Rating:  Summary: Lousy Sequel Review: This is another one of those films that should've never been made. At the end of "Jeepers Creepers" we see the creeper looking out through Derry's eye sockets, his eyes no longer being there. What an excellent ending, both shocking and suspensful. The opening of this film shows potential and I briefly changed my mind as to whether it should've been made. After the creeper grabs the little farm kid it plumments, badly. As soon as the bus appears and you hear that annoying sound of a school pep song in the air, you just know that this is going to be, yet another, teen exploitation film. Who wants to see the creeper relentlessly picking teens and their teachers off one by one, and a grief stricken father going all out for revenge? We've seen it all before in a much better fashion. As well as being very predictable and lame, the acting sucks. When are they gonna learn that some people just can't act? All I can say in closing is thank god i didn't use my money to rent this rotten egg.
Rating:  Summary: Save your money Review: This is one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. The movie is a pure kill fest. There is no story, no suspense, nothing. The first movie had a lot of suspense and it built up nicely. Granted, that one was a bit campy at the end, but this one can't even find the campground. I love horror movies, even the bad ones...this one doesn't qualify. If you want a crazy suspenseful kill fest get Final Destination 2. FD2 at least keeps you on the edge of your seat, and uses some of the best shock horror sequences. Please SAVE YOUR MONEY. I was duped by some of the reviews I read. I bought it and now I am sorry I did.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Sequel! Review: In an age where horror films tend to suck... either too much comedy or too stupid a plot, this sequel surpasses the first easily. "Jeepers Creepers 2" is a lot like the movie "Preditor", with an alien-like creature hunting down humans. The creature appears to have amazing powers and can easily grow a new head... by obtaining one from a victim it chooses. Cool special effects, convincing actors, nothing cheesy or stupid... I highly recommend this film. It will keep you at the edge of your seat!
Rating:  Summary: New Lows Review: Jeepers creepers 2 is the worst horror sequel since "Howling 2". Inane, pointless, plotless and completely lacking in suspense or imagination, this is the nail in the coffin of what was only a mediocre concept to begin with. The plot: Bus breaks down several days after the events of the first film. Creeper attacks bus and the high school students therein. There is screaming, running, boring philosophical debates on the subject of who should live and who should die, and lots of close ups of a creature that- since the original film- has apparently transformed into a version of MAD magazine mascot Alfred E.Nuemann..by way of Freddy Krueger. Thats it kids- thats the movie. It gets one star and one star only for a creepy opening sequence set in a cornfield. Beyond that, this film is nothing more than a way for the producers to line their pockets. Skip it, and rent one of your old favorites again.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the original Review: Generally, I find that sequels are not nearly as good as the original movie. However in this case, the opposite is true. Personally, I found the original movie frustrating, the lack of action from the "victims" and their lack of any perceived intelligence in desiring to make an escape from their tormentor. In this movie, the "victims" become the aggressors and make an attempt at turning the tables. Without spoiling the ending for those of you who are reading this, I felt that it was handled in a much better fashion than the original. I enjoyed it.
Rating:  Summary: Better Than The Original Review: In an obvious attempt to create a new horror icon, we now have the "creeper". If you saw the first film then you know it was typical teen horror crap. But quite to my suprise, the sequel had scary moments. It was also very stylishly filmed. I am sure credit went to Francis Ford Coppolla for such atmospheric photography. There were some genuine frights in this sequel as the creeper attacks a bus full of shirtless high school jocks (obvious marketing gratuity)..Even if you thought the first film was awful, give this one a chance, even if you just rent it, it is pretty fun!
