Rating:  Summary: Awful. Review: Don't waste your time, unless you like gore. That's about all there is here, except for some perversity.
Rating:  Summary: Just as good as the first. Review: This is a very underrated sci-fi movie. It clearly did not get the respect it deserved at the box office. It's not available in the US on DVD yet so we're stuck with a [...] pan and scan version. My suggestion, go on EBAY and buy a copy of the region 0 Predator 2 DVD. The Asian import, not the Australian. That way you can enjoy this film the way it was meant to be.
Rating:  Summary: Just as good as the first. Review: This excellent sequel to the first Predator is vastly underrated. While Predator 1 seemed more like an ordinary 'Arnold' pic, this one actually seems like a sci-fi/horror film. Don't get me wrong- Predator was a great movie, but so was this sequel. Though the dialogue is a bit dumb and very cliched, the film never fails to entertain. From the frightening opening sequence in which the Predator slaughters a group of viscious Colombians to the great climactic battle in the slaughterhouse, the film is much scarier and much more intense than the original. Definitely worth a look if you're a fan of Predator, Aliens, or any sci-fi shootemup.
Rating:  Summary: my collection Review: i down right like this movie much. and i don't miss the "i cant talk right"arnie(a lousy actor indeed).i think Dan Glover is a way better actor,and i feel its too bad he didn't star in the first predator. this movie has great scenarios and Bill Paxton is also great in this movie..????????is part 2 better than the first Predator ???????i'll say this. watch part two the same amount of times you saw the first one and form your own opinion....... i admit that part one had a lot more action...
Rating:  Summary: Ultra violent great action movie!!! Review: Predator 2 is totally different from the original Predator. In my opinion the movie is terribly underrated. Many reviews complain that it is not as good as the first one. The first Predator was a masterpiece; it was the best movie ever. No wonder, the second movie is not as good as the first one. But the second Predator is still great. If you like Terminator 2 and Robocop you will love Predator 2. It is much greater than all of them. This is the most violent movie I have ever seen. The actions are beautiful. The special effects are terrific. Why Fox does not release the DVD version of this movie!!!! Sure, it would be great on DVD. Highly recommended for all action fans.
Rating:  Summary: CAN'T LIVE UP TO THE ORIGINAL. NO CHANCE AT ALL! Review: PREDATOR 2 is the sequel to Arnold Schwarzenegger's action packed adventure film, PREDATOR. This time around, it is the year 1997 in Los Angeles, and there is another loose 'Predator'. Now an L.A. detective (Danny Glover- Lethal Weapon Series) is the only one to stand in the way of the Predator's destructive, and many times, blood drenched paths. From a city street shootout, to a freaky gutting building, to a subway, onto a family's house, into a bone collecting black druglord's alley, then into an old couple's bathroom and back into its home ship, the Predator leaves behind a brutal trail of mass destructive power.MY REVIEW: "THIS MOVIE IS GOOFY MANY TIMES! First off, DANNY GLOVER? A group of heavy armed commandoes couldn't destroy this PREDATOR! But an L.A. cop, set in an unrealistic 1997 New York (This movie was made in 1990), could beat this creature!???? ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, the big guy himself, was left half dead in the original! But now, GLOVER was only left at the end of PREDATOR 2, covered in white sand and only had a few cuts and scratches! This movie failed to look at the original PREDATOR in the right direction to make an accurate, really entertaining sequel. This PREDATOR was supposed to be smarter than the first, and it had much better weapons than the original PREDATOR did! It is [bad] in that aspect, but the film is still very entertaining, just not nearly as good as the original PREDATOR. The acting by DANNY GLOVER, BILL PAXTON and GARY BUSEY was just odd. It was a typical, expected plot too. THE PREDATOR IS IN THE CITIES, SKINNING PEOPLE, ONLY ONE GOOFY COCKY POLICE OFFICER WILL GO TO STOP HIM, AND ONE MAN (Busey) IS OBSCESSED WITH HUNTING DOWN THIS PREDATOR AND CATCHING HIM WITHOUT A CLUE AS TO HOW IN THE HECK TO DO IT. NOW IT IS THE COP AND THE PREDATOR, ONE ON ONE IN THE CITY. This film tries to be scary like the first, but fails, and tries to have good acting, and fails, and tries to have an original plot with surprises, and fails. Director STEPHEN HOPKINS (Lost in Space) should've given his directing chair up to RIDLEY SCOTT, JAMES CAMERON or JOHN McTIERNAN (John directed the first film.). BOTTOM LINE: See the original first, if you liked that one, which you should or you are strange, then try this one- but don't have high expectations."- MJV & the Movies.
