Rating:  Summary: Unforgivable Review: It's just bad, bad, bad in every area. There's no irony, wit, intelligence or an iota of dread in all of the overlong 90 minutes. Why is the town called 'Darkness Falls'? Because the founders wanted a horror movie to be made there in the future? It's supposed to be a reference to Matilda Dixon being afraid of the light (Gremlins anyone???) but it's lost on me. More questions. Were there any other children killed by Matilda or was it just Kyle's mother and like...no one else? Some legend? And if other people were killed by her (presumably a LOT) then how come no one noticed or investigated...like the FBI!!!!! Why would a woman who liked children suddenly kill them? Surely it would be a better idea to kill the people who wrongfully executed her. More problems I have with this movie begin with the fact that almost every actor is miscast in regards to the age of the character. It's very off-putting. None of the characters use the slightest bit of common-sense or make even the slightest decision (until the last second of course, it makes it more 'suspenseful') and the dialogue is below adequate. The 'dark' look to the film feels pretty clichéd and it's mostly just uninspired photography in the most generic of sets. Hardly anything unique. All this movie represents is a recycling of tired clichés and stereotypes and a by-the-numbers, unexciting story. Skip it.
Rating:  Summary: gimme more!!! Review: I have read all the reviews on this movie and have to say that I think you guys just have not given this film the justice it deserves. If this had been released pre-blair witch etc. the reception the film would have had, would be sooo much better. I thoroughly enjoyed this little fright fest and believe me jumped on many occasions! The story ,although basic, keeps the viewer gripped and I agree that more depth could have been given. Darkness falls is not a film that wants to take itself seriously but to entertain for 80mins, and boy it sure does. The picture quality and sound is top notch! TRUST ME when I say that this a corker of a movie. WATCH IT! WATCH IT NOW!!!
Rating:  Summary: Hoping to be Born With Dentures Review: The landscapes of youth are dominated by legends that are meant to frighten children and keep them nestled under their covers at night, fearing the shadows that build outside their windows and guessing at what exists at the edges of their beds. Still, these are merely fabrications of people with overactive imaginations and a need to invoke image into the minds of the young, right? None of it could ever be true. Take, for instance, the story about a nice old lady that lived around 150 years ago in the town of Darkness Falls. She was beloved by the children of the town because she would take the teeth they lost, their baby teeth, and trade them a gold coin for those discarded portions of youth. Fate, however, it doesn't smile on her kindly and fire, it greeted this soul on some darkened night, disfiguring her permanently and giving her a condition that couldn't bear light. So badly marred was her face that she always wore a porcelain mask on it, hiding the abomination she had become whenever she went out and hoping the sun wouldn't touch her. Well, one day two children disappeared in Darkness Falls and the people there, they blamed and hung her. As she died, she cursed them, saying that the town would be doomed to have her wander its shadows and that anyone that saw her face, well, they would suffer. "what I once took in kindness, now I take in revenge." Well, after she was dead the children reappeared, the town buried its secret, and the mysterious deaths began occurring. Still, its only a story made to scare little kids, right? Well, if you think that's the case, then tell that to Kyle and the last of his baby teeth setting under his pillow. Darkness Falls is a tale of two movies in many rights, succeeding throughout its first half in setting a place at the atmospheric table but then failing to deliver the impact that we all want to dine upon. Here, we find a boy named Kyle, his love named Kat, and the kingdom that is about to come into being in his life. Still, this proves to be a land of glass tapestries like so many other things in the land of the living, especially when legends become hauntingly real and their vengeance, it claims things that are dear to us. Whether or not you should see the movie depends on what you expect from your system of horror and whether or not you can actually overlook many defects and take in subtle flavors. First, you have to realize that it is a PG-13 movie, and it is going to lack in those rights because many a calorie is going to be cut in order to get the package through the ratings door. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of bodies that accrued throughout the experience, with some of the moments and the motions gruesomely coming in a hail of screams and shivers. That said, however, there could have been so much more, and you could see some places that were held back by the lightweight approach to terror. Secondly, you have to be able to ignore the obvious defects in the plot, like the fact that The Tooth Fairy can be harmed by light, even small amounts produced by little flashlights and by a small fire, but that she can somehow still manage to claim victims despite these limitations when it suits her. Many a time showcases this problem, and there are other, more obvious places that also hurt the movie. Third, the movie suffers what many moves of its type suffer, that of the chase. The whole premise is actually a story based on the chase anyhow, with our main characters finding themselves wrapped in the arms of revenge, but it drags on for a time toward the end and actually began to get somewhat dull. There were moments when the movie would pick off someone to keep the pace going, but the deaths were easily predicted and the ending was one that doesn't actually happen in fairy tales. Personally, I liked many of the moments and watched it more than once, impressed by the beginning enough to endure the ending for the sake of listening to those bumps in the night. That said, however, it isn't a movie I can recommend wholeheartedly and have to caution prospective viewers about because of its inherent flaws. If you are a lover of horror movies, though, and you like the sounds of the Tooth Fairy visiting the lands of the nightmarish, then you might like it. Otherwise, teeth aren't the only thing that this movie will make you fear.
