Rating:  Summary: Why oh why? Review: OK, I thought that the Predator was cute when you could see him (?), and he wasn't snarling. He's a little cutie, and I'm sure just needs a little love & attention, yes?But the rest of it - I wasn't sure about. I wasn't keen on the original, but I will watch Arnold "I'll be back" Schwarzneggar movies. He's normally good in movies. Danny Glover was OK. He wasn't bad in the role. And also Gary Busey, who I was shocked, as he was so skinny! (I know him best for Point Break, and discovered that his hair was whitened, to make him look older than Keanu Reeves!) He was good, but it's a shame at the end, even if he does act almost like a bad guy. What I found incredibly distracting from the movie, was seeing things from the Predator's point of view. It is a good thing to show once or twice - not every few scenes! It gets really annoying, and you know he can see in infra-red, there's no need to keep re-showing it! The finale did confuse me to start with, but you just need to get your head around it. Why didn't Arnold return? Because of Total Recall. He seems to never get round to doing some movies (Terminator) cos he's too "busy". But rumour has it, he didn't think it was a good idea to take the movie in the city, just to give a different angle. It did work much better in the jungle. There's a lot of "vs" around at the moment - Freddy vs Jason, and rumoured to be Robocop vs Terminator, and Alien vs Predator. There's only so much you can do with these type of movies, and they will have all have similar storylines. Maybe next I'll have to see Aliens (maybe NOT!)
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME SEQUEL- profound ending Review: I fail to understand how anyone who liked the 1st Predator, would NOT like this one. Whats not to like? This is a VERY different movie from the first. It's set in the CITY, not the jungle, and you get to see the predator a whole lot more, with his sweet weapons and technology. Kevin Peter Hall (the predator) is as imposing as he was in the first one. The movie is fast paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat, while using some humor here and there to cut the tension. I cant stress how much I love this movie. OK, one thing I understand can confuse people- Arny is NOT in this movie at all. I thought Danny Glover did an excellent job of pulling the viewer in, and making you want to watch. Don't get me wrong, I love Arnold, but I'm no Arny FanBoy like some of the posts around here. I think having him in this movie, in a totally different environment from the first, would have seemed contrived and very "Arny was in the first, so we have to put him in this one." Without ruining the end, I must say I loved it. Now here's another point of confusion- alot of people I've heard just dont get the ending. Without ruining it for you, without saying a word a predator leader tells Danny Glover "We've been visiting your planet for a long time, and we'll be back." -Cant wait for Aliens vs Predator to hit theaters on 08.06.2004
Rating:  Summary: It's Hunting Season Again...In a Different Kind of Jungle Review: This sequel to 1987's highly popular and successful PREDATOR is not nearly as suspenseful as the original, but it is still exciting and action-packed. Though star Danny Glover does not generate the same commanding screen presence that Arnold Schwarzenegger did in the first film, he is nonetheless a very talented and experienced actor, and he and his fantastic supporting cast--the gorgeous Maria Conchita Alonso, the always-delightful Bill Paxton, Hollywood staple Gary Busey, and Panamanian character actor Rubén Blades--are able to raise 1990's PREDATOR 2 several notches above the average quality level of film sequels. This time the eponymous extraterrestrial is on safari in the (then) futuristic Los Angeles of 1997, and it is Columbian and Jamaican drug lords, mon, that seem to be his prey of choice. But when he spots the crime-fighting juggernaut Lieutenant Mike Harrigan (Danny Glover) in action, he feels he's finally found the king of this urban jungle. Harrigan then becomes the main object of the hunt, and the inevitable but exciting showdown takes place on the upper levels of a high-rise apartment in the L.A. slums. The special FX of this sequel are not as fresh as they were in the original PREDATOR, but they are still adequate for the story and action. The Alien, when visible, gets more screen time than he did in the first film, and genre fans will be delighted to see that Stan Winston and his staff manage to make the E.T. look just as cool as before. In short, PREDATOR 2 is not as fresh, classy, or suspenseful as its progenitor, but Danny Glover--who, though no Arnie, is a talented and interesting actor--creates an urban hero who is both compelling and sympathetic. THE DVD from Fox offers a nice anamorphic Widescreen transfer and good Dolby Digital sound, and in addition to the theatrical trailer, the extras include a pretty cool behind-the-scenes featurette that was filmed during the movie's original production. Good movie and good DVD, but be sure to also get the DVD version of the even better original PREDATOR.
