Rating:  Summary: THE MOST TERRIFYING THRILL RIDE OF THE YEAR! Review: OK. I do not care of the people in this movie were from the streets. They did a very good job in acting. People are too picky sometimes. This movie is about a 13 yeard old kid who looses a tooth and puts in under his pillow. What he didnt know is when she comes, dont look at her! He looks at her and then he runs to his mom saying theres someone in my bed. She says no your not haveing a dream. She goes in the bedroom looks around and sees nothing. But all of the sudden, she grabs her and throws her on the bed. Shes dead. But not in a violent way. I forgot one thing, the girl is the beggining is very important. She asks him to the dance, and he says yes. But he never goes becuase his mom just died and he has no one to live with. 12 years lator you see him at his job. Next seen the girl, is with her younger brother. He sees the "Tooth Fairy" too, just like the kid did in the beggining. She calls him saying my brother sees the same things you do, and how do I help him. From there this movie is very scary. It does have a lot of jump seens. Darkness Falls is rated PG-13 for Terror and Horror images and language. There is no gore or sexuality. It was originaly rated R for Terror/Violence Gore and sexuality. I was glad to see a horror with no gore in it. Much better then The Ring and They. On my scale from 0-10 Darkness Falls is a Jump out of your seat Thrill ride 10! Be prepared to jump!
Rating:  Summary: Famous Last Words, and Things That Go Bump In the Night Review: Kyle Walsh (Chaney Kley) spent nine years in an asylum for the murder of his mother in the small coastal town of Darkness Falls, when he was just a boy. He swears he didn't do it - that the real culprit was the "Tooth Fairy," a local ghost-witch/boogeyman, who takes childrens' last baby teeth but relentlessly pursues them to death if they are so presumptuous as to steal a peek at her disfigured visage. Now an adult, Kyle can't get through a single night without a flashlight, because the Tooth Fairy can't strike in anything but darkness. Kyle's old childhood flame, Caitlin Greene (Emma Caulfield), tracks down Kyle and solicits his return to Darkness Falls to help her kid brother, Michael (Lee Cormie), who - like Kyle - suffers from insomnia due to night-terrors. Neither she, nor her lawyer fiancee Larry (Grant Piro) believe in Kyle's "Tooth Fairy" - nor do the local constabulary, when another body turns up in Kyle's vicinity. But their skepticism diminishes, when the Tooth Fairy becomes more aggressive in her pursuit of Kyle and Michael, soon threatening the entire town of Darkness Falls. This movie is short on logic, but long on scares. It's an old-fashioned horror film of famous last words - "See? There was nothing there!" - which are invariably the cue for the Tooth Fairy to swoop down out of the shadows at lightning speed, thence to abduct her victims to isolated locations for murder and mayhem. Director Jonathan Liebesman makes the most of light and shadows, and of a great, unsettling soundtrack that underlies the entire proceedings. Experienced monster-maker Stan Winston provides the genuinely grisly and unsettling Tooth Fairy, almost scarier in her featureless Gray-alien ghost mask than in her later-revealed grotesquely fire-scarred visage. The production is gorgeous, and the cast are really terrific - especially principals Kley and Caulfield (the latter fresh from her role as Anya in the popular series Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and Lee Cormie as the earnestly intense suffering little boy. The imagery is nightmarishly unsettling, and highly memorable. The whole thing comes in at just 75 minutes, making it one hell of a fast and furious ride. Don't question it. Just jump on, and hold tight. It's a perfect popcorn movie: meant for quick consumption, not at all thought-provoking, and intended for thrills only. Bring a date. Believe me, she'll be grabbing onto you like you were Brad Pitt.
Rating:  Summary: Darkness Falls on Elm Street Review: This movie was a full rip-off of A Nightmare On Elm Street with a touch of the legend of the Blair Witch. The scariest part about it was that it took 3 people to write it and 1 to "come up with" the story. Take Freddy Krueger and make him a woman, make it so that it's not just falling asleep that leaves you vulnerable but the night itself, throw in the exact same scenes and situations from the Nightmare series and you have Darkness Falls. It's not like we expect to see great writing or performances in a horror flick so I won't even bother discussing that- but at LEAST give us a new storyline. I'll hand it to Stan Winston for doing his usual amazing job with the creature design...and the sound effects definately made the "scary" parts fly...but if you want to see the GOOD version of this film, just throw in A Nightmare On Elm Street. Maybe if these writers can get together again, the three of them can write one about a boy who drowns in a lake and comes back wearing a hockey mask...or something original like that.
Rating:  Summary: I AM AMAZED!!!!!! Review: Truly, some one had to have really dedicated themselves to every inch of film shot in this movie too maximze its raw potential too suck with out even a hint of remorse.... Color me impresssed!
