Rating:  Summary: Amazing Movie! Review: This movie clearly determines what type of person you are, and it definitely rates your intelligence. For those who are so limited in imagination and need amazing footage and special effects to keep their attention, they will definitely miss out on the point of this movie. I am so impressed with a movie that has actually succeeded in scaring me using the easiest method: my mind. It's good to know that there are some people who remember, and want to preserve the element of suspense that scary movies were known for 'back in the day'.
Rating:  Summary: didnt scare me but then again nothing does Review: ok i'll admit that i didn't get scared watching the movie but i did get creeped out a bit. the bickering did get a bit tedious and yea they could have just used the sun to tell which way they were going but hey! If they would have done everything that we would do in that situation the movie never would have been made. I think this movie is really great and especially liked the dvd extras. This is definately not a movie for people that expect some monsterish thing to pop up out of nowhere with a chainsaw screaming "ONLY YOU CAN PUT OUT FOREST FIRES YAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" It's more of a thinking type horror movie almost hitchcocky in the way you never seewhats coming after them and the way they react to the unknown (to us) threat. I'm sure it can be terrifying to anybody that has ever been lost in the woods in the dark. It's definately better to watch this if you have a home theater system with dolby surround and the lights off. To sum it all up if you are looking for a slasher film this is not the movie for you, go see scream or halloween h20, but if you like to be terrified by the unknown get this movie cuz I promise no I guarantee that you will like it.
Rating:  Summary: This was the worst movie i have ever seen in my life! Review: This movie was so bad that it's not even funny the only thing scary about it was that I actully took an hour and a half to watch th stupid movie. Maybe if it was real i would be scared by it but the fact is you don't make a movie and then just end it like thatit's just not right. Maybe if your dumb and think its real it may be scary but NO that is just a reakky stupid movie. I'll give it this much the middle had me actully thinking it might be good but then all the sudden the movie ended and the so called "new footage" did not help the movie one bit i had hoped it was going to be an aftermath or somthing but it was like 20 minutes into the movie. I feel sorry for all the people that paid to see this movie and even sorrier for the people who thought they liked it!
Rating:  Summary: blair witch is all hype! Review: this movie is so ridiculus,thewitch in the wizard of oz wasmore frightning then this one!if you like listening to kidsargue and looking at sticksand rocks then this is yourtype of movie.believed me iwatched it with an open mindand tried to put myself in thier position.the actors inthe movie did a good job ofrunning around scared,but ifound no suspense at all.thenoises in the woods i couldhardly hear,the final scenewas a joke,all it was is abunch kids letting theirimagination run wild,if thesekids had any common sense theywould had brought a cell phonewith them,i guess they had toomuch video equipment to carryimaybe the sequal will be better.
Rating:  Summary: this is one of the greats Review: i loved this movie and i hope everyone out there did, too. i can see from the reviews that there are some unsatisfied people. i just wanna say, that films like friday the 13th robbed every american of the right to do a gory horror movie ever again. these guys may have known that, and if you have a good imagination that can get worked up pretty well, this film is for you. thanks, jonathan
Rating:  Summary: UNSCARY- YET HORRIFYING! Review: I saw this movie a month and a half ago. I wasn't scared during the movie at all, except at the end! What an awesome movie! The end pulls everything together, yet leaves it open for thoughts. You can never know what happened to them. Heather Donahue wanted to make a black and white documentary on the blair witch for her film class final. Josh and Mike came along to help. On their way, they met up with a bunch of people, whom they interviewed about the blair witch. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE WEIRD LADY HOLDING THE BIBLE! She holds the key to the entire story. If you don't pay attention to her, you will be lost, and very dizzy. After seeing the movie, read the book, it has even more keys to the story. This movie didn't scare me in the theater, but afterwards is a different story. It was very much like an Edgar Allen Poe story.
Rating:  Summary: Honestly, one of the best movies of the past few decades Review: Ok, to everyone that says this film was all hype, the film wasnt hyped up by a PR firm or anything like that, it was so hyped because of pure word of mouth. Obviously, it wss so ggod, that word got around with just a miniumu of advertising. If you werent scared, you have become to accustomed to the in-your-face horror that hollywood has made you rely on and cannot understand how this film does not scare you by showing something jumping out of the sahadows, but rather by making you wonder yourself just what is in those shadows. Also, there is ALOT of information that was not presented in the film, which when it is known, makes the film scarier tenfold. Go to the website and other links to get the complete story, then maybe you will understand.
Rating:  Summary: This movie suprised an '80's slasher cynic! Review: I thought it would be boring, It wasn't. I thought the characters would be typical, arrogant, over-confident teenagers, they weren't. I thought I would get a nice, clean, wrap-up, I didn't, and I am glad! Finally, a movie that doesn't give in to what the audience may demand, but REALLY tortures you by NOT telling. I really resist seeing movies that EVERYONE likes, but I have to say, this movie was a masterpiece. I started watching this movie while lying down and ended up literally on the edge of my seat. The final shot was absolutely unforgettable, I think that it will haunt me for a very long time.
Rating:  Summary: How about the Blair Clown Project Review: This turkey was the most over-hyped movie I've ever seen. Scary? You've got to be kidding. First of all how did these morons get lost in Maryland???? My backyard has more dense vegetation!!!! The setting didn't help this movie. Eventhought the storyline was original the movie didn't scare me at all. At times I found the characters annoying and not convincing. The ending was predictable and a major disappointment. I will not add this to my DVD library.