Rating:  Summary: Through the Eyes of Children - Great Movie! Review: This movie I believe was one of the first mini series I have seen by Stephen King. I watched from start to finish I was so interested in the kids in this film. Two who are played by popular actor's today Seth Green (Young Richie Tozer), and Jonathan Brandis (Young Bill Denbrough). The children band together and call themselves "The Looser's Club" they face being different from their classmates and they also face their parents. But what they must ultmiately face is the monster who kills children called "Pennywise the Clown." Together and only together as a team can they defeat the monster. In the first half of the film we learn of the Clown (Played by the great Tim Curry) and the history with the town of Derry, Maine. We see the kids meeting for the first time and the fun they all have. But the serious times comes when they band together to stand up for themselves against a few of the classmates namly Henry Bowers who likes to torment the other kids in the school. They then come together to form a circle and defeat the clown/monster. With a promise that if it wasn't dead they would all come back to destroy it. In the second part of the film we see whats happened to them career wise and love life wise. Its a tad slower, but it is definately funny and has its serious moments as well. The kids all grown up are now played by a great cast: Henry Anderson (Richie Tozer), Dennis Christopher (Eddie Kaspbrak), Richard Masur (Stan Uris), Annette O' Toole (Beverly Marsh), John Ritter (Ben Hascom), Tim Reid (Mike Hanlon), and Richard Thomas as (Bill Denbrough). Again the second part starts off slow. But its fun to see them all come together again. And to try and remember the good and bad times and defeat the "clown." I was very much interested to see Stephen King use children to believe in this monster to where the adults couldn't. It's also interesting to see this sort of similarity in some of his other where the children are the key. Which I find really grand in a way. This movie did; however, really turn me off of clowns. So it does have its creep factor in the movie. I would definately recommend it! Athough the book does give more great detail and is better, and the book is different in most parts. But for a mini series this was my first love of Stephen King.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT HORROR MOVIE!! WHICH GREATLY MOVES FAST!! Review: This is a film. That can be watched several times by anyone reccomended by adults and teens according to the age difference. IT may be one of stephen king best selling novel even thou ive watched it when i was 6. From the king of terror, a chilling new dimension in horror. its a about a dimonic creature named IT THE PENNYWIS DANCING CLOWN Who is played by the marvelous Tim Curry. IT exists in shadows everywhere. IT knows their deepest fears, gaining strenth from their hate and frustration, now several school freinds include Annette O Toole Who plays Beverly Marsh Must return home to face IT.... An unspeakable shpe-shifting creature feeding on the shocking evil lurking within them. For when they least expect IT.... IT klls wthout mercy. Also staring Harry Anderson, Dennis Cristopher, Richard Massur, Tim Reid, Jhon Ritter And Richard Thomas.
Rating:  Summary: I repeat the mantra: read the book Review: I'm a huge Stephen King nerd, I love both the books and the movies inspired by them...and not just the "good" adaptations like Kubrick's Shining. I proudly own the made for TV movies like Night Flier and The Stand. As a streamlined adaptation of King's book "It," this movie is servicable enough...the acting and special effects are all what you'd expect from a TV miniseries and if you can look past that, hey, OK. However, if you've actually indulged a dying art and actually read the 1000+ page book, THEN watched this movie...wow. They cut a lot of stuff that wasn't integral to the central plot, but as a result they also hacked off innumerable good subplots, great character moments, and lots of Derry's history that made the town and its residents so real. I could list twenty such omissions and not even scratch the surface of what's gone. Without the little diversions, the central story becomes rather tedious ("How is It going to jump up and yell 'BOO' this time?") It's a shame, I really wanted to like this movie, but it was so actively mediocre it made me long for the source. They fulfilled the bare minimum, but It truly was made by the little things and doesn't work well jammed into a tradional movie format. Tim Curry does a top notch job as Pennywise, but the omnipresent evil god-clown just doesn't seem as scary with such meager special effects. They missed the boat on some potentially great visuals...and even for a low budget movie, Its final form is really terrible. I just don't think It can translate well into a movie, it's too violent, too indulged in nessesary details, and just too gosh darn long. READ THE BOOK kids, you will not regret it.
Rating:  Summary: IT strikes fear into DVD forever~ Review: I've never been a Stephen King fan. Granted, I'm only fourteen, but I've found his books hard to finish.That is, until I read IT. FInally, a few weeks ago I finished. Then I decided to watch the movie again, and was rather impressed. The only thing wrong was the older portrayl of Ben Hanscom, and even that was impressive. The story begins with Mike Hanlon calling all of his friends to come back and battle IT, the monster of Derry that stalks children- No adults can see them. The only problem is, IT is a true monster and has never been beaten. Here's a quick character run down: Beverly Marsh- a tough girl with red hair who had an abusive father. Brave, great with a slingshot. Bev Rogan- Top fashion designer. Beautiful, desirable. The only problem- she married Tom Rogan, a copy of her father. Bill Denbrough- The leader. Stuttering worse since his brother's death, always has a plan. William Denbrough- Popular writer and screenplay writer. Married famous actress Audra. Ben Hanscom- large, shy boy who loves reading. Huge crush on Beverly. Ben Hascom- Architect, lonely man who never married Eddie Kaspbrak- Oversensitive boy who has athsma Edward Kasbrak- Successful limo driver, still sensitive Richie Toizer- loudmoth boy who lets his mouth get ahead of his brain RIchard Toizer- fast talking radio announcer Stan Uris- Jewish boyscout who could be the weakest of them all Stanely Uris- married succesful accountant Mike Hanlon- Black Derry native, the last member Michael Hanlon- Derry librarian Check this out!
