Rating:  Summary: Stay in the car (oops) stay in the light Review: Yep it is your standard "if you do not believe me you're dead" story. A nasty spirit poses as the tooth fairy. A complete series of situations where two people that saw the fake fairy and are going to get theirs; in the mean time there is lots of collateral damage to friends and foes alike. Not much more to it. Do not expect any originality or plot twists.
Rating:  Summary: Darkness fails... Review: Goooosh, I think the Golden Raspeberry should creat a new category: "Worst Horror Movie".This movie trespassed all the barriers of the mediocre and badly executed movies: acting, directing, screenplay, suspense... nothing, absolutely NOTHING works here... It's amazing. It's not even in the category "so bad it's fun". No. It's just bad.
Rating:  Summary: Very, I mean, very bad.... Review: This an inexcusable parody of a terror film. It's utterly bad. Even if it's extremely short, you'll have a hard time trying to reach the end of the film. Acting is atrocious, plot holes are enormous, horror is minimum. It's a cheap movie designed to make easy profit. In the first twenty minutes you will know you're in for a real nightmare ride...
Rating:  Summary: ugh! What crap! Review: I am ashamed to say that about...oh its probably been about 7 months by now, that i bought this movie. i watched it and it is some what good, but for the most part the mothman prophocies and the ring are way better and way scarier! so if your looking for something scary check out the ring or mothman prophicies, but come on.... a story about an evil tooth fairy...thats not even a tooth fairy? This movie is one of the worst out there! but it does have its moments!
Rating:  Summary: Great Ghost but little more. Review: Darkness Falls is not the worst horror film you will ever see. Yes it does have lots of stereotypical horror moments... but it also boasts some original and clever ideas. After 30 minutes of Darkness Falls you will get what this is about and what you think of it will depend on how insane you think the ghost is. I think that the ghost was very well done and the fight sequences a joy, but the story is awfully written without much memorable dialogue, characters or a plot (which is never fully explained). Let's not beat around the bush here. I would recommend Darkness Falls to anybody who can have a laugh at the ghost flying around the town killing whoever she chooses for reasons that are never fully explained either. In fact the whole background story of a local woman 'tooth-fairy' who was wrongly executed for the double murder of two boys does not matter much. Yes, the opening sequence is frightening, but after that this is just 100% action all the way.... and at its heart Darkness Falls is exactly that... ... a "No-brainer action/horror". So if that is your genre and if you think that a ghost that only attacks people in darkness (the protagonists use torches and must avoid dark spots to survive) then you actually might have some fun with this one. I know this film is terribly bad, 2 star material, but the fact that the ghost was just so well done and the action sequences quite entertaining, merits this movie a little more than 2 stars for me and possibly pushes the 3 boundary... but not by much. In short watch it for the opening sequence, the ghost and the action. Forget about the characters and plot. This is pure pop-corn fodder, but do not avoid it just because it has a terrible plot (the main reason for the bad reviews but the ghost and the action is 100% fun). If you want to see an intelligent horror this year then watch "Frailty" instead. If you can forgive the film for its story found in a cornflakes pack and just enjoy the insanity of a ghost flying around the place and attacking people in dark spots then who knows?... you just might actually like it a little. For some reason I also can't help but think this is a little better than "Gothika" or "Jeepers Creepers". Worth renting if you don't want your brain doing much work and want a little action/frights.
Rating:  Summary: OH THE HORROR!! Review: This movie is quite possibly the worst hollywood horror film ever. I'm not even going to waste my time with this trash. It is very predictable, goes nowhere, and a less than lackluster ending almost gurantees you will fall asleep before the credits roll. Avoid this garbage at all cost.
