mind telling you I was a shivering wreck by the time I got to the service desk. But the girl said "yes!" Whew, for a few minutes there I was scared to death!
Rating:  Summary: Great Horror Flick Review: Ok- for all you people who think that this movie was stupid, I have somthing to say. I don't think that any of you know how to appreciate good movies. I think that this movie is great, in fact i'm going to buy it tomorrow @ blockbuster, so i think that this is the kind of reveiw that you want someone reading. I think that it was very well written.
Rating:  Summary: hype, hype, and more hype Review: I'm glad I waited for the video rather than wasting my money at the movies. What a waste. The only thing I thought was decent was the acting. I thought the kids did an "ok" job making you believe they were lost and scared. other than that, I thought it bombed big time. The ending was a huge dissappointment. It was basically alot of nothing. I can't understand why anyone would think that this was that scary. I found myself waiting for the scary parts, but they never came. I'm not a big horror movie fan because I think most of them are just slasher flicks. However I do appreciate a good terrifying movie once in a while but this is definitely not one of them. Save your money. By the way, for those of you who think that this was a true story, one of the actors was on Live with Regis and Kathy Lee. It was not a true story.
Rating:  Summary: The most Over-Hyped piece of Tripe I've Ever Seen! Review: This was just a horrible movie that made my date suffer from motion sickness from the choppiness of the film. The idea was cool, but the execution was very poor and not in the least scary. The ending was also very disappointing. I give credit to the people behind the film for creating a lot of hype around the film which tricked everyone into seeing this waste of celluloid. The shame of it is that there are plenty of other independent films that deserve this attention. Final advice: Avoid at all costs and spend your money elsewhere! You have been warned!
Rating:  Summary: The Blair Witch Project Review: Ok so now everyone has seen the good and the bad topics about blairwitch, and you know what? It was both. The story line i feel was great, needed to be more in depth and scarry. But the acting sucked bad. Heather was a total disappointment, with all her crying and screaming and stuff, and josh and mike were the typical male tuff guys. But over all the movie was well layed out except for all the people having to leave the movie theater beucase they were motion sick. I think if you guys are to come out with a new blairwitch movie, go more in to real life, get some special effects, get some experienced actors, most of all make it more scarry!
Rating:  Summary: The best film of 1999! Review: After careful observation, I have come to the conclusion that "The Blair Witch Project" is the best film of the year! It was the most original, most brilliant, and most frightening. They also made history with the now-famous "apology" scene. What sickens me is the accumulation of negative criticism this film took from morons who are only scared by special effects and gore. People who didn't like this movie need to go to proctologists and find their heads! What in the hell is there not to like? I loved every minute of this film! Every frame was a work of art! I am also proud to say that the dizzy camerawork did not make me ill, as many people have said. Plus it was kept simple, and was more down to earth than most of today's escapist, hollywood horror films(or should I say, horror film wanabees). The other thing that shows how moronic the people who didn't like this film really are, is that people thought it was real, and then hated it when they found out it wasn't. I knew that it was fake(meaning created by directors with actors) the first minute I heard about it, and yet I didn't seem to care. Just because it's meant to feel real, doesn't mean it is real! They say people who watch movies know the difference between fantasy and reality. "The Blair Witch Project" proved that statement wrong. And last but not least, was the fact that people who hated it said it wasn't scary at all. How stupid! This film will scare you to the point where you heart is pounding so hard, it's liable to explode from your chest! It's not like those movies who try to scare you by making you jump out of your seats. It's a realistic, gradual buildup of fear that reaches a peak of pure terror that never resolves itself. When I say this is the best film of the year, I don't mean it's an Oscar caliber picture. The Academy Awards don't nominate films like that. A less worthy film like "The Sixth Sense" is more likely to have a shot at an award. At first I was really upset by what people said about how "bad" this film was, but now I don't care anymore. "The Blair Witch Project" is an incredible film, shown to a world where idiots buy the tickets. In terms of the quality of the tape, it's great. Film aficianados need not worry about finding a letterboxed edition of this film, because it wasn't shot in widescreen. It also includes all three of the trailers, and newly discovered footage(actually a deleted scene). It's definitely worth the price, and even if you don't buy videos, buy this one! It's well worth every good, hard earned American penny! Hopefully, they(Artisan Entertainment) will have the good sense to release "The Blair Witch Project" in a box set, with loads of extras. That would be nice to own a collecter's edition of the year's greatest film!
Rating:  Summary: Imagination is worth a million dollars Review: First of all, to the millions of people who saw the film in theaters WITHOUT first visiting the web-site, I don't expect you to "get it" or "be down wit dat" or however the hell you say it these days. The beauty of this film is that it was meant to be enjoyed as a "package deal." First, there was the website, which was posted almost a full year before the film was released. The website was pure genius, set up to present facts about the story you saw on the screen. For example, there was a history of the Blair Witch, as well as forensics and police reports, local accounts of the Witch and of the three students. All of these elements provided a great background from which to begin enjoying this film. Second, there was the oft-aired "The Curse of the Blair Witch" on the Sci-Fi Channel. Presented in documentary form, "Curse" provided even more clues and history about the events surrounding the film. The interviews with "townspeople" and "experts" was genious. I dare anyone defy the fact that, had you not known the background of this film, you could definitely have believed most of what was being said. Of course, as with any documentary, some of the "expert evidence" sounds like made-up crap...but overall, this production was very well done. Finally, there was the film. Did I know the film was fiction when I walked into the theater? YES. Did I care? NOT A WHIT! You see, it was wonderfully refreshing to watch a film WITHOUT beautiful stars emoting for all they're worth (and some are worth less than these three fine actors). Being a person who enjoys live theater as well as film, I was immediately caught up in the immediacy of the film's subject and story. I was able to suspend any of my preconceptions and watch the film for what it was supposed to be...a "documentary" (albeit a FICTIONAL one) about the final days of three young peoples' lives, and the horrible fear they felt as the terror of their situation closed in around them. For the few people like me who have ever hiked and camped in the woods (and gotten lost, or lost the bulk of their food supply abruptly days before a scheduled pick-up), the slow, easy crawl to anger, fear, and paranoia was very easy to believe. And for those who don't "do" camping, try it, and do it without the boom boxes and walkmans. Then sleep through the night while listening to the sounds of creatures unknown cracking twigs and moving in around you....I dare ya! (sorry about the sidebar) To conclude, try watching less MTV and sit yourself down to a good book. Using your imagination to enjoy the book will help you the next time another superb film comes along that makes you actually THINK about what's going on (without blowing stuff up and splattering blood all over the screen). "The Blair Witch Project" is for THINKERS and DOERS, not for those who need their entertainment packaged into 5-minute, music-video paced segments (and speaking of music-videos...you're telling me "Blair Witch's" camera movements were more nauseating than 18 jump cuts a second on a music video??????)