Rating:  Summary: Darkness Falls Review: Okay, first of all, I loved this movie. I do not understand why everyone hates it so much (well most people.) I don't know why you would go into a cinema, expect it to be all about normal life -- when this is a scary movie. The directors in films like these work hard to frighten you, not to tell you every detail about their life, personality and all that stuff. I think the actors in this film have really done fantadtic. I think the directors and writers have done a wonderful job. There is nothing in this film that I do not love. And I do not care if it slightly copied another movie -- because that's an old movie that no one would care about these days that I can't even find in the video store! SEE THIS MOVIE!
Rating:  Summary: Give me a break Review: Based on the surprise success of The Ring (yawn), here comes yet another PG-13 horror film designed to make teen girls get scared by things jumping out of nowhere (naturally, it debuted at #1). Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for trying to make a real truly scary horror film without blood and guts getting splattered all over the walls, but Darkness Falls is mindnumbingly dull and falls flat on its' face. The minimal storyline consists of the ghost of a wrongfully accused woman named the Tooth Fairy is murdering various children in the town of Darkness Falls. The cardboard cutout hero (whose name I cannot remember, or care for either) comes back to the small town to protect the younger brother of his old girlfriend (Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Emma Caulfield). The story is boring and has been done before (remember the original Nightmare on Elm Street about a boogeyman murdering children as revenge?), and there is no such thing as character development present here, and the dumed down climax and ending will have you cheering for our heroes to meet their demise. All in all, those who have any kind of functioning brain activity will skip this and watch something truly scary like the aforemented Nightmare on Elm Street, the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween (no, not H20 or Resurrection either), or the all time classic Pumpkinhead.
Rating:  Summary: Predictable popcorn no-brainer Review: For sheer terror this movie runs rings around 'The Ring'?? my foot !! While 'The Ring' was a genuinely spooky classic with one of the most unsettling scores ever, this movie is just your usual fare of contrived thrills, chills and spills. I must say that I picked this movie off the shelf because of 2 things - one is the creepy name of the movie itself; and the other one the review given on the front cover which says it runs rings around the 'The Ring' :( There was no way they could've rescued this movie, because the basic storyline itself is flawed. A ghostly apparition wrecking revenge upon the town dwellers and the protagonists destroying it against all odds ? How original! I also hate it when they try to scare me by making things(cats, people etc) pop out from hidden corners. That trick always works - doesn't mean that the movie is good. Why I don't regret having seen this movie completely is because of 2 awesome songs I discovered which are included in the movie. 'Gunboat' by Vixtrola (ending credits song) and 'Look out below' by Closure. Closure CD is available while Vixtrola's debut CD is still tangled in red tape. So P2P it is !! (Read what I had to say about 'The Ring' in my review of the movie).
Rating:  Summary: Tooth Fairy Strikes Out... Review: In the small town of Darkness Falls looms a Tooth Fairy legend where young children who lose their last milk tooth and peek at the Tooth Fairy will be killed by her. Kyle Walsh loses his tooth and during the night finds himself being haunted by the Tooth Fairy, whom Kyle glances at over his bed sheet. The Tooth Fairy attacks Kyle who escapes, but Kyle's mother is less fortunate. Years later, when Kyle has grown up, the Tooth Fairy seems to stalk another young boy and now Kyle has the opportunity to face his fear in the town of Darkness Falls. Darkness Falls begins with an interesting and haunting premise, however, after several turns and bends in the story the overall experience becomes a farce and not a true horror film. There are occasions where the audience will feel frightened and get startled, but the film becomes a repeated failure to its own demise through the overkill of attempting to scare the audience and the obvious use of elements of past horror films.
Rating:  Summary: Snooze fest Review: Darkness Falls was one of the worst horror flicks I have ever seen - and I am a connoisseur of bad horror. First, the tooth fairy who is really an old lady who was not really the tooth fairy...sort of convoluted. There is no character development, and after half an hour of everyone screaming about being in teh light, you want to turn the lights out on them all and have them all eaten, or whatever it is that teh sadistic tooth fairy does. Not scary, too much down time, and a convoluted and silly plot.