Rating:  Summary: Excuse Me?! Review: I cannot, for the life of me, understand why this dispicable film is getting such rave reviews?. It was a horrible film that was incredibly miscast. Danny Glover didn't belong in this movie, and why he would of agreed to of done it in the first place is a mystery. It is sloppily written, and it's just a dirty looking film with no life, vibrance, or intelligence. There shouldn't of been a Predator 2. The only thing worse than this is the possibility of a Predator 3.
Rating:  Summary: From the Fox dept of bad ideas.... Review: Danny Glover is miscast in this 1990 second installment of the series that finds the alien hunter in LA tracking down anyone who holds guns and uses them a lot. Phooney special effects and forced acting makes this movie so tedious to watch and Glover had no business doing this movie as he unprepared and too awkward for the lead role. Bill Paxton also shows up and gets wasted by the alien near the close of the film, but by then you are too tierd to care, and turn off your TV.
Rating:  Summary: Rocked me profoundly Review: Man! What an important film this is. Many movies attempt to capture, distill, un-distill, then sauté one's emotions, but fail. Now let me tell you, Predator 2 is one movie where they aren't afraid to poor on the drama, and they do it with five-gallon pitchers. The "Predator" long misunderstood as a frightening, evil, and bloodthirsty ... um ... um ... predator, is in fact shown in this film to really be a poor mixed up kid in the hell bound world of 1997 LA. Many will say that the Predator's tendency to kill, skin, and hang from scaffolds innocent people is extreme and sinister. I'm sure that we've all engaged in a little tom-foolery ourselves from time to time, and if he were on his planet following his own ancient and beautiful customs, that's all anyone there would make of it, tom-foolery. Furthermore, detractors might say that the Predator's cloaking ability is both unfair and dastardly, but it is in fact representative how frightened he is of life in general and his unwillingness to confront his problems, like puberty, head on. All in all, the Predator is just like you and me. God I love oysters.
Rating:  Summary: What was the Acadamey thinking Review: How did Gary Busey not get Best supporting actor, and the Predator not get best actor in a drama.
Rating:  Summary: Predator 2: The hunt continues... Review: "Predator 2" is a fairly good film. In this case the original "Predator" was much much better. The story is about another Predator that has made its way to earth and this time its target is the entire city of Los Angeles. Many people underrate this film but it has a good story attached to it. The casting however is terrible however Bill Paxton fullfilled his role quite well. Danny Glover was a bad choice and when many people left the cienema the night it came out they were chanting "WE WANT ARNOLD." The end of this film is very good. Worth buying if ur a science fiction fan and you like the original "Predator" and "The Alien Quadrilogy". If your not dont bother but if you havent seen it. See it and make your own decision.
Rating:  Summary: Danny Who? Review: First off, there is NO WAY this movie is better then the first one. Its not even in the same class. Who ever thinks this is better then the first one is just plain dumb. Secondly, NO WAY would oldman glover have beaten the Predator and thats what kills this movie and makes it suck. Not even if Rigs was with him could they have beaten him, I mean it took both him and Rigs to beat jet Li and hes HUMAN! Now is it worth buying? Only if you're a real Predator fan and HAVE seen the first one 100,000 times. Its worth watching maybe every 5 or 6 years for the last 20 minutes of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: At Least It's Better Than The First One Review: Decent effects and more action make this one better than the first...But as far as I'm concerned thats not saying much. Stephen Hopkins is a solid director though. See Under Suspicion which he directed about a year or so ago.