Rating:  Summary: Beware of the Tooth Fairy!!! Review: "Darkness Falls" is one of those rare horror films that totally leaves you guessing and in awe. I never expected this film to be as scary and disturbing as it was, but I was proven wrong! The story revolves around an urban legend about the Tooth Fairy. Now, most of us think of the Tooth Fairy as a kind soul that gives you money when you lose a tooth. This Tooth Fairy, however, is the ghost of a woman who, while alive, would leave money for the children in her town when they lost their last baby tooth. One day this lady was accused of being a witch and was badly burned leaving her disfigured. From that moment on, she vowed to take revenge on those who had hurt her after she performed so many acts of kindness. According to the legend, when you lose your last baby tooth, you are never to look at the Tooth Fairy because she will ultimately kill you, avenging her pain and disfigurement. This brings us to the present and a young man who locked eyes with the Tooth Fairy 12 years prior and now lives in a world of fear. He must have light around him at all times because if he doesn't, the Tooth Fairy will get him. I don't want to give away too much of the story, but this is a great movie! It will keep you on the edge of your seat and jumping from all of the scares! I highly recommend this film!!! You won't be disappointed!
Rating:  Summary: I liked it Review: My husband and I went to the movies to see this film. We were literally holding on to each other in fear. True, there is not alot of gore but not all horror movies has to have gore. Use your imagination people. I was scared because you didn't know where or when she would pop up and plus, what did she do to them? Makes you wonder. That is what makes a good movie, keeps you watching and thinking. This movie does that. Darkness Falls is a great scary movie. It is not the typical horror film. Blood, guts, gore in every scene. It keeps you hanging, that is great directing. This is a must see film. Darkness Falls is just plain genius.
Rating:  Summary: FRIGHTENING AND CREEPIEST FILM,BETTER THAN ''THE RING'' Review: The scariest film of ever, has a boy noticing a blue tooth fairy in a white mask is trying to kill him but it kills other people,but only a nighttime.Lots of suspense,scares,creepy moments.it is scarier than the boringest film THE RING.watch this film it is horrorifying. Rated PG-13 for horror and terror images and mild languge.
Rating:  Summary: deja vu all over again Review: The DVD cover hypes it as even scarier than The Ring, but never believe the hype. The fact is that Hollywood seems to have forgotten how to make horror films if it ever knew how, and what passes for horror is really just a special category of action film, with supernatural entities substituting for the terrorist, drug lord, and white slaver villains who infest the pure action genre. Darkness Falls begins in a conventionally Stephen King-ish way. The protagonist, an early teen who has just lost his last tooth, receives a visit from his local tooth fairy, who is not in the habit of leaving money under the pillow. But she bungles the job, killing his mother instead and landing him in an institution, blamed for her death. Twelve years later he returns, drawn back by a plea from his former girlfriend to help her younger brother, who is next on the tooth fariy's hit list. No, don't ask what she has been doing all those years in between. Soon after this conventionally Stephen King-ish beginning, the movie begins to fall apart in a conventionally Hollywood-ish way. The tooth fairy goes ballistic for some reason and, possibly to make up for lost time, starts killing everyone in sight. Well, not "in sight" exactly; she can't stand the light, so they have to be in the dark in order for her to get them. At this point the movie cycles through the usual chase scenes through a dark empty building, an SUV careening along a country road, and culminates in a conventional shootout at the OK Lighthouse.
