Rating:  Summary: Evil Rises Darkness Fall Review: This movie rocked i will go see it 10 times cuz i loved it it had me jumping out of my seat when u least expect it and for all the people who hated it they don't know good movies and they were probably scared to death of the dark after this movie i was for a week but i got over it i still think when i lose my last tooth( 1 more left ) that Matilda is gonna come oh and they have to make a darkness falls 2
Rating:  Summary: Perfect Scary Movie Review: When I first went to the movies with my cousin and a friend, I thought that it would be another movie that I would soon regret seeing, one that I wasted my money on, which I must say was 9.50 or one that I would fall alseep on. But before the movie really even got started I was screaming along with everyone else in the theater. The story deals with a lot of emotions. Name a feeling and this movie shows it. The story deals with a man who keeps on dealing with his past fears..... The Tooth Fairy, (kind of silly huh). Then he meets up with his boyhood crush, who's 9 year old brother is also dealing with this scary "Tooth Fairy". Now I dont want to give the movie away, but lets just say I jumped about 4 feet in the air on many parts of this movie. Its not just some cheap scary movie that " Wes Craven Presents: They " was. (And that movie was not even a bit scary, kinda funny if you ask me, which you did'nt but Im giving this review not you, so it really does'nt matter).But any way that movie is really really....................(sigh)(shudder). But any way if you want to be terrified out of your mind get this movie!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED IT!!!
Rating:  Summary: Ed Wood, at least, had unintentional humor; "DF" doesn't Review: There's a lot to criticize about "Darkness Falls" but, in an effort to head straight to the positive, I'll say this: At least it's not very long. From its opening frames to the end of its closing credits, "Darkness Falls" clocks in at a lean 75 minutes. So, though viewers may be bored by the movie's predictability and dumbfounded by its lack of logic and character development, at least the filmmakers had the good sense to wrap the whole thing up in well under an hour and a half. The story: Twelve years after the murder of his mother, Kyle Walsh (Chaney Kley) returns to his hometown of Darkness Falls to confront an evil spirit that's been plaguing the village for a century and a half. One could argue that any town with a name like "Darkness Falls" deserves all the evil spirits it attracts, but that's probably overthinking the issue. The spirit in question here is actually a local legend called the Tooth Fairy. This is not the same Tooth Fairy that caused all those problems in Anthony Hopkins' "Red Dragon," which came out just three months ago. No, this is an entirely different (and far less interesting) Tooth Fairy - a ghost who can attack and kill anyone as long as they're in the dark. Since most of the movie's barely sketched characters spend a considerable amount of time wandering around in the dark (both literally and figuratively) the evil spirit has its work cut out for her. Faced with the problem of depicting a villain that can't be shown (after all, the Fairy can only attack in the dark ), the director compensates by giving her some of the most vivid and hilarious sound effects in the history of Dolby Digital. When The Tooth Fairy is about to strike she can be heard, in the dark, making noises, waiting for someone to drop and break his flashlight. Sometimes it sounds like she's gargling; sometimes it sounds like she's snoring; sometimes it sounds like she's hawking a supernatural loogie. The flick doesn't waste time with mundane details like character-developement. People die and we hardly even understand who they are or what purpose they're supposed to serve within the plot. And the Ghost plays pretty fast & loose with its own rules -- sometimes, it looked a lot like The Tooth Fairy was attacking people who were standing in relatively well-lit areas. But criticizing a horror movie these days is kind of beside the point (with the notable exclusion of "The Ring") because most horror movies these days aren't really meant to be reviewed, they're simply meant to be screamed at by rambunctious audiences of teens and pre-teens on a Saturday night until another low-budget, PG-13 horror movie comes out. And "Darkness Falls" is exactly that kind of horror movie
Rating:  Summary: Really Awful Review: This is quite possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I am a big horror movie fan and I was laughing at this movie. You know it is a really bad movie when you begin to desperately wish the main characters will hurry up and die. The acting is bad. The script is poorly written. The sound effects sound like the "tooth fairy" is congested. I just kept wishing someone would offer her cough medicine so she would shut-up and kill the rest of the cast. Don't go see this. Wait until it is out on video, watch it with your friends, and have a good laugh.
Rating:  Summary: Very Entertaining Review: I went not expecting too much and was pleasantly surprised. Certainly it wasn't an oscar contender, but see it for what it is, just pure entertainment. A friend asked me to see it first and let her know if it was too scary for her. My only basis for her ability to handle these movies is "The Ring" as she saw it and liked it. Darkness doesn't come near "The Ring" as a story or overall movie, but I'm afraid I'll be telling my friend she can't handle this one. Her husband will probably have to scrape her off the ceiling and I'm sure she'll scream, a lot. It's not spooky scary but they pulled out all the stops to try to make you jump. Only one other person that reviewed this movie commented on one of the best things about this movie. They really worked at the sound. At least in the theatre I saw it in, you would swear that the sounds, as "The Tooth Fairy" was preparing for attack, were behind you, and to either side. It was like someone was running around the theatre making the sounds of "The Tooth Fairy". It really worked. I had a small problem with one stupid overused line near the end which I'll let you exprience yourself. My only other problem was that it was too short. I wanted more. Still a great movie. Just enjoy it!!!
