Rating:  Summary: A BIT BETTER THAN THE FIRST BUT NOT BY MUCH Review: in this sequel, the scary Creeper is back. He feeds every 23 years for 23 days and is on his last day. At the beginning, he carries off a farmers son and the farmer begins his vendetta to kill the creature.Cut to a team going home on a school bus that breaks down when the creeper blows out it's tires. The Adults are the first to go and now the teenagers are alone against the monster. Like the first movie, the first half hour is a bit scary and suspenseful. But once the creeper appears and is on the screen too much, it's suddenly more like a B movie. The thing just loses some luster very quickly. Add to that, the teenagers are even more annoying than usual and you begin rooting for the monster to kill them off. At one point the kids finally get off the bus and go running into the fields. Most are never seen again. Did they get away? Did the monster get them? We never know. One of the cheerleaders sees visions of the kid from the first movie, trying to warn them. Why? What is special about her that she has these psychic visions? too much unexplained for my tastes.
Rating:  Summary: Way too much of the F-word, but a very good film otherwise. Review: I enjoyed the horror, the gore, and the monster-vs-man battle scenes, but give me a break on the cussing. These incredibly disciplined, state-champion basketball players use the F-word like they receive bonus checks for doing so. I just don't hear the average high school athlete using this type of language every thirty seconds or so...it really made the movie seem like they were trying to attract a gangsta-type crowd. Left me wondering if Jeepers Creepers is big with that crowd? But that was the only thing I didn't like about this sequel. The movie had action, drama, a believable plot, and a few good suspenseful moments. I thought the actors did a good job; I really enjoyed the man who fought back against the bat-from-hell. He made the movie interesting. I recommend this movie to anyone who likes a good scary movie; one where your not expecting a masterpiece instead. www.therunninggirl.com
Rating:  Summary: Scarier than the first Review: I expected a terrible movie but Jeepers Creepers 2 heald my attention the whole time. Okay it's not great but a movie should at least get credit for holding your attention when you are watching it. You still want to see who lives and who dies and how the movie will end. When it's over you can say it was bad but you can't deny that it had you entertained or even scared at times. Roger Ebert was right in his review that it doesn't make sense the creature is called the creeper. He doesn't creep up on people, he flys and grabs whoever he wants. However i don't think Ebert saw the first because him being called that in the first one makes more sense. He was called that because of a song Jeepers Creepers that when played it means he is around or something like that. The sequel doesn't have the song in it at all though. Instead the plot is that he sleeps for 23 years and eats for 23 days when he wakse up. I think the Creeper is an interesting new monster of our time. He eats body parts so he can regenerate parts when ever he is hurt in that area. With other killers it doesn't make sense how they still walk like nothing happend after getting hit by a truck or whatever. The Creeper can't be killed because he can simply grow back whatever part gets stabbed or shot. So unlike those other guys why he can't be killed actually makes sense. The silly thing is that snatches people and carries them off and I guess we're suppose to think he is eating them or taking from them what he needs. From the end of the first one it looks like something that takes him awhile to do. Yet in this one he carries them off and is right back basically. It's clear that no one is a match for the creeper, not the kids on the bus or the guy dumb enough to hunt him down. So instead of making a part 3 they should just throw him in there with Freddy and Jason and see who wins.
Rating:  Summary: the movie sucked Review: the second jeepers creepers had nothing to do with the first it left me with unanswered questions like what happened to the girl in the first one? the second jeepers creepers sucked big time i suggest no one even buy the the first or second becaues they are nothing alike i liked the first one but then i saw the second one it confused me alot
Rating:  Summary: my thoughts on jc2 Review: i agree with everything that chris said except the part about bad acting. for a movie with a cast consisting of newbies, the acting was pretty damn good. to all those that say the movie was missing this and needed more of that, please shut up. this movie is in pretty much the same category as the movie wrong turn (another good film i recommend). it amazed me how salva produced such good movies on such a low budget. the storyline was exceptional, acting diversity was great, and the special effects were suprisingly good. if you liked the first one then i guarantee you will love this one. also, this is one movie that you can watch over and over again.......unlike jc1. there will most likely be a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Teens, Twinkies and Terror: Buses + Their Bipedal Filling! Review: Every 23 years, for 23 days, it gets to feed. It can smell something on a person when they're afraid, catching some nameless component that attracts it to certain people and, more importantly, to specific parts of that person that it wants to devour. After that, it keeps on coming and coming until it gets what it wants - period. Before I begin, I have to say that I wasn't really a big fan of the first movie because it lacked quite a few things. It had an interesting monster, sure, and the creature had some interesting habits. I personally liked the fact that it didn't let the bystanders get away simply because it didn't want to eat them, opting instead to kill almost anyone that happened across its path. I also liked