Rating:  Summary: UMMM DARKNESS FALLS HA HA HA Review: OK I wanted a movie to scare me....my 16 y.o. told me it sucked, I SO SHOULD HAVE LISTENED!!! The ONLY way this movie could have been the scariest thing is if it were watched by watchers of true scary stuff!! I want to cry for my disappointment! The ONLY thing that was good about this movie was the fact that I was "burning trees", had a drink or 2, a kitten grabbed my hair (in the darkness) and TREES WERE BURNING, ,while I watched it....OK Not only LAME, but POINTLESS....DON'T BUY, DON'T RENT!! Hope a friend has it on a good night!
Rating:  Summary: How anyone can praise this movie is beyond me. Review: This movie is awful. If you're a horror fan, I suggest staying away from this truly gawd awful film. This movie is not scary. This movie is not horrifying. It is predictable, has one of the worst plots, and is not worth the film it is printed on. Stay away at all costs. Later... much later for this one.
Rating:  Summary: Average thriller doesn¿t aspire beyond its state Review: Well, this film at least doesn't pretend to aspire beyond its state. A rather straightforward chiller, it doesn't do too much or too little, pretty average. A cursed town and two boys in particular are targeted by [the ghost?] of a vengeful hag once hanged unjustly for the disappearance of two children [who of course later turn up fine]. Due to her earlier disfigurement via burning she can't expose herself to the light, thus all her revenge shenanigans have to take place at night in the darkness of, well, the town Darkness Falls. The kid who escaped her clutches 12 years ago returns to help the second generation of troubled sleepless youths and rekindle a lost love. There are sharp moments of excitement, and amusement like why the ghost waited so long to take out the entire police force etc. Maybe she was just bored up to that point with the hauntings, who knows. With Halloween approaching this is probably not a bad movie for the younger crowd, not too gruesome and with some mild shocks. Beyond that, pretty average.
Rating:  Summary: 3 and 1/2 stars!!! Good horror! Review: I saw this after I saw THE RING and on the DVD box it said "FOr sheer terror, it runs rings sround the ring" which ment it was scarier than The Ring so I was excited to see it, and I was pleased with what I got! It was very creepy and suspensful. Not as good as some horro movies, but better than others! It was origional, and I liked how they used the idea of the tooth fairy as the villian, but I think that they were trying to do for the tooth fairy what jaws and psycho did for the ocean and showers and were unsucessful at meeting that goal, but it was a great try and out of the ashes comes a great movie! A woman who gave kids surpirses for their teeth was burned because some children went missing and the parents balmed her, and not she wears a mask to hid her burn, and will kill anyone who sees her or is in the dark and this boy sees her and his life is changed when his mother is killed and he is blamed for it. Then when he is an adult her returns to his town because a friends brother is suffering from the same thing, he is afraid that the tooth fairy will kill him, so goes on the story. Very clever and a good movie as I have said before! It was good, but I hope that Hollywood doesn't come out with a sequal!! This movie stands good alone!!!
Rating:  Summary: Where did the DARKNESS FALL off to??? Review: Sigh... the first 10 minutes was the only redeeming quality of this movie... period. The story revolves around a legend, when a young kid looses his/her baby tooth, the Tooth Fairy will come and reward this kid with a gold coin. However, one is not supposed to see the face of the Tooth Fairy, or darkness will befall them. Scary huh? The first 10 minutes proved to be so. However, the scariness greatly started decreasing as the movie progressed. People began getting killed off with out any build up of suspense whatsoever. The movie just wasn't scary anymore. In the end, the movie seemed really rushed. The movie only seemed like an hour long. Seemingly, I felt like there were a lot of gaps between scenes. Additionally, there was NO deep character development in this movie. Compiled with really, really, really bad acting, it just made me not care at all about the characters; I didn't really care about the people who were dying. The kid in the first 10 minutes of this film was probably the best actor among the group. C'mon people this is Hollywood not High School! This movie started strong but ended up retardedly weak. The flow of the movie never even came close to being as scary as the movie had promised in the beginning. At least the movie didn't end as ridiculously as I had expected, although it was still a bit cheesy. What a waste of a nice concept though. Worth a FEW scares, but definitely could've been better... scarier.