Rating:  Summary: It was okay... Review: This movie may or may not scare you, depending on your scare factor. In a day and age where it takes more and more to scare people (due to the increasing 'scares' we're dealing with in real life), I felt this movie fell a little short in the scare department. I thought the beginning was pretty good. The scene was played out well. They set the viewers up to be scared. I felt the scene could have been played up a little more. Even though the beginning left a little to be desired, I thought that was the purpose of it. I expected for the middle and end to hold a little more excitement. I was wrong. The middle only succeeded in boring me with it's dull acting and typical slasher scenes. It was basically a killjoy. It killed the whole mood for me. My interest did revive with the ending, but I found myself laughing more at some of the scenes than screaming. (I really laughed it up on the part where the statement was made she couldn't attack multiple targets.)In fact, I think I only jumped one time during the whole movie. Sad. The 'ghost' (or whatever you wanted to call her) just wasn't scary enough. They didn't use the element of surprise well. They waited until you were expecting it to spring a "surprise" on the viewers. It wasn't a horrible movie (note the 3 star rating). The idea for this movie was solid and it had the perfect actors; it just wasn't developed to it's full potential.
Rating:  Summary: This would make the perfect Halloween movie! Review: I do believe that Joe Harris once had a nightmare about the tooth fairy. This story (based on truth) contains an excellent ghost with a vicious nature out to achieve her revenge on Darkness Falls after darkness falls. She is a vengeful blithe spirit on a path of revenge to right a wrong which was done to her in times past. Scary in the porcelian mask , she has a supernatural strength in her demand for vengeance. Whatever you do, don't miss the cat as it scampers across the windshield! This film was well acted with unknown aspiring stars. The main character was performed by Chaney Kley, who looks like Ken Young, a MYL prodigy. Too bad he couldn't sound like Ken, too! Ken has marvelous delivery with a beautiful voice to go with his good looks. Young Michael was a trouper. The scene in the lighthouse is a marvelous climax! Eerie in that fog -- see it to believe it! They are saved by the light. A woman's vanity explodes in a shower of teeth.
Rating:  Summary: Darkness Falls Up Review: I'll admit that Darkness Falls only scared me once, but Istill had a lot of fun sitting there in the movie theater. I'll say that there is too much death, especially in one scene with the police. There is also some plot missing from the picture. Why have there been no other experiences with the tooth fairy? And definitely, why is this movie so short? I felt like the movie breezed through like nothing, which was sort of disappointing. Matilda Dixon's spirit/ghost was a neat creation, but I would've also liked to know how the people actually died. I respect them for sustaing a PG-13 rating, but I wonder how much better the movie could have been if it was R. It seems that I have mostly talked bad about Darkness Falls, but I'll admit that it is kind of a guilty pleasure, B-cheesey movie that I'll enjoy for a long time. Sort of reminicent to Pitch Black (for obvious reasons).
Rating:  Summary: ¿All this for a (damn) tooth?¿ Review: One of the better horror films I've seen in a long time. No cutting flash, no body parts flying around and hardly any blood in sight. Nothing disgusting that will turn your stomachs. Script is very well written, sound and visual effects are excellent and the film moves in extraordinary pace. There is not a boring moment throughout the movie. In the beginning we are told a tale of a tooth fairy. This tale lasts for about 3 minutes. This is all the preparation and leading up-to we get. Once the tale is told terrors begin and do not end till the end of the movie. I must admit that the idea of a tooth fairy chasing people down may be little silly, but so are the ideas behind most films these days. Another downfall for this film is that the very similar idea has been used already. Remember Nightmare on Elm Street? If you want to stay alive, you better stay awake. Plus, Nightmare on Elm Street was a better movie. However, it is a well made movie that even made me jump in my seat couple of times. I may not buy this DVD, but do not regret watching it in the theater at all. Finally, a good scary film.
Rating:  Summary: A ray of light in the Darkness Review: Over the last few years horror fans have been bombarded with sequel .... Jason X was [not good] and Halloween Resurection (though it is still my favorite franchise) was lacking that special something. Darkness Falls is a beacon of light for horror fans such as myself who crave something new and interesting. The story takes place in the town of Darkness Falls, where 100 years ago, an old woman would give children cakes and treats in exchange for their baby teeth. Thus earning her the name Tooth Fairy. After a hideous fire that burns her face and body, she becomes a recluse who wears a porcelain mask to hide her deformity. She gives the children gold coins instead of treats. When two children don't come home after going to see her, the town lynches her and hangs her. She puts a curse on the town that she will have revenge on their descendents, killing any who see her face while she continues to exchange gold coins for the last of each childs baby teeth. We flash forward to the semi present and find Kyle walsh losing the last of his baby teeth, and waking up to the Tooth Fairy. He manages to escape her but his mother is killed and he is blamed. He spends the next 12 years staying out of the light. Now the present. Kyle's old flame Caitlyn has a younger brother Michael who has just lost his last baby tooth and is experiencing similar night terrors. Caitlyn, at the end of her rope calls Kyle and he must go back to his hometown to save the boy and everyone else who gets in the path of the Tooth Fairy before it is too late. This movie has great suspense and some great spine tingling moments. The cast is decent but Chaney Kley (Kyle) and Emma Caulfield (Caitlyn, best known for her role as Anya on Buffy The Vampire Slayer) stand out. I went into this film with little expectation after reading numerous bad reviews, but if you see it for what it is and don't expect an award winning film, you should be pleased. Have fun with it. Let the story entertain you.