Rating:  Summary: IT Knows Your Fears Review: This film originally aired on television as a two-part mini-series in 1990. Based on author Stephen King's best selling novel of the same name. IT tells the story of a group of friends, from a small New England town being terrorized by an unspeakable evil, when they were young kids. 30 years later, the horror of their youth returns, to finish them off. As the group reunites to fight back, secrets are revealed, and friendships put to the test even as they try to stay alive. While not as good as the book, the film adaptation, is still solid and wothwhile. The casting is quite interesting. As much as I was taken with the dramatic turns from the adult cast John Ritter, Harry Anderson, Tim Reid, Richard Masur; Annette O'Toole, and Richard Thomas; I found the kids who played the younger versions of the main characters, to be really good here. Led by a very young Jonathan Brandis and Seth Green--these performances help sell the stuff that happens to the friends as adults. Even though the horror of the story had to be muted for television actor Tim Curry is still pretty creepy as Pennywise and does a great job as our worst fears realized. Partialy adapted and directed by Tommy Lee Wallace, the film has enough jolts and solid acting for me to recommend the film. The audio commentary from cast members Dennis Christopher, Reid, Ritter, Thomas, and director Wallace, is better than I thought it would be. The track is both informative AND entertaining. Having this many principals participate in the track means that it never lags. The commentary track and cast/crew info are the DVD's only extras. The film version of IT is recommended as either a rental or for purchase
Rating:  Summary: I repeat the mantra: read the book Review: I'm a huge Stephen King nerd, I love both the books and the movies inspired by them...and not just the "good" adaptations like Kubrick's Shining. I proudly own the made for TV movies like Night Flier and The Stand. As a streamlined adaptation of King's book "It," this movie is servicable enough...the acting and special effects are all what you'd expect from a TV miniseries and if you can look past that, hey, OK. However, if you've actually indulged a dying art and actually read the 1000+ page book, THEN watched this movie...wow. They cut a lot of stuff that wasn't integral to the central plot, but as a result they also hacked off innumerable good subplots, great character moments, and lots of Derry's history that made the town and its residents so real. I could list twenty such omissions and not even scratch the surface of what's gone. Without the little diversions, the central story becomes rather tedious ("How is It going to jump up and yell 'BOO' this time?") It's a shame, I really wanted to like this movie, but it was so actively mediocre it made me long for the source. They fulfilled the bare minimum, but It truly was made by the little things and doesn't work well jammed into a tradional movie format. Tim Curry does a top notch job as Pennywise, but the omnipresent evil god-clown just doesn't seem as scary with such meager special effects. They missed the boat on some potentially great visuals...and even for a low budget movie, Its final form is really terrible. I just don't think It can translate well into a movie, it's too violent, too indulged in nessesary details, and just too gosh darn long. READ THE BOOK kids, you will not regret it.
Rating:  Summary: A good horror film Review: From the the Guy, that brought you Sleep Walker, Carrie, Pet Sementary comes it. A hooror gore movie about an evil demon that has been plague a little town for about 300 years cause death and destuction. Every Twenth years the clown awakens to kill and feed. To feed it has to take on some time of solid form. Lots of gore tons of suspense and scary in the first half. In the second half of the movie it gets a little chessy it has some stupid lines. I saw this movie on Tv when I was in my late tens. Had I seen it when I was in my early teen. It would have scared the crap out of me and I would have nightmare for months. Instead I only had them for three days. I higly recomend unlesh you are 1 14 or older you do not watch this movie. For it might be to intense for you to handle. If you like I also recommend Carrie, Carrie 2 the rage Sleepwalker Some Times They Come Back and Sometime they Come Back Again.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, this movie really sucks! Review: This movie just plain blows. How can it have a 4 star average rating?? The book is great- I love Steven King, and a lot of movies based on his books are good, but this one is a joke. The acting is the worst part of the movie, it's so bad that's it's almost good. One very annoying thing they try to do is use as many tiny little details from the book, or use the exact same phrases that the characters in the book used. Sometimes that's cool, like in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but it really doesn't work here. Don't waste your time watching it and definantly don't waste your money buying it!
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Dont waste your money on this DVD. This is the worst movie ever, its three hours long. During the movie, I strongly considered ending my life. And ending the lives of those around me. I dont know if I Can really put how bad this movie was in prespective. The movie has no real plot, its boring, TERRIBLE ACTING, terrible story, its the worst movie ever. Stephen King should be shot for making such a terrible movie.
Rating:  Summary: WE ALL FLOAT Review: ah, stephen king...the master of the insane. well, in a way. i WISH he was the master of the insane. yet it turns out that theres usually no hallucinatory/delusional significance to his stories---its all told as real happenings in these books. yet still, even though the main characters in "it" didnt turn out to be shizophrenic, its none-the-less a great movie. "it" is about an...well, an it. its a "dead light" disguised as a clown called pennywise (later, it reveals this "deadlight" is the belly of it---a spider-like giant). as children, shown through flashbacks, the 7 main characters endured psychological terror with it as a clown. it comes back some 15 to twenty years later and kills more children. so mike, the main one, calls up all the "loser gang" and gets them to come back to derry, maine(where it is). only these certain children, some now adults, can see it, because only they believe in it. the first hour in a half, on one side of the disc, is of mike calling up the old gang and the gang having flashbacks. the second side of the disc is when theyre adults, come back to battle it again. cheesy? yes. even more cheesy ending? yes. but it makes it all worth it to see pennywise tell the children that "we(they) all float". so true...so true...