Rating:  Summary: Darkness Falls Falls in almost every place Review: Now,don't get me wrong here,i thought this movie wasn't so bad,but it's just...another generic,tasteless today's scary Kubric wanabe films!The plot,let's face it,stinks,after the kid loosing a tooth,at night,come a simple,generic monster with a mask after people that can't see the light?????Gimme a break,as generic as possible!But,that's not only that!The worst part,actually,is in the final part of the movie when the guy is about to be eaten by the demon in the lighthouse, WHEN HE PUTS DOWN HIS ARM ON FIRE WITHOUT SUFFERING AND PUNCH THE MONSTER!!!!!COMMON,THE GUY SHOULD GET THE ARM BURNED!THAT WAS STUPID!! Go watch another horror movie .
Rating:  Summary: Worth the rental fee but not retail. 3 Starts Review: This not scary in the same way that a horror flick like Hellraiser or the 1st Evil Dead is. If they had not made the tooth fairy into some kind of demonic creature from hell, and stuck to the Matilda Dixon story in bonus section, this would have been a lot more freaky in my opinion. Worth the rental fee but not the retail price. 3 STAR RATING FROM SCRAGGY'S TOMB OF HORROR DVD's.
Rating:  Summary: Scary to think it was called scary Review: One word.......HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you don't waste your money on this worthless peice of junk. It is not scary. It gets so old when the stupid "Tooth Fairy" does the same thing over and over again! She kills people in the dark and that is the whole stupid movie. It is barely over an hour. Only 75 mins. It is a disgrace to mankind. Who ever thought of this movie should be put in jail! Don't Buy this. I beg of you.......................Save your money for halloween or an actual scary move. It is so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Plot yes,proper execution no Review: Yes this movie had a plot, for all of you saying "why whas she chasing these people??? why did she come after the last tooth?? why this town??" you need to PAY ATTENTION TO THE BEGINING.ill break it down for you, the was this lady who lived in that town a long time ago, and she would give the kids gold coins in exchange for a tooth(why that i dont know maybe just a reason to share wealth).now this lady had a defect she was burned very bad and bright LIGHT harmed her face so she wore a mask(get why she stays in the dark?). and one day 2 kids went to see her but never came back, so the town MURDERED HER while days later the kids where found no harm done to them, her dying words where and i quote" what i took in kindness now i will take in vengence" in other words when she used to give gold for a tooth now she will take LIFE for the tooth.She only goes after those who have seen her face hence why she chases select people, if you dont see her she doesnt bother you.The plot line worked very nicley but the execution lacked, there was alot of tossed in back story as well as the overplayed way they treated the main charactor like a "freak" accusing him of murders hes not even capable of.The predictable doctors dont belive a word of whats going on and it jumps all over at times.The scares are not even CLOSE to "the rings" creep you out wanna look away scares they are jump out scares that are attempted every 5 min.I will say that the voice of the witch thing is very disturbing with surround sound(its lost when it isnt in a theater or 5.1 surround i saw in theater and then on my tv at home and the effect was no where close to the same) Rent it at least if you wanna see a new idea for a horror story(another decent concept while its on my mind is ghost ship) but dont expect some GREAT horror movie.after years and years of them its hard to come up with something new AND good
Rating:  Summary: Full of suspense and tense moments!!!!! Review: I loved this movie! I was nervous about getting it at first, due to some less than appealing reviews. However, my risk paid off! It was great. The tooth fairy was treacherous, and her constant cackling and growling was great! Yes, some things seemed a tad too coincidental, but all in all it was good. Yes some people were stupid beyond reasoning, but I guess if this was really happening, then anybody could lose it just a bit. There were a few jump out your seat moments, but you pretty much know what's about to happen, but it doesn't distract from the fun. Don't analyze the movie too much and just take it for what it's worth: good clean fun! And the police station stuff was the best I've seen since Terminator! Buy It!
Rating:  Summary: The tooth fairy cometh: Redeem yourself! Review: Honestly, I expected more out of Darkness Falls. Any horror movie that involves the tooth fairy of all people should redeem itself with scary moments. Not so... Darkness Falls begins, promising enough, with chills. The opening montage of flames and old photos tells the story of an old woman, Darkness Falls's (can you tell it's a horror-movie town?) tooth fairy per se, who gives each kid a gold coin when he loses his last tooth. One day, her house burns down while she's in it and her face becomes horribly disfigured. She dons a white porcelain mask (reminiscent of Phantom of the Opera in a strange way) to hide her face. When two kids go missing in Darkness Falls, everyone blames the porcelain-faced tooth fairy, burning her at the stake. Her last words are a curse that she will be there for every kid who's lost his last tooth. And if the kid sees her, he'll die. At this point, my friends and I are very spooked. We shiver beneath blankets...what's the tooth fairy going to do next? Not much, obviously. Movie Scene: Fast forward 100 years from the montage. 10-year old-ish Kyle Walsh (played by Chaney Kley) has just lost his last tooth. He tucks in for the night and promptly forgets to "Stay in the light" so the tooth fairy can't kill him. And, of course, he peeks and sees her. Bad things happen next--dark things that aren't necessarily scary but that are the requirements of a horror movie: a stark white bathroom, shifting camera angles, a semi-transparent ghost, and a killing. Fast forward 10 years or so--Kyle returns to Darkness Falls because the little brother (Lee Cormie) of his former(girl)friend Caitlin (Emma Caulfied) has also seen the tooth fairy. She's out for revenge on this little dude, whose big eyes and squeaky voice uttering "Stay in the light." are faintly annoying. Kyle must face his "deepest fears" in an attempt to save Caitlin's little brother and capture her heart at the same time. Downhill from here. I keep wondering aloud, "When's it gonna get scary?" And my friend Lauren says, "Sometime soon, I think." 40 minutes, a black cat, some weird MRI-ish machine, 2 killings, and a bar-room brawl later: "When's it gonna get scary?" "Sometime soon, I hope." Darkness Falls is extremely predictable. Case in point: Lauren detailed 2 scenes 20 minutes before they happened. And Sarah polished Lauren's details 20 minutes before they happened. It's not the scary movies of Hitchcock or Kubrick, but Darkness Falls will do for a Friday night when nothing else is on and both The Haunting and Psycho are gone at the movie store. Precaution: bolster yourself with pillows and blankets so if you fall asleep, you won't hit anything.