Rating:  Summary: Worst than the First Review: "Jeepers Creepers" when first released did some nice business. The movie opened up to lukewarm reviews and did well at the box-office. I wasn't really a fan of the first movie. I thought it had a brillant opening half hour and then sunk faster than the Titanic. I even wrote a review for it and said it had the elements to make an entertaining horror film but director Victor Salva misused them and I'll await "Jeepers Creepers 2", because he might get it right. Boy am I naive! "Jeepers Creepers" had a very big loop hole in its plot. Every 23 years for 23 days this "creeper" gets to eat. At one point in this movie we hear on the radio someone talk about the events we saw in the first one. It seems these murders have been going on for over 200 years. Now wait a minute. Innocent young children have been dieing for over 200 years and not one parent realized this? Well, here in "Jeepers Creepers 2" the answer this to question is completely avoided. I want it known I absolutely hate this movie. It is an utter mess with no redeeming value whatsoever. Usually when I watch a movie, even if I don't like it, I can find something good to say about it. Most films have their good sides and their bad sides. Not this one. If there is one big problem with "Jeepers Creepers 2" and the entire series, and just to let you know there is more than one, but I only want to discuss this particular fault it has to do with the "creeper" character himself. How should I put this? He's just not scary and is a complete bore whenever on screen. In fact "Jeepers Creepers 2" works best when we don't see him onscreen. The "creeper" looks like a cross between the green goblin and swamp thing. A good horror movie needs an interesting villian. Take the jason or nightmare on elm street series. Even though they have made 98 movies off the series the public doesn't care. They actually want to see more and more. Look how well "Freddy vs Jason" did at the box-office. But do you honestly think people are going to want and see 50 movies about this "creeper" character? I've had my fill after only 2 movies. The character is simply not scary. He looks ridiculous. It seems as if he's wearing a green rubber mask. There are two scenes in this movie that show the weakness of this character. Everyone kind of has an idea of what the plot is right? A group of kids are stuck on a bus as one by one "the creeper" goes after them. Okay, well, there's a moment in this movie when "the creeper" comes into contact with the kids. The camera pans in on his face. We get actually a pretty long close-up of it. One character in the movie says he's picking out his victims. But at this very moment as we get a good look at this character we begin to notice he's a joke. Then there's a scene when he gets a new head! And this leads us to a new problem. What the heck is a "creeper" anyway and why won't it die?! I'm sick of the Halloween and Jason movies already because they are killing the series by continuing to make those movies. Each one gets worst and worst. The characters won't die. As I watch movies like "Jeepers Creepers 2" I don't sit in my sit scared half to death. I'm full of anger eagerly awaiting the death of the villian. I'm bored and frustrated. And please don't tell me I'm the only one who feels this way. With "Jeepers Creepers" I thought Victor Salva had some talent. I felt he proved given the right material he could turn this "Jeepers Creeper" series into the mainstream succuss the "Scream" series had. I take it all back. If you want to see a decent teen horror flick I suggest "Wrong Turn", which was also released in 2003. It is one of the best horror films I've seen in a while. Does it have faults? Yes, but the over-all effect of the movie works, unlike "Jeepers Creepers 2". Bottom-line: One of the worst films of 2003! The movie doesn't have one scary scene. A complete mess of a film. A waste of time that has no redeeming value whatsoever. JUNK!
Rating:  Summary: Finally a good Sequal Review: The movie was not a full five but it was a full four. At least it was good useally a sequal is really bad. But i give this one a thumbs up. You see more of the Creeper in this movie and more action. My cusin thuoght it was funny when the creeper got the javelen thruogh the head. I was like " Its a horror movie naot a comendy!!"
Rating:  Summary: Creeper, go away! Review: The last thing anyone wants to see in the Horror film genre is yet another initially scary character turned campy through sequels. The second intallment of this seemingly perpetual series is just okay. The CGI work is respectable but not amazing, as is the cinematography and direction. As far as horror sequels go, however, this is certainly a notch above par. But director Victor Salva should move on to something else. As with the immortal "Freddy" from "A Nightmare on Elm Street" the sequels turned into second-rate horror camp. In the original, Freddy was truly terrifying, but later succumbed to poorly written "one-liners" and bad puns. Thank the heavens the Creeper doesn't speak!!! This movie is not without value. The best parts of the film are when the Creeper is not present. The cast of young actors are refreshingly honest and terrified within their supernatural circumstances. But by movie's end I really didn't care whether anyone made it out alive. This should be taken as a decent monster movie and nothing else.
Rating:  Summary: Not a very good sequel Review: All the places the first "Jeepers Creepers" succeded the 2nd Jeepers Creepers fails, First off what happended to the Creeper's truck, that's what gave off a creepy feeling about the first movie, the Creeper flies entirely to much, how come in the first movie he actually walked, and not in this one? They showed his face too much. And the teens just became annoying babbling and fighting through the whole movie that you could care less if they died i was actually rooting for the Creeper. Stay away from this bad sequel atleast rent it before buying.