Rating:  Summary: I bit into it, and it was rotten Review: Poor Bram Stoker. His novel of sublime horror gave Victorian people a delicious, shivering thrill, and a hundred years later, the Count is served up as a funky...dandy in Prince-style blue sunglasses (probably so he won't see how ridiculous he looks in the mirror). The older, twin-hose-headed version looks a little scarier, but leave it to Gary Oldman to slather on too much Wallachian accent. Actually, the scenery is the most commendable part of this thinly-disguised love story. Coppola has concocted some suitably haunting moments (although a lot of his little touches are right out of the BBC/Louis Jordan production), and the cinematography is rich. Keanu Reeves is the real Undead in this story... his atrocious acting and bad accent refuse to die of their own putrescence - they need a merciful blow from a sharpened stake. But Hollywood loves its "stars", even if they detract miserably from the story. As Bram Stoker wrote it, Dracula was a vicious monster who preyed on people out of bloodlust, not some attempt to avenge his dead queen. Enter Winona Ryder, also struggling with the English accent, but acting with far more passion than Reeves. She did better opposite the ghouls in "Beetlejuice" than in this one, though. Sadie Frost does Lucy with believable giddiness, and Anthony Hopkins is fine as Van Helsing, although I suspect he slips in a bit of the old Hannibal Lecter to see if anyone's paying attention. In the end I'm not sympathetic to either the Count or to Mina. It's too phony, for all the lush production and over-the-top gore. Dracula is the essence of our collective fear of the "thing hiding in the basement" - the thing that goes bump in the night. Still, I enjoyed the details, such as Dracula's menacing red-eyed rat surprise, and the three vampire babes wickedly attacking and seducing Jonathon Harker. Tom Waits as Renfield was just silly - Karloff on too much caffeine. Yes, there is a purist streak when it comes to classic stories. This version of "Dracula" was anything but Bram Stoker's.
Rating:  Summary: Best Dracula Movie I've Ever Seen! Review: When I first saw this movie last Hallowe'en on TV, I was blown away, and pretty ashamed I hadn't seen it before, cos I've just about seen every Dracula movie that's ever been made! The Horror Of Dracula, Dracula Has Risen From the Grave, Count Dracula, you name it. Heck I've even seen the original black and white one. (Got a hold of the film roll and had it converted into a tape) But this one is easily the best. Like in Interview With A Vampire, you really feel sorry for Dracula, sort of. No seriously, despite all the killing and stuff, you know that when he lost his princess before he became a vampire, he must have been in so much pain to do that to himself. I give this one five stars because it is clearly up there with the best.
Rating:  Summary: a great mixture of horror and romance!!! Review: this is one of the most romantic movies i have ever seen, after i looked beyond all the horror ofcourse. it is SCARY. this is the kind of movie you won't ever forget and will linger in your mind for days! but i have to admit, keanu reeves really didn't fit in and i kinda hoped the dracula woundn't die. that he would just turn human again and he and mina would live happily...etc. BUT they didn't and that made the movie extra sad.it's a classic you've got to watch.
Rating:  Summary: the greatest, scariest, sweetest love story ever told!!.... Review: this movie made me cry, it a must see. it's soooo romantic.i never thought true love and vampires could mix.the director was a genius, not to mention the actors.i'm an expert on romance, and i give this horrror movie two thumbs up!!!