Rating:  Summary: Darkness Falls onto my Worst Film List. Review: Watching Darkness Falls made me do two things. Inspire myself to create a top ten worst (recently major) movies ever list, and like the main charactor, try and save as many people as I can from this movie. The sypnosis is classic B-movie thriller. The execution is horrible. First of all, the acting is aweful. Half the time, the actors/actresses were either reciting comedic lines which were very staged and quite honostly not funny, or panicking over nothing. Second, the editing was rediculous. I found a few shots that pertained to nothing. Didn't add to the style, didn't build up anything, they were just there. Not to mention all the scenes were cropped into oblivion and replaced without the slightest bit of a flow. Third, the supposed "thrill" of the movie, the toothfairy, was beaten into the ground. "Don't look at her face!" everyone says. Yet we see it through out the entire film. Fantastic. No wonder no big name actors/actresses were in the movie. And to top it all off, the end credits are shown over some strange lava with a Gone In 60 Seconds flare to them. !?!?!?!?! There was no climax to the movie, the end was nothing interesting what-so-ever, and the movie was terrible throughout. Well, at least it had that going for it for structure. (By the way, this film does get a 1, and not a 0, because it isn't the single worst movie I have ever seen)
Rating:  Summary: What Could Have Been Review: I actually saw this film last year and figured I wouldn't even bother to write a review for it. But, here I am. What disappoints me the most is when there is something there that could of been done and used effectively, but the writers and director don't know what they have and water it down and turn it into the most preposerous, neandering drivel. That is the feeling with this underdeveloped film that feels like it was barely even written in script form and slapped together in a real quick hatchett job. Yes, there was something here that could of been something. I think that is obvious, and to the film's credit, there were a few parts here and there that were quite creepy and spooky. The movie begins a few years ago and we see a little boy who is having trouble sleeping. He has lost a tooth and while thinking the Tooth Fairy is coming, is scared of the dark and shadows in his room. After the opening minutes that include a tragedy and what was a promising start, the movie flashes to present day and the little boy is now grown up. His name is Klye(played by Chaney Kley), and he returns to his hometown after getting a call from an old schildhood friend named Caitlin(Played By Buffy's superb Emma Caufield), whose little brother is experiencing the same fears and trauma that Klye did all those years ago. He reluctantly comes to help, and things are set in motion. The Tooth Fairy was an old woman named Matilda Dixon, who years and years earlier, was a kindly woman who made cookies and gave treats to the town's children. She was horribly disfigured in a fire and became a recluse. When children began to disappear, the town blamed the disfigured old woman and hunt her down. Now, decades later, she is back for her revenge. It's quite a silly premise, but it is something that could of been shaped into a better idea if it had been in the hands of more capable writers. Which it isn't. Horror cliches also abound mightily in the flick. The clueless police, the buddy cop who tries to help, the ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend, fake scares and jumps. You get the picture. Emma Caufield is so good as Anya on "Buffy", and so it is with a big disappointment that she is wasted in a nothing role in a nothing movie. She is so much better than this. Seriously, there is nothing to the role and nothing for her to do. Don't they know what a horror heroine should have?. Chaney Kley(nice name), is a generic, right off the assembly line hero. His acting is wooden and he seems to be reading "Acting In Horror Movies For Dummies". The acting isn't without some merit. The little boy who played Caitlin's brother was actually very good. So where the little ones playing Kyle and Caitlin. That's about it. Stan Winston did a fine job with the look of The Tooth Fairy, but this is small fry for him. The Tooth Fairy herself is actually creepy and at times scary. There was potential in the character and there were enough decent chills and creeps to show that there might have been hope at one point, but the project ultimately fails on every front. What a shame.
