Rating:  Summary: 1.5 Stars Review: Darkness Falls is a monotynus, random, incoherent, and stupid movie. It's not scary, it has terrible acting, plot stinks, pacing stinks, almost everything about this "movie" is bad! Don't waste your time with this load of crud, it's a waste of time and money. The only remotely entertaining thing in this "film" is that the Toothfairy is the killer. Othere than that, this is a lame excuse for a movie!
Rating:  Summary: Being blinded would have been better... Review: This is possibly the worst horror movie ever made, let alone the worst movie ever made. The plot is awful (If you wake up and see the tooth fairy, she's going to kill you, unless you're in the light). Everything is very cliched, and NOTHING is original. EVERY time someone turns on a flashlight it goes out,and whenever someone says, "We're safe now" they get killed. You hardly ever see the "Tooth Fairy" anyway, you can just hear her flying around and moaning. When they do show her, they just put the camera in front of a guy in a black hood and a porcelain mask and shake the camera a lot. The filming is sometimes incoherent and confusing (specifically every scene in the light house), and the acting is worse, and everything seems just too contrived (who puts a glass window in a prison cell?). SPARE YOURSELF FROM THIS MOVIE!
Rating:  Summary: scary,but not as good as the ring Review: This movie was not as good as the ring,but i have to admit it scared the skin off me.Some parts in this movie were more intense than the ring like the begining,i garentee that part will scare you half to death.But the face in the ring was more scarer than this one,it looked over done and cheesey.Well let me tell you what it is about. 150 years ago in the town of darkness falls,the towns childeren used to visit this old woman who in exchange for a tooth they lost she'd give them a gold coin earning her the name of the toothfairy.One night tragity stuck this woman cause a fire burned her face horribly.to hide her hidieous face she wore a polyester mask.she was burned so badly that her skin became severly sensitive to light she could only come out in the dark.then one day two children disappeared and the old woman was blamed for it.She was hanged and she siad before she died that she would take her revenge on darkness falls.the next day the two children were found unharmed.darkness falls buried there secret.in the present day Kyle walsh saw the toothfairy try to kill him.for that his mom died .Everybody in town thought he was crazy and killed his mom,everyone except catlin his girlfriend.kyle moves away but catlin stays.Some years latter catlin is having a problem with her brother,micheal.he says he can't sleep or stay in the dark he must have light.a while back he lost his last baby tooth that is when he siad he saw the toothfairie's face.now that micheal saw her face she won't stop trying to kill him as well as kyle and all the others that look upon her face.Meanwhile kyle who lives in las vegas learns about catlin's brothers problems and he thinks micheal is excperencing the same things he had as a child.now he must face his fears and go to darkness falls to protect catlin and her brother from a 150 year old evil.this movie was scary and i think you should go out and see it.
Rating:  Summary: Strangely effective.... Review: Now, first off, I'll admit that this movie isn't exactly what I would call classic cinema, but it's also not nearly as bad as most of the people that have reviewed it say. This is the kind of movie that you can go see and just forget about afterwards. I was completely satisfied with most aspects of this movie, the only exception being the drunk bully in the bar who was awfully laughable (in a bad way). The rest of the acting was marginal, Emma Caulfield is absolutely terrific on Buffy but that charisma doesn't really transfer to this, though she does a fine job. The rest of the cast is unmemorable, which fits well with the rest of this generally forgettable and thoroughly enjoyable hour and a half at the movies!!
Rating:  Summary: dont waste your money on this flick Review: it was cheap, disapointing and not scary at all. i'll give it a good pointer, there were a couple parts that were starteling, but not scary. dont waste your time
Rating:  Summary: NOT SCARY Review: This is more humor than scare. My 90 year old grandma laughed at this movie.GRANDMA?!