Rating:  Summary: intense, romantic, overdone, memorable, sensual Review: gary oldman is brilliant. makes me want to find prince vlad (dracula) and ask him out on a date. true, the film is overdone in places but this is forgivable as the characters and the story are lustrous. there are some scenes that are utterly remarkable. how ryder and oldman interact so that her love for this monster who is a man makes sense and the way dracula is portrayed is heartbreaking. a man who was so destroyed by the loss of his one and only love that he gave his soul to the 'dark gods' rather than live without her. hopkins is a riot as von helsing. oldman fans will pass out in rapture. watch it and then go read the book!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful, faithful to the book but rushed scenes somtimes. Review: SEE IT!!! Read the original book as well
Rating:  Summary: FANCIS FORD COPPOLA RECKED A MOVIE WITH POTENTIAL..... Review: Francis Ford Coppola was thinking nothing other than sex, when he made this film. I'm sorry but it only gets three stars, (THE MAIN REASON IT EVEN GETS TWO IS BECAUSE I'M IN LOVE WITH THE BRAM STOKER NAME) Bram Stoker had an excellent story, and Mr. Coppola thought nothing other to stretch it to the limits. I liked the atmosphere though, and the 15th century styled characters that filled this movie about a depressing lust. I suggest the first two versions of BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA. The old old versions. But if your looking for a good BRAM STOKER movie than let me suggest to you BURIAL OF THE RATS, or THE SHADOWBUILDER.
Rating:  Summary: It was good..........but............ Review: I liked this movie. I really did. It was good, but.....well, the only problem I had was this: "DRACULA IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A ROMANCE!" Though this film is a lot more true to Bram Stoke's novel than most of the other film adaptations, it adds this whole thing about how Drac is now this romantic character looking for his lost love. I guess James V. Hart just added that so the film could draw in the female audiance as well as the male....but COME ON! I mean, the film makes it like we're supposed to feel sorry for Dracula even though he goes around feeding babies to those naked vampire chicks he's got up in his castle. But the acting was good. The entire cast did do a good job, especialy Anthoney Hopkins. He was great as Van Helsing. And though Keanu Reeves did a pretty good job, I couldn't really take him seriously. I kept expecting him to say "Dude!" or "Excellent!" any moment. Or "Dude, I'm gonna go like totally fight that bogus Count Dracula!" "Excellent!"
Rating:  Summary: OH MYGOD!!!!!!!! what have u done?????? Review: This is a good movie but it stinks cause it has NOTHING to do with the book!!!! Coppola gives a stupid twist in the story and changes the whole book to a romantic film.In the film he puts a very stupid Dracula... soooo romantic that he even tries to make you think that he comes to London to get his long lost reincarnated love (????????) in the book we have a great horrific Dracula who has no feelings.. he comes to London to make more undead... The movie puts a Mina that falls in love with the count and has "sex" with him when she drinks blood from his chest.... in the book we know that Mina was forced to do so because she was the count's next victim, not because he loved her... just because he wanted her blood.... Reinfelid gets pretty stupid in the film just yelling MASTER MASTER!!!! when in the book he is very very smart and has a interesting developement of his maddness. Not to say the very place where Reinfeild is... it looks just like the filthiest cell you've seen when it should be a good room... with a open window.... its not a prision its an asylum!!!! And we could go on and on and on with the big discrepancies between both and those differences are what make a great book and a dull movie. The biggest mistake: replace horror for romance.
Rating:  Summary: A Perfect Movie Review: I have never seen a more perfect movie. Other movies are great, etc., but never was a movie so perfect. Just the prologue alone is probably the most powerful scene in all of movie-making. I mean, could there be a more stirring scene than when Prince Vlad was mourning his beloved's death? I think it's brilliant how this version of Dracula tied in the historical 15th-century Prince Vlad to the love story that was to take place in Victorian London. Gary Oldman is no less than perfect as the Roumanian prince who went berserk after finding out that his beloved was dead. And that whole blasphemy scene was just overwhelming. I love the idea that he lived on for centuries all because of the undying love he had for his wife. And he wasn't exactly happy with what he became, he lived in agony. I feel so bad for him. There are so many memorable scenes in this movie. The one in which Dracula sees Mina (the reincarnation of his wife) for the first time, and the scene in which Dracula made Mina his bride. I give two thumbs up to the entire cast, including Keanu Reeves who most people think shouldn't have been casted in this film. Personally, I think Reeve's laughable take at an English accent only added more spice. I have seen this movie over a hundred times and I am still not getting tired of it. If you are looking for an all-around great movie, this is the perfect movie for you. Especially if you can see past all the horror of the film, you will find one of the greatest love stories ever told.