Rating:  Summary: Unlike any scary movie I've ever seen. This seemed too real Review: Most scary movies are surrounded by the same plot. Stupid people being killed one at a time until the main character dramatically kills or supposedly kills(sequel)the killer. I was on the edge of my seat through pratically the whole movie of Blair Witch because it was so realistic. It was so easy to put yourself in anyone of the actors position. For once there was no hero and no monster haking up pretty,young girls who wear two square feet of clothing. There was no omnitiont observer who saw everything, and no creepy noise that built up everytime someone was going to get haked. This movie has given me a whole new outlook on camping. The woods will never be the same again.
Rating:  Summary: great movie Review: the movie is great the ending had my heart pounding. very scary!! the blair which rules
Rating:  Summary: I'm one filmmaker who likes this movie. Review: The Blair Witch Project fails completely as a horror film -- those who said it was scary probably didn't have enough experience with horror -- and all the marketing ploys to make it "real" fell short and ended up sounding ridiculous ("recently discovered footage"? Give me a break -- there's no visual continuity with the rest of the movie; chances are this was shot after the movie became a hit).But The Blair Witch Project, to me, succeeded on another level -- one of the oldest tricks in the book, catharsis. Nothing in the movie was genuinely scary -- the totems, the little bloody something Heather finds, the noises. Sometimes spooky, yes, such as the well dressed abandoned house setting, but not scary. However, the dramatic tension was quite well done, and the actors likeable. When Josh jumps on Heather's "moviemaking", it's a pretty touching moment. This movie also has some good comedic moments livened up by the spontaneous tone. Whether you'll like The Blair Witch Project, ultimately, depends on how much visual variety you seek. There is none in this movie -- endless handheld shots of trees and growth. However, the emotional side of it and the character identification (to me, the only plane on which this movie's true efficacy rests) worked for me. One interesting thought: This script would make a dandy radio play. The sound does 90% of the work.
Rating:  Summary: First movie to actually "scare" me! Review: I thought this movie was unexpectantly scary. Maybe it is because i watched it at the theater but i have never been as scared at a movie as i was on this one. I recommend this movie to people who like scary, creepy movies, but not to somebody who doesn't have the patience to wait for the action to take place, in this case the scary parts. The ending was not really good because it left us thinking. But i guess it was well thought because everyone comes up with their own conclusions.
Rating:  Summary: Big Hype, OK flick Review: Don't getta me wrongo, I liked this movie. My girlfriend got very scared and is now petrified of the woods. I think I kind of ruined it for her because I kept laughing. Not because the acting was bad, it wasn't. Just the whole thing was amusing. I suppose if I was in the woods and heard a sound at 3am, I would think it was a bear and not go running after it, but hey thats just me. I thought the ending was great, but I agree with a previous reviewer that it was finally starting to make me feel a little uneasy, and I was really getting into it when BAM! credits. The commentary track will give you a whole new perspective when you find out that they spent a night in a hotel, were told what was going to happen on occassion, etc.
Rating:  Summary: Almost Great Review: Would have been great if it had an ending!!
Rating:  Summary: Fast-forward to the last 10 minutes Review: This movie was a waste of money and 80 minutes. The only really scary part was the last 10 minutes. Before that, it was more like a soap opera (a badly-acted one). Wait until it comes on TV.
Rating:  Summary: Frightening?, You pay your money, you get your thrills Review: One star because they did complete the movie assingment on time. Another because they did put some effort into it and third because they sold it! (that's the movie business!) This movie reminded me of those spook houses at various canivals and fairs. On the outside it advertises "See the snake headed boy", marvel as "The ape women from borneo changes shape in front of your eyes!". But.. when you pay your 50 cents to get in you see a paper mache model of some supposed "strange but true" discovery made in the darkest of Africa in the 1880's by Sir Carmelo Ifoundit, and the ape women turns out to be some guy in an old 20's type costume in old ladies pajamas "dancing in the dark" You pay your money, you get your thrills! The movie is a wonderful homage to P.T Barnum. (There's one born every minute) But in this movie the main theam "I'm So Scarred" translates into "I'm so bored with todays movies, I'll think anything that looks like MTV is good!" or "I'm so embarrased that I paid 6 bucks to see this movie, I'll say it's artistic, strange and different" I would have named it "Plan 9 from outerspace meets MTV's real life.. In the woods". This is a movie must for all MTV afficieanados, you'll feel "right at home" massive amounts of "attention deficit disorder" type camera work and many truly enthusiastic and varired renditions of F..k, coupious amounts of heavy labored breathing and even a patriotic moment or two. The main difference between Plan-9 and "B-Witched" (with a capital "B") is that in Plan 9 they did show us "Thor" (movie lovers know who Thor is!) and alas the only scary thing we see in this movies is a unique "Up the nose shot". (I can't explain this particular "film device" as I'm bound by Amazons policy not to disclose the entire plot!) All seriousness aside, it did have some "spontaneous" character development, and the premis for the film was somewhat intresting, Friends get idea for a film, Friends go out in the woods to film it, Friends run out of smokes (this turns into a major test of thier Friendship),Friends get lost, Friends get cold and wet, Friends get scared, Friends get ?????) Buts as far as being a "lost in the woods and scary things happen" type of movie, The movie "Delverence" was more much more frightening (Ned Betty! squeal,squeal, now that's scary! who needs witches, just give me a banjo!) Should you see it? why not, (I see them all!) after all, it's only money. Just keep saying to yourself "It's only a movie, It's only a movie, It's only... 6 bucks" And for those who have already seen it, "Go stand in the corner!" Best Regards P.S Maybe for a hallowen costume we could all wear stocking caps and backpacks! ( oooOOO..., scary, scary) P.P.S If you want to see an artistic and scary movie with "shakey" camera work, check out "Nosferatu", that'll do it. Bye
Rating:  Summary: Awesome movie Review: I saw this movie, not really knowing what it was about, and came back, kinda freaked. I mean, I wasn't totally scared, like all "Mommy, help me, I'm scared" or anything. It just kinda gives you a little scare afterwards, but it doesn't last long. I loved this movie, cuz it's like X-Files, it doesn't make much sense, and that's the whole point. You have to see it again to understand it. For being amateur directors, they made a cool movie.
Rating:  Summary: I'm only sorry I couldn't give this movie a NO-STAR rating Review: In my lifetime I have seen well over a thousand movies.My all time favorite was Casablanca. I have never asked for my money back until now. This movie was strictly bush, total hype, and non-scarry. I only wish I could hire the publicist because he deserves an Academy Award.