Rating:  Summary: Stay in the light! Review: Seeing this movie is an experience that I will never forget. Now that I said that, don't take it the wrong way. This movie is only slightly better than mediocre, what makes it memorable is the condition under which I viewed it. I had time to kill for several hours earlier this week, and decided to go to the movies. This was the only thing worth watching at my local theater (that I hadn't already seen) so I saw the 4:40 showing. To my surprise, there was NOT ONE PERSON THERE! Maybe this is not such an odd thing, but it is amazing for me. It was like having my own personal screening. Watching a horror movie alone in a big dark theater is really something special. But on to the review...The movie starts out with a short explanation of the Tooth Fairy, which you will find summarized in Amazon.com's review. Then comes the obligatory opening scare that all horror movies contain. In it, the main character is shown as a child. He has just lost his last baby tooth, and in the town of Darkness Falls that spells trouble. According to legend, anyone who peeks when the Tooth Fairy comes to take your last tooth is doomed, and poor Kyle peeks. This results in a frighteningly well-done scene in which the Tooth Fairy attacks Kyle, then kills his mother. The part in the bathroom is particularly brilliant. The movie is very dark up until Kyle runs into the bathroom, but the bathroom is bright and almost entirely white. Kyle jumps in the bathtub and hides behind the curtain, and the camera angles during this scene are fantastic. They are reminicsent of the great Stanely Kubrick. After this scene I decided that even if the rest of the movie was horrible, these 10 minutes or so were worth my five dollars. If the director had used the same amount of attention to detail that he put into this scene, this movie would have been a classic For better or worse, the movie is all downhill from there. There are some other highlights, such as the long scene in the police station near the end, but that's about it. Don't get me wrong, it is not horrible, but the quality definitely dips. It is very clichéd to say the least. The actors' performances are satisfactory, and for the most part the script is ok (for what it is), but the screenwriter needs to learn to write children's dialogue. Whenever a child talks in the film, it is like an adults words coming out of their mouth, not believable at all as something a kid would say. Also some might be disappointed with the BOO! type scares, but under the circumstances that I watched the movie, it worked very well. Overall this is a very mediocre movie. It is not for hardcore horror fans at all, so steer clear if that is who you are. For anyone else, if you are looking for an hour and a half of entertainment, then you have found the right movie. For anyone else this is probably a three star movie. For me, this movie will always be remembered as a great experience, so four stars.
Rating:  Summary: TRUE SUSPENSE MOVIE!!! Review: Just like Alfred Hitchcocks Movies, Darkness Falls is a true suspense movie. Instead of these nowdays horror films that deals with blood and gore, a true horror film is made of suspense. Darkness falls has a great storyline and plot. If you haven't seen the movie yet, I highly recommend to see this kind of film.
Rating:  Summary: You will not be afraid of the dark! Review: Yawn, another "paint by numbers" horror film. This very weak entry into the horror genre follows the exact same formula as the Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm Street films. That is, there's an unstoppable person who kills at night. In this case, it happens to be a witch/tooth fairy. The story follows the usual predictable path that these films tend to do. An unappealing group of individuals must band together to try to stay alive while being stalked by a supernatural creature. In all fairness, the tooth fairy herself is done well. She's scary looking and she moves very quickly. However, every single scare is so obvious and trite. In fact, this film stoops to the level of cheap scares by having a black cat jump out (Friday the 13th Part II anyone?)! This is the kind of film where one character will say, "There's something in that room" and another character will go look, will find nothing, will turn around and say, "There's nothing here" and then (fill in predictable conclusion). This is the kind of film where the solution is so obvious! In this film we're told that the town is cursed by the tooth fairy and she'll come out to get you when you lose your final tooth. Here's an idea, MOVE! LEAVE THE TOWN! Why on earth would you stay there knowing that you'll be killed? The main character in the film moved when he was a child. He only comes back to the town because the tooth fairy is terrorizing a new little kid. Why wouldn't the main character's very first act be to take the little kid out of the town? Also, the tooth fairy will only get you if it's dark. Here's an idea, if the power goes out (as it does in the film), light some candles!!! There's no excuse for these characters to ever be in jeapordy because one can always produce light. This is also the type of film where you know how it's going to end 5 minutes into it. I mean, it's established in the opening credits that the tooth fairy can only be destroyed by light, so how would you predict that this would end? In sum, another boring, pointless horror entry along the same lines as "They" and "Ghost Ship". If you're a young teen you may be scared of this, but for real chills, go see The Ring.
Rating:  Summary: Everything Has A Dark Side Review: Darkness Falls pertains to an interesting twist on the legend of the Tooth Fairy and the myths surrounding the town. Also the movie incorporates the reality of Night Terrors also. The way that sounds were done for this movie were amazing. You knew that it was coming but hearing it surround all around you made you sitting on the edge of your seat. It's the epitamy that there are things in the dark that we don't see that are there. It was amazing how it was done. I would recommend anyone to go see it but that's just my opinion. Remember, stay in the light.