Rating:  Summary: With a better script it could of been something Review: Darkness Falls has an original idea for a horror movie but it doesn't it's not as good as it could of been. It's very repetitive. It's a good idea to have an evil tooth fairy and she id scary. When she attacks someone though it's the same over and over again. She just swoops down and grabs them. We have to use our imagination to what she's doing to them through the whole movie. The film would of been scarier if it had some surprises to it. Instead it's predictible where she's gonna show up and when she's gonna show up. You also hear "stay in the laight, stay alive" about 20 times in one movie. It's also silly how they can't put the kid in the cat scan like machine because it's dark in there. It's silly because you hear that evil moan she does when they're getting ready to put the kid inside. Ok she comes out when it's dark is one thing but putting her everywhere it's dark including a catscan machine is just silly. I hear they might do a sequel and i don't mind that because I think they can approve upon the originals flaws if they try. For one thing it's needs to be more violent without all the non-stop swooping and grabbing from the air. The only scary thing about this one is hearing the Tooth Fairy coming with that scary moan she does, haha. With a better script and more scares and violence they could have another Scream type franchise. For now though that one scary/creepy part on the Ring is scarier than this whole movie.
Rating:  Summary: An eye for an eye. Your life for a tooth. Review: I'm sure that you're thinking this movie sounds quite ridiculous -- a killer tooth fairy terrorizes a small town. But honestly, I thought it was a pretty creepy movie. Based loosely on true events that occurred many years ago in Australia, Darkness Falls (the name of the town) is about a young boy named Kyle who has just lost his last baby tooth. Like any kid would, he places his tooth under his pillow when he goes to sleep that night for the tooth fairy. But there's a legend around the town that this evil tooth fairy visits the children on the night when they lose their last tooth. She collects your tooth and leaves you a coin if you don't see her, but if you catch a glimpse of her in the light, she will kill you. When the tooth fairy shows up and Kyle sees her, she kills his mother. Obviously, the police don't believe him when he says that the tooth fairy killed his mom, so Kyle is sent away. Flash forward to over twelve years later. Kyle (Chaney Kley) is now living in Las Vegas and gets a call from his childhood girlfriend, Caitlin (Emma Caulfield), asking for his help. Her little brother has been suffering from night terrors. Kyle returns to his hometown to help her out, but finds himself battling with the tooth fairy once again when she tries to kill Caitlin's brother. I really enjoyed Darkness Falls and thought it was clever. Very eerie and well done. Obviously, it's not one of the best horror films of all-time. That's what the three stars are for. But I recommend this movie to anybody who wants a scary, yet cool, flick to watch. I especially like this DVD because one of the special features is "The Legend of Matilda Dixon," which talks about the true events in Port Fairy, Australia and helps you understand the movie better. The other features include "The Making of Darkness Falls," commentaries and deleted scenes.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining- but only because it was funny. Review: It all started when I saw that reviewer quote on the front cover of the movie. "No way!" I thought. "Scarier than 'The Ring'?". This I had to see. And as it turned out, "Darkness Falls", was a little scary, though only because it worries me that such a vapid film ever got made at all. The premise is half good (playing off of the natural human fear of the dark seemed like a good psychological tool), and half bad (the tooth fairy? gimme a break). At the beginning and the end are two very effective "shock-value" scenes. In between them, though, the only thing that this movie supplies is a few cynical laughs at the predictable and totally wanton series of deaths that passes for a plot. Every single expendible character is knocked off, making for a death rate of one every thirty seconds through about half the movie (I exaggerate only slightly). The ghost (who, despite being dead, possesses all the qualities of a living creature including the ability to die) swoops down (think the flying reptiles in "Jurassic Park 3") and carries people off left and right, lending a ridiculous action-movie quality to the film. Electricity and all other forms of artificial light fail unsurpisingly at every turn. And it's not scary. At all. The script is lifeless, the characters more one-dimensional than a photograph of a cardboard mannequinn, most of the acting light-years from the way real people would respond to a situation. Thank God it's less than ninety minutes long. I give it two stars only out of charity.