Rating:  Summary: Not Good Review: I loved the first one, but this is rediculious! The predator looks way different...! In the first one, he took off his mask and looked greenish white, like a ghost crab..., but in this, he looked pink! And it looks like his brain is popping out!
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Best Sequels Ever Review: Predator 2 is a misunderstood and crimnally underrated sequel to Predator. It not only equals it's predesscessor, but also surpasses it in a few categories. Alan Silvestri's mind-blowing score from Predator 1 is improved on the 0-10 scale by 11. Stephen Hopkins' direction is excellent and gives P2 a very special and hard-worked feel to it. The Cinematography is awesome and makes the film scary and unpredictable. The action sequences are also Grade A+. The breath-taking shootout at the beginning, the Train confrontation, and the final Battle. Wow! P2 combines the intense action of P1 and amps it up to eleven. The action sequences are even more though-out and better than those of P1. The acting is brilliant too. Danny Glover makes a great Hero as Harrigan and has one of his best roles ever. He makes Harrigan a likeable character that you'll root for all the way too the end. The level of violence and gore is also a LOT higher than the original's and any gore-hound will be in Heaven with this. I also must say that P2's settings and story are brilliant to the max. A crime- infested Los Angeles was the perfect spot for him to continue his Rampage and all of the sets, from the Meat Factory, Predator Ship and "shot-out" Buildings are mind-blowing. Predator 2 is all in all an excellent Grade A+ sequel that pretty much improves over the original Predator. I REALLY hope this review will give this underrated masterpiece a much better reputation. Give Predator 2 a chance and ignore everyone who shamefully panned it. I can't wait for the DVD release and I'm looking forward to Predator 3.
Rating:  Summary: It only Gets Three Stars because.... Review: More violence, more gore, no story, and a miscast Danny Glover are the highlights of Preador II, the film only gets three stars because we finally get to see the inside of the ship that these creatures live in, and a whole group of them meet Danny at the climax of the film and size him up.
Rating:  Summary: A great franchise. Review: This movie takes place 10 years after Dutch and that girl survived by being rescued by the general and his pilot after Arnie took the predator to the point of commiting suicide.This movie is a lot much better,here the predator's code of honor is shown and how Glover prepares for his fighting scene,looked better than Arnie's.The predator is back in town and is looking for trophies to hunt down,like mobsters,ganaglords etc.Glover and his team try to stop the creature who is leaving all the skinless bodies in town,the predator's got a lot more gear than in the original which makes it a lot more better to watch,with great action scenes and you can see Dutch and the girl in the monitor being shown to Glover by the ending.At the climatic battle the predators give Glover the revolver of......If you want to know see this great movie that will leave you at the edge of your seat!
Rating:  Summary: A very fun sequel to watch Review: Like another reviewer said, people have a problem with this movie because its so different from the original. Why would people actually pay money to see the same actor in the same movie only with a number 2 tagged on it? The reason this movie is as good as it is, is because its a stand alone film; you dont need to see the first one in order to enjoy it. As far as those of you who say this one has little or no suspense in it: how much more do you want? This movie is so action packed, you barely have time to catch your breath in between scenes! The effects are astounding, and the surround sound is amazing (especially the part inside the meat locker!). All of the actors involved are excellent, and the new Predator is more juvenile and rebellious (which makes him more dangerous). The urban setting lends to the overall creepy atmosphere of the film. If all you do is nit-pick a film instead of enjoying it, stay home and never go see another one. This movie rocks for all the right reasons.
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT SEQUEL Review: This film has been so under-rated for too long a time. I wish to clear all the fuss up right now with this review.When this film came out in 1990 everyone knew what the Predator was so there was no point in having him hide in the shadows. And when you can't have the Predator hide in the shadows what else can you do with him? Glorify him, exploit him and give him and awesome arsenal of weapons he can use to cut to shreds Columbian cartels, Voodoo-Mad Jamaicans and the LAPD... The ferocious pace in this film is incredible. The speed it moves with from scene to scene without being over-edited or confusing is sublime. Stephen Hopkins' direction is top-notch and Peter Levy's cinematography is amazing... Alan Silvestri's score is a major improvement over the original (which was still way cool) and some of the music chills to the bone. All 3 of these guys teamed up for Judgement Night and Blown Away. I look forward to a special edition DVD and a Predator 3. If the DVD does come out I hope it shows the film in the 2.05:1 aspect ratio that my widescreen VHS tape was.
Rating:  Summary: What's so bad about this one? Review: Predator 2 is a film that I believe should get some lime light. A lot of people I talked to said it was horrible. In fact I enjoyed the movie oodles and oodles. It may not be a classic like the original Predator with Arnold but this one is no short stop either. If you like action, Predators, and cops prone to violence this movie is reccomended to you.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: This movie is the best! It's action packed, not too gory,and a little thrown in humor by Bill Paxton. There are new weapons that the Predator has which are not in the first Predator movie. Gary Busey is a great agent out to find the thing. Danny Glover was great for this movie since he had some tuff cop experience for the Lethal Weapon films. This is a must see movie.
Rating:  Summary: .....Poor, Pathetic, Pandering....A Sequel's Sequel Review: Loved the first film. Why does this one fail? First, I don't have the video game or boxer shorts or bedsheets with the predator on them. I mean, it's a cool creature. But a cool creature in a dumb movie is still a cool creature in a dumb movie. Danny Glover? C'mon. He's no Arnold. Are they going to have Pauly Shore fight the Predator in the next installment? His character is written as one the Oprah Nation would dub a 'rageaholic'. He is irrational-says one thing, does the opposite, gets mad @ people without having a real reason, and basically does his best to become Dirty Harry. He ain't Clint Eastwood, either. He gives Bill Paxton a speech about being a team player, yet every chance he gets, Glover goes 'off'. Maria Conchita Alonso's accent or maybe audio make it hard to distinguish what she says. Paxton-cardboard cop. Stock player as Glover's friend is charismatic as wilted lettuce and script impedes any real acting, anyway. When he dies, it's just the 'latino guy' who dies because you never get the sense he was a person in this film unlike the first film with its characters. Opening gunbattle? Ridiculous. I grew up in LA and saw live coverage of LAPD's gunbattle with SLA. Since then, the LAPD has a model seige unit, with modern procedures. The movie cops fight like they were drunken cowboys instead of professionals trained in the art of urban warfare. Also-you notice something? NO airsupport. The LAPD has plenty of air support and snipers, but you don't see these @ start because that wouldn't let Glover show his 'bad boy cred' by shooting it out. I mean-C'MON. IN LA, in certain parts, you constantly hear police choppers overhead and these choppers deposit Gary Busey's technicians, but they can't fly over and drop teargas or use snipers-which LAPD have in abundance? I mean, it IS a movie, but give us some credit. The creature's face looks cartoony in this one. Also, why would the creature, so-called great hunter, not notice Glover in car following? THIS is a great hunter? The gangland subplot? Flat. Glover? Toe to Toe with the beast that beat Arnold like a Red-headed stepchild? I could swallow all the implausibility, the plot holes, the overwritten characters (glover), the underwritten characters(the dead latino cop)-but that would take more beer than I can possibly drink and more faith than is available in the world's largest cathedral. A sequel's sequel. A waste of time. The predator from the first film is turning over in his grave.
Rating:  Summary: ...as good as the first Review: This sequel, like the original, gives us an insight into thepredator's people's sense of honor . For instance, the alien hunterspared the life of a pregnant woman because his sense of honor forbade him from killing the unborn child. The first movie showed a glimpse of the hunters' race's sense of honor when the defeated alien activated his self-destruct to commit suicide and to take his opponent with him.