Rating:  Summary: Can you say "Dumbed- down sequel"? Review: I had rented this movie with great anticipation and was very dissapoited. As a fan of the original I think they tried too hard at the action horror scheme. This blood drenched sequel has very little plot development. What I liked about the first was missing, hilarious jokes from the soilders, the Predator wondering about Earth creatures, and all the scary moments that got Predator a place in history. If you've never seen the first and are looking for a mediorce at best horror movie try it. Another thing, if you're going to bother with it buy or rent it, the television version is not worth your time.
Rating:  Summary: Predator is back in town Review: In "Predator 2," the Predator comes to the city and starts killing people. Danny Glover stars in this underwhelming sequel as a cop who has a major attitude and who thinks that the workings of the Predator are the working of major gangs in the city. The Predator finds his prey by means of infrared vision, and anyone he finds he will kill. I'm surprised that "Predator 2" is getting as high rankings as it's getting. I thought it was a decent sequel, but not in any way great. It seems like at times in this movie that the gangs are the main enemy instead of the Predator himself. The special effects aren't as good as they were in the first movie except for the detail of the Predator, which were pretty good. It seems like most people think "Predator 2" was a good sequel, but I thought the movie was boring when compared to the first, it didn't have good acting, and that it wasn't any good until the final showdown between the Predator and Danny Glover. If you liked "Predator," I would recommend renting "Predator 2." But since most people like it, you might want to go ahead and buy it.
Rating:  Summary: If Arnie were in this film it would help a lot. Review: Pretty sad sequel to Predator.The first film having great suspense and tons of action gives way to a strange new predator and a cheesy ending battle.If Arnie were in this one it would add to the story a lot.Hope they make another one with Arnie back in action.
Rating:  Summary: A crossroads of allusions Review: In this second version of that Predator, the context is more important than the creature, and definitely more important than in the first Predator. He appears in Los Angeles, hence in a city. But the local cops run against the FBI or something like that, because, the federal services, probably the armed forces, want to capture him since he is an extra-terrestrial, an alien. This creates a conflict with the local police and particularly a black cop who has a reputation of violence though also of effectiveness. He is a pistolero that captures criminals when he can, and reduces them when he so decides. Better though, this predator is only one of a whole colony of aliens who are living underground in Los Angeles, in their buried spaceship that looks like some arabian or slavonic palace. The cop manages to follow the alien down into this spaceship and hence is able to see his « colleagues » coming to retrieve his body after he has been killed by the cop, and at the same time deprived of his detonator by cutting off his right arm, so that he cannot blow up the whole city when he knows he is going to die. This film hence uses many models coming from other works of imagination, fiction or other films : Alien and Aliens of course, Hellraiser by Clive Barker and the sequels, but also The Tommyknockers by Stephen King. That enriches the subject with references to other cultural products and it makes it more interesting to watch because of the patterns that appear in the film and the variations we can notice. Let me give one : the treatment of the bodies of the victims by this alien can look like the treatment of some victims of tClive Barker's Cenobites, but more with the only objective, the primitive objective of killing, destroying and than of making the victims suffer in any way. This is contrasted to the treatment of some of the victims of the drug lords in the same film where the objective is to torture in order to satisfy some basic perverted instinct. This alien is nothing but a hunter and not a torturer. The people who don't like slightly gory situations must try to avoid meeting this predator. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, Paris Universities II and IX.