Rating:  Summary: Who's up for a waste of time? Review: The only reason a person would have to watch this movie is to waste time. Which is exactly what I did. I decided to set aside a day because I wanted to watch some movies. The local library was my best bet so I picked up this and three others. This was the worst right next to Cabin Fever. Well, getting into the meat of the movie, if there is any. Let us take a look at the corny plot, which consists of a young boy and a young girl being in love since childhood. The boy was hauled off for the murder of his mother, which, if you didn't see this coming, he didn't commit. Flash-forward to the "present time" and presto, her younger brother seems to have the same crap as he had when he was younger, night terrors. Well somehow she gets a hold of her middle school crush who, mind you, lives in an apartment that is full of lights, I mean there are no shadows here baby. Well to make this review shorter, they go after a cheesy looking puppet. **SPOILER** (If you really care). Well, you may have been able to guess this one, the two end up killing the thing in the end and get back together. Yay...Right. The one good effect this movie did have was the flashbacks or flashes of the "Toothfairy". Another good point was the background story in the beginning, I actually thought this had potential when that began.
One minor fault is where the hell are the boys parents. Not once do we see them, and I imagine any parent who child is seeing ugly women in the dark would be right by their side. Can I mention another great part in this movie, the song that plays during the ending credits. All in all this film will not cause you to have a sleepless night, unless your one that has just lost your last tooth... And remember don't peek...
Rating:  Summary: I personally found it very scary Review: I'm not sure why I found it to be so scary when other people really didn't like it. I would give the overall movie 3 stars, but since I thought (the first time I saw it) it was one of the scariest movies I've ever seen, I bumped it up to a four. It's kind of like the counter to The Ring. The Ring overall was a much better movie, but when "the big scare" in The Ring was revealed, I thought it was really disappointing. I did see DF in the theatre first and The Ring on DVD, so that may have had an effect on the comparative scaryness factor of the two movies.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Waste Your Time Review: I had low expectations, but was still disappointed.
Competent acting and direction can't save a derivative script. These guys aren't writers; they're Hollywood cut-and-pasters. There's no plot to speak of. No surprises, no reversals, no revelations. Not a scintilla of inspiration.
If you waste your time on this one, you'll feel bored and cheated.
Rating:  Summary: Not that bad of a movie Review: I thought this movie was gonna be really good after the first 10-15 minutes, but then it just kinda went flat. They really didn't explain a whole heck of alot in the storyline so it kept you wondering what happend to alot of things.
As far as the killer/monster/creature goes, I loved it. The mask reminded me of Michael Myers a little bit. I think it would of been a little better if the killer didn't fly...I wasn't crazy about the killer flying.
Overall, Not bad, worth a watch. I suggest renting it before buying it.
Rating:  Summary: Refreshing! Review: I had to badger people to rent this movie and watch it with me because it is PG13. What a lot of people don't get is that a PG13 scary movie has to be pretty damn scary on it's own to not be pulled up to an R rating. Out with the gore and in comes what's actually scary; psychological games, fears, ghosts, the unknown,etc. Plus I had to see Emma Caulfield's first co-starring movie role because she was great as Anya on Buffy.
I wasn't expecting much and i was worried, but the toothfairy creeped me out, the scenes changed quickly, and on a huge TV the darkness was blacker. I'm scared of the dark and what might be hiding in shadows, so...and everyone watching it admitted that it was better than they thought. Bonus is a happy ending that makes sense! This DVD is now in my collection.
Rating:  Summary: I LIKED IT BETTER THAN MOST PEOPLE Review: Humanity's fear of the dark provides Darkness Falls with some anxiety and fuels some jolts of fear from things popping out of nowhere. A kindly woman, who used to give children gold coins in exchange for their lost baby teeth, was hanged for a murder she didn't commit; in her last moments she laid a curse on the town (which has the unlikely name of Darkness Falls). So over the years the ghost of this woman has murdered various children because they saw her when she came to collect their teeth.
We move to modern day as 12 year old Kyle just lost a tooth. He places it under his pillow, but can't sleep. He wakes up to swooshing sounds and sees a shadow moving in his room. When he looks up, there is a porcelain mask hanging over him. He tells his mother, who doesn't believe him. To prove nothing's there, she goes into his darkened room and the Tooth Fairy murders her. The police blame Kyle for the murder, and he is institutionalized for his 'psychosis'.
Several years later, Kyle, now and adult who is never without a whole host of flashlights to keep the tooth fairy at bay receives a call from childhood friend Caitlin played by Buffy star Emma Caufield. It seems her little brother Michael is afraid of the dark and is speaking of 'her'. Kyle comes out to see Cat and try to comfort Michael. The Tooth Fairy shows up to try and exact her revenge on Kyle, Michael, and anyone else who looks upon her face.
While no gem, I thought Caufield did an exceptional job although Chaney Kley was rather weak as Kyle. The movie did convey a permeable sense of horror and anyone who was ever afraid of the boogie man in the dark can certainly relate to the plot.
It's a bit too short at only 74 minutes and there's some stereotype characters such as the dis-believing police and doctors, but all in all its an "ok" movie.