Rating:  Summary: not bad Review: Jumpy and fun. Could've been a bit better. Not bad. Score: 89/100
Rating:  Summary: Better Than Expected. Review: I wasn't for sure what to expect from DARKNESS FALLS, but after watching it, I was pleasantly surprised. The movie is one of the best thrillers I have seen in a long time. It contains several unexpected "jumpers" (events that make you jump) and has a decent plot. There isn't much gore, but there are a lot of people who end up killed. There is no sex and very little foul language. The best way I can describe the movie is that it seemed like a cross between a Hitchcock thriller and PITCH BLACK. The film does have a few flaws, but if you watch the movie without any expectations, it will surprise you. Not a movie for those who like a lot of splatter and gore, but it is something that those with tamer tastes will probably enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: DARKNESS FALLS ON TOWN DARKNESS FALLS Review: This movie was very, very scary and suspenseful. I hope they make a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: You'r life for a tooth Review: I expected this movie to be dumb and stupid, but it was very scary and suspenseful. When I lose my last tooth, I hope I don't get an unexpected visit from Matilda Dixon.
Rating:  Summary: Clever, but a real waste of time Review: After the first 20 minuets of Darkness Falls, you'll never want to be in the dark again. However, this film really loses its at-first cleverness for the rest of the movie, and nothing exciting really happens, thanks to [weak]acting, no plot, a draggy chase sequence for 50 minutes, and a total of 75 minutes in length (what can you do with that?). The Ring of 2002 is way scarier and is a much better movie all in all with the most clever writing in a horror movie since the sixth sense. Darkness however, needed more time for writing, much better actors, a plot, and atleast 100 minutes in length. However, for anybody whose in the mood for some chills and thrills and hasn't got anything better to do, this film's a keeper.
Rating:  Summary: WHY CAN'T WE GIVE ZERO STARS???? Review: Just a dreadful movie in virtually every conceivable way.The setup: Many years ago, in the town of Darkness Falls (yeah, right, a town is going to name itself THAT!!!), a rich, kindly elderly woman gave money to children who came to her with their missing teeth...earned nickname "Tooth Fairy." Later, woman is horribly disfigured in a fire, and is seldom seen, and if she is, she's wearing a porcelain mask. When some kids go missing, the Tooth Fairy is blamed and promptly lynched by the town, who, as the ultimate humiliation, also tear off her mask, exposing her horrible injuried for the world to see. Later, the children are found safe and sound, but by then, she has cursed the children of Darkness Falls. If, when she comes to collect their last tooth, a child sees the Tooth Fairy, they will be killed, unless they always stay in the light. She hates that light, see. Oh my. But even if one accepts the silliness of this device, perhaps we'll get some decent chills along the way? Well, no. We first meet our lead character, whose name I don't remember a mere hour after enduring the movie, when he manages to see the Tooth Fairy as a child. His mother is killed and he is blamed (for NO good reason) and taken to an asylum, where he spends some amount of years hiding in the light and having a hard time sleeping...you'd think you might get used to sleeping with some lights on, but what do I know? Years later, another boy is in the same situation, only this time, his much older sister (who happens to be the lead characters' long-ago sweetheart) drags our lead character back to Darkness Falls to "help" her troubled younger brother. Naturally, no one believes these two sufferers of the tooth fairy curse, but everywhere they go, the tooth fairy swoops down and takes another victim. The movie is PG-13, so the killings are pretty tame, and pretty much the same. Tooth Fairy can sorta fly, so she usually drops on her victim and then up into the air with them she goes. Naturally it's always dark when she does this, so we don't see any of it very clearly. But no one cares anyway. At one point in the movie, we meet our adult male lead, now living far away from Darkness Falls, and we see that he's got drawings all over his wall of a porcelain faced figure. When he sees that the little boy has also drawn a similar figure, he apparently decides to make it his life's mission to save the boy. What is it in horror movies that the hero so often draws sketches of the "horrible" thing they've seen. If I saw something horrible, I wouldn't be able to sketch it...can't draw worth a hill of beans. Or maybe being scared would make me artistic? Or maybe only artistic people get scared? This is such a cliche, and in this film, if falls even flatter than usual. Mostly the movie involves every one running around, trying to stay in light and shooting guns at her...to no effect. Nearly everyone dies and we, the viewer, are unable to muster up even one ounce of concern or caring. The movie generates not one smidgen of tension. And there is no humor, either...it takes itself VERY seriously. Everyone involved in the movie: director, screenwriter, actors (all unknown to me), cinematograher, editor, scorer have NO business in show business!!! (The only worse horror I have seen is FEAR DOT COM, which is equally incompetent, but I hate even more because some of the cast members are actually good actors (usually) and because the movie is so ICKY.) DARNESS FALLS is a GREAT way to fall asleep early. Avoid it at all costs!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Not As Good As I Thought It Would Be! Review: A reviewer recommended this movie, as 5 stars so I thought it would be pretty good. It was predictable and the acting and special effects could have been better. It had a lot of potential since it was based loosely on a true story. It did make me jump a few times, but not enough to make renting it worthwhile.
Rating:  Summary: Meh Review: If this movie made anyone jump, then please stick to Disney movies. Again, this was more cheesy than scary. The tooth fairy appeared way to often , and snatched people so quick that I lost count. This would be an ok film, for an amateur director, someone out of college maybe, but not a hollywood production. The only thing that I liked was the beginning, after that it gold old, really fast. Very predictable all the way through.
Rating:  Summary: NOT HORROR.......... Review: I admit the previews of this movie led me to believe that this movie was to be adleast ALRIGHT. What I saw was awful, and it only got worse.The whole plot revolves around a woman who is burnt for being a witch and comes back as a hunter of children.How she gets the title "the tooth fairy" i wont really know. The begining story wouldent be a bad lead into a movie, but not this movie. Not this movie at all. As the movie progresses you see a man who you odviously know is the child from before (no surprise there) who is called back because some child is having bad dreams that are "simmilar to his". The story progresses (well not really, its more of a moving pace that skips over any information that would be usefull) and alot of people die. Now here is where the story breaks alot of the rules it previously established with its self. A.Why would the tooth fairy waiste all her time on one boy who has already grown up? and if it was still stalking him how could the kid see it and suddenly be stalked by her at the same time? That, my audience, is true movie magic. Anyways the film turns into an orgy of unoriginal deaths quite quickly. Another problem is this, when the police arrest this man who is suposidly in question for murder, wouldent they check under his nails and find out that he wasent the one who clawed that man to death in the woods? Magic, the only way I can explain it. Another problem is this, during the end when there all in the police station fighting there way out (*cough* teen horror movie *cough*) half of the people that she kills there dont even see her ie. the nurses. And how can the tooth fairy be exposed to so much light and still survive MULTIPLE times. And finally a boy settles in who is no more than mabe 5 and he has a Static X poaster in his room and his mom scares the BEJESUS out of him. Darn mothers trying to scare there kids to death, thats movie magic to. ...
Rating:  Summary: Dismal, no production horror film Review: The only thing horrifying about this movie was sitting through all 75 minutes of it. The plot, acting, writing, cinematography, production and time of this film was so far below standard, I'm offended they even released this. To sum it fully (in the words of Mink Stole from Desperate Living), "How will you ever repay me for the 75 minutes you've stolen from my life".