the fact that it fed on fear, finding the scent of its prey overly alluring, and that it became unstoppable when it went after its quarry. What I didn't like was a "Jeepers Creepers" storyline that consisted of (1) really campy theatrics playing off the old song, (2) the "beatingu" truck, (3) and ending on a bad not. So, coming into the second movie, I thought I'd be disappointed. Well, I was wrong. The approach this movie took in addressing the first movie was simple. Not only do it use that as a platform to introduce the beast, but it also use that first portion almost like a prequel to the newest movie. It didn't try to rewrite anything and to sequel it out, nor did it hope to correct something by making it better. Where the last ended on a high note with the killing only beginning, the second is allowed to continue. It has to introduce the entrees, mind you, giving them all names and a little bit of development, but it doesn't have to add in a little jingle as the killing machine comes to collect its dinner. Gone is the psychic, replaced by a theme that provides more frightening bits of movie, and replaced is the brother and sister combo running for their lives. The deeds of the first movie are mentioned and a bodycount is thrown into the fray, but now we pick up with a bus full of football players on their way home from a championship, a farmer and his son, and anyone unlucky enough to stray into the picture. The dying kicks in quickly, too, and the result of that is a far better piece of excitement than the original film. One thing I really liked seeing was the time spent on the beast itself. Gone were all the quick shots and the hidden glances of it, and thrown out were the "less is more" approach to making a movie. Now we have a monster showing us what it can do, touting why it has survived this long, and dishing out a lot more than a few kids seem to be ready to handle. Through the combination of CGI, the loss of the vehicle, and prolonged exposure to the tactics of fear, we see the monster as it finds its rabbit, entraps them, and goes to pick them off by way of weaponry and wit. Perhaps the tense times with those teens sometimes get annoying while they are living, but what else can one expect from a bus full of live bait other than some squirming? For anyone that hasn't seen this but that liked the first one, then this should be right up your alley. As I said before, this could be connected to the first as a film and left to make its rounds, allowing you one complete piece. It even has an ending that is mentionable and deleted scenes trying to develop the monster a little more, citing the creature as a timeless terror it would truly be. For people that didn't really like the first, this movie might be something you'd like, too. I was initially hesitant to watch another dose of Jeepers Creepers, thinking that it would be yet another waste of time and energy. Thankfully I gave it a chance, picking it up on its release day, and I've had to watch the carnage a few times because watching it was fun. Seeing the people replaced at the top of the food chain by something with pretty teeth and some perturbing eating habits is something that "makes bank" in my book.
Rating:  Summary: OK sequel Review: How can that thing smell, it doesn't even have a nose. There's a busload of football players driving in the middle of nowhere. Duh, bad things are meant to happen when you drive in scary places. "Jeepers Creepers 2" is an OK sequel, but there should have been more carnage. Why was there a psychic on the bus? How convenient, she knows how the creature acts. "He smells our fear." Yeah whatever. It flies around and stoops down like an eagle and bam! You're done. Scarecrows have never been so menacing since that winged-thing surprised that young man in the cornfields!
Rating:  Summary: WOW, FREAKY TO THE MAX!!! NOT BAD, NOT GREAT... Review: Before I get into the politics of this film I'd first like to say I really liked the first JC. This film had more hidden meanings in it from the perverted mind of the writter/director Victor Salva. That was a big dissapointment to me. I'm not exactly sure of his story, but I believe it consist of prison and sex with little boys? In my opinion, Salva is the Creeper and that's what he wants to be. If he'd left out the hints of his own personal desires in this film, I'd have liked it much better. Just look at the cover, remind you of anyone? As for a horror film, the first JC was much scarier. There are lots of great special effects in JC2 that are worth making this a "Creeper" keeper. It's definately CREEPY!
Rating:  Summary: good sequel Review: jeepers creepers 2 is a good fun film. this movie scares you and makes you wonder whats really out there. also seeing men's chests sun bathing on the bus is a good reason to watch it too
Rating:  Summary: Bashful's DVD Summary #011 Review: Best: 1) Many parts are truly scary, there's a lot of gore and we get to see much more of the creeper this time. 2) The filmmakers prove that showing a monster close-up for a long time (when done well) can be as suspenseful as only showing glimpses from time to time (the old rule). 3) The monster-fighting action was very imaginative and realistic as were the creeper's super abilities (flying, speed, strength and regeneration). 4) There's a lot of special features, including several behind-the-scenes documentaries and 2 commentary tracks. Worst: 1) It's seems too obvious that the creeper only wears a hat and coat because it looks cool for the movie. 2) The cast was comprised mainly of teenagers yelling at each other on a bus, so it was very grating at times. 3) The director/cast commentary was sometimes annoying as teenagers were talking over each other and adding no useful information. Recommendation: It's suspenseful, jolting and gory. It has definite rewatch value and it's loaded with extra features. If you liked the original "Jeepers Creepers" (even a little), you should like this one as much or more. Get it.