Rating:  Summary: Over-hyped Pap Review: I went into this movie, thinking I was going to be scared out of my wits. It turned out to be one of the most disappointing pieces of cinematography I have ever had the misfortune to experience. It was neither scary or intelligent. The most frightening part of the film is when they run out of cigarettes. It had the potential to be a classic but got so wrapped up in its own innovation it turned out to be as scary as a small cabbage. Tripe.
Rating:  Summary: Chilling film! BUT... Review: I love the movie, no doubt about it. Most people who don't are those who wish to have everything spoonfed to them. The kinda of people with no imagination whatsoever. Sure, they didn't reveal what the Blair Witch looked like. But I bet that I could come up with something 1,000 times scarier looking in my mind. God forbid we use our imaginations. The only thing I was dissapointed in was the "extra" footage. It's not really worth waiting for if you ask me. So there you have it
Rating:  Summary: Most overrated movie in memory Review: Yeah, yeah, I know, I must be a moron and "slow" to think this film was anything less than a masterpiece. But here's a news flash for everybody: it just ain't that good. Definitely not an effective horror film, and not a very good movie in general.Forgive me for my inferior imagination, but I just didn't find three people yelling and screaming over a pile of rocks and some twigs to be that frightening or interesting. Most of the movie consisted of tedious arguing between the characters, and there was very little, if anything, that could be classified as "scary." Plus, everyone is going on about the fact that you couldn't see what was tormenting them, and that made it much scarier. I disagree. After a while, you have to show me something to keep my interest. I don't care if it's a witch, a devil, a monster, or the Backstreet Boys dressed in drag. But there has to be a visual payoff eventually or the audience gets bored. Apparently, a lot of us got bored. The reason is simple. The film's summary is basically: 1. run away from unseen presence, 2) run away again, 3) argue, 4) run away again, while screaming, 5) oops, there it is again, better run away, 6) die. This is worth five stars? The person who said this was better than the first Halloween, get a clue.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is a tasteless joke, avoid at all costs Review: The whole movie is a fabrication out of thin air, the story you get from the internet is just part of the movie, there's no truth in it. I'am pretty surprised that some people said this is a documentary movie, it just proved how many people are fooled by the company, the documentary approach to film a movie is nothing new, it has been used before, there're some people are just too gullible or pretentious to make other people believe what they want others to believe, by calling others don't like this movie non-intelligent doesn't make yourself clever.
Rating:  Summary: Think Its Real? Review: From the begging the film had flaws...but all films do. I think this was a discrace to the three students who died in the woods, and would not suggest this film to anyone. Furthermore the students are alive this was a hoax and someday it will be proven. For ex. the scene where Heather and Mike wake up and find there companion, Josh missing, Heathers' first words were, "We didnt get an ear shot..." Now when she looks in the wrapped up sticks what does she find there? An EAR..go figure people? Now if they were killed, then like I said this is poor taste in honoring the dead. But if they are alive somewhere, then they should become directors soon.
Rating:  Summary: A real stinker... Review: Maybe it lost something in the transition from the big screen to the small, but I just don't see what all the hype and rave reviews were about. I suppose it is unique from a standpoint of cinema verite', but I found "The Blair Witch Project" BORING. Save your money.
Rating:  Summary: Convincingly Scary Review: I saw The Blair Witch Project before all the hype had a chance to spoil it for me. I saw it before it was released on 1,000 screens, and honestly, I enjoyed it. I first heard about it on The Roger Ebert Show and said to myself, "Wow, that looks pretty good." So I grabbed ALL 3 of my God-Brothers and we drove about 25 Miles outside of Detroit to see it. The reason this Film is so convincing is because it doesn't rely on cheesy Special Effects and lame Plot lines. The Filmmakers did an EXCELLENT job of keeping it a secret. The building tension and emotions of the characters really added a "woop" to the story. And by the time the final sequence happened, I was just sitting there STUNNED. That final image (unfortunately for me) is forever engraved in my mind. I think The Blair Witch Project is a truly remarkable, unforgettable, unique, and original movie, one that we haven't seen in a long time, and probably won't see for an even longer time.
Rating:  Summary: I personally thought it was kinda dumb, sad but still dumb. Review: I know alot of people like this movie, I personally thought it was the stupidest movie I have ever seen. I understood it fine, I just felt it was a waist of time & film.
Rating:  Summary: Hollywood Hype Review: This film is tedious, ill-conceived, poorly acted and not one bit scary. I'm loath to even give it one star, but it's the lowest rating allowed. It's obvious the actors had no idea what was going on and the plot is too pointless and annoying to induce any fear. A more interesting and fulfilling plot would be the clubbing to death of the female lead for lack of talent - in the least it would have relieved us of her endless yammering. An unoriginal waste of film, I'm left wondering if the filmmakers have ever been on a camping trip.
Rating:  Summary: Good try Review: I agree with a couple of the previous reviews. #1 rent it, don't buy it. And it's kind of like one of those movies you can only watch once. I think a thought process here was low budget=instant classic, ala Texas Chainsaw Massacre...which just isn't true. Sure it's intended to be a horror movie, but 80% of the movie just deals with them being lost in the woods. The ending (for me anyway) wasn't frightning at all. I think so much has been done in the way of technology/special effects of horror films and everyday violence on the local news that there will never be a horror movie ever again that will run people out of the theaters like Phantom of the Opera did in the 20s, Frankenstein in the 30s, and later The Exorcist. With murder everyday now on the local news, how can a movie scare any of us?