Rating:  Summary: Darkness Falls like a really heavy turd Review: I've seen some interesting reviews for this movie posted here. 'You may need to watch the movie twice to fully understand it' was one of the best comments I read. To put it bluntly, this film has no coherent storyline to follow and is in fact, total nonsense. A lot of people have said that the first 15 mins of this movie were actually pretty good - frankly, I ask why? The whole 'fairy story' the film is based on, and its retelling at the beginning, are totally unoriginal. I've seen better on episodes of Buffy or similar dumb kids' TV shows. Admittedly, I don't think this film was intended for an audience containing anyone over the age of 12, considering its focus is fear of the dark and the big bad villain is a 'tooth fairy', but you can never be too sure. Secondly, the acting, as has already been said, was wooden to say the least. In fact, the best actors in it were the the kids who played Kyle and Caitlin as children - the boy was believable and natural. Although the adult Kyle was HOT, he hardly put in an academy award winning performance, and older Caitlin was similarly uninspiring. Her kid brother was straight out of every other 'disturbed kid' movie I've ever seen - he was basically identical to the character of the little boy in The Ring. And that's not the only film that Darkness Falls completely apes. Anyone heard of a movie called Jeepers Creepers? And to an even further extent, Jeepers Creepers 2. Both these films have a flying demonic creature, which swoops down on its unsuspecting prey and drags it off into the sky - ring any bells with viewers of Darkness Falls? I can't even be bothered to go into the ludicrous storyline; the imaginative and totally believable name of the town, Darkness Falls, pretty much tells you all you need to know about the storywriting talent behind this movie. In short - DON'T PAY MONEY TO SEE THIS. I'd never say don't watch a movie, cos it's bound to be an experience however bad it is. And besides, as it only lasts about an hour and a quarter, it's less than your average awful slasher movie.
Rating:  Summary: Good film, though critics need to chill Review: Like with a lot movies out there, it gets bashed down as the 'worst film ever made'...and most of the time those who complain do not even know what they are talking about! Most of the professional critics do nothing but blabber on, and on, and on about how cliched and how absolutely terrible the movie was they are almost driven to uncontrollable madness. Is it so impossible to talk positively about something for once, reviewers? 'Darkness Falls' is a story about the Tooth Fairy. Everybody knows about the little fairy thing that supposedly comes to take your tooth when you lose it and gives you money in exchange. Although in this movie the TF is no fairy. Right from when I was a kid I was smart enough to realise it was actually my mother putting the money there, I thought it was a pretty decent idea. Matilda Dixon, the women dubbed the Tooth Fairy becase she used to give kiddies coins for their baby teeth, was burned horribly when a fire rushed through her home one night. She could only then go out at night because her skin was sensitive to light. Then, one day, two children didn't come home after informing their parents that they would be paying the Tooth Fairy a visit, and the townspeople blamed Matilda and hung her. The next day the children were found. Matilda's angry ghost continues to plague Darkness Falls, the town in which she lived, killing any child who dare look upon her face when she came to collect their last baby tooth. Kyle, a 10-year-old boy, has just lost his said tooth, looked the night she came. It kills his mother and Kyle is blamed for her murder. Sent away from his town, he ends up living in Las Vegas. 12 years later he receives a call from his childhood girlfriend, Caitlin Greene. She tells him her brother Michael is suffering from 'night terrors' and asks Kyle to help. Reluctantly, Kyle returns to his hometown to face up to his fear. 'Darkness Falls' though far from the best movie ever made, was not terrible, no matter what the grumps out there say. Sure, you can have your opinion and I respect it, but I am absolutely sick and tired of critics wanting to get the last word all the time! Do me a favour and back off, why don't you? I'm sure it'll do us all a whole lot of good. I first watched this movie a long while ago at my best friends house, and though I wasn't jumping every single time she did (every five minutes, I'd say) I still found parts of it reasonably frightening. Whether it is actually scary or not depends on you. If you are scared easily or get scared but not that much, you'll find this movie scarier then say, someone who doesn't get scared much. Yeah, that didn't make a whole lot of sense did it? Well, don't mind me. I'm just a poor, silly little earthling that has no taste because I liked this movie. My opinion doesn't matter. *cough*critics*cough* Many horrors today have a lot of gore in them. I'll take Ghost Ship as an example. Though I DID enjoy that movie, I found this better. Yes, go ahead critics, laugh your pants off because I thought this movie was far more freakish then one with the blood and guts factor! Cry yourself to the point of sickness! This film is old-school, and I like that. I was just waiting for a film like this to be released and now it has, I am both pleased and impressed with the result. This movie was good. Period. I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this. But you know what? I don't care. We all have opinions, and I do not mean to offend anybody with this review. Opinions are cool. Let's be proud, respect each other and eat cookies. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone. Okay, critics? It's not nice laughing at someone just because they don't share the same opinion as you. Follow my advice friends, and buy a life-time supply of valium and calm yourselves.