Rating:  Summary: Your life for a tooth... Review: Over 150 years ago, in the town of Darkness Falls, Matilda Dickson gave a child a gold coin whenever they lost a tooth, earning her the name "The Tooth Fairy." Matilda's face became horribly burned in a fire, so she had to wear a porcelain mask to hide it. When two children went missing, the townspeople blamed Matilda, hanging her and tearing off her mask, exposing her face to the light. Matilda cursed the town, swearing to kill every child who laid their eyes on her face. Kyle Walsh has seen the Tooth Fairy, and now has to help his girlfriend's younger brother defeat her. While this movie had great scares and tense moments, the movie had some holes in it. First, how can flesh become sensitive to light? Heat, maybe, but light? No. Another thing that doesn't work is Kyle. He seems a little shallow. If you've seen the part where he lights his arm on fire, you'll see what I mean. Also, his constant bleating about "staying in the light" gets boring after the fifth time he says it. Furthermore, we know next to nothing about the characters. We just know they are involved with the Tooth Fairy. If you like scary movies, see this movie. If you like characters with personalities and feelings, don't.
Rating:  Summary: Yeah so it lacks on character and story Review: but it's a horror film. Yes there are better and scarier ones, but let's stop being so harsh on this one. It's not the best, but certainly not the worst!
Rating:  Summary: This is not a scary movie Review: This movie has so many problems that it is hard to figure out where to start. Reading the synopsis of Darkness Falls made me want to rent it: this movie about a young man being haunted sounded unique and original, and most importantly, scary. However, after watching it, I felt I was misled. One of the reasons this movie is not scary and fails is lack of background information. The beginning of the movie kind of just "narrates" briefly why this town is supposed to be cursed by this woman. Background as to why this woman's spirit is so determined to haunt invididuals of this town would have been helpful (I know, I read the cover, but still..). Instead, she just appears after a youth loses his tooth and the proceeds to chase characters around aimlessly moaning incoherantly, and the audience is left with the question "So, why exactly is the Wicked Witch of the East chasing these people around?" Action seems to be the movie's main focus, as opposed to figuring out a way to scare people. The movie pretty much turns into "action movie meets The Blair Witch Project". The story's protagonist knows exactly what to do (after, of course, 20 years of being tortured by this spirit you wonder why he didn't do something sooner) and of course needs to race here and there in his car to try to save the young boy from meeting his end in the darkness. He has to get to the hospital, and of course he is the "freak" and everyone thinks he's crazy for believing in this demon/ghost/whatever that chases and kills individuals. He eventually ends up looking like Bruce Willis in Die Hard as he goes in for the battle with the demon, jumping over glass, climbing walls, saying one-liners, etc. Scary movies are the most difficult movies to produce effectively, and this movie proves this point. However, the frustrating thing is that this movie doesn't even make a good attempt at being scary, yet alone explaining why scenes are taking place. Enough with the moaning of the spirit, enough with the "don't stay in the dark" references. The movie is just trying to push something that is ineffective from the get go. If you are a big skeptic of horror movies, then you will probably find this movie laughable. However, I believe everyone should give a movie a fair shake, so I say that you should give it a try...once it comes off the new release shelf and is maximum [$$$] to rent.
Rating:  Summary: A lame attempt! Review: Despite a fascinating story, Darkness Falls never reaches its full potential. Things go downhill after a fantastic (and very scary) opening. Plot is sacrificed for cheap deaths and scares that just don't work, making what could have been terrific psychological horror cheesy, sappy, and boring. The legend of the tooth fairy should have been explored a bit more and the psychological tension of the opening should have remained throughout, rather than the awful death scenes being the film's only redeeming quality. When we finally get to see Matilda Dixon (the tooth fairy), it is disappointing. She was better left invisible because her appearence makes an already terrible film even worse (and I would omit that annoying laugh of hers from the soundtrack every time she's around)--UGH! The wonderful Emma Caufield is purely wasted. This ultimately fails after such a promising start. There is no imagination in its script or direction. The very similar THEY is SLIGHTLY better.